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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Wigan

    Follow the huge life changes of Edwin, after a school assignment leads him to discover that he is of Aristocracy in the UK.

  2. The Devil is Gay

    Lucifer and Gabriel have a rather unconventional relationship. These are some snippets into their lives.

  3. For the Love of Prompts

    Stories sparked by community prompts.

  4. The Scorched Kingdom

    Carved into a temple wall in the Scorched Kingdom's ancient city of Paris Deux explorers found the following inscription in ancient Noth:

    The only way to stop a rampant fire from spreading is to remove that upon which it feeds.

    Over two and half millennia ago, following the king of Nothland's unsanctioned alliance with a foreign power, a genocidal event levelled his nation, wiping out the population and rendering the land uninhabitable for thousands of years.

    The Scorched Kingdom trilogy follows the lives of multiple characters who have an important role to play in the unfolding of this story.

    Click here for map of Mulia.

  5. Star-studded

  6. The Brotherhood

    Follow Jacob as he heads off to begin his academic career as a freshman at Kingsland University. Although KU is one of the country's most prestigious institutions for higher learning, a school where many of the world's elite send their sons and daughter, it was not why Jacob picked Kingsland. Like many of the young men attending KU for the first time, his sole desire, above all else, was to become a member of The Brotherhood.

  7. Board Members

  8. Babylon City Chronicles

  9. Werebears in America

    In the olden days, when most of the humans in northern Europe were still living in pagan tribes, werebears were the wise and strong protectors of the villages. Now, even though they are still many in number, they are scattered around the world, living forever in secret.

  10. The Tampa Chronicles

    This series follows the lives of six GLBT Teenage Boys, and their parents, that live in the City of Tampa, Florida. From individuals, they come together to become a family, some by blood, some by marriage, and some just by the heart. Themes of love, family, and overcoming challenges together, not as individuals.

  11. Deep Space

    When the countries on Earth are divided in so many ways, a huge private corporation plans and builds a deep space exploration vessel, to go way beyond the boundaries of our own solar system, with no certain outcome of if they would be returning or not...

  12. Tales Along the Way

    Tales Along the Way is a series of three novellas loosely inspired by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The Knight's Tale tells of Lord Henry Sandringham, a British nobleman who is a secret agent for MI6. He is sent to Tehran to rescue the son of the Foreign Minister, who faces a death penalty for being gay. The Priest's Tale follows the struggle of Father Peter Ruxton, a Catholic priest who can no longer toe the party line about gay men being loved by God but forbidden to have intimacy in their lives. The Squire’s Tale introduces us to Keiran Bronson, an 18-year old gay soccer star who goes on a graduation trip to Peru and is kidnapped.

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    The Squad +

    The Squad had its origins at School Without Walls High School in Washington, D.C. On the first day of their sophomore year, CJ and Harley met and bonded over a mutual interest in motorcycles. As time passed, their friendship grew and spilled over onto new friends. With CJ as their acknowledged leader, the diverse group of men thrived. Through the years, they lived, loved, laughed, and cried as a group. These are some of their stories.

  13. Novels

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    Earth Day Stories

    Owen Liston, an environmental attorney, has been making up stories for his young daughter since she was born. He recently allowed me to record a few and publish them for everyone’s enjoyment.

    Starring Liebe, a young girl living in the Florida Keys with her fathers, these stories are meant to be read to or by children. The environmental themed tales, published yearly on Earth Day, are meant to educate and mobilize the next generation of Planet Earth stewards.

  14. In The Shadows

    A series of paranormal-romance novels. Vincent Bolton, a mage with a rare set of abilities, finds out that Mason Wilson, an Alpha wolf shapeshifter, is destined to be together. While the pair learn more about one another, Vincent continues to grow his magical prowess, make new friends, and tracks down the maleficent mage that murdered his parents seventeen years ago.

  15. Ninth Pass Pern

    Dragonriders of Pern series set around the time of 'Dragonflight'.

  16. Blood, Tears, and Farewells

  17. Astara Royalty

    The royalty of Astara is chosen from the common folk, leaving their former lives to start anew. These are their stories.

  18. Fire and Shadows

    A world of magic and wonder. Beings of legend with a slight twist. Join Levi and those he meets along the way through the dangers of those who seek to destroy and the regular life of growing and learning in life and in love.

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