Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Family Struggles - 18. Bump in the Road
Bump in the Road:
It had been a few weeks since Kaleb and Davis’ wedding, Kyle had settled into being a music teacher and Principal although it often left him feeling stretched thin at work. Blu waltzed into the principal's office.
Kyle didn’t look up from the paperwork he was reading, “Mabel if the kid isn’t hurting anybody send them back to class.”
“Yes, Mr. Principal Gorgeous,” Blu tried to raise his voice higher. “You want me to come over there and give you a hand.”
“Hmm… I think we might both be unemployed if you gave me a hand at the moment,” Kyle reached under the desk adjusting himself.
Chuckling, Blu moved further into the office and dropped into one of the chairs in front of Kyle’s desk.
“Blondie, this is ridiculous. You’re so stressed, why don’t you just hire another music teacher. It’s not like it comes out of the school budget and we don’t need the money from that job. You are now getting paid by the department. Let someone who needs the job have it for now. At least until the end of the year.”
Kyle slid the papers he had been reading across the desk, “Babe, I think the district is going private after this year.”
Blu snorted, “I don’t give two hoots about next year. I no longer have the loyalty or passion for this anymore. I do for the kids which is why I’m still here. But unless something drastically changes honey, I won’t be at this school next year.”
Kyle looked up at Blu, “I’ve been working with the group that is privatizing the school. Umm… you gotta promise you’re not gonna be mad at me.”
“We’ll see, I reserve the right to wait until you have told me everything before I make any promises.”
“Can I give you the abbreviated version?” Kyle gave Blu a pleading look, hoping he didn’t freak out since he kept the foundation's actions in the dark.
“Okay,” Blu pursed his lips.
“Well, Jared, Kaleb, and I started a non-profit group. The foundation is going to take control of the district at the end of this school year and privatize it. None of the kids will pay tuition if they can’t afford it. We’ll be replacing some of the teachers with ones that are here for the kids.” Kyle leaned back in his chair sighing. “This will give all of the kids, ours included a chance to learn and experience things the current district can’t provide. The district had originally agreed to merge into the bigger district after this year, but once the non-profit approached them they agreed to give them control.”
“Uh-huh,” Blu said.
“I’ll be staying on as Principal, god I never thought I would say this, I like the interaction with all of the kids.” Kyle looked across at Blu, “Babe, in a couple months we can hire a permanent music teacher from our budget. I’ll still teach from home when I can.”
Blu stood up, “Well Charlie, is still in town. Give her a call she’ll probably cover for you until the end of the year without any further expectations. Have fun with all of that, I’m off to eat lunch.”
He left the office with Kyle staring at his back as he left. As Blu turned around from getting his sandwich out of the fridge Jared walked in the room. He walked straight past his brother-in-law and went to find one of his kids to have lunch with before his head exploded with anger. Walking into the cafeteria he found Lincoln sitting by himself, so he sat down at the table with him.
“Why so glum chum?” Blu asked him.
“Levi has a meeting for baseball training over the summer,” Lincoln mumbled as he picked at his food.
“You didn’t want to play buddy?”
Lincoln chuckled, “I play a mean piano but I can’t throw a baseball for crap Pop.”
“That’s okay, we all have our own strengths. If you want to play, we’ll work on it over the next year and you can try again next year if you want.” Blu paused. “You know you don’t have to do everything Levi does, you are your own person. Why don’t you find yourself three friends and put together a band? Daddy will help you guys.”
“Do you think he’d mind?” Lincoln looked across the table at Blu.
Blu chuckled, “No, I think he’d be proud of you.”
“Maybe I’ll talk to some of the kids in my band class. Uncle Jared might know somebody that sings,” Lincoln’s mind was churning with ideas.
“Uncle Jared is a great teacher, you should ask him for vocal lessons. You could learn a lot from him, even if you don’t really want to sing yourself, it can’t hurt to have the skill in case it’s ever needed in a pinch. You have to be ready for anything.” Blu took a bite of his sandwich so big he looked like a squirrel.
Lincoln giggled and then got serious, “Pop, why doesn’t Aunt Liv like Aunt Charlie?”
“Aunt Liv loves Aunt Charlie, she’s just not willing to admit it at the moment she’s still mad at her. They’ll fix it when they’re ready,” Blu said.
“Adults are strange,” Lincoln picked up his sandwich taking a bite.
“Just promise me one thing, little man?”
“What?” Lincoln made a sucking sound in his drink with the straw.
“If you do decide on a band, music has so many genres. Don’t just do rock, or punk, or even pop. Until you can write and do your own stuff have fun with it. There are so many ways you could go, country, blues, jazz, or swing. Swing, big band swing is fun, you’d have more bandmates and the music is really fun. It makes you happy and no matter who’s listening, their toes get tapping. It’s also more likely when you get an actual gig people will get up and dance,” Blu said excitedly. “You’d have less competition to get gigs too.”
“Pop, you’re really old,” Link giggled as he sat his drink down. “Nobody would show up other than other senior citizens.
Blu raised his eyebrow, “I am going to prove you wrong little man, just you wait and see. When we get home I’ll put on the Stray Cats and Cherry Poppin’ Daddies. You just wait and see you are going to love it. Then I’m going to show you, on the weekend me and you baby boy are going on an excursion together, just you and me.”
“Do we have to go to a nursing home? They smell funny,” Lincoln scrunched up his nose.
“Bite me. I smell like coconut and vanilla, it’s calm and soothing thank you very much.”
Lincoln giggled, “Weren’t you born when President Kennedy was alive?”
Blu scoffed, “No, but Daddy met President Truman before the war.”
“That’s so cool I gotta ask Dad what he was like,” Lincoln stated excitedly.
Smirking Blu finished his sandwich. “Feel better?”
“Ya, thanks Pop. Why’re you eating in the cafeteria anyway?” Lincoln stuffed the remanents of his lunch in his paper bag.
“I missed your sourpuss, that’s why.”
Kyle was driving the family to Kaleb’s restaurant when Lincoln smiled stretching his head, “What was President Truman like Dad?”
“What?” Kyle glanced into the rearview mirror with a puzzled expression.
“Pop said you met President Truman before the war,” Lincoln smiled at his Dad.
Cody looked at his brother laughing, “You’re gonna make me pee my pants, Link, Dad isn’t that old.”
“Pop, how old are you guys? Fifty? No… you gotta be forty,” Lincoln said as he tried guessing.
Blu turned to see Lincoln, “I’m twenty-five, Dad is way older.”
Levi rolled his eyes, “How is my twin such a dork?”
“I don’t know Levi, I thought you’d be able to tell from your own experience,” Blu winked at Link.
“Hey that’s not fair, I’m cool.” Levi snapped back.
“You’re all cool in my book, Pop was one of those hippie type that wore tye-dyed shirts and cutoff shorts, he even had buck teeth until he got his braces,” Kyle smirked at Blu. “Paybacks are a bitch Babe,” He thought.
Levi glanced at Blu, “You had buck teeth?”
“Yeah, can’t be helped. It’s hereditary, you’ve seen Nan right?” Blu giggled.
Cody laughed, “Pop’s nickname was probably “Buckey the Beaver.”
“It was Donkey, I’ll have you know because I was–”
Kyle reached across putting his hand over Blu’s mouth, “Ooh god that’s gross, quit licking my hand.” He decided to change the subject. “Babe, I talked to Liv before I called Charlie, she told me to offer her the job.”
“Ahts ooo.” Blu licked Kyle’s hand again.
The boys sat in the back seat laughing at their Dads.
“Yuck,” Kyle pulled his hand away from Blu’s mouth laughing.
“Jesus Blondie,” Blu said wiping his mouth, “ever considered washing your hands after you scr–”
“Babe!” Kyle’s eyes got as big as saucers. “Pop, was being goofy.”
Cody snickered while the twins rolled their eyes.
Blu turned to the kids in the back and said, “Pop was being censored. I was gonna say, scratching Khan. And they called me Donkey because I was cute and looked like ‘Donkey’ from ‘Shrek.’”
Kyle pulled the car into the restaurant parking lot, “Bella, I promise to contain these clowns. Tony, you don’t know just what you got yourself into with our family.”
“I’m learning Mr. Kyle,” Tony laughed.
“God kid, it’s just Kyle, we’re not at school.” Kyle opened his door and stood up. “Everybody out!”
The mob exited the car and headed to the restaurant together, Blu held the door open for the kids and Kyle, then followed through behind. The hostess looked a little wide-eyed at the group, she’d never actually met any of their family before. She went and spoke with Benjamin who was at Kaleb’s wedding, returning rather expeditiously.
“I’m so sorry, please follow me, your family has the private dining hall tonight,” the girl led them to their dining area. “Enjoy your meal, Kaleb will be with you in a bit.”
“Thank you,” Kyle looked at the girl's shirt for a nametag, “Denise.”
She nodded leaving the group.
“Nice girl, but she seemed a little nervous,” Kyle laughed.
“Probably because she’s seen my junk like the rest of the world.” Blu huffed.
“Pop, I got an excellent picture,” Levi smirked. “Want me to show her?”
“Nope, but show me,” Blu smiled.
“Uh… I forgot my phone at home,” Levi said straight-faced.
“Let’s sit down, I’m too old to keep standing,” Blu put his hand on his back.
“See, you just admitted you’re old,” Lincoln shook his head, “I’m not going to a stinky nursing home.”
Blu laughed, “Sit down mouth.”
Kyle sat next to Blu, while the boys sat to his left. Tony and Bella sat to Blu’s right.
“Hey guys,” Kaleb said as he strolled into the room.
Levi shot his Uncle a smile.
“Uncle Kaleb, did you get your wedding pictures back?” Levi smirked at Blu.
“I have a really nice one of your Pop that Nan took,” Kaleb patted Blu’s shoulder. “She said something about posting it on one of the porn sites she visits.”
“She bloody would too,” Blu chuckled.
“Nan looks at porn?” Cody looked at the adults.
Blu gave Kaleb a filthy look, then punched him in the arm when Kaleb smirked at Cody.
“See if I get you a birthday present next year Blu. Cody, Nan doesn’t do things normal adults do.” Kaleb rubbed his arm glaring at his brother-in-law.
Cody smiled at his uncle, “Doesn’t she get in trouble?”
“Oh my, when you’re a little older I’ll share some stories about her.” Kaleb reached out squeezing Blu’s shoulder to make him squirm.
Kyle looked at his brother not wanting the revelations of Nan to be told to their kids.
“Uh… So Kaleb, how’s married life treating you and Davis?” Kyle redirected the conversation.
Kaleb sat beside his nephews looking at his brother, “Well, I’d rather wait until Davis and everybody else gets here before we discuss our lives.”
Kyle stared at his brother, “You’re hiding something.”
Levi smirked at Kaleb, “You knocked up Uncle Davis!”
Kyle was taking a sip of water when their son made his remark causing him to spray it across the table.
Kaleb smiled at his outspoken family member, “You’re definitely a Waters open mouth and let the shit fly.”
Kasey walked into the room rushing at Kaleb holding out his hand, “You zay bad wod.” He shook his head like he was scolding his uncle.
“Duck,” Kaleb mumbled as he reached into his pocket while Blu snickered at his side.
Jared walked over patting his younger brother on the shoulder, “You’re learning baby brother, you’re learning.”
Mason chuckled as he found a seat, “Kasey’s been looking at Disney cruise vacations.”
“Why?” asked Blu, giving Kyle a knowing look.
Jared smiled as he sat beside Mason taking a hold of his hand, “He wants to go on a family vacation, and he thinks spending time with Mickey Mouse will be cool.”
Kasey crawled onto Levi’s lap, “Evi you ike Ickey?”
Levi nodded his head, “Mickey is pretty cool, but I really like Goofy he reminds me of Link.”
Lincoln looked at his twin smirking, “I hear Disney has a new character coming out named Chicken-boy.”
Kasey clapped his hands excitedly, “Is onna be so fun.”
Blu threw a glance at both of the boys, “That’s enough, boys. Keep it fun.” His voice had that don’t mess with Pop, tone to it.
Levi smiled innocently at Blu, “Don’t worry Pop, I’ll have fun at home.” He turned to his newest brother, “When we get home can you find me the duct tape?”
Cody nodded his head with a confused look.
“Levi, stop.” Blu admonished the young boy. “Hey Kaleb, are you gonna feed us or what, I need the boys to have something to shove in their mouth to keep them quiet?”
Kaleb smiled as he motioned one of his waitresses over, “Candy can you bring out a few orders of breadsticks before my brother-in-law needs a fresh pull-up?” He snickered in Blu’s direction.
“Boys,” Doug finally piped up, “Knock it off, you’re supposed to be setting an example of how to behave to the kids, not how to start a bar fight.”
“Oh… a bar fight? Where?” Nan rushed into the room. She looked around the private room, “What? Doug? You said there was a bar fight.”
The disappointment evident in her voice, she walked past Doug cuffing him on the back of the head as she walked by him to take her seat, the Judge apologizing to her son as he followed.
“Mother, you can watch the MMA when we get home,” Steven stated as he sat down beside Nan patting her hand.
Davis walked in the dining area as Kaleb rushed to his side taking his hand, “Can everybody take a seat. Please? We have something important we would like to announce.” Davis stated with a smile before kissing his husband.
Kaleb’s eyes had a sheen of tears, “We can’t tell you how much we appreciate each of you supporting us. Davis and I have decided to have children, we are going to find a surrogate.”
“Congratulations!” Bella leaped out of her chair going straight for her Uncles.
“Wow, my baby brother is gonna be a Dad?” Kyle shook his head with a smirk, “Good god Babe I think we should move to Canada or maybe Alaska.”
“Screw that, I’m going to Mexico.” Blu laughed.
Jared sat there laughing, “Oh this is going to be so entertaining, you are in so much trouble, Kaleb.”
Kasey looked at his Dad then to Kaleb debating if he should hold out his hand for reparations.
“He didn’t say anything Kase,” Mason patted the boys back.
“Daddy aid he in touble.” Kase pouted.
After the family had given Kaleb and Davis enough of a hard time, they all gathered around them offering their congratulations, along with a few smart remarks.
Nan goosed Kaleb’s ass, “After you’re a Dad it just won’t be the same.” She pouted and shook her head.
Blu stood in front of the class with a grin on his face.
“How was everybody's week, did you miss me?” He asked his students.
It was followed up with a bunch of grunts and groans.
“Glad to hear it.” Blu chuckled.
He picked up an envelope from his desk.
“Well kids, today is the day. I’m proud of all of you, each and every one of you submitted something to the competitions. I think you all deserve a round of applause.”
Blu clapped his hands in a round of applause encouraging the class to follow his lead.
“Unfortunately, there could only be one winner.” He held up the envelope again. “The judges have told me it was a very hard decision as nearly all submissions were easy to read and well written,” Blu said smiling encouragingly at his class.
“So who won sir,” Sara, one of the girls called out.
Jensen blew on his fingertips as he stood up, “I’m simply the best, thank you, thank you.” He bowed a few times like he was making an acceptance speech.
The class erupted into laughter and calling out to the boy.
Blu laughed. “Okay guys, Mr. Jensen let’s see if you are correct.” He started opening the envelope. “Drum roll please!”
The kids all commenced banging on their desks, smiling in anticipation.
“The winner is,” Blu paused for dramatic effect, continuing in his best game show voice, “Mr. Tony Anderson. Congratulations buddy, you have won a two-week writers workshop at the community college the first two weeks of summer.”
The students called out boo’s and congratulations, it was all in good fun and nobody seemed to be taking it badly, making Blu happy that his students were a good group of kids.
Friday, James took the day off since Kyle was off to take Cody to his chemotherapy treatment. He was up early to make Blu and the kids breakfast, he made scrambled eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. After setting the table he sat down to drink his coffee, while the breakfast sat in the oven to keep warm.
Cody was the first to come downstairs. He crawled into Kyle’s lap, “Why can’t I just get better, so I don’t need to do treatments?”
Kyle pulled the boy into a tight embrace, kissing the top of his head.
“I wish you didn’t need these treatments either buddy,” He held the boy hoping he knew how much he was loved.
Lincoln walked into the room yawning, “Cody are you okay?” He asked with concern.
Cody nodded his head as he clutched Kyle’s shirt, “I’m scared, I don’t wanna be sick no more.” A tear trickled down his cheek.
Kyle frowned as he rubbed his sons back, “Buddy, we’re gonna be here for you. We love you so much.”
Lincoln walked over leaning his head against Cody’s.
“I’ll be home after school to do whatever you need bro,” Lincoln said as he hugged him.
Cody sniffled and wiped his eyes, “I’m sorry, treatments make me really sick.”
Levi walked in buttoning his shirt, he stopped when he noticed the mood of his family.
“Cody, when we get home today, you remember we talked about shaving our heads to show we are in this with you? Link and me will do it,” Levi said as his stomach growled.
“Breakfast is on platters in the oven,” Kyle told Levi as he continued to hold Cody.
Levi nodded his head and grabbed the food with pot holders.
“Breakfast is served,” Levi said as he returned with the platters.
“I’ll be right back, I’m gonna grab the juice,” Lincoln rubbed Cody’s back before he left.
Lincoln poured the first glass of juice for Cody when he returned, “Here bro, you need to at least drink something.”
After pouring juice for Levi and himself, Lincoln fixed his plate and started eating.
Cody sipped his juice, placing the cup back on the table.
Blu walked into the kitchen dressed and ready for the day followed by Bella. He saw the breakfast on the table making a beeline to it, but not before kissing Kyle and Cody.
“You okay little man?” Blu asked.
Cody shrugged his shoulders.
“He doesn’t wanna be sick anymore,” Lincoln said with a mouthful of food.
“Aw, buddy, none of us want you to be sick anymore. You don’t have many treatments left do you?”
Cody shook his head, “Not as long the bloodwork is okay.”
“Well, it’s going to be okay, because it just is.” Blu blinked sitting down.
Levi looked at Blu, “When Link and me come home from school we’re shaving our heads to show everybody we’re supporting our brother.”
Blu smiled warmly. “I’m in.”
“Me too, it’ll be like when you used to trim my hair in college,” Kyle said as he remembered their younger years.
Blu flipped Kyle the bird, “Hey, it was the cheapest haircut we could get. We were starving students.”
“Speaking of starving student days, the California Federal Prosecutor’s office left a message for me to call them back,” Kyle mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee.
Piling bacon onto his plate, Blu watched his husband with a sideward stare, “What do you think they want?”
“God knows, Rudolph and Penelope probably found a loophole they are gonna try to wiggle out of,” Kyle sighed as he sat his mug down.
“Jesus, you really think so?” Blu shook his head.
“Who’s Rudolph and Penelope?” Bella asked.
Blu and Kyle stopped what they were doing, frozen. They had forgotten they had not told the kids about the Remmingtons. None of the boys still held the name, so it had never come up, considering Kyle, Kaleb, and Jared never gave them a passing thought.
Kyle ran his hand over his face wishing he never mentioned their names.
“Rudolph and Penelope were Uncle Kaleb, Uncle Jared, and my biological parents.” Kyle sighed and tried to act stronger than he felt regarding the pair. “They were bad people… Are bad people.”
“We don’t really mention them in this house because they really hurt Daddy, and his brothers.” Blu took Kyles hand in his.
Levi looked at his Dad with his fists clenching, “Want me to hurt them?”
Kyle smiled sadly, “They are getting what they deserve, I just don’t want to ever be like them. I want to be the best Dad to all of you kids I can be.”
Lincoln gave Kyle a smile, “You and Pop are the best Dads in the world.”
Cody nodded his agreement as he continued hugging Kyle.
“Alright kids, give Cody a hug and put your plates in the dishwasher. We have to get a wriggle on. James will be here soon Blondie,” Blu bent down and kissed Kyle. “You call me later little man and let me know how you're doing.” Blu dropped a kiss on the top of Cody’s head, tickling the boy's side with his finger. “Love you both, we’ll see you this afternoon. Let me know if there is anything we can bring home for you.”
Cody looked up putting on a strong face, “Love you guys.” He hugged each of his family members, as they headed out the door.
“I’ll text you at work Babe,” Kyle called out as Blu closed the door.
As Blu and the kids came in the house, Cody and Kyle were in the bathroom. Cody had been sick to his stomach since his treatment, Kyle sat on the floor with Cody in his lap near the toilet wiping his face with a damp washcloth.
Kyle whispered into Cody’s ear, “It’s gonna get better buddy,” his heart was breaking for their son.
Lincoln stood in the doorway, “Pop they’re in here,” he called out.
The family came to a standstill trying to look through the door at poor Cody.
“Kids, let’s give Cody some privacy at the moment,” Blu said shutting the door. “Maybe if we do some homework first, then check back on Cody.”
Blu ushered the kids to their rooms, “Link, don’t forget to bring me your math homework when you’re done. Levi buddy, make sure you at least start on your outline for your history assignment.” Levi gave Blu an incredulous look. “I know everything, eyes everywhere,” Blu whispered grinning at Levi.
He wanted nothing more than to maintain the household afterschool normalcy, it can’t be a big production everytime Cody has a treatment. It’s part of their family life now, so the men were determined not to have the routine falter. The other thought, one of Cody’s biggest hangups on having a family was because of his illness, if the family treated him differently the boy may feel uncomfortable. Blu had agreed with Kyle that he should take Cody to his treatments since he no longer taught classes, and his schedule had a little more wiggle room.
Once the kids had done their homework and Blu had checked Link’s math and the outline for Levi’s history assignment, the family started working on dinner together. Levi and Link took Khan for a quick walk, Kasey tagged along with Spotty. Little did they all know, Mason followed at a safe distance in case they needed help. One time Khan had nearly dislocated Levi’s shoulder trying to chase a squirrel.
“Pop, we’re home,” Lincoln said as he unclipped Khan’s chain.
“How’s Cody?” Levi asked.
There was no sign of Lincoln after he yelled.
“Ah, not sure Bud, should we go and check?” Blu dried his hands on a dish towel. “Bella, do you mind watching the dinner for a minute, sweetie?”
“No Pop, you guys check on the boys, I’m all good here.” Bella smiled sweetly.
Levi looked in the bathroom and nobody was in it. He raced up the stairs skidding to a halt at Cody’s bedroom door. Link was curled up in bed snuggling Cody as Kyle sat at the foot of the bed watching the boys. Blu walked over to Kyle putting his arm around his shoulder, leaning down for a quick kiss.
“They’re so cute,” Blu whispered to his husband as they watched the boys. “How’s he doing now, honey?”
Levi climbed up on the bed laying next to Cody on the opposite side of Lincoln.
“He quit vomiting a while ago, but he’s wiped out. He’s a strong little guy,” Kyle smiled sadly at Cody. “I thought I was gonna be sick just watching them give him his treatment, then he got so sick. I used to hate when Kaleb got sick as a kid, I’d end up joining him throwing up.” Kyle chuckled at how squeamish he was back then. “When it’s our son, we draw strength from something I never knew we had.”
“Let’s leave the boys for a few minutes, do you want to help me finish off dinner. They can rest a bit before dinner.” Blu pulled Kyle up from the bed.
Kyle wrapped his arm around Blu’s waist kissing him on the cheek as they walked down the hall.
“I know I’ve kept stuff from you about the foundation. I didn’t intentionally do it. I’m sorry you felt left out, you’re my partner, my heart, as I sat there watching Cody go through his treatment he seemed to get strength from me. I always feel like I can take on the world with you by my side,” Kyle said as they reached the top of the stairs.
“Mhmm,” Blu sighed.
Kyle smirked as he glanced at his husband, “I love you!”
“Mhmm,” Blu sighed again. “I don’t mind about the foundation, I honestly don’t.” he paused collecting his thoughts and choosing his words carefully. “It’s the fact that you did it without talking to me, and it’s not the first time Kyle. It hurts that you didn’t want to talk to me, it made me feel like I wasn’t worth your time.”
“I really am sorry,” Kyle sighed as they both walked down the stairs. “I can’t say I don’t deserve the resentment. I honestly do stuff for our kids without thinking first. I guess my brain is wired weird.”
“Bullshit, you did that for you and your brothers. And that’s fine, it’s your money you can so what you want with it, I don’t care, but shit Kyle you didn’t even feel like I was worth a conversation before you went ahead. Jesus Kyle, this must have been in the works for months.”
Blu released himself from Kyle, he was getting more and more upset the longer he talked about it.
“Just go back up and sit with the boys, Kyle.” Blu flicked his hand in the air. “I’ll let you know when dinner is ready.” He stormed off from Kyle leaving him standing in his wake, scratching his head.
Kyle stood at the bottom of the stairs staring at Blu as he headed into the kitchen, he steeled his nerves and followed behind.
“Bella, would you mind giving Pop and I some privacy, Sweetheart?” Kyle glanced from their daughter to Blu.
“Uh… sure I’ll be upstairs reading.” Bella cautiously left the room, giving both her Dads a wary glance.
“Thank you,” Kyle said staring at his husband. “Babe, come sit down. Please? We need to work this out, I am responsible for this mess. However, we have four kids that can sense when something isn’t right between us.”
Blu glared at Kyle, leaning on the counter, “What’s to work out, you do what you want. You don’t consult me, you don’t listen when I talk, so what’s the point. Work it out for yourself and then let me know what I’m supposed to do for you.”
“Blu, I can’t fight with you anymore. I love you too much to argue,” Kyle sighed as he sat in his chair. “I set my sight on something and I don’t stop until I achieve my goal. What do you want me to say? I’ve apologized, you tell me what to do.”
“Think,” Blu slammed his hand down on the counter, “stop and fucking think, Kyle. We’re a family, well, we’re supposed to be. How about next time you talk to me? I support you every time, even when I don’t agree, I consult you before I do anything because I give a shit what you think. Apparently, I don’t have the same importance to you.”
Blu stormed off, picked up the keys and his jacket leaving the house.
Kyle’s eyes filled with tears as he watched the man he loves walk out of their house. He sat there dazed as the smoke alarm started sounding.
Lincoln raced into the kitchen finding Kyle sitting at the table not noticing the smoke billowing from the oven.
“Dad the oven is on fire!” Lincoln shouted getting no response. “Dad!”
Kyle glanced at his son, “Huh?”
“The oven,” Lincoln pointed at the smoke, “it’s on fire!”
“Oh for god sake, I haven’t done this since college.” Kyle stood up grabbing the pot holders and pulling the charcoal from the oven.
“I’m so not eating that,” Lincoln pointed at the blackened food.
“I don’t blame you we don’t have a car for all of us to go to the hospital for food poisoning,” Kyle placed the pan in the sink dousing it with water.
Lincoln opened the windows to get the smoke cleared.
“Where’s Pop?” Lincoln asked as he noticed Blu’s absence.
Kyle hid his face as he wiped tears away.
“Pop went out buddy,” Kyle said as he glanced out the window over the sink.
“I thought we weren’t allowed to lie,” Lincoln said crossly.
“Dad, what happened?” Bella’s eyes bugged out as she took in the smoke-filled room.
Kyle shook his head chuckling at himself getting weird looks from Lincoln who was now sitting on island stool.
“Are you okay?” Lincoln asked.
“When Pop and Uncle Kaleb and Uncle Davis and I moved in here, I almost gave everybody food poisoning when I cooked for everybody the first time.” Kyle turned with reddened watery eyes toward his kids. “Everybody refused to eat anything I cooked until we all took cooking classes, that’s how Uncle Kaleb ended up becoming the cook he is.”
“Dad are you and Pop okay?” Lincoln asked as he picked at the counter.
Kyle walked over placing a kiss on the top of Lincoln’s head, “We’re fine buddy.”
Kyle held his arms open to Bella for a hug.
“We love you kids so much,” he said hugging his daughter.
Kyle called Kaleb ordering food from his restaurant, he made sure he ordered chicken noodle soup for Cody.
“How’s Cody doing guys?” Kyle asked as cheerfully as he could.
“He slept through the smoke detector blaring,” Lincoln chuckled.
An hour had passed as the smoke cleared from the house and Kyle had checked on Cody who slept peacefully curled up with Levi and Khan.
Kaleb walked in carrying bags of food, “You did it again? Seriously, I thought you learned how to cook. Can’t Blu keep you out of trouble?” He glanced around not seeing his brother-in-law. “Where is he?”
“Leave it alone Kaleb,” Kyle said glancing at Lincoln who had been following him around the house since the kitchen incident.
“Asshole,” Kaleb muttered under his breath, as he unpacked the food.
“Kaleb… please stop.” Kyle begged his brother.
“Fine,” Kaleb said as he wiped his hands off. “I have to get back to work, tell Cody I hope he feels better. I love you guys.” Kaleb bumped his arm against Link as he turned and left.
Kyle fed the kids their dinner, and cleaned the kitchen up, even though the smokey smell still lingered in the house. Afterward, he got the kids bathed and settled in for the night, all three boys decided to sleep together to comfort one another. The kids were worried about their Dads, even though Kyle had promised them that everything was fine.
Kyle brushed his teeth and stripped to his boxers before crawling into bed. Sleep didn’t come easy as he laid in the large bed by himself, he knew he messed up. He vowed that he would never make rash decisions again without speaking to his husband first.
Blu came home to a quiet house, he made his way upstairs checking on the boys. He couldn’t bring himself to go to his room where he was sure Kyle would be waiting for him. He sat in the hallway outside Cody’s bedroom leaning against the wall. Blu closed his eyes taking a deep breath before letting drain out of him slowly. At least if he stayed in the hallway, he’d be able to get to Cody if he needed him.
Kyle couldn’t fall asleep even though he tried, he eventually got up and went to check on Cody. He found Blu in the hallway. Kyle slid down the wall sitting beside his husband, “I get it,” he mumbled softly not wanting to wake the kids. “I don’t want to lose you, Babe.”
“I don’t want to lose you either,” he whispered back.
“I promise I’ll discuss any major decisions with you from now on.” Kyle leaned his head against Blu’s shoulder. “I burnt the dinner you made.”
Blu smiled.
“It’s not funny. I had smoke detectors going off, Lincoln thought the house was burning down,” a small smile appeared on Kyle’s face.
“What’d you eat?”
“Kaleb brought dinner and soup over. He tried being the protective brother, but I left him know this wasn’t his fight.” Kyle sighed, “I love you so much, I was worried I broke us.”
Blu closed his eyes, taking a breath before he spoke, “Almost, but not quite.”
“Are we okay?” Kyle asked cringing, unsure he wanted to hear the words that Blu would say.
“No, Blondie we’re not. But I love you too.” A tear fell from Blu’s eye, he wiped it away quickly.
Kyle sniffled and placed his hand on Blu’s, “You can sleep in our room Babe, I’ll sleep in Levi and Link’s bedroom. I understand you don’t want to be with me right now.”
Blu picked up Kyle’s hand and kissed his knuckles, “Let’s just sit here a while longer, then we’ll go to bed. I’m not sleeping without you.”
Kyle sighed, “I can’t sleep without you, I tossed and turned after I got the kids to bed.”
The pair sat in the hallway watching their sons sleep for quite a while. They finally decided they needed to get a few hours of sleep before they woke up, as they weren’t sure how Cody would fare tomorrow. Kyle knew he had damaged their relationship, and it was his job to make things right.
A special thank you to the Beta-Readers, for their diligence and quick turn around for each chapter.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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