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Thank You Myr!

C James

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I've been reading through the old threads in the Lounge, and looking back at all you have done to build this wonderful place!


GA helped get me through a very hard time in my life, and I'm sure it has done the same for many others. GA has also given me the writing bug, something I am deeply thankful for.


So, Myr, Thank you for this wonderful place, and for all that you do, and the many years of work that it has taken to bring GA to this point. :king: :wizard:

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You already know what I think of your hard work hun :wub: Thanks for the time, effort, passion, and financial rescources you've dedicated to this site over the years.


mwa!!~ :wub:


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You've built something so special here, and everyone who passes through this site feels it. I had never even thought about writing a story or a poem until I came here, but I joined the forum here and found a supportive community that gave me confidence to try.

From the Forums to the Blogs, from the Library to E-fiction and the Author pages, this site has always ruled.



Thanks Myr

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  • Site Moderator

Myr, Thanks for a great place for people to gather where we can be ourselves. :2thumbs:


And thanks to all the people you have working with you to maintain the site. It would be a full time job just trying to maintain the site by yourself.



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Thank you, Myr :) Before I came here, I had no intention of ever building a website, or learning the other various skills I've picked up since being here. This site has changed my life in such a dramatic way, that I could never even begin to repay the debt I've acquired.


Since I’ve been here, I’ve met some of the best people I know. I consider them friends to the fullest extents. I’ve come out to numerous people, one of them being my mother. I’ve went on a few dates, and even had a boyfriend. I wouldn’t have been able to do basically any of these without this site. It built up my courage and self-confidence to a level it hadn’t seen before.


So once again, thank you, Myr, for this awesome site, and the awesome people on it.


Joe :)

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As Joe and some others, without this site, I wouldn't of met some people I hope to know for the rest of my life, :) They gave me confidence and some has allowed me to act more like myself.


Thanks Myr, I also enjoy our convo's

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  • Site Administrator

Thanks, Myr.


My only regret is you didn't start this site the day you were born -- because then I might've been able to come to accept myself a lot earlier than I did.


Graeme :D

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Another voice of thanks, for making a difference in my life, for providing me with great reading, and for giving me a virtual space to meet all sorts of wonderful people. I participate in other boards on other topics, but you've truly created a supportive community here of people with many backgrounds and of many ages, and that's no small feat.



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Hey Myr,


I wanna say thanks for all that you do. This is your dream and it is something that benifits so many. It is though your hard work, dedication and vison that this place has become a reality.


Thanks Myr!!!!



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Thanks for the thread, CJ. While we're all thanking some of the key folks at GA, we cannot forget the big #3. :D (I don't know #1 or #2. Maybe they split?)


I recall that, while reading old topics, I ran across a conversation between you and someone else (Kitty?) to the effect that "well, I guess that it wasn't your time, and now it is". The idea was that you had toiled for a long time with little result. I gather that running GA is still a difficult affair. (A sample of the evidence: You need to call for funds from time to time. Your fans beg for more stories. Your blog is full of references to having no time left for writing or fun. I recall a comment from Kitty about "hanging by fingernails" or something like that.) But now, at least, there's lots of activity, results, and a good bit of appreciation to show for your efforts. Before, I wonder if I (in your shoes) would have been able to keep going.


I thank you, above all, for perseverance! :worship:



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GA is an outstanding achievement. The only place I can think of where there *might* be more stories by/for/about GLBT people is Nifty. Nifty does NOT have the consistent quality of GA nor does it have the community. GA also has the added bonus in that we don't have to wade through tons of stories about various fetishes involving gerbils, whips or law enforcement. :wacko:


What you have created transcends sexuality, literary accomplishment or social networking.


Here GLBT young people, that may well have no other exposure to our community and issues, can see for themselves that we are individuals and not the petty stereotypes that our detractors would have you believe. I think that they will grow up happier and healthier people for the experience.


For this you have my genuine admiration, gratitude and respect.



James Savik

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Here GLBT young people, that may well have no other exposure to our community and issues, can see for themselves that we are individuals and not the petty stereotypes that our detractors would have you believe. I think that they will grow up happier and healthier people for the experience.


For this you have my genuine admiration, gratitude and respect.

James Savik


James, I couldn't have said it better! I'm one of those GLBT young people, and GA is fantastic. It lets me realize that I'm not one of the handful of GLBT kids who I know at school, but that there are hundreds, thousands of GLBT kids out there in the world who can gain self-confidence and self-worth by communicating with each other and with our older brethren on this fantastic site.


THANKS, Myr! :2thumbs:


Colin :boy:

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Thank you Myr, for creating this awesome site. This has been a place for learning, accepting myself and not to mention, meeting some great, great friends. I don't really remember my life before GA, lol, and it's only been about two years. I love this place! You rock, Myr!

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I would be remiss in not adding my own thanks here, so..






Definitely an awesome site and awesome community you've built here. Words can't express it so I'm not gonna try. All I do is add another "thanks!"

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I am with jalaki, words can not even begin to describe how I feel about this place. It has become a safe haven for me at times of need. I might be a shy person even on line and stay mostly in the background but I still just wanted to say thank you . It's not easy trying to keep this place running and still trying to maintain a personal life. I know that I speak for most of us when I say we Thank You and we really do Appreciate everything you do.



Thank you Myr :hug:





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Hi Myr,


I would like to add my appreciation to that voiced by all those above, and probably everyone else who hasn't caught the thread yet.

Gay Authors Rocks! Both as a point of social interaction, and for those who just read the stories and never post.

What you have created is special, have no doubt.

With thanks for letting me play,


Camy B)

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Your site is truly a lifesaver, and since it IS yours, you are a lifesaver as well :D .


We all love this site as much as we love you, Myr.


One who truly appreciates all your hard work and selfless giving,




Amen to that! :worship:


Can't thank you enough Myr.


And I love the upgrade :)


~ Marty ~

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I want to add my name to those who find this site therapeutic in a sense. Before I found this site, I would never have attempted to write a story even though it's something I've been wanting to do for years. The great authors and storytellers here inspired me to give it a shot. Dom, Vance, Com, all of the great stories gave me the shove I needed. Writing has been absolutely therapeutic for me. It has helped me face a lot of issues in my own life. GA and the support staff, and members have been nothing but encouraging! The biggest shock is that some people seem to enjoy reading what I've written, and that gives me even more immense pleasure than I could ever have imagined.


Myr, without this site, none of that would have been possible. This site gives much joy and happiness to the vast majority here. You ask is it worth it? If you make a difference, a major difference, in just one life, is it worth it? If you bring one scared teen out of life-threatening depression or help him or her deal with their sexuality in a healthy and supportive environment, is it worth it? I think anyone with half a brain would scream YES!


No silly emoticons, no false feelings, just sincere gratitude. Keep up the fight Myr. I assure you it's worth it. You and this site ARE making a difference in the lives of so many. Thank you is simply not enough.


Many many sincere hugs from a grateful member


Rick D.

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PLEASE don't listen to the nay-sayers! I've said it in other forums, and I'll repeat it here:


I love GA. I'm here because it's such a great place for writers, especially for beginning writers like me. And I'm also here because of the stories. The variety of stories is fantastic. For me, I'm a big fan of non-gay SF stories but not fantasy (with one exception, what I'd call the "fantasy-comedy" genre, like Heroics for Beginners by John Moore). But, for whatever reason, I'm not a fan of gay SF (or fantasy) stories. But all I have to do is not read that kind of story on GA. I think it's great that they're here! It makes GA more inclusive. :read:


Colin :boy:

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Myr, I can't find the right words to thank you enough, so I will quote from the bible:


Ezekiel 25:17

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.


GA has helped me, the weak, to walk through the valley of the darkness.


Unfortunately there are people who attempt poison and destroy what you have built. What you should tell them, before you kick their buts is this:


Ezekiel 25:17




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