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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Featured Story: When I Fall Asleep / Rexer

What? Cia is posting the blog? That's right! Straight from reading a Promising Story, to reviewing it, to posting the blog. I don't know how Trebs and Renee and all their helpers keep doing this! So readers, help us out! We constantly need volunteers to help review stories for our Authors, Promising Authors, and Hosted Authors for our weekly features.   We know we have great readers on this site, the numbers Trebs posted last week for the reviews in GA. Stories was staggering. All it takes is


Cia in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Red's Rescue

I hope you all enjoyed last weeks 10 Year Anniversary Edition of the blog, but now it is on to a new week and the start of GA's 11th year! To start us off we're taking a look back at a story written for the 2007 Winter Anthology: Worth Fighting For. I hope you enjoy Dark's review of "Red's Rescue" written by Lugh. Enjoy and if you decide to check out the story, why not leave him a review! Red's Rescue By Lugh Review by Dark Status: Complete Word Count: 10,042   This is a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Anniversary Week - Weekly Update!

Did everyone enjoy Anniversary Week?   We started the week with a review by Cia of Hosted Author Myr's Terran Confederation - Jeremiah. See, not only does he bring us all this fantastic website for the past ten years, he writes too!   For our Toss Up Tuesday, we then continued with an interview with Myr!   Wednesday, we had a bit of a change up and instead of our usual reviews, we had some thoughts from one of the other original GayAuthors.org authors - Comicality. It was a great read to


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Blast From The Past!

This isn't the first time we've celebrated the beginnings of GayAuthors.org (nor will it be the last). In December 2006, we had a great newsletter entry that we want to share again with you, in this Blast From the Past. We also have a bit of an update posted below the entry. Enjoy!       Dec. 2006 A Man, A Computer & A Dream The Birth of Gay Authors   It was September 13, 2002 when the vision of one man began to become a reality. That late summer day would change the face


Trebs in News Archive

Writing Prompts Special Anniversary Prompts

How can we have an anniversary week, without anniversary prompts? But oh - Comicfan, the ever resourceful has solved this dilemna with these two wonderful writing prompts. As always, we hope you share your responses with the community in the Writing Prompts forum...   Special Anniversary Prompt #1 Tag: Anniversaries Anniversaries are always something special and unusual. What makes the one you are attending that way?   Special Anniversary Prompt #2 Tag: Save the Date I know I had been asked


Trebs in Prompts

Gay Authors 10th Anniversary Special Anthology: Secrets Can Kill NOW LIVE!

First off, I would like to wish GA a happy 10th Anniversary and a special thanks to Myr for creating GayAuthors.org in the first place! I just happen to be one of those crazy straight women (or as Myr calls me: Crazy Mountain Lady) that Myr mentioned in his interview, but I am so glad to have a place to post my stories where I know they are enjoyed. As most everyone should know by now, we released the 2012 Fall Anthology: Friends and Enemies just a few short days ago. I hope everyone has enjo

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Author Showcase - Thoughts From Comicality

With Anniversary week in full swing, we're making a substitute for this week's Author Showcase and instead of reviews of two GA Authors, one of them a Promising Author - this week, we're thrilled to offer this piece from one of the first GayAuthors.org authors, Comicality. Radiant Renee Stevens reached out to Comicality, and wrote the intro for this. We hope you enjoy!       We are bringing you something that was written from the heart. We all know what GA means to us and so I wanted to see


Trebs in Author Interviews

Toss-Up Tuesday: Interview With Myr

Can you feel the love tonight....   <ahem> I mean, are you loving our Anniversary week entries so far? Today, for Toss Up Tuesday, Radiant Renee Stevens interviewed the one, the only - MYR!!!   We hope you enjoy!   Interview with Myr   Interviewer: Renee Stevens   What prompted you to create GayAuthors.org? I wanted to put all my favorite stories in one spot. So, would it be fair to say that GA surpassed your expectations and grew beyond what you originally had plann


Trebs in Author Interviews

Featured Story: Terran Confederation - Jeremiah

It's Monday again, and not just any Monday! Today starts the Gay Authors 10th Anniversary Week here on the blog. We will be changing it up a bit from the normal blog entries, so we hope that you enjoy the content just as much as we have enjoyed putting it all together. To start us off, Cia has written up a review of a story written by the man who started it all. I hope you enjoy this look at "Terran Confederation - Jermiah" written by none other than Myr! Terran Confederation - Jeremiah

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

If you didn't see yesterday's blog entry, the Fall Anthology: Friends & Enemies is now live. Thirteen great new stories for all to read - check them out!   Also, on Thursday, we put out a new inquiry from Podiumdavis. PD has been fantastic in compiling various responses toautors on questions like How would you cast your story? and others. This time, he has a one for anyone who wants to reply, not just our authors.   So the inquiry is:   If you're interested, send your response on this


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Fall Anthology: Friends & Enemies Is Live!

Happy Saturday to all, and it is a very happy Saturday. Why you may ask, the 2012 Gay Authors Fall Anthology is now LIVE! That's right, you've been wanting to read the stories and the wait is finally over. I hope you enjoy the hard work that all of our authors put into their anthology pieces and after you've read, why not leave the author a review letting them know what you think about it! Remember to Read, Write, & REVIEW!           2012 Gay Authors Fall Anthology: Friends &

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Writing Prompts #166 & #167

So - since there may be a malicious rumour going around today, I just want to verify, today is NOT my birthday...           Couldn't be - I stopped having them about 20 years ago   BUT - if for some reason, you decide to listen to such spiteful drivel, well - maybe give me a gift. Like - don't just read the wonderful prompt responses from other members, take a stab at one of these great prompts from our ever clever Comicfan, and share your response with the community in our Writing Pro


Trebs in Prompts

Writing Tip: Why A Beta?

We have a great tip below, written by our own Dark on "Why a Beta?". But before we launch into this tip, Podiumdavis recently approached Renee and I on another of his wonderful compilations. For this one, instead of privately gathering interviews and/or questions and pulling them together, the thought is to put out the inquiry and invite anyone interested to submit their responses privately to Podiumdavis. Then in a short bit, we'll post the best ones (and as usual, if there is enough and the an


Trebs in Writing Tips

Featured Story: A Day In A Life Of Misery / Bovian Image

I absolutely love the Wednesday blog. It gives us a chance to bring some recognition to the wonderful authors that can be found here at GA. Today, we're bringing you two more stories. We hope that you'll take a look at them and see if just maybe they are something you might enjoy. The first review we're bringing you is one done by yours truly or, as Trebs would say, the Radiant Renee Stevens (rolls eyes) of a story by Promising Author: Skylights called "A Day in a Life of Misery." SidLove also p

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Toss Up Tuesday: Interview With Cailen

Before we give you our Toss Up Tuesday, we want to remind you of what today is. If you planned to participate in the 2012 Gay Authors Fall Anthology: Friends and Enemies the deadline is TODAY!   Now that we've given you that little reminder, onto our Tuesday content. Today we have another interview for you. You have probably seen his work on the site as the interviewee is our resident graphic artist, Cailen. Thank you Cailen for answering some questions and a big thank you goes out to the inte


Trebs in Author Interviews

Featured Story: For The Love

While I realize that we recently featured Hosted Author C James' Circumnavigation, after reading this great review by Wildone, I was all for featuring it this week - and it seems appropriate, since few can match our beloved Goat in his labors to diligently to turn out one wonderful tale after another for his readers here on GayAuthors. So with good Labor Day wishes to all (should this be Labor Day for you), here is Wildone's excellent (and cliffhanger-free), review:   For the Love


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

If you haven't seen yet, Myr had a very important blog entry about GA Hosted Authors, eBooks and Fiction Stories, please take a moment and check it out. If you did see it, but didn't see his late posted note, I want to repeat what he said - this announcement does NOT mean that GA is switching to Pay only. GA will always have the majority of content free, as long as Myr runs it.   Also - we now have only 2 days left for our FALL Anthology entries. The "Friends and Enemies" anthology is due Sept


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Featured Story: Reach / Traveling Home

This week, we have first a great review by Houdinii of Reach, by Promising Author CassieQ. Then following in a bit of serendipity, we have a review BY CassieQ of Author podga's Traveling Home. Each is a bit of a different story - and that's one thing that makes each of them special. We hope you enjoy these reviews and try out the stories themselves!   Reach by CassieQ   Reviewed by Houdinii Status: In Progress Word Count: 41,349   I began reading a story today by Cas


Trebs in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Endings And Beginnings

Happy Monday! Since we're about to end August (and for many of us, our summer's), as well as starting the week, what better story to take a look at than "Endings and Beginnings" by Hosted Author Viv. Enjoy!   Endings and Beginnings by Viv   Reviewed by: Trebs Status: Complete Word Count: 10,442   Endings and Beginnings is the first of a series for Viv's "Underneath This Big Ol' Sky". In Spring of 2007, GayAuthors had an anthology of "Endings and Beginnings", and Viv


Trebs in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

First things first - announcements time!!!   Renee announced on the 20th of August that she is looking for theme suggestions for the 2013 GA Anthologies. If you have a suggestion for a theme, now is the time to let her know via the thread in the Anthology Forum. Suggestions will be taken until midnight (US Mountain Time) September 3rd and then this topic will be locked. Once all suggestions are in, a team will narrow it down to twenty themes for the GA Members to vote on. Why wait, get your su


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #164 & #165

One of the things I personally love about the weekly blog is the Prompt Me that debuts every Friday. Comicfan always manages to come up with something that sounds quite interesting and this week is no exception. If you tackle either of these prompts why not share them with everyone else by posting them in the Writing Prompt Forum!   Prompt 164 – Creative Tag – The Stranger They showed up out of nowhere and seem to know everything about your life. Your friends and the rest of your family readil

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Keeping Your Writing Life In Sync (And Backed Up)

So many of us write from multiple computers and I know from personal experience that it can be a pain to try and transfer files back and forth between laptops/desktops/etc. Today, Myr is telling us about a great way to make our life easier when switching between computers!       Keeping Your Writing Life in Sync (and backed up)   In this day and age, many of us have multiple computers or devices that we use in our daily lives. For those of us that write, we could be writing i

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Writing Tips

Author Showcase

With great thanks, we give you LouisHarris' review of Promising Author WrathofMagneto's Slide, as well as Andy021278's review of The Other Foot, by Author Forty-Two. These reviews are fantastic and are such a help - if you have time to help us do a review of a GayAuthor's story, let me know! And once you've read the reviews, I hope it spurs you to check out these great stories.   Slide by WrathofMagneto   Reviewer: LouisHarris Status: Complete Word Count: 4,113   The


Trebs in Reviews

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