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  • Valkyrie

    Word Triggers

    By Valkyrie

    Certain otherwise-innocuous words can be a trigger for some people.  Maybe it's a negative association with the word - a reminder of past trauma or a social faux pas.  It could be a word that becomes an inside joke - an innocent word given a not-so-innocent meaning.  These words make us cringe and avoid them and not really want to explain our reaction to other people.  For me, a certain spring-blooming flower is a word trigger.  I avoid saying the name of this flower because I have  negative ass
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May CSR Feature: Timber Pack Chronicles by Rob Colton

Okay, so I admit it... this month's feature is all about a comfort read for me! I recently re-read Rob's Degan Chronicles stories, cause... awesome. Yes. I've loved Rob's work since I found him way back when on another site, and I cheered when he came to GA. His fans are legion, of course, so I know a lot of GA persons have read this story as well. If not... well, maybe many of us have some time on our hands while the whole world tries to stay healthy? What better way than reading?   

Sneak Peek!

Happy Sunday, Everyone!  I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. The weather is starting to get really nice here, which is going to make staying at home more challenging. I moved some of my plants outside to the balcony now that it’s warm enough, and even got a little bit of outside writing time in!  The Syndicate is still coming along. I have just about everything plotted out how I want to, so now it’s just a matter of getting there. I have a personal goal of getting it finished



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 26 - May 2)

Whoa, just about forgot to do up the weekly update today. Why you ask? I've occupied most of my day playing with myself  Now get your minds out of the gutter. I woke up this morning and having nothing pressing to do, I sat down in front of the computer and played solitaire by myself. Then after some lunch, I fired up the PS4 and played the Campaign on COD 🔫 . Well that kept me occupied for a lot of hours. After dinner, I was tired of being online, so I looked in a not often used cupboa


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas

Ingredients: 3 X chicken breasts 1 X large onion (red or yellow) 1 X green bell pepper 1 X red bell pepper Spice Mix: 1 TBS chili powder 1 TBS Cumin 1 Teaspoon salt 1 Teaspoon black pepper   1 large crock pot   Steps: Prep the veggies Slice onions and peppers.   Load up the crock pot Create a bed of onions and peppers for the chicken.   Park the chicken on a bed of onions and peppers



Making the Light

"My batteries are almost gone, and it's getting dark." This was the slightly-romanticized description of the last transmission from the little, tenacious rover, Opportunity, on the planet Mars. It had been there and operating for fifteen years - thirteen beyond the wildest dreams of NASA engineers. It heavily depended on solar power, and over time the dust storms on the planet slowly covered its solar cells. That last transmission came when a planet-wide dust storm hit. The rover sent the t

Wayne Gray

Wayne Gray

Update From Gold Bar

Wow, I didn’t realize I haven’t done a blog entry since September, 2018. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then, so I suppose it’s time for an update on what’s occurring here in Gold Bar, WA. First off, I’ve been doing quite a bit of writing, but other than the 2019 Fall Anthology and the 2020 Spring Anthology I haven’t posted any stories here since August 2018. In 2019, I wrote a YA Fantasy novel, The Birthday Present, about a young boy who runs away from home to go to Faerie



Prompt 838 and Prompt 839

May day! May Day! Well it is the first of May. At least we are all still going. Speaking of going, time for some new prompts. Prompt 838 - Creative Tag - First Line "Where the hell do you think you are going?" Prompt 839 - Creative  Tag - Lusty May Work has kept you busy and now that May has arrived you finally have vacation time. Deciding to go away and travel far from home. You barely check in when you find yourself the object of desire for two completely differen


comicfan in Prompts

At Home During COVID-19 and Self Compassion

Many of us observe the world through a window Nature entertains us with wind, rain and snow Crows dive and swoop over tree tops While squirrels run and gambol with no fear, — wondering where the nuts are.   My poetry has been limited lately .. but i haven't lost my sense of humour completely yet. Prose too, is suffering, though in the last few days I've been able to write a bit more on the new story @Wayne Gray and i are writing. Not a lot though, ma




There are about 7000 living languages in the world. (Ethnologue) We come upon texts that have been originally written in a language other than our own all the time: manuals, articles, papers, songs, movies, TV shows, books, etc. Personally, I try to read or listen to the original version, emphasis on ‘try’, seeing the sheer number of possible languages. It means I have to rely on translations. My question for readers: Do you prefer an as verbatim as possible translation over an in



Porky's Chili

Porky's Chili Ingredients 1 pound lean ground beef 1 pound pulled pork (smoked is best, no bbq sauce) 1 medium red onion 1 bell pepper (may add or sub Anaheim or Poblano) 1 small can chili peppers (heat depends on your tastes) 1 can Hunts chili fixings 1 can Rotel chili fixings   Spices (note: this is a "safe" amount. If you are more adventurous, you can turn up the volume by adding more chili powder, cumin or red pepper at your own risk)



Synth of The Week #1-Dust by M.O.O.N

Hey Knights, during this interesting time in our lives I'm sure many of us have turned to music to help cope. I in particular fancy synth as one of my favorite genres of the medium so to kick off a little series I want to start (And to give this blog some love .___.), I thought I'd share one of my all time favorites. It's mellow, but has a slight moment where the tempo picks up, nevertheless I turn to this track for both uncertain and dark times, and for times where I just wanna relax and let th



April CSR Discussion Day: Clockwise Series by Aditus

Well, it's come already. Can't believe it! How has spring come had flown so fast? We're already approaching May, but not before we chat about this month's featured short series, Clockwise, by Aditus. Did you read the series? Do you have a favorite story out of the four? I wonder if it matches his favorite? Read on to find out!! Do you eat your fruits and vegetables? I’m vegetarian, so, yes I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Chocolate or Vanilla? What’s vanilla without chocolate?


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

New Cover!

I hope everyone's having a nice weekend. It's been beautiful today, so I made sure to get out for some social distancing-approved fresh air. I've also been working on the next Syndicate chapter. This one was originally written during a NaNoWriMo sprint and hoo boy, does it show. A lot of repeated words and weak adjectives. There's also been some story changes along the way, so I made sure to account for those as well. Hopefully, that will be posted tonight!  I post this story on a couple ot



Weekly Wrap Up (Apr. 19 - Apr. 25)

Help So, did I get your attention  ? Seriously, we need help from as many members as possible! I have been in conversation with @Carlos Hazday and he has 1 question left to ask an author(s) for Ask An Author. Needless to say, no questions, no Ask An Author . Your question could be about anything you want to ask. You can specify an author or authors you want directed to, or just ask the question and Carlos will put it out there still. If you click on his name above and then click o


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Hello There.

(It’s important that you read the title of this blog post like Obi-Wan Kenobi) I’ve been debating whether starting a writing blog was a worthwhile endeavor. On one hand, I think it could be a fulfilling way to share some different aspects on the stuff I’m writing. On the other, perhaps it’s just another hobby that fizzles out the instant life gets busy.  Why write this when I should be finishing the book, you know?  Being back on this site has been pretty nice so far. I was here back i



Prompt 836 and Prompt 837

Welcome to another Groundhog's Day, um, oh I mean Friday. Other watching the television, reading, and raiding my fridge, I have been writing. In fact, here are two new prompts for everyone. Prompt 836 - Creative Tag - List of Words Use the following words in a story - an airline ticket, a silk robe, a blue suitcase, a corgi, and a cursed gold coin. Prompt 837 - Creative Tag - Cursed Your mother used to tease you that if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at


comicfan in Prompts

April Classic Author Excerpt: Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Did you catch Monday's blog post featuring a fanfiction story? Yes, we do have fanfiction on GA, and the Harry Potter world is always a big favorite! Did you download the graphic, read the review by a reader? Or are you just popping in to see what excerpt I chose to tempt you into clicking?  Well I shall not keep you in suspense any longer!  Want to read more? Click here! 


Cia in Classic Feature

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