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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. The Trial

  2. Running With The Pack

    The world lycan through the lives of Ethan, Aiden, their friends, and people they meet.

  3. Ravello series

    A series of dramatic stories about teenagers discovering and coming to terms with their sexuality, set in the beautiful surroundings of Italy's Amalfi Coast.

  4. Let the Music Play

    Brandon's dreams had been crushed far too often for him to ever believe, especially in himself. Follow along as he experiences some massive changes in his life, along with a few bumps in the road, and a few high-pressure situations.

  5. Marco

  6. Long Way

  7. Knots

  8. Appetites

    The series starts with a story called "Catering with Benefits" and continues as an ongoing story in parts. Between each part is a 'Side Salad' short story relevant to the main story.

  9. W.A.R.

  10. Carter Saga

    A young immigrant to Canada discovers that love can be found in the most unlikely places

  11. The Neko

    This is the story of Astara, a small planet home to humans, elves, and, of course, nekos. Some of them are werewolves, some of them want to be werewolves. And some want nothing to do with their wilder sides.

  12. Light Dancing in the Dark

    This is a serious that follows 20 year old Kalian Alauis through coming into his power, his Magik. He starts as an insecure, neglected young man. Pushed aside by his family when he show no signs of Magik, a gift he's expected to have nutured from a young age thanks to his lineage. There is more to him than meets the eye however. In a short amount of time he's pulled from his family's shadow into a royal court that's teetering on the edge of anarchy and chaos. These are the stories that follow him as he finds himself, bands together an unlikely group of allies, saves a country, and falls in love.

  13. Tales of the Underground

  14. The Barnstable Chronicles

  15. Riding Lessons

  16. Savage Moon

  17. The Brotherhood

    Follow Jacob as he heads off to begin his academic career as a freshman at Kingsland University. Although KU is one of the country's most prestigious institutions for higher learning, a school where many of the world's elite send their sons and daughter, it was not why Jacob picked Kingsland. Like many of the young men attending KU for the first time, his sole desire, above all else, was to become a member of The Brotherhood.

  18. In The Shadows

    A series of paranormal-romance novels. Vincent Bolton, a mage with a rare set of abilities, finds out that Mason Wilson, an Alpha wolf shapeshifter, is destined to be together. While the pair learn more about one another, Vincent continues to grow his magical prowess, make new friends, and tracks down the maleficent mage that murdered his parents seventeen years ago.

  19. Working It Out

  20. Werebears in America

    In the olden days, when most of the humans in northern Europe were still living in pagan tribes, werebears were the wise and strong protectors of the villages. Now, even though they are still many in number, they are scattered around the world, living forever in secret.

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