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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass
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2020 Spring Anthology: The Storm & Full Moon *Set 1* - NOW LIVE

Anybody ready for some new stories?  We have some great offerings for you as part of the 2020 Spring Anthology. Wondering when the anthologies would start to go live? Well, wait no more!  Today we have 3 stories for you to enjoy, and each week I will make another set live. Now, before we get to the stories, we had a bit of an incentive this go around. Every author who submitted a story into the anthology received an entry in a drawing. I added all the names onto random.com and randomized the lis

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Ask an Author 2.0 #32

Last month’s installment of “Ask An Author” was one of the most popular ever based on the number of comments from readers. Not sure we can match the response, but this month’s question is just as fascinating. Let’s see what some of the Author/editors on Gay Authors have to say. Participants were selected by the member asking the question, and they're featured in alphabetical order. ҉҉҉҉҉ Amateur writing can have some differences, and no one is perfect. As many of us on GA are, I a

Character Art - Silver Cyclone

It’s been a rough couple of weeks, mentally. I’m not in the right headspace to get any writing/editing done, so I apologize for that. That being said, the stay at home order had me itching to put my brain to use, so I recently started a Udemy class on character art. Drawing is always something I wished I could do, and I’m really impressed with my progress so far. I like doing the assignments, and it feels like a formal online class. Pretty much the exact kind of distraction in need right now. 



Ceramic Flowers dusted

Thanks guys to all who are leaving feedback!  Please review if you liked it 😳 Ceramic Flowers caused more controversy and comments than my first novella did, though it has less followers and reviews. But maybe that will change as the story is only now completed. So far requests for novella number four have been for something lighter and with a less abrupt ending. I actually have lots of online stories, some completed and some not, but they don't compare in quality to my novellas becaus



June CSR Feature: Here Kitty, Kitty by Caz Pedroso

Welcome to June! It's a nice, long.......... month. Yay? Well, no matter what your circumstances, there's a great way to keep yourself occupied! Read Caz Pedroso's novel Here Kitty, Kitty. A paranormal tale that started off of one of my games (you're welcome, lol) she took is so far beyond that prompt and made an awesome tale for readers to enjoy. So... enjoy!  Here Kitty, Kitty by @Caz Pedroso   Length: 56,464 Description: This started as a story for the Grid Game and h

Please Stay Calm and Stay Safe

I am very saddened by the events rolled out lately.  It's not the first time there are protests over police brutality, but it's been a good while since some violence of this scale rolled out.  The city I live in is currently under emergency curfew due to civil unrest.  It is not a time to place blame.  It is a time to reflect, how we could do things differently, using each of our very limited influence, so there is a future for younger generation. I just want people to stay inside and be sa



Weekly Wrap Up (May 24 - May 30)

Well excusssssse me  Seriously, I need to apologize ahead of time. I've been on a wee bit of a vacation this past week and I wanted to take tonight off, so I can do some social distancing visiting with some friends. We will be 6 feet apart in his back yard with a fire pit between us. All of us are on the bit shy of meeting up, but as a group, we decided lets give this a try but practicing everything we can, which is a heck of a lot more that what I see others doing in the grocery stores  


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Prompt 846 and Prompt 847

Well we made it to the end of May. Who knew it could seem to last forever, but here we are. I have to admit, I have new prompts to distract you. Prompt 846 - Creative Tag - First Line "If you touch my child, I promise you, death would be considered a prize in the world of pain I'll create for you!" Prompt 847 - Creative Tag - Demon A month after signing the deal the demon shows up on your doorstep in the middle of the night. "What do you want?" You demand. "Look the


comicfan in Prompts

Why do they do that?

I don't post blog entries often. So seldom do I post here I had to look up how.   This one is a rant and if you don't feel like listening (reading) I fully understand and suggest you move on. Some of you know that last fall I managed to tear a small part of my hamstring off of the bone at the upper end.  To quote a friend, "What a pain in the ass!" Three doctors, months of limited activity, various physical therapy treatments and lots of discomfort later, the rock I sit on has got



Q&A Blog Feature 2

As Eminem would say: "guess who's back with a brand new rap?" 😂😂😂 I'm just being a dork.  Anyways I decided to upload my poetry in one big bunch for everyone as opposed to something like one poem per page cause... I don't know, I just wanted them all out for you guys to read in one go.  Haven't had feedback yet but I'm fairly proud of them. That doesn't matter!  I'm here to continue Renee Stevens' pinned post in the lounge, but continuing with the poet questions.  Cause as you can



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