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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Tales of the Underground: Blinded - 6. First Day Jitters

That night I dreamt of my mother’s death, a nightmare I haven’t had since I was a kid. There I lay in a pool of my own blood, the terrible burning sensation of the slash across my face hurting just as bad as it did that night, before I could stop it, before I could even scream…the knife plunged right through her and the life escaped her lips.

“DUDE!” Aaron shouted, standing over me. Before I could think about what was happening I kicked him in the stomach and pounced over him. “Cy! Stop!” He yelped cowering under me “You’re safe! You’re safe!”

“I…I…” I began to stutter sitting back on my bed.

“What’s going on?” Mr. James shouted running into the room. “Are you boys safe?”

I looked to him then Aaron then right to the ground “Yeah.” Aaron grunted getting to his feet.

“I…I’m sorry Aaron…I don’t know…” I shuttered, still shaking in fear.

“Cy…you were screaming in your sleep.” Mr. James let out trying to hide how tired he was. “Is everything okay?”

I shook my head and looked up to see Mrs. James slowly entering the room “I’m fine” I quickly uttered “Just a bad dream.”

“A bad dream?” Aaron yelped “That was the most terrified I’ve ever seen anyone…ever! You nearly jumped me when I woke you.”

I let out a deep exhale “Sorry…I…just a bad dream.”

“Cy, it’s okay. You’re safe with us.” Mrs. James comforted walking over and taking a seat on the bed. The second she hit the mattress I pulled into a ball and got as far away as I could. She reached out but the closer she got the more I began to shake. She worriedly glanced towards her husband before cautiously getting up and giving me space. “What was the nightmare about?” she poked scared of the answer.

I clutched at my broken eye but didn’t say anything. Mrs. James went to say something but before she could her husband grasped onto her “He’ll tell us when he’s ready, won’t you Cy?”

“Yeah” I nodded in a shaky voice.

“I…” Mrs. James let out still disturbed by the events “Do you boys need me to stay the…”

“Nancy can we talk?” Mr. James demanded taking a step into the hallway.

“No I just…”

“Nancy!” he demanded. She sighed and followed him out, closing the door behind them. I tried my hardest to hear what they were saying but the muffled words seemed to blend in with the ringing in my ears. “Alright.” Mr. James peered in “You boys will be okay?”

We both nodded and just like that he was gone. Aaron looked at me and took a deep breath “What was the dream about?”


“You nearly beat the crap out of me, you could at least tell me what to expect next time you start screaming in your sleep.” He muttered trying to hide how aggravated he was.

I thought it over before lying on my back “I saw the women who gave birth to me die.”

“What?” he let out not expecting something so gruesome “You saw your mom die?”

“I don’t have a mom.” I growled.

“Cy that’s nuts, everyone has a…”

“I don’t have a mom, I don’t have a dad…two people fucked and I popped out.” I angrily reprimanded.

“Alright sorry.” he exhaled “Next time just try to remember where you are when you wake up.”

“Next time just leave me be, it’s safer that way.” I shook

“You were petrified! It was like you were being tortured, I won’t let you…”

“Leave me be.” I angrily repeated

“No!” he shouted “I get it you’ve had a rough life, but I’m not going to let you suffer if I can stop it!” I opened my mouth to speak but he sat up “Don’t even try to argue with me! When you get that terrified I’m waking you up, end of story!”

I gratefully nodded as a small smile grew on my face “night.”

“night.” He grinned hitting the lights.

For the rest of the night I barely slept…I was just too scared. What if I attack Aaron again? What if I can’t stop myself? What if I actually hurt him? The thoughts seemed to haunt me for the rest of the night until finally as the sun came up I fell asleep once again.

“Cy dear.” A female voice shook me “Riley wake up.”

“Don’t call me that.” I muttered opening my good eye to see Mrs. James kneeled down by my bed.

“It means valiant you know?” the voice prodded “I made you breakfast.”

“I know what it fuckn means.” I lashed out “I don’t want food! I want sleep!”

“Okay, but I’ll leave it here for you just in case.” She supported trying to ignore my anger. “What do you think of a tutor later? You can brush up on some reading before school tomorrow?” I rolled over on my side and got as far from her as possible “Alright, well I’m right downstairs if you need anything.”

I let out a long groan but as I heard her reach the door I couldn’t help but feel bad “Thanks.” I let out before she could get out of ear range. Within five minutes I was already back asleep. When I finally got out of bed it must’ve been 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I quickly threw on a worn pair of clothes before sneaking out of the house and discreetly scaling the house to get back to what was becoming my private place.

As I looked over at the big city in the distance I couldn’t help but considering running away…it would be so easy…so simple. I wouldn’t have to go to school tomorrow, wouldn’t have to learn how to act around snobby rich kids, wouldn’t have to dress all nice…wouldn’t have to change. As I laid back I closed my right eye and reminded myself what life over on that side of the city had brought me…how it had left me. My nightmare from last night…me not fitting in here…it’s not my fault, it’s the southsides’…yet I know how to live that life…know exactly how to be anonymous or to be the big dog. With a simple flicker of my attitude I was a king or a ghost…it was all up to me. I took a deep breath and reopened my eye, but here I’m safe, I’m fed…I’m cared for. I’m starting to make friends…I could play basketball for a team. I took another deep breath and stood up…the saints and the southside will always be there if I want it, but I only have 1 shot at this, only 1 chance…I’m not going to fuck this up for myself.

I took another few minutes to myself before climbing down and walking in through the front door.

“Where were you?” Aaron poked with a worried face as he stepped out of the kitchen.

“I needed to go for a walk.” I sighed, shutting the door behind me.

He let out a nervous laugh and narrowed in his eyes “For a little bit we were worried you ran away.”

“Me? run away?” I teased “Never. “

“Good because Carter’s really banking on you making the team, I think he would cry if you left.” He giggled, not thinking much of it “but you’re okay?” he nervously asked “like everything is alright?”

“More or less.” I let out with a sway of my head “I just need today to get ready…tomorrow isn’t going to be easy.”

“Me, Carter, Noah and Owen will be there with you.” He supported “And my parents are taking you in to meet the principal and get you all set up before you start.”

“Oh great, everyone loves the kid who needs adults with him.” I mumbled more to myself than him.

“No one will think anything of it.” He shrugged “All the new kids go through it.”

I exhaled a breath and started to walk up the stairs “If you say so.”

“Want to play xbox before dinner? You’ve barely even stepped foot in the game room since you moved in!” He welcomed, trying to keep me talking.

“Maybe tomorrow, I just need the rest of the day to think.” I sighed continuing my ascent.

“I understand.” He nodded, leaving me be. As I entered the bedroom I couldn’t help but look at the thick yellow book Aaron had been studying. The words on the cover pulled together then finally apart as I played with the distance “College board SAT, The off…offi…official” I struggled trying to get through it “SAT study guide.” I slowly opened it and started to skim the pages, but no matter what I did the small text stayed blurred and even seemed to jump around. As I heard footsteps approaching the door I quickly slammed it shut and pounced on my bed.

“Hey Cy?” Mrs. James called out slowly opening the door “Dinners almost ready if you want to wash up.”

“I’m not hungry.” I rejected correcting how I was laying so it wouldn’t be suspicious.

She made a face and looked at the barely eaten breakfast still sitting on the desk next to my bed “Are you feeling sick?”

“Nah, just need a quiet day.” I exhaled, doing my best not to be as rude as I was this morning.

She bit her lip and thought it over “Okay, do you want me to bring you anything?” I shook my head but didn’t speak “Alright, but I’m saving you a plate just in case.”

“Thank you” I let out looking down “and If…I…”

“What is it?” she asked starting to look concerned.

“If it’s not too much…do you think you could make that eye appointment?” I forced out still not looking at her.

She took a step forward but stopped herself “It’s no problem at all! I’ll make it as soon as possible!” I saw her try to get a good look at my left eye but I kept it forced down “Is your eye hurting you?”

“No.” I quickly defended “It’s just…words blur when I try to read them.”

“Just words or things that are close to you?” she asked in an attempt to gain a better understanding.

“More words than items.” I clarified. What’s going on here?

“Do you get headaches when you read? Do the letters seem to push together or move?” she interrogated getting a little closer.

“I don’t read enough to know bout headaches but the words jumble.” I shrugged. Why am I answering so easily? This is much more than just going along with everything…I’m asking her for help.

“Do you know what dyslexia is?” She gentle asked, taking a seat by my feet.

I looked away and swayed my mouth “Don’t retards have that?”

“Cy!” she exclaimed “We use the word intellectual disability, and no, anyone can be dyslexic.”

“So I’m gonna be stupid?” I sighed starting to get frustrated with the problems my eyes have always given me.

“Not at all! You might have to work a little harder, and we might have to get you some form of help, but you have the same exact potential as Aaron…besides we don’t even know if you are dyslexic, I’ll talk to the school about testing you.” She tried to comfort

“I don’t know if I want all…” I began, regretting I had asked.

“If you need it you need it.” She smiled “There’s nothing to be ashamed of okay?” I gently nodded to her words “I’m so proud of you for asking for help.” I quickly turned away, having had enough of the moment. What the hell is going on? I enjoyed that…she cared about me…she cares about me…it’s…Aaron said I would appreciate it one day…but god damn it’s only been a few hours since he said that! I can’t get this invested…they’ll all just let me down. “You positive you don’t want me to bring up food?” I kept my silence and buried my head further into the pillow “Alright, you know where to find me if you get hungry.”

The rest of the night I stayed in bed thinking everything over. When it came time for bed I fell right asleep…I guess sleeping all day can be exhausting! I can’t say I dreamt that night, well maybe I did and I just don’t remember it…all I know is when I woke up it was like a nightmare!

“Cy! Aaron!” Mrs. James called out “It’s time for school!

“What time is it” I groaned sitting up.

“7.” Aaron yawned “School starts at 8:15.”

I let out another long groan and slammed myself down against the mattress “I don’t want to go!”

“No one does.” He sighed, getting out of bed “Now come on, get your uniform on.”

“Uniform?” I protested “What can’t I just go to public school.”

“Because I won’t be there to look out for you.” He informed walking out to the bathroom.

I looked down at the white polo shirt with an L.M. symbol embroidered in it and sighed. At least it’s not a shirt and tie. I quickly threw on the shirt and khaki pants before heading downstairs to find Mrs. James eagerly waiting “Oh you look so handsome!” she exclaimed “Now here are dress socks and a pair of shoes. We also got you a backpack full of supplies!”

“Do I have to?” I muttered

“Yup” Mr. James smiled “You’re going to become a well-educated young man.”

A long grunt escaped my lips as I put on the stiff tan socks and fancy dress shoes.

“Hey you almost look like an average teenager” Aaron teased frantically getting all his things together.

“Well you still look like a nerd.” I spit back too tired to come up with anything creative.

“Alright men, we ready to go?” Mr. James boomed in an attempt to wake us both up.

“Yes sir.” Aaron quickly popped up. I rolled my eyes and followed along. The drive to the school was much faster than I would’ve liked, but as we pulled up I felt the familiar feeling of awe overtake my face. The brick building was laid out perfectly on a huge lawn, as we pulled around back I saw just how amazingly planned the school was. It looks more like Hogwarts than a high school!

“Like what you see?” Mr. James teased looking at me through the rear view mirror.

“It’s certainly something.” I muttered trying to hide my shock.

As I stepped out and into the huge parking lot I saw dozens and dozens of kids styled just like Aaron and his friends. The boys had that douchey prep look while the girls looked too cool to give a shit about anyone else. What the hell am I getting myself into? Mr. James lightly patted me on the back, and just like that we were off.

As we stepped into the building I did my best to hide my face, the less attention I get…the better. Finally we stopped in front of the main office which looked more like a fancy living room than a working space.

“I’ll see you around, it’s a pretty small school so if you need anything you should be able to fine me, Owen, Noah or Carter pretty fast okay?” Aaron smiled trying not to worry me. I nodded and just like that he disappeared into the sea of kids.

Mr. and Mrs. James led me into the office and down the hall to a big room with a short plump man sitting in a desk. “Mr. Horace this is our new foster son Cy Walker.”

The man reached out and I did my best to meet him with a firm squeeze “Cy?” he asked “His documentation says Riley.”

“That’s his legal name, but he prefers to be called Cy.” Mr. James smiled, taking a seat.

“Alright.” The man muttered staring at my eye “Can he speak for himself?”

“When he needs to.” Mr. James laughed

“Well Cy, you don’t have any record of schooling since the 2nd grade.” He began “Are you sure you’re going to be able to keep up?”

“Oh he’ll be able to.” Mrs. James interrupted “If he has issues we’ll get him tutored by the best around.”

“That might help. However this school is a demanding place, it’s not exactly…”

“I can handle it.” I growled starting to get annoyed by his uppity attitude.

“You sound quite confident” he assessed “That could be a downfall around here.”

I smirked at his words “I can survive anywhere.”

“If you say so.” He dismissed not believing my words “Your schedule is a bit haphazard, we’ve done our best to place you where we feel is best, but that means spanning you across almost all grade levels. For example you’ll be in a junior gym and lunch time, but be in freshman science and math, and sophomore everything else. If you can’t handle the sophomore level we will place you down into all freshman level classes.”

“Alright” I mumbled not really caring.

His eyes shifted from my eye to the blue band on my arm “As for that tattoo, it might be best to look into its removal.”

“removal?” I scoffed

“I think what Cy means is that is an expensive and painful process. I understand Lake Michigan has dress code rules, but I believe it’s best for you to make an exception.”Mr. James sternly spoke beginning to overpower Mr. Horace.

“And why would I do that?” Mr. Horace irritatedly defended.

Mr. James raised his eye brows and sat up “Because I don’t believe discrimination against a teenager in the foster system would be good for the schools image, especially when it’s against the schools biggest donors.”

“And we’ll need the counselor to test him for dyslexia.” Mrs. James added. I couldn’t help but smirk as they started to run the show.

“Okay now things are…” Mr. Horace began

“Things are what?” Mr. James pressured “If my foster son is dyslexic it is your legal obligation to diagnose and accommodate him.” His lips snarled as he started to get annoyed by the principle’s character “ I’m going to chalk this up to it being the first day of school, but I do not appreciate the way we are being spoken to. Perhaps next time we should speak with President Wallace.”

“Oh no that won’t be necessary.” Mr. Horace quickly straightened up “I will personally see to it that Cy is properly taken care of.”

Mr. James nodded but kept the angry look on his face “That’s what I like to hear.”

The principal reached out and handed me a big paper with a schedule on it “I think it’s best for you to head to your first period before class begins.”

I nodded but didn’t say anything. “Your gym clothes are in your backpack along with a lunch!” Mrs. James shouted as I began to walk out “Good luck! I’ll be in the parking lot at 2 to pick up Aaron and I’ll be back at 4 to get you from tryouts!”

I cautiously made my way through the crowds. If there’s anything I know how to do its go undetected in a sea of people. I kept my head down until I finally entered into the huge gym. Once more I was met with amazement as gold and white covered the walls and bleachers. Damn! This place feels like more an arena than a gym!

“Look at this kid.” I heard a voice snicker pointing me out “What the hell is that on his arm?”

I quickly flashed him a nasty look which froze him where he stood. I should’ve known these rich kids are all talk.

“What the hell was that on his face?” The other kid snickered supporting his friend.

“Cy!” I heard a familiar voice call out before I could do something I would regret “I thought you were younger than us?” Carter asked approaching with Noah in tail.

“I am.” I muttered still staring down the 2 other kids “My schedule’s all fucked up.”

“Ignore them.” Noah comforted “They’re just judging you because your bag and shoes are more expensive than theirs!” he shouted towards them.

They took a step forward but Carter laughed “It’s true! My new friend Cy is making you two look like children.”

The rolled their eyes and began to walk away “What the hell kind of fight was that?” I muttered finally looking towards Noah and Carter.

“The type you get into around here.” Noah giggled “I see the James’s knew what to expect when they sent you here.”

“Roll call!” a jacked gym teacher shouted towards us as the bell rang “Quiet down so you can hear your names!”

I listened patiently as he slowly ran down the list “Riley Walker” he called out. I rolled my eyes but didn’t say anything “Riley Walker!” he called out again.

“Here! But that’s a typo, my name is Cy!” I shouted back.

“whatever” the coach muttered not even looking up.

“Riley?” Carter smiled “So that’s your name!”

“It’s a typo.” I snarled not even looking at him.

“No that’s your real name isn’t it?!” he excitedly jumped “Riley! Riley! Riley!”

“Don’t call me that.” I angrily spit “It’s not my name alright?”

“Okay okay, take it down a notch!” he laughed elbowing Noah.

“Yeah calm down Riley.” Noah giggled but the second I shifted towards him he jumped behind Carter.

“Save all that anger for try outs tonight.” Carter giggled “Actually follow me.” He led me all the way through the gym to a coach who was sitting on the stage eating his breakfast “Hey Coach Murray!” Carter shouted “This is Cy, the point guard I was telling you about.”

“Carter says your good.” He stood up walking towards us “You think you have what it takes to join us this year?”

I laughed off the questions and shrugged “I can ball”

He scanned me up and down stopping in the same spots as everyone else “I believe that, especially on Carter’s word, but I can’t afford any trouble makers, and you’re a trouble maker.”

“Because I’m not preppy?” I muttered with some anger showing.

“Because you have a gang mark on your arm, and I’ve seen your face plastered on almost every street where I live.” He corrected.

“You’re from the southside?” I poked trying to hide my surprise.

“Born and raised.” He nodded with some pride “but just because I’m proud of my roots doesn’t mean I approve of what happens there, nor a kid like yourself getting involved in it all.”

I scoffed and shook my head “If you’re from the Southside then you know we don’t always choose to get involved.”

“No one makes you do anything in this life son.” He lectured joining us on the floor.

“They don’t, but if you want to keep your life…well sometimes you have to get your hands dirty.” I shot back “but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that.”

He nodded his head knowing what I meant “Look Cy, moral of the story is that I just recruited 2 big men from the southside. They both have amazing talent and this could be their chance to get out of there. I can’t have you getting them into trouble.”

“He won’t” Carter quickly intruded “All that stuff is behind you now, right Cy?”

“Yeah behind me now.” I smiled half serious half lying.

He scanned me up and down before nodding his head “Go hit the locker rooms and get ready for gym class. I’ll see you both here at 2:15, if you’re even a second late you’ll be running suicides until you puke.”

We quickly joined our classmates in entering the locker room to get changed “You can pick any locker you want.” Carter informed “Just don’t do anything stupid.”

“What’s that mean?” I scoffed, picking the first locker I saw.

“It means no sticky fingers.” He exhaled taking the locker next to me.

“Me? Steal things?” I laughed “I would never.”

“I’m being serious.” Carter reprimanded “That will get you expelled here.”

“Only if I get caught.” I teased pulling the change of clothes out of my backpack “and I never get caught.”

“Remind me how you got placed in the James home again?” he teased starting to get changed.

As I saw him start to take off his shirt I quickly turned my back to him…keep it together Cy…you’re not a god damn queer! “We got dimed on” I quickly uttered, trying to cover up my turn.

“Dimed? Like money?” he giggled.

“Like snitched” I corrected finally getting on the pair of golden gym shorts.

“You know I wasn’t going to watch you get changed?” he pushed, calling me out.

“What?” I breathed packing the last of my bag.

“You turned your back to me. I know how you think.” He continued without fear.

I sucked my teeth and shook my head “That wasn’t about you, it was about me tryin to get comfortable gettin changed in a room of guys.”

“Mhm” he hummed not believing me.

“I’m serious. Why you always gotta call me out like this?” I shrugged starting to head back out to the gym.

“Because you need it.” He rested a hand against my back and gave me a friendly shove.

“If I wasn’t cool with it would I still be talkin with you?” I defended with a roll of my eyes.

“If you were cool with it, which you’re not, you wouldn’t have hesitated to shake my hand the other day, or got super weird when I tried to say goodbye.” He pushed on without fear.

I threw my head back and grunted “I shook your hand! What more do you want? And I got weird cause you talk to me like you know me.”

“I know you well enough.” He laughed as Noah finally caught up with us.

“Then you would know we’re cool.” I argued.

“You’re so not cool with him being gay.” Noah interrupted as he reached us.

“Noah!” I clicked my teach “Mind your own damn business!”

Noah giggled and took a step back “If we’re cool…” Carter began with a tinge of nerves holding him back “Then you’d be okay with me saying that I really like your haircut.”

I fought off a smile but felt my face begin to turn a light shade of red “It looks like shit.” I quickly recovered “but see that was fine.”

“Guess so” Carter shrugged “But trust me it looks good, the girls here are gonna like you.”

“No they won’t.” I exhaled looking down.

“Nicole! Ashley!” Carter called out

“What the hell you doin?” I exclaimed as my eyes began to bulge.

“Noah likes Ashley and Nicole seems about your speed.” He mischievously smiled “I’m proving a point.”

“What’s up Carter?” one of the girls smiled wandering over.

“This is my new friend Cy. He’s Aaron’s foster brother.” He smiled “Cy this is Nicole and Ashley.”

“Whats up shawty?” I smiled showing some of the confidence and swag I had learned from the hood.

“Carter” Ashely sighed “Are you kidding?”

Nicole nudged her friend to be quiet and took a step forward “Shawty? I’ve never been called that before. It’s like from rap songs right?”

I laughed at her innocence and put my weight to my back foot “They use it in rap, but where I’m from it’s more of a compliment.”

“Oh yeah?” she giggled “and where would that be?”

“You look like you’re more than just good looks, take a guess.” I teased.

“Downtown Chicago?” she giggled, taking a look at me.

“Close enough.” I smiled showing more confidence.

Ashley took a step forward and made a face “Ugh! Carter!” she yelled “Nicole! No!”

“Ashley!” she mumbled trying to get her friend to stop.

“Sorry boys, but if you’ll excuse us we have to go to the bathroom.” Ashley announced grabbing onto her friend and pulling her away.

“We’ll talk later?” Nicole excitedly poked.

“Shit, we’ll see.” I mumbled in a tone that implied I don’t care.

“Told ya so!” Carter taunted as the girl left hearing range.

“That aint the haircut, that’s me knowin how to talk to girls.” I confidently smiled.

“You were so…so…smooth.” Noah exhaled “Who taught you that?”

“You spend a few years at gang parties and you learn a lot of shit.” I laughed acting like I was checking them out as they walked away…I mean there are pretty and all…it’s just…I don’t know…maybe I just need to go on a date with her or something.

“So you’ve done stuff then?” Noah sheepishly asked.

“Shit, who wants to know?” I giggled

“I’m just…I could use some pointers.” He meekly admitted.

“I could teach you.” I nodded “I mean not about that sort of stuff, but about pickin em up.”

“Sure..okay!” he quickly smiled “Carter was supposed to, but he always gets me friend zoned!”

I clicked my tongue and shook my head “Cause he doesn’t know how to get in their pants, just how to be their buddy.”

“Oh and you get in girls pants?” Carter giggled rolling his eyes.

“You don’t need to know what I do.” I spit

“So hypermasculine.” He sighed as I saw another mischevious grin overtake his face “What are you compensating for? Height, weight, or your bad basketball skills?”

“Shut the fuck up.” I groaned “I beat you and you know it.”

“We’ll see what you do at tryouts.” He smirked as the coach finally started class.

There wasn’t much time for talking as the coach forced us to run back and forth all over the gym. Carter and Noah said they just like to make the first few days hard before they go back to not giving a shit…not that it mattered to me, by the time class ended I was one of the few standing. Sure I was out of breath and tired as hell, but I was standing.

“You’ve got good conditioning.” Coach Murray assessed as I headed for the locker rooms “You leave enough in the tank for try outs?”

“Didn’t even scratch the surface.” I breathed with a smile.

“Bring that work ethic with you this afternoon, it’ll help your case.” He nodded.

I smirked and forced eye contact “I’ll make the team.”

“Oh yeah?” he laughed

“Yeah, you got a team of rich spoiled kids, you need me to help bond the two southside kids, and you need the grit I bring.” I felt my smirk spread “Despite what Carter says, I am a trouble maker, but shit, could the Warriors have gone 73-9 without Draymond Greene kickin people?”

“So you’re going to be our Draymond Greene?” he smiled with a raise of his eyebrows.

I nodded, keeping my confidence high “Just hand me the numba 23 and we’re set.”

“First let’s see how you can play, then we’ll get into your attitude.” He sighed “But for now don’t start trouble with the southside boys. Just because you’re all from the same hood doesn’t mean you can all start partying. You’re still just a kid trying out, they’re members of the team, keep that in mind.”

“Understood” I smiled walking away.

I’m gonna play like he’s never seen before. I’ll break so many ankles* on the court that they’ll need an ambulance. Maybe its time for Cy the thief’s story to end, and Cy the ballers story to start.

*To break ankles-in basketball breaking ankles is the saying for when the ball handler makes such a fluid move it causes the defender to fall to the ground, appearing as though his ankles had broken.

Copyright © 2018 Aceinthehole; All Rights Reserved.
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