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"Especially considering what this week is, I'm hoping you'll consider taking this to the next level. You do remember what this Saturday is, don't you?"

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Scene: Two friends studying in the Library

Letter: H

Scene So Far


"How do you remember all the material?"


"It's easy for me, I have a good memory and never forget anything"


"Jotting down notes helps too."


"Kinetic theory is just boring, though.  It's hard to remember something you're not interested in."


"Let's take a break and talk about something other than homework. Did you see the new movie that came out last night? It starred that new actor who's really cute, but I can never remember his name."


"Magic Mike XXL? Is that the movie? Oh and I need specifics on the actor since there is a lot of eye candy."


"No, that wasn't it. I can't remember the title but the actor could easily become another Channing Tatum."


Oh, wouldn't that be good? I'd go to all of his movies.


"Perhaps he'll do a scene in his underwear.  That would be worth the price of the ticket!"


"Quiet down, the librarian is coming our way."


"Relax!  The librarian wants to see him in his underwear too!"


"Shush, you two. There are people in here studying, and they don't appreciate your volume anymore than I do." -The Librarian


"Tommy, I told you so."


"Underwear, underwear, underwear."  Tommy chants quietly as the librarian departs


"Very mature,"  Luke replied, rolling his eyes.


"Want to see my underwear?" Tommy asked with a leer. 


"Xerox machine, now. I dare you to sit on it and take a copy of your underwear."


"You dare me? I don't need a dare to do that and I double dare you to do it too!" smirked Tommy


"Zoo dare to double dare ze Magnificent Luke?"


"And here we go... you do realize talking like a baby is not gonna get you anywhere."


"But I thought you liked taking care of me. I'm just trying to live up to my role."


"Can't deny it, I do love taking care of you. But it would be nice if you reciprocated once in a while..."


"Dammit, why do you have to give me the puppy-dog eyes? I can't say no when you do that!"

"Especially considering what this week is, I'm hoping you'll consider taking this to the next level. You do remember what this Saturday is, don't you?"
"Forgot I completely.  Is it Mother's day or something?"

"Going to need a little reminder are you?"


"Hehe, well I am forgetful"


"In that case, meet me under the bleachers after Gym class and I'll remind you so you'll never forget again!"


Edit: Oops, I didn't realize we completed it :) So... new scene
Edit 2: Reader I added your response :)
Scene: Two elderly men in the park complain about a group of teenagers some distance away
Letter: K
"Kids these days!"
Edited by Drew Espinosa
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"Maybe they're into drugs, too. Say, do you remember when we were that age? I had long hair like that; had an old VW too."

Edited by Cynus
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"Vietnam," Edward continued, not noticing the approaching teen, "Vietnam was a crazy place, let me tell you, it was-" the football bounces back to Edward and lands in his lap. "Well what do we have here? These damn hippie boys don't know how to throw!" 

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