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Actually I got bad news. My sister is moving back home in a month, so she brought her Bearded Dragon home today. Apparantly I'm the one caring for it while she packs up her apartment. If she took it home during the move, then it would have diarhea(sp?) in the all the commotion. I said that if I cared for it, it would have constant diarrhea, and would be dead grilled and eaten when I got bored with giving it diarrhea.


The person below me knows how to properly grill a Bearded Dragon and must tell me now.

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Yep, I did. Kurtie just finished editing 'It feels like monday-ch 2.


Nope, not gonna post it till tomorrow :D .


The person below me just finished reading chapter 35 of Apperances


o.k. I was to slow...What is a bearded dragon?

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The person below me knows how to properly grill a Bearded Dragon and must tell me now.


The person below me just finished reading chapter 35 of Apperances


o.k. I was to slow...What is a bearded dragon?


Now I have to answer 2 of them :blink:


1. No, I haven't read any of Apperances because I seem to be way behind on my reading.


2. Um, Robbie, I know how to cook that Bearded Dragon, but you have to invite me over or I won't tell you how :P .


The person below me has had a life changing realization while watching a TV show

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The person below me has had a life changing realization while watching a TV show


Maybe not life changing.


The person below me knows how I can stop crushing a a straight boy (Tom), and is going to tell me how.

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I wish I could... but I think I might need that same advice myself. :wacko:


The person below me finds the Karen Walker character hysterically amusing.

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Sorry, I dont watch Jerry Springer. Too much drama in my own life for me to need to watch a show to get more.

the person below me reads their horoscope every day

No but I do check everyday for updates on stories.



Person below me checks there email constantly.

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:blink: do I have to add it all up... :wacko: that could take all night





the person below me has more than 40 gigabytes of games on thier hard drive(i've got 75)

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the person below me has more than 40 gigabytes of games on thier hard drive(i've got 75)


Nope, only 5 gigs of games - I tend to keep only one or two PC games installed at any time, plus my 1 gig collection of SNES ROMs (because, after all, SNES = golden age of gaming B) ).




The person below me uses SoulSeek.

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The person below me wants to see Dubya leave Laura on the Jerry Springer show for Kevin (aff)

LOLOL I'm game if he is! :P:boy:


The person below me was pulled over at 1:50 AM today going 55 in a 35 and didn't get a ticket.

I've only ever been pulled over for being confused (twice and I do wonder how the cops can tell), but I actually found this to be something of a relief as in both cases they helped me get sorted out. Didn't get any tickets though :)

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Lol, kevin, you didn't do a person below me, so I'll answer the last one too to carry it on:


I've never been pulled over no...I guess cos I can't drive yet :D And yes, being polite to police people always seems like a good move, I am and one told me he liked my shoes once :D


ok, on with our scheduled broadcast :D

The person below me likes brioche

Edited by BoyNeedsTherapy
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Hmm, never had it, but from what I found about it, it looks okay...I'm sure I'd eat it. :)


The person below me feels they have a keen eye whether or not an advertised product on an infomercial is good or not.

Edited by xander
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Lol, kevin, you didn't do a person below me, so I'll answer the last one too to carry it on:

Ooops! :*)



The person below me feels they have a keen eye whether or not an advertised product on an infomercial is good or not.


Naw, I'm pretty gullible about stuff like that.


(you won't believe this but I almost forgot again. Can we have the rules for this game again please! :boy: )


The person below me is also absentminded

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