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  • Site Administrator
Your comment suggest one question : did you never fear for your life on an airliner ?

I've had some shocking flights, mainly due to excessive turbulence, but I've never been in fear for my life. Some landings were particularly bad, too -- either extremely heavy or coming in with the plane on an angle because of strong side winds (Welllington airport in New Zealand is notorious for this), but I've never been that afraid. Nervous, yes, but not fearful.

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I'm kinda late but I just read the story. I soo want to go on a vacation too!


Great chapter, CJ! Steve's feelings are clear to me now. I'm sorry for having doubted him but after this chapter, he rose in my pointmeter! So do you think that stranded, they'll swim to Mauritius? No! Damn, I would have liked to see two naked guys stranded here! :D


Wait, you guys are saying that CJ can get Chris or Steve get killed? oh NO NO NO!!!! NON NON NON!!! NAHIN NAHIN NAHIN!!!


Please don't do that. Just ignore those writers who kill their characters (like me)! They're stupid!

Who thinks that they WON'T go to that store, raise hand. *No one raised hand*

Take care,



Drift all the way to Mauritius? Hmmm, that's a long way... There wouldn't be much left of 'em by the time they got there... :lol:

Thanks Ieshwar!!


I've only flown once and I enjoyed the flight. The takeoff reminded me of the first drop of a coaster. The only part I didn't like was the return flight. It started raining as we boarded the plane. We had to wait on the taxiway for about a half hour for the storm to clear. They shut the plane down so it got hot and stuffy inside.



Ugh, I hate being inside a plane on the ground when they shut the airpacks off; hot and stuffy can be an understatement.


Oh, no! I didn't see this coming. Blackheart isn't a "he". The boys go to the shoe store and meet up with...Hillary holding court in a muumuu. :devil:


Hrmmmm, Now that's an interesting idea... :devil:


Hey CJ,

Your comment suggest one question : did you never fear for your life on an airliner ?

I dont know if a lot of GA members are very used to flying on airliner, may be Graeme ? So my question goes to everybody.

I did ! My worst memories : I was flying from Zurich to Zagreb (Croatia) on a Boeing 737 in December 1966 in a snow storm, with lot of ice on the wings and the airport of Zagreb was closed because the storm. We had to fly in circles to use the fuel. The plane was almost empty, no cautious travelers would have choose to fly with such a weather, but I had to., It was the longest hours of my life ! And on the way back, the same happened. The storm was even stronger, and the airport maintenance in Zagreb hadnt clean all the ice on the wings, so I had to pray twice, hoping that the fly crew knew what to do ! It was a real relief at the landing.

Has anybody a same story to tell ?


On an airliner as opposed to an airplane? Only briefly. Once, while in the pattern landing at Dallas one night, I saw the landing lights of another airliner. They weren't moving in my window, just growing further appart (which to a pilot has a single meaning: you are on a collision course). The other plane was under a mile away, and it looked to me like an ATC mistake, and an imminent mid-air collision in a few seconds. That made me think I was about to die, but there wan't anything I could do about it so i just sat back to watch. The other plane puled up and cleared us by about 250 feet (Passing directly above), just in time, but it certainly qualified as a near-miss, and I made darn sure, once on the ground, that ATC was aware of it. (they were, the other pilot had leveled out at the wrong altitude, and somehow not noticed the lit-up 747 at his 2-o-clock)


Hrmmm, another time would be on a non-stop from Los Angeles to Paris; passing over greenland, the autopilot malfunctioned, making the plane pitch up and down wildly for a few seconds. That was just a momentary scare. Another would be over the Rockies, hitting CAT (clear air turbulence) of a very severe kind; we lost ten thousand feet, give or take, in about 30 seconds.


One other time, over New York (in the holding pattern for JFK) the plane pitched up suddenly, and I heard the engines spooling up to max power. The pilot held a very steep angle of attack, and I felt the plane begin to shudder. That's the warning signes of an impending stall, and suddenly the nose dropped, going from about 30 degrees up angle to 30 degrees down in a couple of seconds. That was a partial stall, not a good thing to be in while close to the ground.


That's about it for the bad stuff, which isn't bad considering I've flown over a million miles. (which ads up to a LOT of time in cattle class airline seats, ouch. it also means I've survived a great deal of airline food, LoL)


However, for an airplane as opposed to an airliner, I've had a much longer close call. I was a polot of a single-engine small plane, when a massive fuel leak occurred, resulting in fuel (and fuel vapors) within the cabin. I had to shut down both the engine and the electrical system due to fire risk, and that plane had electric flaps. I was at ten thousand feet over the southern California desert, and the only thing I could do was line up for a dead-stick, straight in approach to a nearby airport. I knew I likly had fuel in the wheel cowling area too, so that meant no brakes, and no flaps meant a far higher than normal landing speed. I should mention that I was a student pilot at the time, I'd never even tried a no-flaps landing, and a dead-stick landing means no second chances.


If'; i'd had a parachute, I'd have used it. I was almost breathing again when I neared the airport and determined that I didn't have the altitude to make a 90 degree base-to-final turn and line up with the runway. So, I set the damn thing down on a taxiway at half again it's normal landing speed, smoothest damn landing I ever made, oddly enough.


For most of the ten miniutes or so I was in the air, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to live. Oddly, I felt pretty detached about that; and just concentrated on doing what I could. I was ninteen at the time, and I'd faced death before, but that had been sudden, over in an instant, no time to think. That emergency landing was my first real encounter with a liklyhood of death for any length of time, and I remember being surprised, in the final seconds of the approach, that I wasn't nervous. I've never really had much of a fear of death, but I've always had a phobia about burning alive, so I was surprised that I wasn't nervous.


Of course, any dreams of nerves of steel were soon dispelled; I rolled to a stop right next to the little airport's restaurant, so I hopped out FAST, jumping down off the wing and putting some distance between me and the loose fuel (I feared a spark). Once clear, I turned and walked towards the staring people at the resturnt. At that point, my knees went weak, and I fell down on the runway, skinning my knee in the process. LoL. Yeah, my knees went that weak... :lol:




Thanks CJ, I needed a good laugh this afternoon!



But Steve, you are the king of wicked cliffhangers, and I dare you to claim otherwise after LiS 26! :P


I've had some shocking flights, mainly due to excessive turbulence, but I've never been in fear for my life. Some landings were particularly bad, too -- either extremely heavy or coming in with the plane on an angle because of strong side winds (Welllington airport in New Zealand is notorious for this), but I've never been that afraid. Nervous, yes, but not fearful.


Crabbing a plane into a crosswind to land is normal; the danger is if you don't straighten out to roughly parallel with your velocity vector before the gear touches pavement. On a small plane, that can flip you. On a big one, it could overstress the main gear, causing it to fail. Not a good thing.

Edited by C James
Edit to add: Graeme's post above this was his 2000th! Congratulations!!!
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Hey CJ,

I knew, I knew it, that you had "nice" memories to tell !

Thanks a lot to be so frank...

It seems that you have a very efficient gardian angel.


Thanks Bob!!!


BTW, In order to forestall some sneaky machinations by the Eeeevil Blackheart, FTL Ch 33, Blackheart, is up a few days early! :devil:

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  • Site Administrator



Of course, I suppose I should go have a look at the chapter now. Or at least in the near future. Thanks, Shadowgod for the early surprise!


(If he gets the blame for everything, he should occasionally also get the credit -- at least that's how I feel).


EDIT: Now that I've read the chapter...


I've got a problem with one part of the chapter, but it could be a terminology problem between USA and Australian English.


I thought I knew what flip-flops were -- what Australian's call thongs (a type of footwear, for all the perverts out there who were thinking something different) -- but they are impossible to run in, and this chapter has Steve and Chris running away while wearing them. Can anyone help?


My other concern is one that I know isn't unreasonable -- that none of the people in the traffic the boys threaded their way through thought to ring the police when observing three people wielding weapons chasing two guys on scooters. Unfortunately, I found that realistic, if not reasonable. :(


Thanks, Shadowgod -- it was a good chapter. :)


(Since he announced it, I thought it must be his... :P )

Edited by Graeme
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I've got a problem with one part of the chapter, but it could be a terminology problem between USA and Australian English.


I thought I knew what flip-flops were -- what Australian's call thongs (a type of footwear, for all the perverts out there who were thinking something different) -- but they are impossible to run in, and this chapter has Steve and Chris running away while wearing them. Can anyone help?



First let me say i just spent about an hour aguring with my best friend about flip flops.


The first time i ever heard this i was like wtf is that, and when someone told me what they were i said ohh Slippers?


Yes in hawaii they are called SLIPPERS, I don't care if slippers means something else somewhere else in hawaii they are slippers.... slippers slippers slippers.....


Now that that is over with,

My other concern is one that I know isn't unreasonable -- that none of the people in the traffic the boys threaded their way through thought to ring the police when observing three people wielding weapons chasing two guys on scooters. Unfortunately, I found that realistic, if not reasonable. :(



Tantulis is known for being a death spot, for all the racers who love to speed up and down the mountain, and with all the other stuff that goes on up there, i'm not surprised one bit that no one else called the cops. It's 100 percent beleiveable. Everyone who either drives up or down is too busy trying not to crash and aviod oncoming traffic that they won't notice a lot of other things happening....



After a walk on the white coral sands of Waikiki beach, we stopped by a beachside McDonalds for dinner. The menu was a surprise, in addition to the regular fare, it featured Saimin; a type of a noodle soup. Other unusual items included pineapple as an option on burgers, and Portuguese sausage and rice on the breakfast menu.



I am very offended by this... LOL We don't eat unusual food thank you!!!


lol I love saimin, do a lot of you really not know what that is? if soo that is a very big shame lol, it's so cheap and easy to make... and GOOD!!!! lol


As for the Portuguese sausage and egg's with rice that is one of my faves... not the MCD ones but the ones at the resturant i work at haha.


That night, as we climbed into bed, Steve whispered in my ear, "This is your last chance to do the deed with a sweet, innocent minor. You'd better make the most of it, you old letch." Advice I took to heart, in both word and deed.


LMFAO This is by far the best line i have yet to read in my life, totally amazing lol.


As always great chapter CJ glad that Blackheart is finally dead.... Now if only the same could happen to a ceritan eric we all love.


Keep up the great stuff and i can't wait for 34!!!



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I don't think blackheart is dead. A mastermind like him would keep backups... and parachutes. But I am mourning the racks of computer equipment that were so horridly destroyed in the escape.


As for Flip-Flops/Thongs/Slippers/Damned-uncomfortable footwear. I've never seen anyone run in them, but I've seen someone Rock climb in them.

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  • Site Administrator
For The Love 33 BLACKHEART is up!


yes you can blame me....






Okay Steve, for posting that I've decided that neither one of us have to change our names :D:D . All is forgiven, plus I don't like to hold grudges for more than 48 hours.


Now with Flip Flop Furor Fiasco (see, you do educate some of us CJ :graduated: ), or slippers if you prefer, I can personally attest that it is possible to run in them. But...only if they are new. After some age and use, the toe thingy tends to break quiet easily when breaking out into a run.


What I didn't understand was as they were driving up Tantulis, it sounds extremely dangerous and a "white knuckle" experience. So, how did Blackheart and the henchmen drive with one hand on the handlebars while the other swinging a bat or swinging chains. Kinda reminds me of Arnie on a motorcycle shooting behind him with a shotgun in Terminator. :mace:

Great chapter and I will only give it a 1.5 out of ten on the cliffhanger scale. Hopefully this is a new trait that your going to continue with CJ!


Lastly, there was a promise of a chapter on Tuesday. Does this mean that we can expect 34 up then??? Yahoooooo!



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Loved that chapter, CJ!


It figures that you'd come up with a scientific solution to Chris and Steve doing the anchors away thing. For more drama though, you could have had Chris pull a sextant out of his butt! :lol:


Btw, Graeme, a sextant has nothing to do with sex. :P


Thank the heavens that the guys are both 18 now. Of course, that never got in their way. I'm happy for me. I can now drool more publically and feel comfortable about it. :wub:B)


Speaking of visual marvels, Steve had become even more of one; the tropical sun had turned his tan a rich, deep golden color, taking on a vibrant glow. Steve caught me looking and teased, "Chris, stop thinking those thoughts. I'm jailbait for you now, you dirty old man,"




I'm way too tired to write more....a demain.



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Of course, I suppose I should go have a look at the chapter now. Or at least in the near future. Thanks, Shadowgod for the early surprise!

(If he gets the blame for everything, he should occasionally also get the credit -- at least that's how I feel).


Well, the reason for the early post was that I had to pre-empt something sneaky and underhanded that he was up to, so, I guess we can credit Shadowgod for being sneaky and underhanded? 0:)

EDIT: Now that I've read the chapter...


I've got a problem with one part of the chapter, but it could be a terminology problem between USA and Australian English.


I thought I knew what flip-flops were -- what Australian's call thongs (a type of footwear, for all the perverts out there who were thinking something different) -- but they are impossible to run in, and this chapter has Steve and Chris running away while wearing them. Can anyone help?


My other concern is one that I know isn't unreasonable -- that none of the people in the traffic the boys threaded their way through thought to ring the police when observing three people wielding weapons chasing two guys on scooters. Unfortunately, I found that realistic, if not reasonable. :(

Thanks, Shadowgod -- it was a good chapter. :)

(Since he announced it, I thought it must be his... :P )


You raise a darn good point on the flip-flops. It's a case of the writer flopping. :D

Wildone raises a good point below, and new flip-flops can KIND of be run in, if you clench your toes. It's awkward; I tried it tonight to see. You sure can't run too fast.


Here's what really happened; I changed the escape scene a few times while writing. Originally I had the bad guys catching up due to the flip-flops, but then i realized that they wouldn't have time to get on the scooters and escape. So, I changed it, and forgot about the flip-flops. Oops. :*)


Sooo, been as we have some testimony (thanks Wildone!) that they can be run in, and the guys already had a 50 yard lead down the back of a small strip mall (and were starting from the middle) could they have barely made it, as written, or should I do some editing and change that?


Good point on the motorists calling the cops: But how do we know they didn't? The police wouldn't have caught up (it was all over in maybe three minutes, if that) and Chris and Steve went down Tantalus the other way, so wouldn't have seen any arrive. Been as this is a 1st person POV, we don't know. :)


First let me say i just spent about an hour aguring with my best friend about flip flops.


The first time i ever heard this i was like wtf is that, and when someone told me what they were i said ohh Slippers?


Yes in hawaii they are called SLIPPERS, I don't care if slippers means something else somewhere else in hawaii they are slippers.... slippers slippers slippers.....


Now that that is over with,

Tantulis is known for being a death spot, for all the racers who love to speed up and down the mountain, and with all the other stuff that goes on up there, i'm not surprised one bit that no one else called the cops. It's 100 percent beleiveable. Everyone who either drives up or down is too busy trying not to crash and aviod oncoming traffic that they won't notice a lot of other things happening....

I am very offended by this... LOL We don't eat unusual food thank you!!!


lol I love saimin, do a lot of you really not know what that is? if soo that is a very big shame lol, it's so cheap and easy to make... and GOOD!!!! lol


As for the Portuguese sausage and egg's with rice that is one of my faves... not the MCD ones but the ones at the resturant i work at haha.

LMFAO This is by far the best line i have yet to read in my life, totally amazing lol.


As always great chapter CJ glad that Blackheart is finally dead.... Now if only the same could happen to a ceritan eric we all love.


Keep up the great stuff and i can't wait for 34!!!



A note here: Lost Cause appears in the chapter credits, because he was kind enough to help me with the on-scene information. I haven't been to Honolulu in years, and then only briefly, so I couldn't recall the roads that well, and I'd never been up Mount Tantalus. I was originally trying to remember some suitable terrain near Diamond Head or up the coast. LC suggested Mt Tantalus, and between his guidance and a good map, plus some googling, I had my scene. Thanks LC!! :worship:


I remembered the Portuguese sausage and rice at MacDonald's from my visit there, and had to look up the Samin (I remembered it, but not the name).


And what? Kill off Eric? But.. I thought it was a bad idea to kill off the heros... (Shadowgod, are you listening? :P )

I don't think blackheart is dead. A mastermind like him would keep backups... and parachutes. But I am mourning the racks of computer equipment that were so horridly destroyed in the escape.


As for Flip-Flops/Thongs/Slippers/Damned-uncomfortable footwear. I've never seen anyone run in them, but I've seen someone Rock climb in them.

Hi Andy!

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, the racks of computer gear were a tragic loss, agreed... And as for Blackheart, all I'll confirm is that he's either dead, or alive. 0:)


Okay Steve, for posting that I've decided that neither one of us have to change our names :D:D . All is forgiven, plus I don't like to hold grudges for more than 48 hours.


Now with Flip Flop Furor Fiasco (see, you do educate some of us CJ :graduated: ), or slippers if you prefer, I can personally attest that it is possible to run in them. But...only if they are new. After some age and use, the toe thingy tends to break quiet easily when breaking out into a run.


What I didn't understand was as they were driving up Tantulis, it sounds extremely dangerous and a "white knuckle" experience. So, how did Blackheart and the henchmen drive with one hand on the handlebars while the other swinging a bat or swinging chains. Kinda reminds me of Arnie on a motorcycle shooting behind him with a shotgun in Terminator. :mace:

Great chapter and I will only give it a 1.5 out of ten on the cliffhanger scale. Hopefully this is a new trait that your going to continue with CJ!


Lastly, there was a promise of a chapter on Tuesday. Does this mean that we can expect 34 up then??? Yahoooooo!



Sorry, but there is no chapter 34 to post on Tuesday; it's still in Beta and 35 is only half done. I posted early to preempt some sneaky skulduggery by the eeeevil Blackheart.


On Mount tantalus. I should have mentioned that they were swinging stuff only when near; not all the time. You can ride a motorcycle one-handed if you don't need the clutch, but yes, trying to manage a baseball bat would make it very difficult, so diffucult that one might nearly hit a garbage truck and end up over a cliff. :lol:


And cliffhangers? Nope, I never use 'em... 0:)


As for the flip-flop furor fiasco, I can't imagine where you got that idea. 0:):lol:


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Loved that chapter, CJ!


It figures that you'd come up with a scientific solution to Chris and Steve doing the anchors away thing. For more drama though, you could have had Chris pull a sextant out of his butt! :lol:


Btw, Graeme, a sextant has nothing to do with sex. :P


Thank the heavens that the guys are both 18 now. Of course, that never got in their way. I'm happy for me. I can now drool more publically and feel comfortable about it. :wub:B)


I'm way too tired to write more....a demain.


Thanks Conner!!!


I went with the stars for a solution to their adrift problem, because I figured that anyone living under clear night skies all their lives would be able to recognize the north star. :) (The skies here have no light pollution, so you see a tremendous amount of stars.)





YEs!! That's the T-shirt from the story! What a coincidence that you would have a photo of it!!! 0:)

BTW, also note the dark-blond spiked hair. 0:)


Oh, BTW, if anyone is curious about the logo I described on the back, the two gothic dragond holding an Ankh, it looks like this:



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Thanks Conner!!!


I went with the stars for a solution to their adrift problem, because I figured that anyone living under clear night skies all their lives would be able to recognize the north star. :) (The skies here have no light pollution, so you see a tremendous amount of stars.)

YEs!! That's the T-shirt from the story! What a coincidence that you would have a photo of it!!! 0:)

BTW, also note the dark-blond spiked hair. 0:)


Oh, BTW, if anyone is curious about the logo I described on the back, the two gothic dragond holding an Ankh, it looks like this:




HAHAHAAAAAA silly goat those are griffins not dragons :P

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HAHAHAAAAAA silly goat those are griffins not dragons :P


Oops.... :*)


But, for this, I blame my anonymous beta reader (Shadowgod) for not pointing out the problem during beta. :P

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  • Site Administrator

Sorry all, don't want to be a pest :/


Any chance of either posting the actual pictures of muumuu.jpg and blackheart.jpg, or a message with them?


Kinda feeling left out on the whole picture thing.



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Sorry all, don't want to be a pest :/


Any chance of either posting the actual pictures of muumuu.jpg and blackheart.jpg, or a message with them?


Kinda feeling left out on the whole picture thing.




A PM is on the way....


BTW, could anyone who is having problems DL'ing the pics please let me know? I'm trying to figure this out and fix it.


Also, if you can't see the pics, just let me know and I'll pm them to you as an attachment.




Here's the pic of Blackheart from the FTL gallery. :)



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  • Site Administrator

If that is supposed to be an accurate picture of Blackheart, then all I can ask is why do the criminals have to be so goddamn sexy?!? I think it's criminal....


Oh, and Conner... believe it or not, but I knew that a sextant has only a passing relationship to sex. There IS a relationship, though. Sailors used to use them to steer their ships across the ocean to ports where they could have lots of sex.... :P

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If that is supposed to be an accurate picture of Blackheart, then all I can ask is why do the criminals have to be so goddamn sexy?!? I think it's criminal....


Oh, and Conner... believe it or not, but I knew that a sextant has only a passing relationship to sex. There IS a relationship, though. Sailors used to use them to steer their ships across the ocean to ports where they could have lots of sex.... :P


That's Blackheart???? :wub:B):devil:


Damn, CJ, you just had to kill him off, didn't you? :angry: I think catching him and tying him up would have been a much better idea....then we could sort of tickle information out of him. 0:) Or even better, put him in a speedo and take him to a pool party at Veronica's. :P


Graeme, I don't get it. :blink: What do sailors need a port for to get lots of sex? I mean, you know, with a whole ship full of gorgeous men!!! Yes, in my next life I'm gonna be a sailor....or maybe a fireman...I've always wanted to try out one of those big poles.


Oopsie! I gotta go now! :*)

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That's Blackheart???? :wub:B):devil:


Damn, CJ, you just had to kill him off, didn't you? :angry: I think catching him and tying him up would have been a much better idea....then we could sort of tickle information out of him. 0:) Or even better, put him in a speedo and take him to a pool party at Veronica's. :P


Graeme, I don't get it. :blink: What do sailors need a port for to get lots of sex? I mean, you know, with a whole ship full of gorgeous men!!! Yes, in my next life I'm gonna be a sailor....or maybe a fireman...I've always wanted to try out one of those big poles.


Oopsie! I gotta go now! :*)


I totally agree... killing off blackheart was just mean and evil spirited. Of all the bad guys why the entrepreneurial hacker? Why? Theres good sheriff of Piedmont what does he get sides a sliced cheek or the real baddy (or is it biddy??) Thaddeus!


bad form CJ :pissed: bad form!




Steve (who bares no resemblance to blackheart...)

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If that is supposed to be an accurate picture of Blackheart, then all I can ask is why do the criminals have to be so goddamn sexy?!? I think it's criminal....

I think its all part of his eeevil plan to deceive us... B)

That's Blackheart???? :wub:B):devil:


Damn, CJ, you just had to kill him off, didn't you? :angry: I think catching him and tying him up would have been a much better idea....then we could sort of tickle information out of him. 0:) Or even better, put him in a speedo and take him to a pool party at Veronica's. :P


Graeme, I don't get it. :blink: What do sailors need a port for to get lots of sex? I mean, you know, with a whole ship full of gorgeous men!!! Yes, in my next life I'm gonna be a sailor....or maybe a fireman...I've always wanted to try out one of those big poles.


Oopsie! I gotta go now! :*)

Well, not to give anything away, but nothing in the story so far actually confirms his death. Chris saw him sailing towards the rocks (gracefully, of course!) with his brake-light glaring, and saw the column of smoke and flames from the explosion. 0:)

I totally agree... killing off blackheart was just mean and evil spirited. Of all the bad guys why the entrepreneurial hacker? Why? Theres good sheriff of Piedmont what does he get sides a sliced cheek or the real baddy (or is it biddy??) Thaddeus!

bad form CJ :pissed: bad form!


Steve (who bares no resemblance to blackheart...)


You meant the murder-for-hire hacker? :P

Out of a fear of the Echidna's spines, i cannot comment on future plans, but let's just say






BTW, I love your new member' title!! :2thumbs:

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