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  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst
  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to

Who are we? Who am I?

Who are we? I mean, who ARE we, really? Are we our feelings, our thoughts? Are we our bodies? Which defines us?   The answer would seem to be that we are a combination of those things. But what about those people who are mismatched? What about people who look out of eyes that don



Nature's Fury

In a normal year, Arizona's Monsoon season (summer thunderstorms) starts in mid-july, and ramps up by mid August, often resulting, here in the high mountians of northern Arizona, thunder daily, but rain once ever few days at most.   This year, a years-long drought has broken, and we've had rain daily, over a foot between mid_July and yesterday.   Yesterday, I had major damage to my house (wish I was joking on that). A thunderstorm hit, and in the mountains they can be very violent. This on

C James

C James

I wanna blog this converstaion I'm having right now...

... with Steve. For some reason, he and I always seem to find a way to discuss the fundamentals about things, and I find it rewarding and fascinating. Uplifting, and the moments of clarity that come from thinking things through, seeing all sides of it, are immensely valuable. I think I'll ask him when we're done if I can post it... FANTASTIC   Anyway, moving on for now...   I made a resume OMG! I'm only partailly sure why I even did that, but there are times when I think to myself, 'dammi



Damn Tape!

So I did really well on moving day. I didn't cry once all day, and we were just about finished. In fact I was literally trying to tape up the last box. Then it just sort of hit me that this was the last box, then the stupid tape got stuck to the roll, and it was the final straw, and I just started crying. All in all the day wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be though, and we made plans to see each other for Christmas and next summer.   I've also been spending time with other friends and I t



I fail at life

Why does MS Word 2007 have to be so complicated??? I'm trying to go back to my already completed stories and indent my paragraphs without actually having to manually click on each one and hit the space bar. I was always able to do it on Word Perfect, but for whatever reason, MS word won't let me. So anyway, I'm frustrated and need to vent a little. Oh yeah, after much thought, I've decided to start the third installment of the saga of Jarred, Phillip, Andrew, Kyle K, Kyle P, Renee and Jerem



I need a hit, baby give me it.

So they are officially GONE. They did end up waking me last night, but I didn't get up until like an hour later. Went into the kitchen, and he sent in one of the girls to try and butter me up. I was really nice to her, but I wasn't fooled. So he came to my room and we talked. I told him, they have to leave. He tried to switch it up on me, saying that he cleaned up after me a couple times too. Uh, no. I told him upfront that I cleaned up every single time. I have witnesses. lol. He s




Have you ever listened to a song's lyric, and were able to relate to most of what the lyrics say?   I know most people base there music on themselves or something that has happened to them, so sure a lot of people would be able to relate right? I know on many occasions i've listened to a song and thought "Hey, thats just how i'm feeling."   But this one song really got to me. :wacko:       Hey dad look at me Think back and talk to me Did I grow up according to plan? And do you think




So I made a Vegas run over the weekend. It was nice to get away there and actually do the whole Casino thing even though I



My Dream last night...

Okay, I know the whole thing that everyone dreams every night, it's just that you don't always remember your dreams. But, I hate having to put that disclaimer everytime I want to say, "I dreamed last night," or "I had a dream last night," so for now on, if I say one of those two, everyone know that I know that already... Kay.   Recently, I've felt really inspired to come out to some of my close friends. And that means like almost everyone in drama. However, a few of my brother's aquaitences a



When Life is a Song

Choose one band/artist and answer the following questions using only titles of their songs.     Artist: Garbage   01. Are you male or female? Stupid Girl or Bad Boyfriend   02. Describe yourself? Supervixen   03. How do you feel about yourself? I Think I'm Paranoid   04. Describe what you are thinking right now? You Look So Fine   05. Describe where you currently live? Happy Home   06. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Why Don't You Come Over   07.



A Long Day!

So it has been a while since I have posted a blog, and a lot has been happening since then.   Yesterday I came home from a 3 day camp trip with 100 teens, ages 12-17 and it was a good trip. (If any of you are wondering it was for work and yes I was forced to go!)   Though it was funny, on the last day of camp my co workers and I decided to play a pretty mean prank on our teens, and well..... Ever heard the saying "Boy's don't cry?" it's totally true, first they scream and run around all cra




So I had 'the talk' with the roommate. Kind of awkward.   Little bit of background info:   I just moved into what will be my apartment/dorm for the next year a month ago that I will be sharing with 3 other guys. One of them I know, but he isn't moving in until 2 weeks from now. Of the other two, only one has moved in, the other moving in in September. But yeah... he seemed nice enough, and since we both had our bedrooms to ourselves, it wasn't too bad. Then a couple days into it, he a



my bedtime story

... By: Toby!   Tobias says: Want me to tell you a bedtime story?   Vivian says: Please   Tobias says: Oookaaaayyyyy   Tobias says: Long, long ago   Tobias says: Princess viv, who was 30, but still looked as sexy as 18, was captured by a huge dragon   Tobias says: The dragon captured her because princess viv was the best anthology writer in the whole country and the dragon loved anthologies   Tobias says: So her handsome and brave husband, prince rich, came to rescue her




I haven't seen the guy I have the hugest crush on in over a month. Whenever I see my work schedule, it's always frustrating because he works the day before and after I happen to work. Grr! Today, my friend Tammy and I felt like going shopping, so we decided to go into Express. We found some really cool tops for her and went over to the guy's section to look at some graphic tees. Out of nowhere, Josh comes up and starts talking to me!   Holy eff.. lol I was so not prepared for that. We



(Harry Potter Spoilers) Ghost Stories

Oh man is this thing spoilerific. Seriously, don't read more if you haven't read the book.   I finished the seventh book yesterday. There were some things, some events in the plot that did not please me, but that was bound to happen, I suppose. The body count was impressive, and Rowling was bound to work her way someone I liked. That it was my two favorite characters in the entire series was, naturally, bad luck. Actually, I was surprised to see Colin Creevy in Hogwarts at all. I thought for s




I wrote a long entry for today, but decided at the last minute not to post it. It wasn't interesting, you wouldn't have liked it.   I'm in Faucett (yes, with a "U" not a "W"), MO, this morning. I'm supposed to be on the road, but I haven't left, yet. I have drive across Nebraska today.   I've been very, very depressed for quite awhile. I'm taking my meds, and they seem to be doing a fanastic job of keeping my mind off of doing something stupid, but I'm still very, very depressed.   Which i



Saying Goodbye

I've been crying alot...still am actually. I knew it would hurt, but I didn't know it would hurt this much. It's my own fault actually, I think for awhile I didn't believe it was really going to happen. I guess I thought something would come up and they'd stay. But they're not staying.   About ten months ago, I was in a precarious place in my life. I was unsuccessful and miserable at the job I had been doing and had finally quit. I was hundreds of miles from any family or old friends, I'



Harry Potter (SPOILERS!)

My goodness. The journey has at least come to an end. It's suprising the amount of things that different fanfiction writers got right.   Albus Severus Potter. Hell of a name for a son, eh?   I couldn't beleive the number of deaths.     Something else!! Bravo!


Myr in Books

One year ago today.

It was just one year ago today that the phone rang, a bit earlier than it is now. I was chatting with BC, the artist who draws Simon, as we were supposed to meet the following week to have lunch as I wanted to meet him in person, since he lived two hours away from home, though in a different country. I picked up the phone, and right away, I knew by my mom's voice that something was wrong.   My dad was in the clinic. He had undergone an operation to remove a tumor to his lung. He was 63, and ha



Vacation Plans

Its taken three years, but it's finally going to happen. A friend and I have been talking about taking a trip together to Cedar Point. Peter and I have been riding roller coasters together for five years now and we've both been to CP, but not together.   It's going to be a bit grueling tho. The trip will begin on a Saturday morning. We'll leave my house and drive approximately six hours to Aurora, Ohio, where we'll spend the afternoon and evening at Geaura Lake.   Sunday morning, we'll driv



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