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This wasn't my idea of a great camping trip. :lmao: But there was no gay-boi shishkebab either. :2thumbs:


If Eric were really a bad person, he would have orgaized a tour of the bake-out site for all his porn site members. You know, so they could get autographs and stuff from their favourite porn stars. I know I would have signed up! 0:):wub: It's hard not to admire a good business sense.


Another point in Eric's favour is that he was going to dispose of the bodies in the mineshaft. I believe that this would have been the environmentally correct thing to do! Good on ya, Eric! :P


Great job, CJ! :2thumbs::worship:


Howdy, Goat-buddy!

Yes indeed, the camping trip perhaps wasn't quite the relaxing and romantic hideaway that the guys were anticipating, but I did promise a camping trip that would sizzle... 0:)


And true, Eric can't be that bad, or he would have done far worse. And he does have that admirable industrious quality going for him.


Yes, CJ, I don't trust him...so shut up with the "poor misunderstood Eric" thing. :P


Ok, will do.. Actually, I've already switched to "poor, misperceived Eric". :P


Of course, you don't have to make a legal deal out of this. It's your fiction, you can make it not happen and they get off dirt-free. :P

Don't tell me you don't know how a cellphone works. :o

And the bullet could be traced to them. Each police gun and the bullets are registered to the state, and each bullet has a unique marking from the gun that cannot be almost reproduced by other guns. Their ass would be grass if they used the police gun and didn't report the firing.


I'm not familiar with using a modern cell-phone, because I haven't had one in a few years. B)


The bullet couldn't be easily traced. Ammo is not registered or numbered, either for civilian or police use. Same with the guns; Arizona does not have gun registration for civilians for any type of gun, and for government issue guns only the serial numbers are recorded. What they could do, though, is a ballistics and barrel-markings match if they got their hands on both the gun and the bullet.


I'm not 100% sure that it'd be the most environmentally correct way to do so. Any Sierra Club members to back your point of view? But good things can be said about Eric's entrepreneurial skills indeed. Someone willing to kill his own brother to save his unlawful business can't be all bad, can he?

I doubt people who can cover their trail for an illegal porn site would have lots of trouble laying their hands on some anonymous weapons that could even be linked to a poor innocent sap they'd then pin it on.


You can't fault a guy for being protective of his business, quite right. 0:)

You can't fault a guy for being protective of his business, quite right. 0:)

Damn right, and killing two people (one being a sibling) to ruthlessly protect your business is just good corporate governance. I'm thinking of moving to Arizona. O Wild Wild West!

Damn right, and killing two people (one being a sibling) to ruthlessly protect your business is just good corporate governance. I'm thinking of moving to Arizona. O Wild Wild West!


I think Eric acted prudently; he didn't kill them, he just left them there so they would be available for another informative chat (and BBQ) if they were needed. 0:)


Eric, though, sure did blow it. Did anyone happen to catch that he gave the guys some utterly critical information?


And BTW, the next chapter is called "Finding the Key". :)

Eric, though, sure did blow it. Did anyone happen to catch that he gave the guys some utterly critical information?

I think the kind (and smart) readers in this thread didn't want to spoil the fun by emphasizing the critical piece of information Eric gave away because his nasty habits make him lose his mind:

"You shithead! You gave me the wrong f**king code! I spent all f**king afternoon typing in pass phrases and looking up verses! Now I'm gonna build a fire in both your crotches and see who gives first."

So now we know he's interested in poetry. One more point in his favor. Who could have he been reading? Fran

  • Site Administrator
So now we know he's interested in poetry. One more point in his favor. Who could have he been reading? Fran
Actually, I first thought of biblical verses, not poetry. Given we already know that it appears to be Rev. Thaddeus's computer where the fake datastick was accessed, it makes sense that Eric went to see Thaddeus with the "password", since Thaddeus probably still has that fake datastick. WHY Eric was looking up verses, though, still eludes me.

Verses from the Bible? Ummh... Now that you say it... In biblical verses there are numbers, but we'll have to wait for Dex to come and explain what's going on. Come back from Cali, Dex! We need you here!

Actually, I first thought of biblical verses, not poetry. Given we already know that it appears to be Rev. Thaddeus's computer where the fake datastick was accessed, it makes sense that Eric went to see Thaddeus with the "password", since Thaddeus probably still has that fake datastick. WHY Eric was looking up verses, though, still eludes me.


I'm afraid the answer to the "why" is in ch 25, not 24, but a lot is explained in Ch 24. I hope this isn't too much of a spoiler, but Ch 25

is the beginning of the end of FTL, and CH 25 reveals much, and the pace kicks up a notch from there on out. My best guess is that

FTL will end somewhere between Ch 38 and 40.


Verses from the Bible? Ummh... Now that you say it... In biblical verses there are numbers, but we'll have to wait for Dex to come and explain what's going on. Come back from Cali, Dex! We need you here![/size]


Dex, I'm afraid, is in the land of the truly weird and bizzare. Did you know that they actually put pineapple on Pizza there? Strange, I tell you... And stranger still, they seem to think that a city with four or five freeway offramps could be small! Poor Dex is surely befuddled by the strangeness. :whistle:

  • Site Administrator
My best guess is that FTL will end somewhere between Ch 38 and 40.

:blink: I was sure you had indicated previously that it would be about 30 chapters.... Admittedly, I know the experience of stories growing well beyond their original intended length.

:blink: I was sure you had indicated previously that it would be about 30 chapters.... Admittedly, I know the experience of stories growing well beyond their original intended length.


I suspect there is a reason that you recall it being 30 chapters; it's because I did indeed say that at one point. :lol:


Certain things just occur to me while I write, so I'm not good at sticking to the outline. FTL is currently outlined to end with Ch 35, BUT, given my past penchant for additions, my best guess is 38, with a two page epilogue (that would sort of count as 39) I'm currently writing Ch 29, so I'm getting a better "feel" for what remains.


Isn't it one of the extreme ironies of writing that someone like me (A quiet and shy lurker, the antithesis of long-winded) could end up with a story that keeps adding chapters? :ph34r:

Certain things just occur to me while I write, so I'm not good at sticking to the outline.


An outline? What's an outline? :P Is that one of those thingy's you use to map out a story? 0:)


Seriously, I think all authors allow the characters and situations pull them into areas they didn't imagine at the beginning. I gave up outlining after the third chapter of my first story. I still remember being amazed by the way the TV show, Miami Vice, was pitched to NBC: MTV Cops. Two guys, fighting crime, dressed in cool pastel colors, in Miami...with great music.


Jack B)

An outline? What's an outline? :P Is that one of those thingy's you use to map out a story? 0:)


Seriously, I think all authors allow the characters and situations pull them into areas they didn't imagine at the beginning. I gave up outlining after the third chapter of my first story. I still remember being amazed by the way the TV show, Miami Vice, was pitched to NBC: MTV Cops. Two guys, fighting crime, dressed in cool pastel colors, in Miami...with great music.


Jack B)


Jack, thanks!!


I'm still new to this writing game, so I tend to worry when I go "off the reservation" and toss the outline. I tend to use a weak ouline anyway, just a plot overview, and a list of things that need to be addressed in each chapter. Sometimes, I go WAY off the reservation. The most glaring example was the "Race with the Devil" chapter; the jeep chase. I needed to intro the fact that the Piedmont Sheriff was on the warpath and that normal legal procedures don't apply in his case and also I needed some hard evidence against him. Then there was a line in a prior chapter, unplanned by me, where Veronica said "Don't xxxx it up this time, blondie". I never intended to write "this time," I just did, and by the time I'd finished the sentence I had both the idea for the old note and the whole jeep-chase scenario. I had no idea how the chase would work, I just sat down and wrote it. Oddly enough, that was the fastest and easiest chapter I've ever written.


What I'm trying to do with FTL is kind of strange; I'm trying to write two separate genres; a mystery, where the reader can figure things out in advance based on clues in the text, and an action/adventure where the reader can just "go along for the ride". I wanted a story that could be read either way.

Certain things just occur to me while I write, so I'm not good at sticking to the outline. FTL is currently outlined to end with Ch 35, BUT, given my past penchant for additions, my best guess is 38, with a two page epilogue (that would sort of count as 39) I'm currently writing Ch 29, so I'm getting a better "feel" for what remains.

Screw the outline. I don't even have one for my story. As long as you have "the main idea" in your head and stick to it, and you're doing that quite nicely. I have events I would like to play out in my story and I'm waiting for the right moment to put them in.


You're too good. :P

  • Site Moderator

In the story, "Collision", and outline was drawn up with minimal information, mainly to introduce the characters to the authors. It gave a brief bio on each character and developed from there.




At this point, we are meer minutes? Hours away? Course it will be tomorrow evening before I get to read it... damn I hate clockwork! Come on Goat-boi, it's close enough to midnight... post early!



Screw the outline. I don't even have one for my story. As long as you have "the main idea" in your head and stick to it, and you're doing that quite nicely. I have events I would like to play out in my story and I'm waiting for the right moment to put them in.


You're too good. :P


Wow, Thanks Jack!


I find that if I try and stick to a firm outline, the story doesn't flow well, plus is boring to write.


In the story, "Collision", and outline was drawn up with minimal information, mainly to introduce the characters to the authors. It gave a brief bio on each character and developed from there.




I've always wondered how round-robins handled the details, thanks! I actually do have a detailed outline, but I end up deviating from it so much that I barely look at it anymore. LoL.


At this point, we are meer minutes? Hours away? Course it will be tomorrow evening before I get to read it... damn I hate clockwork! Come on Goat-boi, it's close enough to midnight... post early!




Hi Bob!

Well, actually, I saw your post, and I figure it's Tuesday in part of the world already, so it's up. :ranger:


I am, however, having formatting problems. This has caused an extra space between paragraphs in the first half, and I've tried to edit them out manually twice, no luck. I'll probably try a new upload later tonight.


Chapter 24 is up.


Unfortunately, our dispatcher is new and thus unaware of the situation with Piedmont.


No congratulations to the LVPD

  • Site Administrator

A good solid chapter. :2thumbs:


Putting together some pieces for us poor readers, giving us some hints as to how things will turn out, but still leaving lots of questions unanswered.


One thing that struck me -- I thought pornography, and child pornography in particular, was an FBI issue. The sheriff should not be investigating it if the FBI has already stepped in. Of course, that doesn't mean he can't investigate it, especially if he has a grudge or secret agenda, but to do so openly in front of a lawyer wasn't smart.


Another thing -- Chris believes there is a two step encryption (ie. the data was encrypted with one password, and then the encrypted data was encrypted again using a second password -- that makes it hard to break because the results of the first decryption is still 'garbage' that is indistinguishable from incorrectly decrypted data). I don't believe there has been anything definite said by the parties concerned on that subject. From memory, Dex may have postulated that was what was done, but there is no reason the couldn't be a third layer of encryption.


I loved the ending. I have to wonder if the sheriff had found an excuse to swap guns since the shooting. I'm hoping he hasn't....


And I have to agree with Bondwriter -- Steve was definitely more upset about the Charger than anything else. That was a really accurate characterisation -- well done, CJ! :great:

A good solid chapter. :2thumbs:


Putting together some pieces for us poor readers, giving us some hints as to how things will turn out, but still leaving lots of questions unanswered.


One thing that struck me -- I thought pornography, and child pornography in particular, was an FBI issue. The sheriff should not be investigating it if the FBI has already stepped in. Of course, that doesn't mean he can't investigate it, especially if he has a grudge or secret agenda, but to do so openly in front of a lawyer wasn't smart.


Another thing -- Chris believes there is a two step encryption (ie. the data was encrypted with one password, and then the encrypted data was encrypted again using a second password -- that makes it hard to break because the results of the first decryption is still 'garbage' that is indistinguishable from incorrectly decrypted data). I don't believe there has been anything definite said by the parties concerned on that subject. From memory, Dex may have postulated that was what was done, but there is no reason the couldn't be a third layer of encryption.


I loved the ending. I have to wonder if the sheriff had found an excuse to swap guns since the shooting. I'm hoping he hasn't....


And I have to agree with Bondwriter -- Steve was definitely more upset about the Charger than anything else. That was a really accurate characterisation -- well done, CJ! :great:



So, I got up at 5:30am to read the story... and WOW!... Did I call it that they wouldn't be able to get Eric? :2thumbs: I swear... but the bit about how to access the stick is great, now if they only used some logic... :read: (reading quickly) Leviticus 18:22 is the passage that speaks against homosexuallity as a sin, depending on translation. The second code might be Romans 1:24-31 which describes the moral decay and the includes homosexuality corresponding to "deserving of death."





If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.


I spent all night being harrased by a mosquito... I have four bites on my hands of all places... :angry:

A good solid chapter. :2thumbs: And I have to agree with Bondwriter -- Steve was definitely more upset about the Charger than anything else. That was a really accurate characterisation -- well done, CJ! :great:

I echo these comments (even left in the U.K./Aussie spelling). B)


When I lived in Arizona, a bought an old 1973 Cougar xr7 convertible with a Cleveland 351 "muscle" V-8 and restored it. I loved the car and heads certainly turned when I drove down a street! Steve has my sympathies. I sold it when I moved to Chicago. Didn't think the winter salt on the street would be kind to the under-carriage.


Have a feeling we're going to get to know the reporter much better in future chapters. I also am curious about the precedence of that little turd-face Eric committing a crime in LV prior to the events in Piedmont County? Seems the Arizona AG may be stepping in to move Eric under the jurisdiction of LV. Hmmm.


Good show.


Jack B)

  • Site Moderator
I have to wonder if the sheriff had found an excuse to swap guns since the shooting. I'm hoping he hasn't....


I get the impression that he didn't think to use another gun, or even change his service pistol after using it. If he had, he wouldn't have been so reluctant to give it up. If the guy's had been turned over to him, they wouldn't have made it to Piedmont alive. They'd be pushin' up Cactus.



Thanks also to Shadowgod, for beta reading and advice, and for putting up with me. Thanks also to the many, many people who have helped and advised me.


A big

  • Site Administrator
It seems everyone on the board gets to see a new chapter before me!!! Harrrumfff!I want to be the Omega-reader! :2thumbs::great::music:

I should clarify -- I didn't get to see the chapter until last night (my time). My assistance has been more an ongoing discussion on writing with CJ -- he seems to be under the delusion I know what I'm talking about. As this is "be kind to goats" week, I haven't corrected him... yet.


Sorry, Aillie -- I didn't do it, honest. That was reported to me as an African proverb and I liked it so much I've been using it in my signature ever since.


I also am curious about the precedence of that little turd-face Eric committing a crime in LV prior to the events in Piedmont County?

Jack, I had the same thought late last night. I suspect it is possession is nine tenths of the law. However, there are other consequences. Even if the DA in Peidmont dismisses the charges, they will be in BIG trouble if they just let Eric go, as he is wanted in Lonesome Valley county for shooting a policeman (amongst others). I therefore see them holding Eric indefinitely, though he'll probably be staying with the sheriff again. They can't afford to dismiss the charges this time, but equally they don't want him charged with anything serious, so he will be held either on a minor charge, held without charge (and without protest -- hmm... can someone else protest on his behalf?), or he'll be found dead in his cell for being too much of a problem.


I also spotted the deputy's reactions -- I don't think he's in on whatever it is. He wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on and wasn't happy when his boss hijacked the interview.

Another blond move, Steve. Your parents have been supportive all the way around, so why letting them uninformed? It's nice not to want to worry your mom, but you don't seem to learn much from past experiences.

Well, I couldn't blame her...she has no choice but call the police of the county where the crime occurred, which was Piedmont.


It could've been more interesting if it happens right on the county line...they would be fighting to have the case. :D


I nodded,
Hi Jack!

A defrag will erase, via overwriting, a deleted file sometimes. It all depends on whether or not the deleted file was in a location that something gets moved to. All deletion actually does is delete the first litter of the filename, thus marking the space as available to the OS. So, a defrag might, or might not, over-write (and thus erase) the file. 0:)



Without revealing too much about myself, I can tell you that the Government has technology that can retieve material 'deleted' from a hard drive that is six layers deep... in other words, the only way a simple defrag would help, is if the agents that take the computer believe that there is reason to dig deeper... and if they do, the can call up all files in a specific location up to 6 'defrags' old... I hope that makes sense. I can't tell you how I know this... but I can tell you that it exists.




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