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  • Myr

    RIP - Comicality - May 1975 -- April 2024

    By Myr

    I have been following Comicality since New Kid in School first showed up on Nifty in 1998.  I started exchanging emails with him that long ago.  We've been online friends since.  When the opportunity arose for me to start Gay Authors in Sep 2002, Comicality was the first author with us.  When we opened the forums at the very end of July in 2003, it only took me a few days to get Comicality on the forums.  Back then he was on a WebTV... He continued to grow and grow as an author branching ou

Take another shot of courage

Well, I did it. I went out on a limb and I did something that I might or might not regret. I guess I'll find out for myself soon enough because I already sent the email off and there's no way to get it back I won't say what I did, because if it doesn't go how I hope it does, I think I'll be crushed, and I don't want people to see that side of me. Sometimes I don't know why I'm scared to take chances, even though in the end I know I'm going to do it whether I'm scared or not. That's just how I



Love life of a wuss

ok so there isn't any just yet...   However!... On the 21st, Mick's flatmate (who I loath, though for no particular reason except he's his flatmate - though he is really, REALLY irritating) is going away to France for a week, leaving him on his own. So I'm going to use the time to find out one way or another. Done deal. As people* have said so eloquently, I have to GROW A SET AND TELL HIM OR YOU'RE GONNA REGRET IT! and on the morning of the 22nd they will be fully grown --- It's really h




So... progress. I wrote eighteen whole pages today. They just happened to be split up over three different stories. I think a few days off has done a lot for getting those creative juices (why are they called that?) Flowing, but apparently, they


DomLuka in Dom Luka

Defense Mechanisms; Fear of the Uncertain

I spent a lot of my life hiding from myself, in more ways than one. Psychologists say that the mind and body each develop certain defense mechanisms to make it through the stresses in our lives. As with all things with me, this is rather complicated.   It seems as though the defense mechanisms I developed were in place for so long that I fear now they have grown to become and are more a part of me than what they were defending. I don't understand the how and why of it, my only explanation is t


Demetz in Demetz

My own fault

Well, I admit it....I've been slipping. My writing has been sucking lately. I feel really dissapointed in the last chapter of My Jump Off that I posted. Here's what I think happened....     I started off just writing for my boyfriend, but i felt like I wanted everyone to read what I was writing, mainly because I think I wanted to know if it was any good or not. I mean, getting an honest opinion from Taylor about a story I was writing just for him was going to be impossible. So I started posti



Anthology & things

I've finally sent my anthology entry in, and I feel like I've just finished a marathon. I don't know who said writing is supposed to be relaxing, but whoever they are, they're mad. Or perhaps the writing is relaxing and the deadline is what gets my heart pounding at 300bps. Dunno, and honestly I don't care now, 'cause it's in and all is well with the world...   Except that England have been knocked out of the world cup by Portugal. This is a pain. Probably some sort of global karmic retributi



One week and counting!

One week from right now, I'll be on a big ass plane, flying over a big ass ocean ... I just hope I don't have a stomach bug on the plane like I did when I flew back to the States from mainland China back in '98 ... that was a horrible experience, and one that I shall not go into details about!   Anyway, today had to be one of the most tiring days of my life, plus it is FRIGGIN' HOT here in Taiwan right now. Today was my last day of work, and after work, all of the staff in our division went



Spicy chips and the Catholic Church

I rather like Cross Country now. Why, you ask? Because of a boy, exactly like everything in my life. There is a totally cute freshman on the team and now I look forward to practice. Sadly, I've only seen him once, and I've never spoken with him. Yet I fully intend to talk to him as soon as I can.   We're going out of town tomorrow, to God Damn New Mexico. I hate New Mexico, and I am NOT looking forward to this, especially because we get back on my birthday. Great way to spend a birthday



Why do I do it?

warning......serious self exploration ahead     Ok, so I got this email from one of my Nifty readers, and they asked me a simple question....why do my two longest stories and all of my almost all of my poems involve plot lines or themes where the main character has a good family???? I had to stop and think about it for a minute, and then it came to me in a flash.....because I think families are important. Not just because I come from what I think is a good family, but because, as a Christi



Feeling a bit better today

As always seems to happen with me, when I get to feeling bad I can feel good again by sleeping it off.   In other news... pics of me seem to have come into popular demand, so here's a good one... of me sliding off the face of the planet. Enjoy!  


Demetz in Demetz

Losing my head

This entry gets rather personal and it covers less than cheery subject matter. I wrote this last night, feeling as miserable as could be...   I am losing my god damned head tonight. It didn


Demetz in Demetz

Pictures: Me, Lucky, and Timmy

Hey everyone, so I was thinking maybe you guys might want to see what I actually looked like. So dispite my extreme dislike of just about every picture I've ever taken, here's a few. I also have some Lucky and Timmy (I didn't let them look so I don't know if they like them or not, but I think they're adorable )   I'd just gotten out of the shower in this, thus I'm sure you guys can appeciate why it isn't a full body shot. My hair isn't this colour anymore I had it a little darker in an a



Carrying a kid on your back for 40 blocks...

Okay, so today I had to babysit my lil cousin Bailey (she's 4) for like 11 hours. Well that gets to be an awfully long day...don't get me wrong, I love my lil cousin to death but yea. I had asked her mom if I could take her to the park later today and she said that would be fine. Well apparently there was a park a few blocks over, which I didnt know about... ...so I walked to the other park which was like 19 blocks from the house. And...I couldnt expect her little legs to walk that far, and sh



Madman Across the Water

I can see very well There's a boat on the reef with a broken back And I can see it very well There's a joke And I know it very well It's one of those that I told you long ago Take my word, I'm a madman, don't you know ...   Fabulous song! *wipes sweat away from forehead* Whew! I had a busy morning! I had a doctor's appointment at 9 AM, dentist at 11 AM, my final trip to the post office, and I had to stop by the vet to get the date changed on my forms for the cats. So, anyway, when I w



One of those days

Ok, so I've been totally bored today. We got home today from Carolina and I slept all the way home, but I was sharing the back seat with my cousin James and I had to sleep sitting up, so I had a sore neck and a headache when we got home. Then I got online and chatted for a while but my PC crashed and I had to restore it back to it's last recovery point. In the meanwhile, Taylor hasn't called and I'm getting depressed, so I started reading. I found a story by Matt, Unrequited, and it was good.



Mid Summer Blues

I get really depressed for a couple of days each side of mid summer. Don't get me wrong, I love summer, the long seemingly endless days ... it's just now the days are getting shorter, and we're heading slowly downhill into winter... and I loath winter: especially in the UK. Snow I like a lot, but cold drizzle, cutting winds and bugger all daylight - at least when I get up. You can keep winter. Oh, and it's true: The grass is always greener elsewhere.   I'm working on an entry for the 'Summer A



Lovely little distractions

Ok, I need happy distraction, so I am posting kitten pics. These are the babies I still have left. *sighs* I miss Butterscotch.   Little Baby's long-haired black boy and her short-haird tiger girl. (callling them Handsome and Kitten)   Sweetheart's 2 yellow boys and Little Baby's tiger girl. (The long-haired yellow boy is known as Big Boy and the short-haired one is Baby Boy)   Sweetheart's Baby Boy, Little Baby's Tiger Girl and Handsome.   This is Baby Boy, a pretty good pic o



the answers

Okay... after much review... and extra points for creativity... and knowing who cheated I'm going to officially declare Joey the winner   Here are the correct answers...   1. What is my middle name? June... you know how very creative that was since I was born in the month after all.   2. What is my favorite color? Green of course!   3. Which of my kids is older, my son or my daughter? Prepubescent girl wins...   4. Where was I born? LA   5. What is my favorite candy? Jolly Ran




Ok, I'm just going to whine a little here about nothing that terribly important.   You know, I had what I considered to be a fairly decent idea for something for the Summer Anthology. So I started writing it and actually finished it--and it was more than twice the maximum word count. Ok, so no big deal. I just posted it as a story and went on with life.   So then I had what I considered to be a fairly decent idea for something ELSE for the Summer Anthology. So I started writing it and



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