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  • Cia

    September Signature Excerpt: One Hundred Forty-Five Candles by Aditus

    By Cia

    Monday I shared the graphic feature for Aditus's story, One Hundred Forty-Five Candles, and today I'll share an excerpt. This is a very short story, so there's no excuse to miss the rest! Just... if you're going to take a stab at the recipe, maybe use a few less candles or keep an extinguisher on hand? Want to read more? Click here

My Daily Bread Crumbs 21 Aug

August 21st - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian Feast Day:              Abraham of Smolensk (Eastern Orthodox Church) Euprepius of Verona Maximilian of Antioch Our Lady of Knock Pope Pius X Sidonius Apollinaris August 21 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Ninoy Aquino Day (Philippines) Youth Day (Morocco)   Observances (click on the d


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 40

My Daily Bread Crumbs 20 Aug

August 20th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Amadour Bernard of Clairvaux Blessed Georg Häfner Heliodorus of Bet Zabdai Maria De Mattias Oswine of Deira Philibert of Jumièges Samuel (prophet) William and Catherine Booth (Church of England) August 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Feast of Asmá’ (Ba


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 39

Veggie Delivery

We signed up for weekly veggie delivery. Their mandate is to distribute fruit and vegetables that are not 'good' enough to sell to the usual markets and stores and sell them to subscribers weekly. It's $18 for the 'solo' box and $3 for delivery. So far it's been great. We've eaten everything, tried new things and enjoyed it all. We've had the most amazingly fresh food. It's cheaper and so much better than what we can purchase in our local grocery store. We've had the best peaches and cantal


Mikiesboy in My Life and Times

My Daily Bread Crumbs 19 Aug

August 19th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Afghan Independence Day, commemorates the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919, granting independence from Britain (Afghanistan) August Revolution Commemoration Day (Vietnam) Birthday of Crown Princess Mette-Marit (Norway) Christian Feast Day: Bernardo Tolomei Bertulf of Bobbio Saint Calminius Ezequiél Moreno y Díaz Feast of the Transfigur


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 38

My Daily Bread Crumbs 18 Aug

August 18th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Agapitus of Palestrina Alberto Hurtado Daig of Inniskeen Evan (or Inan) Fiacre Florus and Laurus Helena of Constantinople (Roman Catholic Church) William Porcher DuBose (Episcopal Church) August 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Arbor Day (Pakistan) Armed Forc


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 37

August Classic Author Excerpt: Little Buddha's Seeking Nirvana

So picking an excerpt for this story was a little hard. There's a lot of interesting information about Buddhism, this spiritual retreat, and the main characters. The story has a bit of romance, some drama (they are teens, after all) and a lot of struggling to the end. Will it be a happy ending? Well, the story is short so I hope you'll give it a chance. To help you decide, I've picked an excerpt that gives you both a taste of the characters and the world they are immersed in for the week. 


Cia in Classic Feature

My Daily Bread Crumbs 17 Aug

August 17th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Clare of Montefalco[18] Hyacinth of Poland[19] Jeanne Delanoue[20] Samuel Johnson, Timothy Cutler, and Thomas Bradbury Chandler (Episcopal Church)[21] August 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Engineer's Day (Colombia) Flag Day (Bolivia) Independence Day, celebrates the independence proclamation of Indone


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My Daily Bread Crumbs 16 Aug

August 16th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Bennington Battle Day (Vermont, United States) Children's Day (Paraguay) Christian feast day: Ana Petra Pérez Florido Armel (Armagillus) Diomedes of Tarsus Roch Stephen I of Hungary Translation of the Acheiropoietos icon from Edessa to Constantinople. (Eastern Orthodox Church) August 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgic


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 35

August Classic Author Feature: Little Buddha's Seeking Nirvana

This month I'm sure we're all a little stressed and can use some peace. How about checking out this short Classic Author read? Length: 12,151 Description: Nicky goes to a Zen meditation retreat, searching for enlightenment, but what will he find? A reader said: This was really great! I was so happy to read a story that is so different from the norm! ~ CassieQ If you want to spread the word about Little BuddhaTW's story, download the graphic below and add it to your sign


Cia in Classic Feature

My Daily Bread Crumbs 15 Aug

August 15th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Armed Forces Day (Poland) Christian feast day: Altfrid Alypius of Thagaste Feast day of the Assumption of Mary, one of the Catholic holy days of obligation. (a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, France, some states in Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Lux


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My Daily Bread Crumbs 14 Aug

August 14th - Holidays and Observances (click on the day for details) Christian feast day: Arnold of Soissons[254] Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia[255] Eusebius of Rome[256] Jonathan Myrick Daniels (Episcopal Church)[257] Maximilian Kolbe[258] Falklands Day is the celebration of the first sighting of the Falkland Islands by John Davis in 1592.[259]   Observances (click on the day or week for detail


sandrewn in Bread Crumbs 33

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 8 - Apr. 14)

Hey all, have you ever used the expression I'll be back in jiffy, or hold on for a jiffy? If you have, you are a bold faced liar . How dare you . So I was going through a page of absolutely useless trivia and some are interesting. It turns out that a jiffy is an actual measurement of time, based on the amount of time it takes light to travel one centimeter in a vacuum  That is a trillioneth of a second!! This was defined by Gilbert Newton Lewis in the 18/19th century. Now why am I telling you th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Updates (and a bit about health, too)

Started new treatment last week after a couple of difficult weeks when I was in and out of hospital. I don't let it disrupt my writing schedule though. Pleased to say I averaged 1,500 words a day whether inside or back home. It's weird being in hospital. You get institutionalised so fast. The food is pretty dreadful, but thankfully the hospital near me has a Marks & Spencer food hall on site, so I was able to add some taste to the unappealing stodge with such goodies as feta and beetroot sal


Mawgrim in Health

Cassarole for a Dinner on the Grounds

Many Protestant denominations have a wonderful tradition called Dinner on the Grounds. That alone is enough to give you religion but, I digress. It's often held in late summer or early fall so the bounty of farms and gardens can be shared with friends and neighbors. Many a little old church lady... ...will don her blue wig and show off her best recipes. This is why there are no anorexic Baptists. If you would like a taste of this heavenly goodness without the associated hymns and


JamesSavik in recipes, southern

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