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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 29 - Jan. 4)

    By wildone

    Some say it is too late 5 days after, but screw them ! I'm still going to say Happy New Year! Maybe without the fanfare, but on behalf of all of us here at the GA News Blog and GA, we wish all your dreams and hopes come true in 2025 🥳 It must be the sign of my age , but I was sound asleep by 11:30, with no real reason to stay up past midnight . How about yourselves? Did you ring in the New Year with a party, or just maybe yourself and one or two others? Did you have a refreshing alcoholic b

Genres and Tags Prompts

I browsed the various genres and tags the other day and thought how about we go on a writing adventure, step out of our comfort zone, and try new things? PT #119 Your protagonist orders their favorite hot beverage at the coffee shop, stirs it with a strangely formed spoon, and suddenly the place is devoid of any customers. The door opens, and in comes a person wearing black clothes and a Venetian mask. Write the first lines of their conversation, or more? PT #120 Write a letter either as


Aditus in Prompts

Ask An Author 3.0 #26

March. March! March!!! I doubt I'll be kicking off the month of March for GA like this any time soon, so let's do it in a fun and exciting way. I didn't have any questions via PM, so I had to put my workboots on and find some content. Fortunately, I didn't have to look far. With a slightly different format, I asked some wonderful questions for one of the site's exciting authors. This guy has one of my favorite stories of all time, and I revisit it frequently. Asking these questions brought much

February CSR Discussion Day: Crisscross Moon by Rich Eisbrouch

Did you ever think you so strongly did something, you didn't even worry about it? Well, I've been doing the CSR blogs for over 10 years (Yes, I checked, they started in Jan. 2013!) and was sure I'd sent Rich his interview for Crisscross Moon. I did not. Sorry again, Rich!! If he gets his (very late) interview back to me, I'll add it here, but for now I wanted to feature the thoughts of some readers who enjoyed his story so you can also share yours below! Plus a graphic because that's also what I


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 19 - Feb. 25)

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night. Depending on where in the day you are when you read this. 🕰️ I looks like our shortest month of the year is almost over. Can I tell a joke that hopefully everyone sees the humour of it and don't fill up my inbox with hate mail Actually it was told to me by a friend in the field, so to speak   So what month of the year do farmers complain the least amount about the weather?   Okay, settle down out there  Would that fit into the category


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Man Vs Self

Man Vs Self As many writers already know, and I’ve mentioned it a number of times in the past myself, almost all story conflicts can be broken down into three different categories. Man versus man, man versus society, and man versus self. Each one can be very easy to decode once you’ve read enough stories of different varieties, and have taught yourself to recognize the ‘checklist’ that exists for each labeled category. Writing gay fiction, it’s very easy to approach all three. Whether it be


Comicality in Writing Tips

February Travels - The People We Encounter

Vacations are always a special treat.  You get time away from your humdrum life, time to recreate yourself and time to expand your horizons.  What a better vacation than to visit a friend in a new place to reconnect and explore.  Let's write some character sketches about the people we see and why.  I'm choosing some challenging scenarios to get writing something uncomfortable.  Good luck!   117 - You are at a resort on a tropical island when suddenly you hear your name.  Looking up, yo

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

National Poetry Month Feature

I chose April to feature the Poetry Anthology – Exploration, because April is National Poetry Writing Month.  The idea behind NaPoWriMo is simply to encourage people to write poetry.  It coincides with National Poetry Month, which celebrates poetry in all its forms. NaPoWriMo is also a poetry writing challenge, where poets are asked to write thirty poems – or one per day – during the month of April. Quite a few GA members have taken up this challenge over the years and completed it successf


Valkyrie in Anthology

February Signature Author Excerpt: So Weeps the Willow by Cole Matthews

Did you catch Monday's feature of Cole Matthew's story So Weep's the Willow? If you've ever indulged... ahem... a little too much, you might identify with the feelings at the start of this excerpt. Now the hows and whys the character makes the choices that go on in the story? Maybe, or maybe not, but that's the beauty of getting to follow along with another's story, right? Enjoy!!  Want to read more? Click here


Cia in Signature Feature

February Signature Author Feature: So Weeps the Willow by Cole Matthews

I went another route, tugging at the heart strings again with this read. Plus the visual was just too good to pass up! If you're stuck inside due to yucky weather, why not try this super long read of Cole Matthew's!  Length: 104,569 Description: Jake is having a rough time.  His career's at a dead end.  His love life is a disaster.  His mother is a mess.  Finally, he decides to turn things around.  This is his story.  A reader said: Brilliantly crafted, full o


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 12 - Feb. 18)

Ooops, I did it again Up here in the frozen Great White North some people decided years ago that the time between New Years Day and Good Friday/Easter Sunday was tooooooo long of a break without a day off from work  I know, you all are thinking did you damn Canadians create another holiday in February? If you are thinking that, you are correct. The day falls on President's day in the US of A, but most provinces call it Family Day . So the 3rd Monday of the month is a day off for


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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