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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Jun 23. - Jun. 29)

    By wildone

    First off, to our millions of Canadian members, Happy Canada Long Weekend! Sounds like it is a scorcher no matter where you are. Here in my little burg, believe it or not we have been on extreme water restrictions, like fluhing the toilet once per day, 3 min showers, no outside watering at all, etc. since 23 days ago when we had a main feeder line from our water treatment plant, big enough to drive a truck through, broke  A city of 1.5 million and and 80% of the city and surrounding towns and ci

Writing Prompts #696 & #697

That's it. August is done. Finito. Wait... the season change doesn't come for 3 more weeks? There's still more warmth or the heat from H-E-double hockey sticks (depending on your locale) or smoke (I'm out west, it's awful!) to go? Well how about we stay indoors and read and write flash fiction? Yes, that's just the ticket!  Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 696 – Creative Tag  - The bench A bench appeared in the mid


Cia in Prompts

Another Opportunity for Learning: Plotting!

As with a few weeks ago, this Wednesday we're lacking any submissions for the author self-promotions and self-improvement blogs (shown below) so I thought we'd focus on some information and questions shared on GA by members and authors and maybe some other help I could provide when it comes to another vital aspect to writing to build on last week's post. The earlier exploring characterization explored past blogs that had different angles for writing characters as well as two file downloads I've


Cia in Writing Tips

August CSR Discussion Day: The Hidden Ones: The Spotlight by Aceinthehole

Holy mackerel it's Monday, the last Monday of the month! How did that happen already? Well it's a good thing we're ready for it, right? Did you take advantage of the time you had to read Aceinthehole's story, The Hidden Ones: The Spotlight? I know it was really long! Hopefully you made a dent. I will caution you, if you're still mid-read, there are some questions below in the interview that have answers that might be a tad revealing about the story, so I've hidden them with spoilers. Or maybe th


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 19 - Aug 25)

Hey all, time for our weekly look back at what happened over the past week!   Monday, Cia introduced us to this month's Classic Author Feature:   Wednesday, Cia followed up with the Excerpt for our Classic Author:   Finally it was Friday! What better way to wrap up the week with @comicfan giving us some new prompts:   Anthologies 2019 Anthology Theme Selection is here  - Due Sept 7th 2018 Fall Anthology: Fight Back - Due Nov 15th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #694 & #695

August is winding down! How about some end of summer fun with these prompts?  If you're stuck, or you're considering writing for the first time, these might be perfect for you. Don't forget that stories under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection.   Prompt 694 – Creative Tag – First Line I’m tired of this, so I’m going home!   Prompt 695 – Creative Tag – The role You’ve been asked to guest star on your favorite show. What is your role like


Cia in Prompts

August Classic Author Excerpt: My Jump Off by Nickolas James

Did you catch Monday's blog post feature of this month's Classic Author story, My Jump Off by Nickolas James? There's something to be said for reading about flawed characters who have a real life and problems they might not handle like you would want a character to do... since real people and real life so seldom follows a script. And that's just what this story has going for it. I picked this month's featured excerpt for that reason as well. You can really see the 'teenage drama' and the self-in


Cia in Classic Feature

August Classic Author Feature: My Jump Off by Nickolas James

This month we're keeping the theme going with another teen story by one of our site authors. This time it's My Jump Off by Nickolas James, one of the site Classic Authors. All too often authors write their teenage characters as if they are minor adults--a little more impulsive and stuck in high school still--but with all the wisdom and maturity to make the "right decisions". Well... what happens when right doesn't feel right and wrong feels so much better? I think Nickolas James's story features


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 12 - Aug 18)

Well hello everyone! Happy Sunday I hope for you all. I was shocked to hear that the schools in some parts of the US are back in already. What about your neck of the woods, what is the school year like? I imagine down under and elsewhere it is probably ramping up for summer holidays soon. I think it is interesting when you read a story from another country than your own, as I actually learn more about that country in a way that is never taught in school.   Oh, I'm here to do the weekly


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #692 & #693

Happy Friday, prompt authors! How do a few creative prompts sound for this week's challenge? There's something very, very wrong with both of these scenarios, and you have to figure out what that is... have fun!    Prompt 692 – Creative Tag – The trunk Aggravated, you march out to the garage looking for boxes to pack your belongings in. You spot the trunk in the corner, grab the handle and go to drag it out, only to nearly dislocate your shoulder. Stopping, you open the trunk


Cia in Prompts

Featured Story: Losing Kevin

One thing many readers have in common here on GA is that, at one time or another, we've had to grapple with the fact that we're not quite what everyone expects us to be when we're growing up. We're different. But others can't tell. And sometimes, when you're reading, that's a good thing! There are a lot of teen coming-of-age stories on GA, but BlindAmbition really connected with this one for his review. Read on to find out why!    Losing Kevin Ronyx Reviewer: BlindAmbition


Cia in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug 5 - Aug 11)

Well I am finally home after my 7734 km/4805 mile drive! Thank you Cia for helping me out last week.   First off, are you like me and getting lots and lots of notifications? Well even though we didn't have a Tech Tuesday, Myr showed us all how to authorize what we get notified on. Check it out here by clicking 'Read more...' on the big red bar on any page or via the announcement. Or just go check out the actual options to selection what you are getting notifications for, not just how


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #690 & #691

Friday is here! Busy week for me yet again, with the CSR on Monday and the post about crafting characters on Wednesday. But maybe you can use some of that info to help you when writing for one of these great prompts supplied by our guru, Comicfan!    Prompt 690 – Creative Tag – The horoscope Imagine reading a horoscope and having it come true, but only in accidental ways. What happens?   Prompt 691 – Creative Tag – Fairy Tale Gone Wrong You’ve been trying


Cia in Prompts

August Author Opportunities & Character Articles

This week we have something a little different for today's blog post though we're keeping it all about improving and encouraging authors. Remember we have various opportunities for authors to be featured such as:    Story Critique: Open to all GA authors. Sign up here. Ask An Author: Send your questions for your favorite authors to Carlos Hazday (no questions = no Ask An Author) Story Recommendations:  Open to all GA authors & readers. PM your r


Cia in Writing Tips

August CSR Feature: The Hidden Ones: The Spotlight by Aceinthehole

Oh, how the world turns... for so many in the upper hemisphere, summer is coming to a close and that means school is beginning again. And with school, we think of teenagers and all that comes with them--the angst and pain of growing up and fitting in or maybe not fitting in. One of our recent promotions to the ranks of Promising Authors, Aceinthehole is one of the site authors who has written a popular story featuring a story that is "a slice of reality of broken people. The ups and downs of gro


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (July 29 - Aug 4)

Wow, July is gone and August has started. In Canada, the first week of September is considered the end of summer. No matter where you are, let's make the most of August! Currently I'm on vacation , so a big thanks to Cia for running the stories Saturday night and putting them in and publishing the wrap up!   Monday, Cia started the close of the month with the CSR Discussion Day:   Wednesday, Carlos brought us another edition of Ask an Author 2.0:   Friday, I was a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #688 & #689

Happy Friday, blog followers! Time for some flash fiction and for some weekend fun. Hopefully fun, at least. If you have to work the weekend, maybe you can write a short story for a character to have the fun you can't inspired by one of the following prompts provided by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Who doesn't enjoy a good death threat?    Prompt 688 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – a nest, a spider, a snake, a bottle of wine, and a motorbike.


Cia in Prompts

Ask an Author 2.0 #10

Here we go again, folks. Another installment of your questions being answered by GA authors. Have you sent me a question to pass along already? No? Why? I never reveal who send in the questions so you need not be embarrassed of anything you may want to ask. Hell, once I send the question to the author, I delete the message so I don’t even know who asks most of them in. I’m old and my memory’s deficient. • • • With twenty-eight stories and over 800,000 words posted in a little over two

July CSR Discussion Day: The Tampa Chronicles by BHopper2

Well this was a nice long month between Mondays, so I picked a short story and the novella continuation of the tale written by BHopper2 in A New Life and a New Home and My Son. Did you have a chance to read them before or this month for the feature? Make sure you share you thoughts below! You might also consider writing a review for the story or copying your comments there; authors always appreciate those! But first, as always, I have an interview with BHopper2.    Are you a person who

Weekly Wrap Up (July 22 - July 28)

We continue on with our summer broadcasting schedule (do you say shedual or skedual?  ) I didn't take over the weeks worth of blogs for Cia, as you really don't want to see that . Instead we split up the week a bit more this week .   Monday Cia brought us a Story Review by @LitLover   Wednesday Graeme took over the blog again for some big news!   Friday, Cia shared prompts from our prompt guru @comicfan   Saturday Myr jumped in with some exciting news a


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Stories 2.3.2 Is now Live

We have just posted a new version of Stories.  In theory, this finally corrects the notification bugs.  If you Follow a Story, you should now get your notifications every time.  If you Follow an Author (on the author page) you should be alerted when they post a new story.   A "Part of Series" toggle has been added to filters:   The quick search links now properly activate existing filters and you should be able to change them or remove them with the minus sign. Exa


Myr in Technology Archive

Writing Prompts #686 & #687

Hi prompt blog followers! I was a little late this week, just by a few hours, but I actually dozed off last night looking for a picture and didn't get the blog quite up in time. Sorry! But you still have plenty of time today and the rest of this week to post your flash fiction inspired by the following prompts, and I did find a picture that was perfect this morning.    Prompt 686 – Creative Tag – Wish The sign read, Wishes Fulfilled – All magic comes at a price. Your friend


Cia in Prompts

GA's Newest Promising Author: Dodger

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating @Dodger in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. Dodger has been a member at GA for over six years, and in that time he's posted over 700,000 words across eight stories including his highly enjoyable epic The Cockney Canuck. You can find all of his stories at his author page, so settle back and have fun reading the creations of our newest Promising Author!   Congratulations, Dodger!  


Graeme in News Archive

Featured Story: Blood of the Neko

Well, happy Monday! Are those groans I hear? Well, hopefully you will either survive, if you're checking this blog before work or you obviously managed to make it through the day if you're home and hopefully relaxing. And what better way than to first read this review by LitLover of this eko tale written by our very own Promising author, Craftingmom?    Blood of the Neko craftingmom Reviewer: LitLover Status: Complete Word Count: 61,158   Blood of the Neko is th


Cia in Featured Stories

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