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  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst
  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

A little about me

I want to start by saying I never thought I'd create a blog. I held back for years, even though I genuinely liked reading the blogs of friends and strangers. But not me, I was determined not to indulge. I created what I call a notebook for my rough drafts, but that was as far as I was willing to go. It even made sense, since I often found myself away from my computer, but rarely long separated from the internet. My writing class homework was now a breeze to accomplish, where before actually took




There is a certain tide that comes to mind when having a discourse with other online authors, sex scenes, more so the stigma of writing porn. What is porn?   According to Wikipedia:   Pornography, sometimes shortened to porn or porno, is, in its broadest state, the explicit representation of the human body or sexual activity with the goal of sexual arousal and/or sexual relief.   According to Webster



Insanity Reigns!

A wagon train is in a circle with bullets and arrows flying through the air. Horses are stumbling at full gallop, throwing their stuntmen riders into the dirt. A woman, in a gingham dress of indefinite color, since this is a B&W movie, is reloading rifles behind her man.    



A first

I have been meaning to create a blog for a while, just for the sake of not hijacking other people's with comments and rant all on my own. So here we are, my very first entry. A positive one as is. Last evening, the band I play with shared the stage (a small bar actually) with these girls. It was a great evening; we played OK, and this took place in a little neighborhood bar in which we have played a few times, and where we are welcome royally every time. It ended the week-end on a joyful note



The Return of One-Hand Luc

Well, that was fun. Remind me next time to just let the cat hang by his hind foot until he falls out of the blinds on his own.   The infection in my hand was so bad it needed 2 ops and iv antibiotics. I am getting whirlpool therapy everyday, which feels good and seems to be helping. Saw the dr on Friday. He squeezed everything to the point of tears but said he didn



The Prologue for my newest project

Journey Back To The Yellow House by Nick   Watching a California sunset is one of the most incredible treats a man or woman can take pleasure in. The orange, radiant glow of the main source of energy and sustenance for our entire plant against the hazy, afternoon sky can bring about thoughts and inspire dreams no one can steal, at least not from me. It might not seem like much if you aren



Being the 'Gay Best Friend'

So I've been gradually coming out at work to a few people. At first I didn't plan on telling anyone because it really wasn't any of their business, but I ended up telling a couple people. Right now I think the count is up to 5 people from work that know. Now my work place can't keep a secret worth a damn. You tell anyone anything and usually everyone else knows within a few days. It's gossip central really. So it's only a matter of time before it gets out to everyone else, but I guess Im fine wi



Ooooh! Spiffy-keen client side goodness!

As part of the forum revamp, it looks like the blog module now properly supports XML-RPC access. (It used to claim to, but I never had any luck getting it to work) That means client blog editors (like, say, ecto, the one I rather like. It's well worth the cost) work. Which means I can blog from the train, with a text editor that doesn't suck, and that has built-in spelling checking. (Though I do see the latest version of Camino enables that in text widgets, which is kinda nice)   Being able to




Hi!   I just realized its been like 8 weeks since i last updated this and my have things changed for me!   I've moved house and started a new job in that short period of time.   The new job is a project manager for my company building new stores, its proving to be a lot of work but i'm enjoying it loads so it's totally been worth it. The house move came about because of the job, Chris is still staying in our old place but he'll be moving here with me next weekend   Here's a picture o



Hawaii and I'm NOT anorexic

So I've been in Hawaii for the past few weeks hanging out with my old friend (Joey) and attempting to surf. Everyone has been laughing at me for the past two weeks in my attempts, but I haven't yet been discouraged. Joey has grown into a very . . . uhh . . . tempting guy with all the surfing; however, with the population of friends I haven't slept with declining I feel it is necessary to keep our friendship to borderline flirting only.   And I don't get hungry. Really. I feel hungry like twic



"Where are the condoms?"

So I had a bit of time today between appointments and I remembered that I was running low on toothpaste and deodorant. So I figured I'd pop into the nearest drugstore - a Walgreens - and pick some up. Well I had no trouble finding the toothpaste I was after (Crest Vivid White in the "invigorating mint" flavour ). The deodorant on the other hand proved to be much more difficult! I'd literally walked down every aisle and STILL hadn't found it. The very last aisle that I checked, the aisle wh




So Hello i am Lost Cause or you could just call me LC, either or works. I decided to start up a blog and get into bloging, it's a way for me to share things with you wonderful people out there, and also to kind of get things thats been bothering me off my chest without hurting anyone's feelings. (As much fun as it is, i have to play nice too!!)   So about a week ago, i started to feel depressed :wacko: like i have off and on these days, and while in my *depressed Mood* I began to listen to th



Happy Birthday...

Angel!!   Or Dezlboi for the rest of you...   Anyway...   A happy birthday to one of the most amazing guys I know and love. Here's wishing you a VERY happy birthday and a year of fantastic smiles and great things, cause you deserve every one. I don't know how long we've been palling around together, but I do know, that I'd hate to have to go through life without my angel so... YAY that I don't, right?! That, and I'm glad we have each other to lean on and learn from...   Love ya lots!



6th floor in the parking structure

That's right, I'm blogging from the car boys and girls. Top floor of the Disneyland parking structure. We've been sitting here 18 minutes already and haven't moved an inch closer to home. Ugh! At least I have my Jamba Juice, some Good Charlotte to listen to, and my trusty cell phone.   So I finished my anthology submission last night. Underneath This Big Ol' Sky - Part 2 for all of you who read part 1 and are waiting to find out what happens next with the folks on Kingsman Bluff. Now's your c



Rewrites suck

It's always so much easier to write things in the first place. Not easy, exactly, but easier. Of course, the problem is that the ideas for the new stuff don't stop when I'm struggling to fix the old stuff. (I've only managed to get to the point where Joe's found Stephanie, dammit)   So, while I struggle, have the last few pages of the thing that likely comes next. And all I need now is everything that comes before it. It's going to have to be pretty good, since there's definitely no happily ev



My Luck's Back(?)

So today completely rocked! My luck almost seems to have shifted back to the rediculously positive position that it formerly inhabited.   Most recently life hasn't been treating me too gently. Don't get me wrong I've still overall been quite happy, and really if anything in many ways my life's been steadily getting even more pleasant. However, for the last six weeks or so it's literally seemed like everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. I know a lot of people don't really believe




Life has been somewhat crappy lately, but I won't bore anyone with the details. [Rant] All I really created this blog for was to bitch that Good Charlotte finally comes back to the US to do a tour, and they go and f**K everyone over! First they join up with Justing Timberlake and agree to open for his tour. I don't have anything against JT, but come on! They're not even in the same genre! But fine, whatever. And THEN they go and screw everyone in central US (read: ME) over and skip over all of




I'm in Virgina, at a truck stop across the road from Kings Dominion? Supposed to be a theme park of some sort. All I know is that yesterday's drive down from Allentown, PA, took six and a half hours when it shouldn't have taken much more than four. Too many people for not enough road.   Well, it's my own fault, really. I could've driven down the night before, but I'd had enough of night driving and wasn't in the mood for any more. Besides, I ran into something in Allentown.   The reefer on t



"Kiss men if you want to"

**Warning spoilers for the move "Evening" ahead.     So there's so many thing I'd like to write about that have happened to me since my last entry. Unfortunately as is often the case I feel less inclined to write about actual narrative events and more eager to write about feelings, situations, and philosophical ponderings.   I went to see the movie Evening tonight. It was AWESOME! Just the kind of movie a like - a nice, long, weapy chick flick   Anyway basically the movie is about thi




What is it about Pennsylvania that makes it so desirable to me?   The closest I can come to knowing someone from Pennsylvania is my maternal great-grandmother who was born and raised in Venango County around the Franklin area. Supposedly, there are still a few Brandons in that area who would be distantly related.   Yet, I have this strange need to be somewhere in the state. It seems to be in my bones. I



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