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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Featured Story: A Life Lived

First Monday of the month means another great review from the Review Team!! @Parker Owens brought us a story that just literally stopped posting a few weeks ago. I read the story week by week and I have to admit it is on the much higher side of great       A Life Lived by Dabeagle Reviewer: Parker Owens Status: Complete Word Count:  51,487   The number of Gay romances is enormous and growing. There’s a reason for this, of course. Guy meets guy, hearts flutter, e

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 4 - Feb. 10)

It seems like when I have nothing better to say, my momma's saying comes out: If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all. Funny thing is, I don't have anything bad to say about anyone. This week   In an effort to bypass Valentines, but feel to bring up if you want, what are some of your mom's momisms? Or do you have a doozie or two of dadisms. One sage piece of advice that my dad imparted on me at a very young age was, don't pee into the wind. I wish I had paid m


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Author Bio

Author Bio I fully understand that there are many of you out there reading this right now who might just be writing stories for fun or treating this as a fun hobby, or maybe even as a method of self therapy...but stick around, as this article can be a major win for you too! However, if any of you are looking to make some side hustle money by publishing your work professionally or perhaps self publishing online...there is one part of the process that seems like it should be easy enough


Comicality in Writing Tips

Author Guess Who #20

It is time! No, not the Super Bowl. Not the yearly anthology either. Put your guessing hats on, y'all! Don't worry, I'll give you a few seconds...  Darn, it's in the title. Jeezums, what am I supposed to do with all of this confetti? Maybe I'll hand it to a kid waiting at the bus stop and tell 'em to wreak havoc in class. Evil plots aside, it's time for Author Guess Who! For those who do not know or are new, this is a monthly blog game with a mystery interviewee. The only clues you get are

Ask An Author 3.0 #36

I don't know about y'all, but the weather here is a little wonky. 59 degrees Fahrenheit is a tad bit warm for February. Hold on a second... I think that's because we have a new Ask An Author edition that's hot off the presses! Eh? See what I did there? Aren't you proud of me? Nah, I can feel a few sets of eyeballs on me as I type this. I'll take the "boo's" in the comment section, please and thank you.  Anyway, new interview! I had the lovely opportunity to chat with @Lee Wilson and see how

Horror Deep Dive 2

Top 10 Most Read Horror - Horror - Modern General Horror stories set in modern times The Innocence Of Night by Remijay Complete The Talents of the Fallen by JMH Complete GFD 12: Blood Ties by Comicality Long-Term Hold Savage Moon 06 - The New Breed by Comicality Long-Term Hold Resident Evil: Epidemic by PatrickOBrien Complete Bouquet of Poems by Ieshwar Complete GFD 10: Nights Eternal by Comicality Complete To Have and to Hold by


Myr in Genre Deep Dives

February CSR Feature: The Weakest Link: Teenage Triumphs Edition by AusGlitterati

For February, I often feature stories of love and romance... but we can all read those on our own time! Instead I wanted to feature a story that brings all sorts of people, personalities, and fun together for this leap month! And if you love it, there's a follow-up of sorts too.  The Weakest Link: Teenage Triumphs Edition by @AusGlitterati Length: 34,886 Description: In 2012, nine gifted teenagers arrive seek to win up to fifty thousand pounds for themselves and for charity b

Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 29 - Feb. 3)

1 done and only 11 to go! Maybe it was the time off, but did anyone else feel that January flew by? I know we say this more and more as we age  but for some reason I thought this one went really quickly. Now that we are in February and I KNOW a lot of you don't do resolutions but also some do. If you did, are they still being followed? Today I had breakfast with two friends that live together. One, who has been through multiple brain surgeries and major life events setting him back, fo


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Comedy

Writing Comedy You know...if you were to ask most actors what’s really the most difficult emotions to pull off on screen, you might think that it would be intense anger, or being able to cry on screen during a sad or dramatic moment...but actually, it’s laughing. All blooper reels aside and how fun it looks behind the scenes, finding a way to convincingly laugh in front of the cameras...especially while adhering to a script that you’ve read and memorized a million times, is a true skill amon

Home Prompts

These prompt ideas were inspired by a discussion on the site. Would people read stories that take place in a foreign country? How difficult is it to write these kinds of stories and still find readers on an international site like GA? Does an American want to read a story about characters falling in love in Denmark? On the other hand, what do we have to do to write a story taking place away from home, like space or for example, China, India, Africa, or wherever your muse takes you? Let’s t


Aditus in Prompts

Anthology Update

The anthology theme committee is hard at work narrowing down their submitted themes to a top five for the GA membership to vote on.  Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks for the announcement!  There are some pretty cool themes up for consideration.  In the meantime, be sure to check out the guidelines for the GA Poetry Anthology - Seasons, due April first.  It's not too early to get started on some poetry!    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

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