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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass
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New beginnings

SP and I bought promise / engagement rings today. His is 10mm wide - 6mm black band in the center, with two small silver bands on the outside, spaced slightly off the main ring; mine is a 6mm black band.  It was good.   We did not go to the cemetery today like I had originally thought I would. The last two years I had very strong "intuition" on what day and time I should be there. This year... nothing. That really upset me yesterday; then felt bad about being upset about it when SP and

Fae Briona

Fae Briona

Time Out

I just had a really bad weekend. It started on Friday and it was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right. Work was annoying, people not listening and not doing things that they said they were going to.  My lunch hour I tried to work on editing a chapter and ended up some inserting a three paragraph header onto every page. My 180 page story became almost 300 pages and was all messed up.  It didn't get any better at home. My husband knocked over a glass of Powerade onto the ti



May CSR Discussion Day: Timber Pack Chronicles by Rob Colton

Okay, so I usually do an intro, but seriously? Do you care about what I have to say? No.... really? I'm hurt! 😢 Bah! Fine, I'll just post this awesome interview where Rob gives some AMAZING news that has me rubbing my hands and will make all of you clamor with your comments about the story and his news below. What, you want to know what it is? Really? Should I share? Shhhhould I? 😛 If you were an animal, what would you be? That’s a tough one, but I think the easy answer would be bear,

The rheal

Do you really want to know who I am? Or do you want the carefully edited version of who I want you to see? Of who I expect you'll want to see? Because the real me? Well, he's doughtful, and questi0oning, and drunk, and scared. And he doesn't really know what tomorrow will bnring. Reality is niot clean or carefully designed. It simply is. And if you can't handle  that, then you should unfollow this imperfect vessel. And maybe follow someone who will more careully alighn himselrf wi

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Necromancer done

Thank you to everyone who read, commented and liked my first novella!! ✨🎉 Necromancer is done. Please recommend or review and all that other stuff people can do on here. Now onto the important topic of novella number two... there's no use being coy about the title seeing as all the covers are visible. Still I'd like some comments or something to know that people are eager for what's to come next.  Do you really want it?  Or should I delay and do some info teasing for hype or whatevers?



Weekly Wrap Up May 17 - 23

Happy Memorial Day to all our American friends!!  As Elen said, it is time to pull out your bikinis and use them as face masks   Now, I am not suggesting that you put the tops on your top and your bottoms on your face  You might get arrested and for me personally, I don't need to see that . What about your neck of the woods, is it bikini weather yet? I'd ask everyone to post pictures of themselves in their bikinis but I'm scared what I would get sent in   Shall we move on from bikinis


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

So You Want to Be a Better Writer?

Readers for the most part are here to read. Not help us improve. Nothing wrong with that and mostly it's all good. That's the big draw on GA, the interactions with others. It's brilliant. I love the comments readers leave. But there really is no book or magic beans or contract with the devil which will make you a better writer. So how to improve? First you need some talent for the written word. Second and maybe the biggest thing is: Authors have to improve themselves.  It is



Prompt 844 and Prompt 845

Here it comes again, just when I've begun to get myself together. Here is another Friday and another set of prompts. Let's jump right into them. Prompt 844 - Creative Tag  - Royalty Having been laid off from your job you decide to play around online. You order a DNA test from one of the online ancestry sites and begin to fill in your family tree with the few facts you have. A week and a half later you get your results and an official letter from a small country you'd never heard o


comicfan in Prompts

What I Want

I read about what people say about lockdown and this pandemic. I watch my beautiful boy suffer from sadness he doesn't understand. Watch him choke back tears he doesn't know why he's crying. In the dark of night I hold him close when his dreams are bad and when he needs the comfort of my skin.  I listen to people complain about how hard it is. How they want normal back.  I wonder what normal is gonna look like? I am lucky that I have tim with me. Lucky that I can hold him close an



May Classic Author Feature: All I Wanted by Viv

May is a month of seasonal changes. Here in the northern hemisphere, the flowers and blooming and love is in the air.  Time for a romance? Or maybe I can tempt you away to a darker pursuits with this Halloween short story, All I Wanted by @viv from the 2006 Fall Anthology. I know someone was certainly tempting someone in the tale.... Length: 9,732 Description: Okay so I can admit it, I’m a freak. It’s official, and I say that only because it’s true. Sitting here, waiting for the


Cia in Classic Feature

Finding Gratefulness

i have a "Grateful Jar" and it's been a little lonely lately. i'm finding being grateful is a little harder these days, with so much “taken away.”  i thought about that tonight while i re-read some blogs, poems and stories here. Looking back at what people have written, stories about hardship, blogs about overcoming obstacles. i heard the kids hanging out together while Phil and i were on the couch. It was a combination that had me thinking about what i have, what makes me happy. i am



The Dark Beginning of the Sojourney

It's been years since the last time I wrote a story (I've written poems in between, however).  There was this story fragment that started off with the main character trying to jump off Golden Gate Bridge, but it was never finished.  It was very emotionally taxing to say the least, and the amount of research done on suicide eventually lead me to give up.  My life experience just wasn't there, and my own emotional state wasn't the best either to carry on such stake. The story idea has been re



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