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[DomLuka] New Reader enthralled by Dom's writing

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This is my first post and I figured I'd make it something about how these stories have changed my life or how I became a Domaholic from sentence one, but that would be a little too unoriginal. After thinking for a while, I finally came up with the perfect thing to say, the one word which my best friend uses randomly, just because. Here it goes....fish.


Yes, "fish" describes the feelings I have toward the stories, which have grasped me and won't let go. See, I figured, eventually, after night after night (and day) of reading, it would leave me system and let me go. I now realize this will never happen and will embrace that I am a Domaholic. Thanks for the stories Dom( :worship: ), fully appriciated.


Unlike what I've seen from reading all the comments and stuff about new readers, I started with DD, and then decided that I needed more and read the TLW and TOU. Honestly, I'm kinda angry at myself, because I read them in one night, thus leaving no more to read. Thank God for the concept of re-reading. :D



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welcome to the boards :)

fish? :blink:

and i have re-read DD like 10 times now..only read TLW and TOU 1 time all the way through, but i re-read each of the chapters like a zillion times waiting for new posts..

be happy in your domaholism


trying to think of something extra gay to say instead of good bye...

Tim :)

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Congratulations conflagration on your recent admission! :2thumbs:


If you would have let us know ahead of time that you were 'thinking' of reading TLW & TOU to completion and blowing your preverbial 'Domluka' wad, we could have given you some advice to pace yourself, to savor the chapters, and to make them last. :read:


Poor young Domaholic....


You do realize that during the summer, there could be as many as 5 weeks between Domluka postings? :wacko:


Anywhooo, welcome again!


Take Care,


Vic the Domaholic

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The first story I read was "The Lo(n)g Way" I think it took me like three days, I also remember coming home from school or work just so I could read the remaining chapters. I did take my time with the "The Ordinary Us" I read one chapter at a time. :2thumbs: It was really hard let me tell ya not to try to read ahead.


Now on DD I have to just wait til Dom post in his new chapters and at time I think I get a lil restles


I jus read that Vic said that Dom there can as 5 weeks between Domluka postings, this is going to be bad :(:thumbdown: not cool at all, Hope I can survive it



tootles, waves, smooches, gropes, much love,and skips-away-gayly


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Well I first stumbled across TOU toward the end of the summer (woo hoo, not long ago at all, but I feel like I've got a little seniority :P:P ), and so I was very used to waiting along time for updates. If it was less than a week and a half later I'd be thinking "don't be stupid he JUST updated".


TOU was up to the mashmellow roasting chapter, the end of which was when Quinn first kissed Jude back passionately or whatever, so it was a tough wait, but I read TLW during the duration and it became my favorite :D . Then at some point I also read the first 8 chapters of DD. I must say I'm amazed at how everyone says they read the WHOLE story in one night! It takes me about 2 hours per chapter usually, so I remember when I was really straining to read TLW, I thought I was doing incredibly with up to 4 (usually 3) chapters a night. Of course when I read them I really take my time, and especially re-read the dialouge and analyize it before I move on to the next couple of lines. Also I'm kinda ADD in that I get up often to get more water, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, grab a snack, do some dishes :wacko:


LOL I'm actually the same way with movies, I like triple the run time of a movie if I'm watching it at home. Same thing, at the really good parts I like to just stop it, and think about what they said, or re-wind it and hear it again. It's like "WAIT Darthvader is Luke's dad!" ***stop*** ***think about it awhile*** **rewind and watch that part again** :P And of course with DD and stuff it's worse because if one of the characters mentions something that happened or was said in a previous chapter, I like to go back and find that and re-read it. LOL it's actually a really bad sign if I watch a moive all the way through or read a book really fast...it means I wasn't that interested in it.

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Well, I've actually been a dom fan probably as long as Vic has. Just been a closeted domaholic for a long time. I guess you could say I'm just painfully shy :*) I remember checking nifty and thinking "The Log Way" what the heck is that? I've been following his stories ever since.

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Congratulations conflagration on your recent admission! :2thumbs:



You do realize that during the summer, there could be as many as 5 weeks between Domluka postings? :wacko:


5 WEEKS! Why is this? I thought 5 days was hard at times (those damn cliffhangers).


Please say that was a joke



Edited by Wynter
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5 WEEKS! Why is this? I thought 5 days was hard at times (those damn cliffhangers).


Please say that was a joke



While I do like to joke around, unfortunately, I am not doing so in this case.


Dom posted TLW Chapter 30 on 6/13/2005 while TOU Chapter 14 didn't come out until 7/19/2005, a 36 day drought.


Dom is very busy at work during the summer months (he must be a life guard or something :lol: ).


So since this is Dom's off season, he has more time to write.


Enjoy the frequent postings while they last, just don't get used to them.


Take Care®,


Vic the Domaholic


P.S. - Did you know there was a 6 month gap between DD Ch 8 & DD Ch 9? :blink:

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Hi all!


Here is one more addict. I stumbled over Dom's stories three days ago and now I can't controll myself. Only read DD so far and I can't really discribe the feeling it's giving me...it's amazing..... but you probably know that allready :)


I'll keep this post short, need to get back to reading. Hard to controll my anticipation, but without anticipation life would be extremly boring. :lmao:


Thank you Dom! You're an artist!

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I almost started crying because when I first started reading TOU it was like two days after he had posted ch. 13, so I had to wait SO long before the next post. It really sucked. However, I checked for updates at least three times every day. Then I discovered Dom's blog and started reading that obsessively (I like blogs), and then in September, a long time later, I finally started reading DD and TLW. Oh wait, I also read The Spirit of James during my OCD period pre-membership.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, I've actually been a dom fan probably as long as Vic has. Just been a closeted domaholic for a long time. I guess you could say I'm just painfully shy :*) I remember checking nifty and thinking "The Log Way" what the heck is that? I've been following his stories ever since.


yes i had the same problem for awhile, but then i started letting the voices in my head do the talking for me and found it's really easy when there are lunatics like us all around in great abundance 0:)

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  • 1 month later...

uhh i just finished TLW and it was awesome.. loved it... my fave char was LACY.. for some reason lol


anyway... one question.. i remember reading somewhere here in the forums that there is a story that is about Dennis Gordon.. like a TLW spin off.. am i imagining things? cause im kinda interested about the whole dennis thing.

Edited by Narcidius
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Nothing wrong with dreams coming true......Well as long as it's not that dreadful dream in which I turn a corner too fast, get flattened by a steam roller and no one goes to my funneral :(:/

Awww.....I dont know ifanyone from this board would ever be able to find out, but if we did, and I could, I'd come to your funeral :hug:

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lol thanks you guys.. im really excited about Dennis' story.. can't wait. there were so many parts in TLW that i was balling and i couldnt help it.. then again.. that happened when i read the whole thing about Rory's mom (voice recorded incident) ...


Hmm and the sad piano song that i keep playing over and over while reading the stories add up to it...

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Music can really help you read a story if you've got the mood of the piece right, or it can ruin it.


Good luck with that hehehe

ive got a bad habit of cranking up the breaking benjamin or shinedown or seether or s.o.a.d. whenever a new chapter from dom comes out. it just seems to put me in the reading mood---unless i turn it up too loud, then i just fall asleep :music:

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My official Dom Luka story soundtacks:::::::


TLW: Best of the Dooby Brothers


TOU: Pink Floyd....The Wall


Dessert Dropping: Best of Doobie Brothers/Hall and Oates Greatest hits/Fugees.....The Score


With Trust: 50 Cent: Get Rich or die trying The Soundtrack


i've tried the wall for many things, but always seem to put on the wizard of oz whenever i start the cd.

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Music can really help you read a story if you've got the mood of the piece right, or it can ruin it.


Good luck with that hehehe


i always play a piano instrumental.. lol from the soundtrack of an anime i love.. and it's very approriate for sweet/sad/romantic/touching moments in Dom's stories... ans because there are no words... i can focus on what I'm reading.

I really can't focus at all if there's any kind of music playing, even instrumental. Anything I like engages me too much to focus and anything that doesn't engage me, even if I'm just more or less indifferent to it on its own, just makes me nervous and tense if I'm trying to read (or write, or talk). Similarly I can't stand to have a TV or radio on unless that's the only thing I'm attending to. I don't mind doing mindless, manual tasks with music on (like laundry, cleaning, washing dishes, tidying up, whatever), but anything that actually involves thinking (even if just to myself), and I've got to turn it off. LOL, it drives other people crazy because if they say something to me I HAVE to turn off the TV/RADIO before I'll have a conversation.

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