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New Members Welcome-Introduce Yourself!

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  • Site Administrator

Hello everyone *waves*. I'm Indigene, but feel free to call me Indie for short.


I'm a total newbie to GA so please be patient as I learn the ropes (I'm not the most technologically inclined person - LOL).


I love to :read: both fiction and non-fiction - it's my passion - and gay lit, romance, erotica, etc., is my addiction. I'm a self-professed cowboy junkie (I love them dudes) so if a story has cowboys in it I am so there! I also dabble in writing book reviews. I love reading so much that I also very much enjoy writing about the books I read.


I recently read a brilliant online book by Gabriel Morgan entitled, Stonegate Stables and absolutely fell in love with the story and writing and that's why I'm here!


I may lurk for a while just to get the feel of things and figure out how everything works, but I do look forward to chatting with folks here. :)

Welcome, Indigene!


Don't worry about learning the ropes -- we've all been through it so we understand. If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to contact myself or any of the other moderators.


In the meantime... Enjoy!


Graeme :D

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I'm a self-professed cowboy junkie (I love them dudes) so if a story has cowboys in it I am so there! I also dabble in writing book reviews.

LOL, you know "Cowboy Junkies" is also the name of a band (also known as "Cowboy Mouth") I briefly had the complete wrong end of the stick! :boy:


Anyway, welcome aboard, Indie! :D




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Hello everyone *waves*. I'm Indigene, but feel free to call me Indie for short.


...I also dabble in writing book reviews. I love reading so much that I also very much enjoy writing about the books I read...

Be especially welcome, Indie: someone who writes reviews is a treasure to be cherished! I'm pretty sure most authors live on air, feedback, and sunshine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone!


I'm Nicole, and I am a writer, editor and IT manager from Toronto. I run a small publishing company and I'm thrilled to find this forum for writers. I really look forward to reading the stories on the site and to making new friends. :)




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Hi everyone!


I'm Nicole, and I am a writer, editor and IT manager from Toronto. I run a small publishing company and I'm thrilled to find this forum for writers. I really look forward to reading the stories on the site and to making new friends. :)





Welcome to GA Nicole. :D


Have fun!

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Hi everyone!


I'm Nicole, and I am a writer, editor and IT manager from Toronto. I run a small publishing company and I'm thrilled to find this forum for writers. I really look forward to reading the stories on the site and to making new friends. :)




Welcome to ga Nicole :)

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Hi everyone!


I'm Nicole, and I am a writer, editor and IT manager from Toronto. I run a small publishing company and I'm thrilled to find this forum for writers. I really look forward to reading the stories on the site and to making new friends. :)




Welcome to the forum, Nicole!!


It's great to have you here :D




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Hi everyone!




Welcome, Nicole. There's a lot of information for writers and editors on the site. and a lot of members who are happy to share their experiences and knowledge. A mentoring program for authors is in the works...there's a forum/thread about that elsewhere. A "summer anthology" is in in the final stages of perparation...I'm not sure of the release date, but some of the best short stories are found at the anthologies tab. Look forward to hearing more from you.

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  • Site Administrator

G'day, Nicole! Welcome to GA :D


A "summer anthology" is in in the final stages of perparation...I'm not sure of the release date, but some of the best short stories are found at the anthologies tab.

The Summer Anthology should be released sometime in the next two weeks. If you check out this thread, it'll let you know about the anthologies for the rest of the year. Hopefully, Nicole, we'll see you submitting a short story for one of the future anthologies :)




Graeme :wizard:

GA Anthology Coordinator

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all. I'm new here and just wanted to say hello. I hope to find some very cool stories and hope to contribute one myself.


Kavika :read:

Hey Kavika, welcome. I'm sure you'll find plenty here to keep you entertained. :)
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Hello all. I'm new here and just wanted to say hello. I hope to find some very cool stories and hope to contribute one myself.


Kavika :read:

B) ......Welcome, enjoy your stay!

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  • Site Administrator

G'day, Kavika!


Welcome to GA :D If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. And since you're thinking of contributing stories, can I point to towards the next GA anthology? You've got a couple of months before submissions are due ;)



GA Anthology Coordinator

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G'day, Kavika!


Welcome to GA :D If you've got any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. And since you're thinking of contributing stories, can I point to towards the next GA anthology? You've got a couple of months before submissions are due ;)



GA Anthology Coordinator

Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the information Graeme!

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Hello all. I'm new here and just wanted to say hello. I hope to find some very cool stories and hope to contribute one myself.


Kavika :read:

Welcome to the forum, Kavika! :D


It's awesome to have ya here! :)



I can't wait to interact with you more around the forums.



BTW, if you want to quote and respond to multiple people in the same post you can always click the "quote" button below each person's post (it'll turn red), and then click "Add Reply" (not "Fast Reply") at the bottom of the screen. All your quotes will be waiting for you in the response screen ;)



All the best,



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