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  • Valkyrie

    2025 Poetry Anthology Announcement!

    By Valkyrie

    The GA Poetry Anthology is returning for 2025 with the theme "Diversity"!  It's the perfect theme to show off the diverse world of poetry and its various forms.  I look forward to reading what our site poets come up with!  Please note the earlier due date.  The extra few days will give me more time to get submissions ready for the big reveal in April to celebrate National Poetry Month.     2025 Poetry Anthology - Due: March 30, 2025 The 2025 Theme is “Diversity” Feel free to
  • Myr

    History Genre Deep Dive 5

    By Myr

    Top 10 Most Read Historical - Alternate Nazi's win WWII, Napoleon win's the Battle of Waterloo, Roman Empire never fell without fantasy/speculative fiction items (other than alternate history). The Man in the High Castle Falling Apart by craftingmom Complete Kage Match by kbois Complete Engineer Benson by Wayne Gray Long-Term Hold Do Over by dkstories Complete Capitol Hill - Summer of '22 Book VI by Carlos Hazday Complete Do Over Redux by dkst

Neigborhood entertainment

I thought they'd go at it again, but eventually it's quiet.   First of all, a little description is in order. I live in a small two-story house, in what used to be a textile industry neighborhood. In the 12th century, they dried out the swamps in the valley and started building a village in the shade of the cathedral; well they built the cathedral around the same time. In the 18th century the small village saw the implementation of textile plants. So it became people with the plants' workers.




Edit: Wrote this a couple days ago. Forgot to publish it. Oops.   In colonial Latin America, there was a pretty extensive caste system in place based on one's skin color, and what it implied about the person's parentage. If you google it, there are some pretty specific categories, where one Black, one White, and two Native American grandparents made one a Wolf, and so on. It was also partially a breeding experiment using people and slaves. The most haunting image I saw had a little girl, with



Twists on an old standard

or semi-old standard, at least. Cliches always bother me, and I've been pestered the past week or so by some characters and a bit of plot. I'm not going to work on it now -- writing time's dedicated either to the rewrite of Busted (which is crawling along, dammit) or working on Wild Life, which I've put off for way too long -- but still, they interest me. Maybe they'll interest someone else, enough to do something with them.   In this case it's the "kid shows up on the doorstep a decade or mor



decicing if I should be pouting...

Arguments for pouting:   At the time of this blog post, 222 of you have read my last blog, and no one commented except my Angel, and that was only cause I whined to him about how no one was commenting and how worried I was.   I *thought* that everyone here knew by now that they could say anything to me and not have to feel anything but completely comfortable about it. I mean I share huge pieces of myself all the time between my blog, and my stories, and my characters.   It's possible this




I figured after my last blog I owe you guys an update about what's going on. I'll start with my cat. She's still doing great. She's gained about three pounds though and I'm kind of scared to take her back to the vets at the end of the month, cause he may yell at me for over feeding her. But I mean really, if someone tells you your kitty is not going to be able to eat for much longer wouldn't you feed her anything and everything she wants in the meantime? I just didnt' expect her to live ano



Soundtrack of my life

So this is a thread that's going on in the "Games and Humor" section of The Lounge, right now, but I had so much fun with it I thought I'd post it here too!   ***************** IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE? So, here's how it works:   1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc) 2. Put it on shuffle 3. Press play 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5. When you go to a new question, press the next button 6. Don't lie and try to



A sunny day

Yes, I'm original and creative in my titles! Thanks for stopping by, guys, you rock.   Lots of good news today: the lessons I gave in Paris went well, I got some translation job at a proper rate (yeah! good money!), I had lunch with a good friend, and the weather was just perfect: sunny and in the 70s (23



Gay Club vs. Straight Club

Alright so I've finally been to both a gay and a straight club, and let me tell you that I had a hell of a lot more fun at the gay club than I did at the straight one. And not only because of the obvious, but because it was a lot more fun. For instance:   Straight Club: Some people dancing on the floor but most people just stand there and talk Gay Club: Dance floor is packed and dancing is going on all around   Straight Club: People stay in their little group of friends and dont meet a lot



A Rainy Day

Strangely enough, we've had exactly the weather I imagined for my anthology story. Last year at the same time, there was a major heat wave (90



Curbs, parking lots and dumb drivers

Well it didn't take me long to mash up my car. I was at Exxon getting gas for the very first time since I got it, and lo and behold, I ran over a curb and bent the rim. Now my tire has a big bubble in it and the rim is ruined. I just got off the phone with my dad and he's PISSED. Anyway, I guess I have to spend whatever its gonna be to take it to First Team (the place I got it) and get it fixed. The guy at Goodyear told me I'd have to have the rim replaced, and offered to do it for 250, includin



Words Waltzing

Some history about me. I have told stories, wrote stories, since I first learned to print. My sisters, who are farily good writers themselves, encouraged this fascination of mine. Just around August the year before I turned 11, I started writing poetry. By the Valentine's Day two weeks before my birthday, I had sold several of my poems to my male classmates that wanted to prove to their dates that they were willing to go the extra mile in originality. I didn't have my own date, but I did make fi



Order of the Phoenix

Warning: I am a Harry Potter fanatic, and my fervor has only gotten worse as July 21 draws closer. This post reflects that.   With nothing much else to do today, I went down to Irvine and saw "Harry Potter" at the IMAX theater. It's been quite some time since I saw an IMAX film, so I had a good time. I'm afraid the Harry Potter movies may spoil me, since the scenes flick by so fast I barely notice time has past at all.   Rather than review the movie, which other people can do with greater ab



(One of) the Great Debate(s)

To start with, thanks to those who took the time to leave a comment. I agree, L0st Cause, small venues offer great shows. And the singer for French Kiss is a 18/ 20-year old girl, who doesn't look like her Janis Joplin-like voice, just so you know, Carl and Conner.   I'd like to use my blog to contribute to a debate that's been going on in many threads, and avoiding to cluster Shadowgod's blog with my rambling. The porn/ erotica/ sex in fiction debate.   The biggest thing for me is that what



Salisbury 67

My daughter and I took a road trip this past week to check out the college she will be attending. She was able to meet with her academic adviser and work out which classes she will be taking, tour her dorm and the campus, and I got to sign my life away paying for her education.   It



standard disclaimer applies

This story involves sexual contact and male/male relationships. If this is something that you find offensive, you have no business being here and need to leave now. If you are under the age of 18 or not of legal age in your area, GET OUT. If this content is illegal in your area LEAVE.   This story is property of the author and is not to be copied or posted elsewhere without written permission of the author. All characters and plot lines are fictional. Any resemblance is strictly coincidental



Get a Load of this Ass-wipe!

I know that there are political differences and all but why is it that the closet-case weirdos always seem to end up being family values republicans?   We've seen it over and over and over and over... The hypocrisy of this individual is astonishing!   Check it out. This isn't about politics. It's about an ill f**ker who stood on the anti-gay grandstand while he was giving $20 blow jobs in public rest rooms.     Fla. lawmaker arrested in gay sex sting Advocate News July 12, 2007 Sou



Hawaii, a Death and a Wedding

Hawaii, a Death and a Wedding. Seriously.   Hawaii   So I just got back from Hawaii, the best freakin trip I've ever had. It was amazing and beautiful. The parties, surfing and people were so much fun I miss it desperately. Especially compared to the concrete wasteland that is LA.   I miss Joey most of all though. Being the oldest friend I know, we got to reminisce about all the trouble we got in together as kids. And 7 years is a long time not to see or really even talk to someone so we



all boys love their moms...

Said my son tonight as we were frosting cupcakes. "You're the best cooker ever, Mom. I love helping you!" I think he was just excited cause I let him put the sprinkles on top.   So, a HUGE happy birthday to 'the man' today! You know I love you, Cutie! Hope you had a good day and a GREAT year... welcome to adulthood! There's no going back now!   So Steven is back from his trip! So awesome, cause I missed him... Welcome home!!   So I went and hung out with the god, my Luvuh but I dunno



Breaking out in Song

Singing is something I only do when there are no witnesses. I actually had a decent singing voice at one point, but puberty took care of that, and I never took any lessons to modulate the baritone I wound up with.   However, every once in a while, my dream self will inexplicably break out into song. By the light of morning, the poetry isn't all that, but the fact that it ever comes that easilly is something I marvel at. I mention this because it happened a couple nights ago. It was a full two-




I just saw on the news where China's former Food and Drug chief was executed for taking bribes. I'm not sure what to think...on one hand, his actions led to the approval of one drug that killed ten people. On the other hand, I'm not a big fan of the death penalty unless it's an extreme case. I honestly haven't made up my mind on whether or not this was extreme enough to end the man's life. China has a history of executing its citizens for things like possesion of marijuana and fraud, so I gues




Who you may ask? That'd be me   I've been a royal jerk to pretty much everyone the last few weeks. I pretty much realized I'd gone completely over the edge today when I was at work and one of my co-workers was helping me with some paperwork. I'd made a mistake on one of the forms and she was explaining what I'd done wrong and what I needed to do to fix it (which wasn't pleasant, and was a lot of work). Anyway I guess I was starring at her like I didn't understand or something because she



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