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Cards on the Table

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Kendall, at 25, puts all his cards on the table and walks away from his best friend, Michael. Being a cop hasn't prepared Michael for the hit he takes. Is there a way back for these two?

This is a story about love and the convoluted ways it sometimes takes to get there. It is also about commitment, friendship and trust, in yourself and in others. This is my first story attempt ever.  It is like plunging into ice cold water and finding out whether you have what it takes to swim to the other side before you sink....kind of like the way love sometimes works. Wish me luck. I will try not to waste your time.
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.

Story Recommendations (15 members)

  • Action Packed 8
  • Addictive/Pacing 14
  • Characters 15
  • Chills 5
  • Cliffhanger 7
  • Compelling 9
  • Feel-Good 8
  • Humor 8
  • Smoldering 9
  • Tearjerker 8
  • Unique 10
  • World Building 8

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40 minutes ago, Timothy M. said:

:blink: But...but if you hadn't, we wouldn't have had Morningstar or Finding Refuge or all your other wonderful stories. Even though we miss the CotT story, the long hiatus didn't happen because you stopped writing altogether. Don't feel guilty, you'll get back to them sooner or later. :hug: 

Says the man who currently has five on-going series and at least one ‘complete’ single-chapter story that reads like the first chapter of a new, unwritten series…

But I love you both anyway!

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1 hour ago, Timothy M. said:

:blink: But...but if you hadn't, we wouldn't have had Morningstar or Finding Refuge or all your other wonderful stories. Even though we miss the CotT story, the long hiatus didn't happen because you stopped writing altogether. Don't feel guilty, you'll get back to them sooner or later. :hug: 

Thanks, Tim. :heart:  No, that's true, and at the time I really did need to get some of those stories out of my head and on to paper/screen. And, the truth is, at one time I had intended to get them into their new house as the final act, and maybe that is the big reason there is a hurdle to get over now.

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1 hour ago, Cachondeo said:

No, no, no...not over cuddling the author!! They gave us a lot of wonderful stories, yes! The shoulder surgery and physiotherapy are looming over the horizon, yes! (but seriously best wishes with that🤞🏻) but don’t tell them not to feel guilty, man! I’m counting on them feeling bad about that, guilt is a powerful tool! 

I want to now the baby’s sex! It’s been so many months is gonna be an elephant...

If you spoil the author rot they will quit on us all together! A firm fan, I mean hand is what they need!


All jokes apart, get better, find the inspiration you need and resurrect  this wonderful story (a personal favourite), pbeeeeeaaaase!!!!😫🙏🏻

Much love to you💋

You do have a point... guilt is a powerful weapon... bad, bad author, Gary. :P  Thanks, Cachondeo! :hug: 

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1 hour ago, droughtquake said:

Says the man who currently has five on-going series and at least one ‘complete’ single-chapter story that reads like the first chapter of a new, unwritten series…

But I love you both anyway!

Shush... don't pick on my editor. :P  We love you too, drought. :hug: 

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8 hours ago, droughtquake said:

Says the man who currently has five on-going series and at least one ‘complete’ single-chapter story that reads like the first chapter of a new, unwritten series…

But I love you both anyway!

:blushing: hangs head in shame

I know, and I do feel guilty, but at least I am writing again - which at some point last year didn't seem likely at all. :no: 

But I can still maintain Gary shouldn't feel terribly guilty over having just ONE Incomplete story, even if it is his main one.

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1 hour ago, Timothy M. said:

:blushing: hangs head in shame

I know, and I do feel guilty, but at least I am writing again - which at some point last year didn't seem likely at all. :no: 

But I can still maintain Gary shouldn't feel terribly guilty over having just ONE Incomplete story, even if it is his main one.

Hey, don’t be ashamed! You should always remember that most of the rest of us have written zero stories. That’s why some of us have zero stories in limbo right now.

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36 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

Hey, don’t be ashamed! You should always remember that most of the rest of us have written zero stories. That’s why some of us have zero stories in limbo right now.

Sorry, please forgive me. It wasn’t my intention to guilt trip anyone (or was it?☺️) it just that sometimes I fell in love with some of the stories and I get like a dog with a bone! 

I’m still not over the fact that Dom Luca  went awol and it’s been what...almost a decade now? So you see it’s hard for me to let go😔

Edited by Cachondeo
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8 hours ago, Timothy M. said:

:blushing: hangs head in shame

I know, and I do feel guilty, but at least I am writing again - which at some point last year didn't seem likely at all. :no: 

But I can still maintain Gary shouldn't feel terribly guilty over having just ONE Incomplete story, even if it is his main one.

I, as well as many, many others, are happy you're writing again. You have a brilliant imagination, and your well-written stories reflect that. But, yeah, I am guilty, and deserve a little bit of asskicking. It is what it is. :)  

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7 hours ago, droughtquake said:

Hey, don’t be ashamed! You should always remember that most of the rest of us have written zero stories. That’s why some of us have zero stories in limbo right now.


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7 hours ago, Cachondeo said:

Sorry, please forgive me. It wasn’t my intention to guilt trip anyone (or was it?☺️) it just that sometimes I fell in love with some of the stories and I get like a dog with a bone! 

I’m still not over the fact that Dom Luca  went awol and it’s been what...almost a decade now? So you see it’s hard for me to let go😔

Don't be sorry. I take it as a compliment. A lot of readers feel the same way, and I'm proud of the story, even with its loose ends. At 326,000 words, it is an accomplishment, and I do take some solace in leaving them is such a good place... getting Michael and Kendall (and Nate and Lily and Rose) into their dream home took a tremendous amount of work. That said, readers deserve for it to be wrapped up. So do I. :heart: 

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On 5/10/2019 at 5:27 AM, Headstall said:

Thanks, Tim. :heart:  No, that's true, and at the time I really did need to get some of those stories out of my head and on to paper/screen. And, the truth is, at one time I had intended to get them into their new house as the final act, and maybe that is the big reason there is a hurdle to get over now.

So write the final chapter of their first day in the house as being the beginning of a new life for them and their combined family!  Then we all can write sparkling reviews of CotT.  Also, you don't want to wait much longer or the baby will be ready to register for classes in middle school within days of his birth.  Having read Song and Dance as well as the Sidewinder series, I know you have the ability to handle this problem.  First, give up on the rewrite.  It..is..not..needed. CotT is an amazing first novel and stands great on its own as written.  Second, by ending it here, you have some options still available to continue the story and its wonderful family of characters.  You can choose a storyline thread you like and feels ready to be written. Then write it like you did in Song and Dance.  As the characters create their own story, you might be inspired to more stories like that or begin a sequel to CotT.  

By the way, I am definitely enjoying the time to read many of the stories you wrote during the time you took to get CotT to this point.  Don't give up writing new stories!  Just enjoy writing the stories you create so lovingly for your readers. We will all survive if you don't continue this one, just don't deprive us of your wonderful imagination.

Edited by raven1
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12 hours ago, raven1 said:

So write the final chapter of their first day in the house as being the beginning of a new life for them and their combined family!  Then we all can write sparkling reviews of CotT.  Also, you don't want to wait much longer or the baby will be ready to register for classes in middle school within days of his birth.  Having read Song and Dance as well as the Sidewinder series, I know you have the ability to handle this problem.  First, give up on the rewrite.  It..is..not..needed. CotT is an amazing first novel and stands great on its own as written.  Second, by ending it here, you have some options still available to continue the story and its wonderful family of characters.  You can choose a storyline thread you like and feels ready to be written. Then write it like you did in Song and Dance.  As the characters create their own story, you might be inspired to more stories like that or begin a sequel to CotT.  

By the way, I am definitely enjoying the time to read many of the stories you wrote during the time you took to get CotT to this point.  Don't give up writing new stories!  Just enjoy writing the stories you create so lovingly for your readers. We will all survive if you don't continue this one, just don't deprive us of your wonderful imagination.

Thanks, raven. I wish I could force it, but that doesn't work. Wrapping up CotT would give me great peace, and I would like nothing better. I have felt such pressure, and even anger, for so long that it has become a block. I'm not going to stop trying, and while I appreciate all the advice and encouragement, I have to do it my way if I do it at all. 

I love to write, but it does take a toll, and sometimes a big one. I'm not complaining... just stating a fact for me. I consider it a win if I write anything at all. Writing "Sidewinder" for example was a constant battle (pandemic fatigue), and I wasn't even sure I would publish it in the end. 

It's hard to explain the inner angst I can feel with regards to CotT, but it is very real. Still... I hope people can understand this is not something I enjoy. The more I try to explain, the more I feel that angst, which feeds that block. I'm just appreciative there are readers who continue to read my stuff. Thank you, my friend, for all your support. it does inspire me. :hug:  

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8 hours ago, Headstall said:

Thanks, raven. I wish I could force it, but that doesn't work. Wrapping up CotT would give me great peace, and I would like nothing better. I have felt such pressure, and even anger, for so long that it has become a block. I'm not going to stop trying, and while I appreciate all the advice and encouragement, I have to do it my way if I do it at all. 

I love to write, but it does take a toll, and sometimes a big one. I'm not complaining... just stating a fact for me. I consider it a win if I write anything at all. Writing "Sidewinder" for example was a constant battle (pandemic fatigue), and I wasn't even sure I would publish it in the end. 

It's hard to explain the inner angst I can feel with regards to CotT, but it is very real. Still... I hope people can understand this is not something I enjoy. The more I try to explain, the more I feel that angst, which feeds that block. I'm just appreciative there are readers who continue to read my stuff. Thank you, my friend, for all your support. it does inspire me. :hug:  

My main advice is to write whatever makes you happy.  I joke a lot with you, but am dead serious now.  I will continue to do my best to support and inspire you.  :hug:

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3 minutes ago, raven1 said:

My main advice is to write whatever makes you happy.  I joke a lot with you, but am dead serious now.  I will continue to do my best to support and inspire you.  :hug:

Thanks, raven. I can't ask for more than that. Finishing CotT would make me happy... and if I can, I will. :hug:  

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Hi Gary!  I am curious why you are keeping the story on long term hold.  If you mark it complete, then we all can add reviews! It's fine as it is without adding more to the story. Leave the  future to the imaginations of your readers.😄

Edited by raven1
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10 minutes ago, raven1 said:

Hi Gary!  I am curious why you are keeping the story on long term hold.  If you mark it complete, then we all can add reviews! It's fine as it is without adding more to the story. Leave the  future to the imaginations of your readers.😄

I'm just not ready to give up yet. As happy as I am with where the characters are, I still want to give it a proper ending. But thanks, Terry, for saying it doesn't need it. :hug: 

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