Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Tales of the Underground: Blinded - 36. Dance with the Devil
I couldn’t help but watch the young kid fidget in his chair as Nancy and Walter went over what it was going to be like to testify against Ro. No kid should ever have to see what he saw…to see what either of us saw at that age, but the world is a cold place. We have to make justice happen for us, and even then there will people like Brock Avery there to try and rip you back down…but I’ve come too damn far to get ripped down. No matter what I have to do, or what I have to say…Tak will be a part of this family.
I saw Walter nod to Nancy as she led Tak upstairs to get ready for bed “Riley...” Walter began in a sigh “Me and your mother are worried that this whole thing, everything with the Saints trial, And the Averys…we’re worried it’s teaching you the wrong thing.”
“What do you mean?” I poked, having a faint hint of the answer, but wanting him to say it.
“We’re worried that it’s going to make you cynical.” He exhaled keeping our eyes connected “What you did for Owen…as much as it terrified me and your mother…you’re a hero Riley.”
“I don’t feel like one” I shook, hitting him with honestly “I don’t feel…good”
Walter stood up, and lightly grabbed me by the shoulders “Good isn’t something we feel, it’s something we are.” I looked up to him not fully understanding “From now on you’ll never be satisfied with how things play out, you’ll always see a better end…that things could’ve been perfect, but life isn’t perfect.” He explained “And things never work out perfectly. In the end life will always take something from us to balance it out…but men like you, no matter how much life fights back…you have to fight to upset that balance, to always keep it weighing towards good.”
“What if it costs me my mind?” I breathed, as my eyes drifted away.
“I suppose that’s the cost of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders” Walter nodded, as his grip turned into a supportive pat “Once this is all over, once Ro is in jail, and Tak is adopted…it’ll all feel better.”
“And if it doesn’t?” I gulped, still worried I could never be the same.
“Then we’ll fight to make it better.” He smiled, ruffling my hair “I don’t care if we have to take you to every doctor in the U.S. …we’ll make sure you’re happy.” I slowly nodded my head as he headed back towards the stairs “Good night Riley”
“Good night dad” I exhaled, getting up and following him up the stairs. I shook my head as I had to push past a small body just to get into my room “What Tak?” I groaned, just wanting to go to bed without any more talking.
“Are you scared about tomorrow?” he poked keeping his eyes on me “I’m not, I’m going to say everything that happened.”
“That’s great Tak.” I muttered, just trying to get my stuff together.
“Little brothers can get annoying, can’t they?” Aaron teased, with a growing smile.
I looked to him and shook my head “Not as much as older brothers.”
“Well aren you excited Riley?” Tak innocently asked, trying any which way to get a conversation started “We get to put Ro in…”
“No” I interrupted, sitting down and staring at him “I never want to see Ro again….we shouldn’t have to go to court and testify against him, they should have more than enough evidence to lock him up without…”
“You’re worried they don’t.” Aaron interrupted, thinking out loud “They’ll find a way to lock him away.” He reassured
“Fuck that” I mumbled “I’d much rather see the death penalty.”
“There are little ears around!” Nancy shouted as she walked by and overheard the conversation.
I rolled my eyes and tried to look down the hallway “This kid was selling drugs bout a week ago! I think he’s heard the F word before!”
“I know you’re not talking back right now!” she quickly responded, shutting down the conversation before it could start.
“Just don’t do anything stupid” Aaron exhaled seeing the hate flashing in my eyes “Let the courts and police handle him…justice will be served.”
I shook my head and laid back in my bed “Good night Tak.” I spit trying to get him to go to his own room.
“Well…” he began, nervously standing in the door “I was thinkin…can I sleep in here tonight?”
“No” I reject, turning onto my side.
I knew by the lack of response from Aaron that Tak was trying to work his magic on him. “I guess” Aaron finally breathed.
“Aaron!” I yelped, sitting back up “You too soft! And Tak, you said you wasn’t scared, why you wanna sleep in here?”
“I’m not scared but I’m nervous” he shrugged as though I should’ve known “I wanna be near you guys.”
“He’s sleeping with you two tonight.” Nancy weighed in from down the hall.
“Mom!” I shouted “Stop listenin in on us!”
“Shut your door then!” She fought back, still out of sight.
I waived for Tak to do as she said and turned to Aaron “He’s sleepin with you.”
“Nope” Aaron shook, stretching out “You two are the smallest, so you’re in the same bed.”
“I swear to god Aaron, in another second they gonna have to put me in jail.” I warned, starting to stare him down.
“Please Riley.” Tak pleaded in a young voice, slowly approaching “You know what it was like…”
“Alright” I cut off, moving closer to the wall “but stay on your side, and if you kick me I’m throwin you off the damn bed.” He excitedly nodded, and jumped into the twin sized bed “and cut off the cute shit, it’s getting annoyin.”
“I don’t know what you talkin bout” Tak teased, knowing damn well what he had been doing.
Just like all the other nights since I got home…I spent it staring at the ceiling. It seems like the only times I can ever really relax are on the court, or with Carter. I mean sure, I’d eventually pass out, but I’d almost always wake up a few hours later in full on panic mode. A few weeks ago I would do anything to get rid of my nightmares…but lately I would do anything to just get back to that place!
Finally as the sun began to rise Nancy slowly made her way into our room to come get us “Aww Walter come here!” she whispered, not knowing I was awake “Tak and Riley…”
“No” I grumbled, trying to sit up “You finish that sentence and I swear to god…”
“Alright alright” she giggled “Someone’s cranky this morning.”
That morning was like slow motions. My nerves seemed to consistently shake and jump as thoughts of the court room flashed in my mind. Even worse it seemed like flash backs of the worst things that had been done to me kept playing in my mind. I just couldn’t shake it…couldn’t escape it.
As we finally walked into the courtroom I don’t know if I was relieved or worried to see Carter there. I mean security was really tight, and only certain people were allowed in, but what if a high profile gang member saw him…what if Ro had something planned…what if Carter hears my stories and grows scared of me. As we sat alone and started to talk about the day ahead, I couldn’t help but notice Nancy watching us. She said something to Mr. Williams, and before I know it Mr. Williams was waving me over to a quiet corner.
“What does he want?” I groaned, throwing my head back.
“Hey that’s still my dad” Carter giggled “He just wants to help make sure you know what to say. This is a big case for the both of you…his term is almost up, and ending the saints…that’s assured reelection.”
“Then I’m glad I could help” I teased, getting up and walking over to the secluded corner “Mr. Williams, my parents went over everythin a thousand times, I know exactly what…”
“That’s not what I want to talk to you about.” He exhaled, looking over to Carter than back to me “and please stand up straight and talk properly up on the stand.” I rolled my eyes, and slowly began to tune him out “I want to talk about you and my son…” he began, instantly bringing my attention back “If you want to be with him, this has to be your last stunt in the Southside.”
“What are you…”
“Cy” Mr. Williams sternly let out “Let’s not play games. Carter could barely leave his room when you left…I don’t want to see him go through that again. You have to make a decision. After today, you’re going to put this all behind you, or you’re going to stop dating my son.”
“I’m not dating your son.” I nervously shook “And what do you mean, put this all behind me?”
He tilted his head and gave me a skeptical look “I mean stop stealing, stop fighting…act the way your parents tell me you can, and the way you’ve shown us you can.” He exhaled a deep breath and looked back to his son “I’ve heard a lot about you…that you can get away with anything, but for whatever reason when it comes to my son…you couldn’t be more obvious. Always hanging around the openly gay kid, whispering, giggling, pushing each other….the kids at your school might be oblivious to it, but to any mature person watching…it’s clear.”
“So what…” I let out “You gonna put a stop to us.”
“Not if I don’t have to.” He admitted looking at me “Look, no one wants to see their kid date someone with your past…but over these past few weeks you’ve done a good job of proving it’s just your past. I don’t think you’re good enough for my son, because no one is good enough for my son, but you might just be the closest I ever see.” He exhaled “Love as strong as you two have found is not only extremely hard to hide, it’s also extremely hard to stop, but if you put yourself and my son in danger…I will find a way.”
“So you like me.” I smirked, holding my head high.
“No, I didn’t…”
“You like me.” I repeated, staring him down
“Cy, don’t you dare twist me words…”
I nodded my head and began to walk away “It’s all cool, it’s nice having you boyfriends dad’s approval.”
“Cy!” he sternly let out, trying to get me to stop.
Carter shot me a curious look as I sat back down next to him “What was that about?”
“I jus got your father’s blessing” I shrugged, leaning back “Our parents are onto us.”
“You’re joking.” He smiled, not sure what to think.
“Nope” I shook “He said were too obvious.”
Carter thought it over but shook his head “What?”
“Go ask him.” I shrugged with a smile “he likes me now.” Carter glare grew a little more skeptical as he heard my words “Okay maybe not that, but he knows…and by the way Nancy is starin at us…I think they know too.”
“So are you going to talk to them about it?” he poked, with a supportive smile.
“No” I shook, watching the judge take a seat “not until all of this shit is over anyway.”
He went to speak, but the judge told everyone to find their seats before he could. Before I knew it I was sitting in the front row, family next to me, Carter behind me…and Ro across the room. I’ve never wanted them to be in the same room as him…to even see him…but this will be the last time it ever happens…the last time Ro is anywhere without a prison suit on.
An hour or two of constant debate seemed to pass until finally Tak was called to the stand…honestly, I don’t even know why they had to call him…everything was going fine, why drag an 11 year old into this? Why risk hurting him more than Ro already has?
The prosecution went pretty easy on him, but the defense grilled him in any effort to earn a light side of Ro. They hit him hard on his birth family, where he grew up...they tried to paint Ro as someone who was taking in kids to help them…to give them a home, and gang war…well that was how he was able to finance it. They said it’s twisted, and wrong, but years of the trauma that Ro has seen can do that to a person…I mean the trauma Ro has seen…what about the trauma kids like me and Tak have seen?!
When it was finally my chance to take the stand I couldn’t help but bring in the same fire that had started as I sat there.
“Can you tell us your relationship with Ro Martinez?” The prosecutor asked, looking me in the eyes, knowing I had been preparing for that question for weeks.
“He was my shot caller back in the Saints…” I began, looking off into the crowd…too scared to actually look at Ro “He recruited me when I was about 10, and taught me gang life…”
“Can you elaborate on “taught you gang life”?” The prosecutor, interrupted, connecting eyes with me.
“Objection! Leading the witness!” One of the defense lawyer cried out, seeing the threat I represented.
“overruled” the judge dismissed, wanting the jury to hear what I had to say.
“He taught me how to be a gangster…” I began, suddenly wishing Carter wasn’t in the crowd “How to measure out crystal meth, how to price a woman, how to pimp a woman…how to beat a woman” I felt my eyes hit the floor as I realized the weight of my words “how to lie, how to shoot a gun, how to stab someone, how to make someone scared…how to hold a city hostage in fear.”
“What do you mean by that last part?” The lawyer continued, feeling the effect of my words spread through the jury “To hold a city hostage in fear?”
“When I was a Saint…the Southside was terrified of me…if some of you are from there, you’ve heard of me.” I let out looking at the jury “He’s who taught me how to be so scary…he’s who taught me to torture people, to carve them up with a knife, to burn them with fire…everythin.” I gulped, sparing the court room the details.
“Where there any time he introduced you to illegal substances?” The prosecutor continued, seeing the nail I was driving into Ro’s coffin.
I slowly nodded my head “When I was younger what I did would keep me awake...or I wouldn want to do it...he would give me weed or alcohol to help me sleep or give me motivation to do stuff.”
“And has that carried over into your life outside of the saints?”
Once more I nodded my head and looked over to the jury “I don’t sleep anymore…all I see is the stuff I did…or even worse, the times Ro beat me. What you see on my face, that’s just the beginnin…my chest…” I paused, having to force out the rest of my words “there ain’t a part of it that doesn’t have a scar.”
“Objection!” the defense team shouted once more “Inflammation!”
“Sustained” the judge accepted, looking towards the prosecutor, who happily wrapped up having finished what he needed me to say.
“When you say he recruited you, did you go to him, or did he go to you?” the defense team asked, as they began with their questions.
“Both” I answered, looking at the new lawyer “He tried to recruit me cause I can climb, I said no…but I wound up havin to join anyway.”
“And you had to join because you had been orphaned, stabbed, and needed a new home?” The lawyer poked as his plan started to take from.
“Objection” the prosecutor called out “Leading the witness.”
“Sustained” the judge nodded…but what did it matter…he said the point he needed to, it’s not like the jury can unhear it.
“Would you say Ro welcomed you in when no one else would?” the defending lawyer prodded, forcing eye contact with me.
“No” I shook quickly denying it “Try and paint that picture all you want, but I wasn’t a helpless kid…I was a thief…I coulda survived on my own…”
“So then Ro didn’t make you into the threat you were?” The lawyer quickly pressured before I could finish my statement.
“He did” I argued, starting to grow irritated “I was just a thief back then…he turned me into a gangster. I didn’t even know woman could be sold before I met him.”
“What we have here is the case of a very angry teen, who’s looking to pin the blame on someone else because he’s too immature to take on the responsibility of his own actions…” the defending lawyer began, as the prosecution team began to scream out different objections “This kid was dangerous on his own right, eager to make his own name…the defendant had nothing to do with his notoriously brutal behavior.”
“Objection!” The prosecutor finally screamed loud enough to stop the defending lawyer from talking “Argumentative! I’m not going to sit here and watch this aggressive behavior towards my witness!”
“Sustained.” the judge nodded “Watch your speech to the witness, or you will be removed.” The Judge grunted towards the defense team “I remind the jury that Riley Walker is 16 years old, and has been recorded in gang life since 11. If he possesses the ability to make his own choices without outside influences…that is your conclusion to make.”
“Sorry your honor” the defense lawyer smiled, knowing he had at least taken a bit of my credit down with him “My last question for you, Mr. Walker. Is it true that your father David Walker is imprisoned for murder?” Once more the prosecution began to scream “Perhaps your actions were not taught, but were hereditary.”
“Sustained” the judge waived before the prosecutor could even finish “Mr. Walker please take your seat. I will not let this case become a joke…” the judge warned, as I left the stand and began to walk back to my family “And I will not let a 16 year old get dragged into the mud just so the defense can try and make points.”
For the first time all day my eyes met Ro’s…instead of backing down like I thought I would…instead of being scared…I kept my eyes on his and held my head high. I wanted him to know that I was proud of what I had just done…that despite his best attempts, he didn’t scare me…he had tried to raise me not to talk to cops, or to ever take the stand against any brother…but he’s not my brother…he was an abusive adult in my life...and I’ll be damned before I let him get any more say in it. The stare down seemed to radiate through the court as even members of the jury watched it. Mentor vs student, shotcaller vs lieutenant…Ro vs Riley.
Another hour or two passed of court and deliberation before the Jury finally had their answer. Through it all my family and Carter did their best to support me…to help me and Tak relax in what we had said...but I wish they had never seen that side of me…I wish I could keep everything I used to do in the dark, in a place they could never see. When I first got here I used to scream my crimes from the rooftops…its funny how things change.
The court room grew eerily quiet as the jury made their way back into it. “Has the jury reached an answer?” The judge asked, ready to call it a day
“We the jury find Ro Martinez guilty of all counts” The foreman read off “And sentence him to life in prison.” I felt my family begin to jump with excitement…but me…the kid who has the most to celebrate…well I still couldn’t find happiness in it.
“Before Mr. Martinez is removed” The judge began “I would like to give Riley Walker or Takbir Mohammad the chance to confront him. A lot of people suffered at the hands of Mr. Martinez, and undoubtedly these 2 make up a fraction of those people.”
I looked to Tak, but he shook his head no…I could tell it was too much for him…too much for someone so young. I held my head high and slowly walked out of the small bench and up to the prosecution mic, right near Ro.
“Since I was a kid, you’ve tried to control me…” I began as I locked eyes with him “You beat me mercilessly, cut me, tattooed me, branded me and did everythin in your power to keep me under your foot. You forced me to drink and smoke when I was too young to know what it all meant, and taught me to use anger to solve my problems. Worst of all, you tried to tell me you would be the only person who ever had any use for me…you told me you would be the only person who ever needed me.” I smirked, keeping my eyes on his “But that’s where you crossed the line. You buried me...you had no idea I was a seed. You let me get arrested, you let them take me away, so that you could walk free. Thank you for that.” I let out as my smirk grew into a smile
“If you didn do that I would’ve died another gang member, but by letting me get arrested, you handed me over to my family…to the people who watered me, and I fuckin grew. I grew in ways you never considered, and these past few weeks when I came back…when you had me in your hands…you didn realize the threat I had become.” I took a breath as I saw anger grow in his eyes “You let your hunger for power and turf get the best of you. If you had ordered a run when people was in the clubhouse, I woulda been screwed…but you made the mistake of underestimating me…of going for everything at once…and now I’m buryin you.” I leaned forward and challenged him to try something “But I know you ain’t a seed, you a sad, pathetic, has-been, that abuses kids to try and feel strong.” I took a breath and raised my eyebrows, knowing exactly what he was planning “have fun rottin in a cage…I’m gonna undo every horrible thing you did to the southside, and I’ll make amends so big that they forget you ever existed”
For the last time I would ever see, Ro’s anger got the best of him. He broke free of the guards around him and rushed me. I took the hits just like I had a million times before, except this time I started hitting back. I was only able to get one or two shots in, before the guards pulled him off. I stood up and spit a combination of spit and freshly drawn blood on him. Standing tall and strong, showing him his abuse wasn’t going to get the better of me…not today.
Without even hesitating Nancy grabbed me by the back of my suit and pulled me close…I know Tak’s the youngest…but I have a feeling I’ll always be her baby. Finally after a good minute she let me go, and ran her hand against my bleeding lip.
“I’m fine mom” I groaned, worried how bad her overreaction was going to be.
“Walter…” She shook looking at him
He let out a long sigh and took a look at the blood on my face “What do you want me to do Nancy? Get him a longer sentence than life?”
I rolled my eyes and pushed past them to a nervous Carter who had been watching for hours “You just love trouble don’t you?” he let out, quickly hugging me.
“It tends to follow me.” I smiled, with a shrug of my shoulders.
He pulled away, and took a good look at me “Are you ready for tomorrow?”
“I don’t know” I shook “Maybe Owen will man up and do the right thing.”
“Don’t bank on it.” Carter exhaled, reflecting on how weak he is “The judge will see you did the right thing, they’ll know you had no choice…and then the next day we have the finals.”
“We’re gonna win” I dismissed, not even worried about basketball “No one’s even made it close to us, we the warriors.” Since I got back the team has really clicked on all cylinders. People I play against are even more scared of me than they were before…now there’s new rumors going around about Riley Walker…and for whatever reason they’re even crazier than the first batch.
“Ah so you’re Curry?” he teased, taking my mind off all the stress of the day.
“We both know I’m Green” I giggled, happily gazing into his eyes…okay maybe this is what Mr. Williams meant by we’re obvious…but hell…now that it’s out to our families…what do we care? “So you’ll be there tomorrow?”
“Yup” he confidently nodded “Me and my Dad…he’ll pull some string if he has to.”
“Oh yeah?” I asked, looking over at the man who was now talking with my parents.
“Yeah” Carter nodded, shifting from his dad to the small boy between my parents “And that’s Takbir?”
“Mhm” I hummed, calling the young boy over “Tak this is me and Aaron’s best friend Carter.”
The young boy clung to me, jarred by seeing Ro’s anger one last time “Hi” Carter squatted down to get on his level “You know, I just met a boy who got adopted from the Southside a few months ago?”
“What was he like?” Tak asked, not understanding who he was talking about.
Carter smiled at his innocent and looked up at me “He was rough around the edges at first…he got in a lot of trouble, and even started a fight…but before I knew it…before he knew it…he had the world in his hands…and now…now he’s become a hero.”
“You’re talking about Riley!” Tak finally caught on looking up at me “Do you think I’m gonna be a hero one day?”
“I’m not a hero” I laughed off, rustling his short hair “And yeah, if you really want to be…you can be whatever you want little man.”
He slowly narrowed in his eyes as a serious look overtook his face “but what if they take me away?”
“We won’t let them.” I dismissed, as my own smile began to fade “Look at me…” I instructed as he looked down “When have I ever failed?”
The young boy’s eyes met mine and he shook his head “Never” he let out “Even when you got caught, you got the job done…how many tallys you got?”
“Somethin close to 300” I confessed keeping eye contact with him “I think I have one left to add too.”
“From rescuin me and the other guy?” Tak asked as I nodded my head.
“Tak, what do they mean?” Carter asked, hoping to finally get the answer.
“Tak don’t you…” I began, seeing the young boy smile once more.
“How many jobs he did.” Tak quickly answered, giving away the secret “He’s done that many runs.”
“Last night was the last time you stayin in me and Aaron’s room” I shook, pushing him back towards our parents.
The 2 began to laugh as my pout only grew. Seeing Carter this good with someone so young…it gives me hope. I don’t know if I’ll ever be good enough with kids to have some of my own, but he is…and maybe, maybe he can teach me. I don’t want kids for a while, but they wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world…besides that dream…if that could happen…let’s just say there was a reason it felt like heaven.
That night flashbacks of Ro where the least of my worries. I couldn’t stand the idea that they would take Tak away from us…that the courts would even consider the ideas. I looked at the young boy who laid asleep next to me, the one who was slowly wrapping the house around his finger by using his big eyes to his advantage. There’s no doubt in my mind he would’ve never survived on the streets…it’s just not a place for kids as niave and innocent as him. For whatever reason he looks for the light side on everything…he’s always smiling and laughing…he’s accepted Nancy and Walter as his parents within his 2nd week here…and his teachers at his new school say he’s behind, but that they love having him. He’s not a hood rat…he’s an 11 year old boy looking for a home.
As the sun rose so did my determination. No one’s going to take him from us…not while I’m around.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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