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I need a haircut, but I want to grow it out. D=




With your pale, pale skin, your chiseled, chiseled features and your black, black eyes.... you kinda remind me of a vampire. Now all we need is sparkles, FWEEEEEE

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young looking. 18 is definalty making you look young. you look very petite, groomed sorta, little Emo(not rudly meaning at all), and no BLEMISHES?????? how do YOU DO IT!!!

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young looking. 18 is definalty making you look young. you look very petite, groomed sorta, little Emo(not rudly meaning at all), and no BLEMISHES?????? how do YOU DO IT!!!


I use Nivea

Edited by PrivateTim
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I need a haircut, but I want to grow it out. D=


You've got beautiful hair, Lacey...thick and long...groom it and even it out, but don't shorten it.


With your pale, pale skin, your chiseled, chiseled features and your black, black eyes.... you kinda remind me of a vampire. Now all we need is sparkles, FWEEEEEE


Yeah, handsome chiseled features, those are the words I was trying to find when all I could think of was 'cute and sexy'.


Haha, I'ma bite you. :3


Well...since it's you, okay. Licking is also allowed... Posted Image
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With your pale, pale skin, your chiseled, chiseled features and your black, black eyes.... you kinda remind me of a vampire. Now all we need is sparkles, FWEEEEEE


DON'T even go there. You find me a sparkly vampire and I'll spit in his eye. Grrrrr.


As for Lacey... he can bite my neck any day and I won't even bite back unless he really wants me to ;) Oh and don't cut your hair... it's awesome.




Do i need a haircut??



Absolutely not. Cute cute cute :P

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I need a haircut, but I want to grow it out. D=



Okay I have to ask... where the heck are you? You look like you're in a dumpster with a tyre round your neck. Have you started a skip selling business... or is it you that's for sale? I'd buy you hun... you could sit on my altar and play with my athame.

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I'm in my profile pic your probable gonna have to view my profile to see it.... maybe i should upload more pics on here.But any who here's a pic of my crazy hair lol

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Edited by Gaytron87
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