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  • Valkyrie

    Write, Write, Write!

    By Valkyrie

    The deadline for the 2024 anthology is just about two weeks away, which is not too late to submit a story to the proof team!  Here are a few tips about participating in the anthology: Stories can be as short as 1,000 words The link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to hit us over the head.  So, keep that in mind if the theme isn't speaking to you.  Participating in the anthology is a great way to get new readers.  A lot of people read all the anthology stories, so i

Wayne's Prompts

Thank you to everyone that submitted a prompt reply to Comicfan's final prompts before we lost him   I think we had 5 submissions and each one of them are amazing. I imagine if Wayne had any relatives that were aware of his large participation on site, they would be happy to see that people submitted. I know I'm proud of everyone ❤️ So as mentioned, we wanted to hear your favourite prompts from the past, and we would re-feature them and see if you want to continue on if you already sen


wildone in Prompts

My Daily Bread Crumbs 29 Jul

July 29th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Lazarus of Bethany Lupus of Troyes Martha of Bethany (Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Church) Mary of Bethany Olaf II of Norway Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix July 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Earliest day on which Somer's Day can fall, while August 4 is the latest; celebrated on Frida


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 17

My Daily Bread Crumbs 28 Jul

July 28th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Alphonsa Muttathupadathu (Syro-Malabar Catholic Church) Botvid Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frederick Handel, Henry Purcell (Episcopal Church commemoration) Johann Sebastian Bach, Heinrich Schütz, George Frederick Handel (Lutheran commemoration) Nazarius and Celsus Pedro Poveda Castroverde Pope Innocent I


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My Daily Bread Crumbs 27 Jul

July 27th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Arethas (Western Christianity) Aurelius and Natalia and companions of the Martyrs of Córdoba. Maurus, Pantalemon, and Sergius Pantaleon Seven Sleepers of Ephesus (Roman Martyrology) National Sleepy Head Day (Finland) Theobald of Marly Blessed Titus Brandsma, O.Carm.


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My Daily Bread Crumbs 26 Jul

July 26th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Andrew of Phú Yên Anne (Western Christianity) Bartolomea Capitanio Blessed Maria Pierina Joachim (Western Christianity) Paraskevi of Rome (Eastern Orthodox Church) Venera July 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Day of National Significance (Barbados) Day of the National Rebel


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 14

July's CSR Feature: Stories Written on Lined Paper Discussion Day

Well, this month was a little different with an anthology of sorts by a single author, giving you the chance to pick and choose among the stories if you weren't up to reading all of them. Make sure you share your thoughts in the comments below, but first, enjoy this interview where Drew spills all (including what story he cameos in... can you guess which one before you read it?) Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? Yes, I try to get my five portions a day. What’s a good meal without

My Daily Bread Crumbs 25 Jul

July 25th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Anne (Eastern Christianity) Christopher (Western Christianity) Cucuphas Glodesind James the Great (Western Christianity) John I Agnus Julian of Le Mans (translation) Magnerich of Trier July 25 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Earliest day on which Father's Day can fall,


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Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 18 - Jul. 24)

Hello Everyone   We missed a weekly update last week as we felt it was best to honour Wayne through the weekend.  We also had a really, Really, REALLY Big Announcement this week   Monday things got back to normal with Cia presenting our Classic Author of the month (psst, you didn't hear it here  but Monday is @shadowgod's birthday. He is affectionately known as Steve1): That meant on Wednesday, Cia was back with the Classic Author Excerpt: Thursday was that big announc


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

My Daily Bread Crumbs 24 Jul

July 24th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Carnival of Awussu (Tunisia) Children's Day (Vanuatu) Christian feast day: Charbel (Maronite Church/Catholic Church) Christina the Astonishing Christina of Bolsena Declán of Ardmore John Boste Kinga (or Cunegunda) of Poland Martyrs of Daimiel Menefrida of Cornwall Sigolena of Albi


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Bread Crumbs 23 Jul

July 23rd - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Birthday of Haile Selassie (Rastafari) Children's Day (Indonesia) Christian feast day: Bridget of Sweden Heiromartyr Phocas (Eastern Orthodox) John Cassian (Western Christianity) Liborius of Le Mans Margarita María Mercè Prat i Prat Rasyphus and Ravennus July 23 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 11

Final Prompts from Comicfan

We're not ready to let go of Comicfan as our resident prompt genius, so we are featuring his last prompts again, Prompt 892 and 893. If you would like, you can take a stab at either one for a lasting memorial to Wayne. Anyone that wants to, please post a prompt in honour of Wayne. I've created topics for each one of them, 892 and 893. Let us know in the below comments which one you did .   Prompt 892 - Creative  Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - a storm


wildone in Prompts

Bread Crumbs 22 Jul

July 22nd - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Birthday of the Late King Sobhuza (Swaziland) Christian feast day: Abd-al-Masih Joseph of Tiberias (or of Palestine) Markella Mary Magdalene Nohra (Maronite Church) July 22 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Earliest day on which Parents' Day can fall, while 28 July is the latest; celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July. (Uni


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 10

GA's Newest Signature Author: Mrsgnomie

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Mrsgnomie as GA's newest Signature Author! While Mrsgnomie has only been a member of GA for three years, in that time she's written some very popular stories including Boss Nanny and Tied up in Knotts. If you want to check out her stories, please visit her author page. It's definitely worth a visit! Congratulations Mrsgnomie on your well deserved promotion.                    


Graeme in News Archive

My Daily Bread Crumbs July 21

July 21st - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Albert John Luthuli (Episcopal Church) Arbogast Barhadbesciabas Carlos of Brazil (Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church) Daniel (Catholic Church) Lawrence of Brindisi Praxedes Victor of Marseilles July 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Liberation Day in 1944 (Guam)


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