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Name a happy time in your life


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With the interesting questions in this area and serious issues, I wonder if people hold happy thoughts and memories that they cherish.


I remember my happiest time as a kid at Disney land in California; just enjoying everything without worrying about tomorrow or anything else in life. Particularly. It was idyllic with sunshine, displays, and fun rides even if I had to use tip-toes to get on them. (My sister was still too short to get on those rides and it made me feel sort of special to be able to do them without having her around).


That's just one of my memories, but I am betting everyone has their own unique experiences and joys.


Does anyone want to share their happiest memories?

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I have a lot of great memories.


Probably my favorite recent memory was watching

perform at Firefly Music Festival. That was an amazing experience. When the fireworks started and went on for a good five minutes, god...


And my graduation from grad school, of course. That was an amazing experience- I had made a mistake with the lineup, so I rushed the stage, got behind my friend, and sat with him for the rest of the ceremony while he bitched about the school and how happy he was to be done. LOL.

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For a start, anytime I wasn't a kid. I look back on my childhood and it was just full of strife, mostly at school. Home was OK.


I guess if I had to pick one, the best I could would be quite a long period. I met my husband in 1996 and everything has been a whole heap better ever since. I was lying cuddled up to him last night, in the closest thing I get to bliss without a blood pressure issue ;)

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There's nothing really specific that I would call the happiest time, because in general, I have had a pretty good life, but as far as noticing a difference in my happiness, I would say the last few years have been the happiest. Since I reached fifty, I feel more grounded, less stressful, and feel like I just enjoy life more.Posted Image

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I have a lot of happy memories, but I think my happiest memory was being present for my youngest sister's birth. I was fourteen when she was born and wasn't supposed to be in the birthing room, but we had a storm and my uncle couldn't come to pick my younger sister (9) and I up so we were present for her birth. It is weird being 28 now and my youngest sister being 14, the age I was when she was born. We aren't as close as I would like to be, but I loved spending the first five years of her life with her and getting to experience that.


I likely won't have children myself, so it was very nice to be around to watch her learn how to walk and talk, to get her first ouchie, to teach her how to ride a bike with training wheels, etc.

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It's great to see that so many people are in happy places now. I have to admit that so am I. However, the happiest times of my life, ever, have to be having my two beautiful children. I guess that it wasn't so wonderful at the time but I look back at the births as being miraculous and the time immediately afterwards as being breathlessly joyous. I'm pleased to say that my children are still giving me great pleasure 26 and 12 years later.

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Actully was prbabley when i finally got the courage to come out to my mom. i remeber being so scared to the point of pysicaly shaking and il never forget what she said.


"Oh thank god i thought you were going to tell me you needed Condoms." god i miss her so much.

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