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Only Prompts - 15. The Best Daddy Ever

This is my response to an exercise from On Writing by Stephen King. The idea was to take the provided back story and let the situation carry you along. No plotting, just write it. So i did.. here is the result for better or worse.

The glass door of the Medical Arts Building was all that stood between him and his afternoon off. Dick sucked in his breath, pushed it open and was greeted with the hot humid air of a Toronto summer.

"Now to get Nellie," he thought. He set off with a spring in his step down Finch Avenue toward his daughter's school. He carried a white plastic bag which contained a cheerfully wrapped birthday gift.

Kindergarten let out in thirty minutes and he had lots of time to walk there. It didn't take long before a trickle of sweat started down his sides. It wasn't all because of the heat. No.

The trickle soon turned into a rivulet, air seemed in short supply as his lungs heaved and his muscles warned him of impending failure. "Need a seat."

Close to the school now Dick left the sidewalk and sat on a bench. He remembered Dr. Servenus's words. "Stop and breathe, deep breaths. In and out, slowly."

Dick sat quietly watching the cars go by, he pulled in lungful's of air and pushed them out slowly, controlling them. His panic reduced with every measured release. He undid the top button of his shirt and then the next to let the weak breeze cool his fevered skin. As he did Dan's face swam before him.

"Christ just undo one or two buttons." Dan undid them as Dick tried to stop him. Dan had pushed his hands away. "You're so uptight."

"I am what I am Danny. I don't like walking around like that."

Danny had slapped his face then, it had only stung a little. A joke he'd called it. It had been their second date. Dan pulled him close and whispered. "You're hot, show off a bit. I like you that way." Then he'd mussed Dick's hair and kissed him. In the end Dick had left the buttons undone, as he'd been told to.

There on the park bench he pushed the vision away. He checked his watch, he had to get to school, to get Nellie. "The only good thing to come out of this mess." He grabbed the white bag that sat next to him.

Pulling himself together Dick walked to the school gate to wait with other parents. He didn't know many yet and he forced himself to peer out from his shell to greet them. "New life, new friends … I hope so."

He smiled and said, "Good morning."

"Oh, hello. You're new right? I'm Terry's mom. I'm Diane." The young nicely dressed woman put her right hand out.

Dick extended his also. If she felt how damp it was, Diane showed no sign. She shook it firmly.

"Good to meet you. Nellie she …she's mine, my daughter." Dick grinned. "I'm Dick … um Richard."

"Nice to meet you, too, Dick." Diane smiled. "Do you prefer Richard?"

"Either. Either is fine."


The school door opened and the teacher came out. They released the children only if a recognized parent or guardian was there waiting.

Dick could see Nellie was in the middle of the orderly line of kids. He said goodbye to Diane and her little son Terry, who had been safely set free.

"I'm sure we'll see you again. Have a good day!" Diane had sung out as she and Terry walked toward their car. Diane stopped and turned back. "Can I drop you anywhere, Dick?"

"Oh, no but thank you. We just have a short walk to the sitter."

"Okay, have fun."

Dick waved and quickly turned his attention back to Nellie. She was next in line. The teacher bent and spoke to her and his little girl pointed out her daddy. Satisfied the teacher released her and she ran to him. All pigtails and smiles.


"Hello munchkin!" Dick picked her up and hugged her. "How was school?"

"Oh, good Daddy. I got to play with the kitchen toys today. Peter and I made pancakes!"

"Did you now?" Dick put Nellie down. He held her hand as they walked. Nellie chatted about school, the fresh crop of dandelions that were everywhere, and the party.

They arrived a few minutes later at Jacy's tidy house. The walked up the front steps and Nellie rang the bell. Dick knelt down.

He tidied the white and pink dress, pushed back some stray hair and looked into the bright blue eyes. He felt in awe and in love with them each time he did. "Okay, you be a good girl. Have fun and listen to Jacy okay?"

"Yes, Daddy. I will. I'll be good." She flung her arms around Dick's neck. "I love you Daddy."

"Love you too, Munchkin!" Dick held her tight. Then he broke away gently as the inner door opened. He got to his feet. "Be good now!"

He pulled the screen door open and Nellie ran inside. Jacy got out of the way. "Kids are in the front room Nellie." Turning back to Dick, she said, "Would you like to come in?"

Grinning, Dick said, "Oh no. This is all you. Oh, here Nellie's gift for Ruby."

Jacy took the bag. "Thanks so much. It'll be over at 2:00pm but no rush, you can pick her up at the usual time if you want."

"Thanks. I'll be back before then I think. Have fun."

"Always do. See you later on."

Dick waved and released the screen door. It swung for a moment before closing. He turned and walked home. "Oh, a few hours of nothing to do but what I want!"


The house was cool when he opened the front door. Home. Peaceful and quiet. He could breathe here.

"I think maybe a cheeky but luxurious nap is in order. But first a cup of Earl Grey and some TV."

Dick walked to the tiny, tidy kitchen. He filled the kettle, and turned it on. From the cupboard he got down his favourite mug. Nellie had given it to him the previous Christmas. Best Daddy, Ever, it read.

As he placed the tea bag in his cup, Dick felt a chill. Something … there was something. He sniffed.

"You're paranoid." Dick put some cookies on a plate and took them into the living room. Leaving the plate on the coffee table, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, grateful for the noise. He took some cleansing breaths.

His fingers hurt. He'd been gripping the back of the sofa, once he let go blood flowed back into his knuckles. "Stop it. You'd think you'd never been alone."

Shaking himself, Dick made the tea, dropped the bag into the garbage and settled down on the sofa. He changed the channel and surfed a bit until he found the regional news. He nibbled an Oreo, noting they really don't go with Earl Grey. He sat up a bit straighter as recognized the Old City Hall.

"Thanks, John. Yes, earlier today the police are saying three men escaped custody as they were being transported from a court appearance back to the Don Jail." The reporter stood on steps of the old building. "Two have been captured but the third remains at large."

The something came to him like a car crash. Dick put the mug down with a clunk. Hair cream. Danny used Brill-Cream. He'd always made sure his hair was done right.

The floor upstairs creaked.

Dick couldn't breathe in, he had to get up.

The stairs.

Dick slid off the sofa. "Get up," he roared inside his head.

There was a moan from the third step from the bottom.

There was Brill-Cream in the air.

Dick got to his feet. Chest heaving, his knees threatened to give way. He looked up.

"Hello baby." Danny's eyes were manic. A terrible grin stretched over his face. "I'm back."

Danny took a step closer.

Dick's eyes flicked to the coffee table. There was nothing … he grabbed for the mug.

Laughing, Danny moved slowly nearer. "You thirsty? You were always such an ass. A pussy, weak."

"Get out Danny. Just go away."

"No can do, baby." There was less than two feet between them now. Danny stopped. "You have to pay for what you did. Then I get Nell … and that mug."

The first blow hit Danny in the temple, it rocked him. He seemed surprised. "What the f …"

Dick summoned everything and swung his Best Daddy Ever mug once more. He didn't realize until later he'd screamed … roared.

The impact broke the mug, the handle coming away. Danny dropped like a stone, falling back and hitting his head with a thump.

Shaking, Dick crawled to the kitchen. He found an extension cord and kitchen twine. He'd restrain Danny. He didn’t know or check for life signs. Once he'd tied up Danny. Once he was safe, he scuttled backward and leaned against the La-z-y Boy chair and phoned the police.


The paramedic shook his head as he examined the body of Daniel Miller. "Dead."

The cop nodded and turned to the killer.

"It's okay, Mr. Robertson. We'll need a statement but I'm fairly sure that'll be it."

Dick could only nod. He watched as his mug was packed away for evidence. He gazed up at the cop. "Will I be able to get that back?"

"Sure if you want it, eventually."

"Yeah I do want it." Dick rubbed his aching hand. "It was a gift."

"I'll make a note." The cop smiled and went to speak with his partner.

Dick pulled the blanket they'd given him close and thought, "I do want it back, cuz today I am the best daddy ever."

There was no reading or editing done. I've set myself a goal to write 1,000 words a day, today i did 2,000. It's my day off. This was just an exercise, but it was fun and worthwhile i think.
Copyright © 2017 Mikiesboy; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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I hope now that Daniel is permanently gone, Dick will be able to relax and deal with his anxiety problem. I’m sure Nellie will notice the mug she gave him is missing and will ask about it at some point. How will Dick explain everything to kindergartener Nellie? A very complete story in 2000 words!  ;-)

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3 hours ago, droughtquake said:

I hope now that Daniel is permanently gone, Dick will be able to relax and deal with his anxiety problem. I’m sure Nellie will notice the mug she gave him is missing and will ask about it at some point. How will Dick explain everything to kindergartener Nellie? A very complete story in 2000 words!  ;-)

this wasn't quite 2000 but i did write that in total.. thanks for reading this little experiment.. came out better than i thought it would.

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3 hours ago, Carlos Hazday said:

Great job, mate. I had no idea where this was going and you surprised me in the best possible way. Of course, the list of questions is endless, but I'm satisfied with how you ended it. Enough hints to come to my own conclusions. Again, really good job.

thanks C ... i appreciate you reading and i'm glad it worked for you.  it was a good exercise.. 

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3 hours ago, Reader1810 said:

The stage seemed to be set for things not to go Dick’s way, but when it was truly needed, he found the courage of a lion to protect his cub. Best Daddy Ever indeed! ! ! 


I really liked this, tim. I really did. :D 


PS: It was an added bonus knowing the places and locations referenced on the story. :thumbup: 



yeah .. it helped me a lot writing this seeing the places in my head. i'm glad you liked it  .. i'm pleased how it came out

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3 hours ago, BlindAmbition said:

A well done prompt. Quite the unexpected turn.

yeah i guess it is a prompt.. thanks for reading, jp.. glad you liked it

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3 hours ago, Parker Owens said:

Oh, tim, you just wrote a fantastic story. The contrasts between Nellie’s trust, and Dick’s insecurity was brilliantly done. Then came the thrill of Danny’s return, and the wonderful twist in the use of the mug. Love it. 

Thank's very much Parker. I appreciate your comments .. i planned none of it.. i just followed what i've learned.. it's amazing really. 

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1 hour ago, mollyhousemouse said:

oh tim!

that was suspenseful and well done! i could see Dick on the porch with Nellie

when it was over i realized i had been holding my breath

if i were grading the homework, i'd give it an A

wow, thank you, molly.  i liked the little scenes with father and daughter.  and holding your breath.. well another wow.. thanks for reading and your support.

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