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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 18 - Sept. 24)

3 down and 1 to go!! We are getting there! Before you start to feel withdrawals from not having any more new anthology entries, rest assured that there was enough of them for the Anthology - Anniversary that there will be a fourth and final release next Thursday for all of you   What else is new you ask (okay, maybe you didn't )  Well Thursday was not only the release of round 3, but it also was the kick off off the Fall Equinox up here in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

2022 Anthology: Anniversary Week 3 *Now Live*

Who's ready for week 3 of the Anniversary Anthology story releases? Last week we celebrated GA's 20th Anniversary, and we're not done yet! We've had 2 weeks of great stories, and we have 2 more to go! It's been awesome to see the participation from our readers and authors, so thank you to everyone! I hope you will all continue to enjoy the stories shared by our great authors on the theme of "Anniversary".   


Cia in Anthologies

September Signature Author Excerpt: Diego's Dance with Death by Aditus

Happy September reading! If you aren't already engrossed in a story or series, I have the best recommendation for you. Every so often I love to hit upon my favorite genres, and these stories are right up my alley. Angels, Cupids, and Death. Which are the snarkiest? I'm not gonna tell! You have to read to find out. Ooh... someone's in trouble! Who is it? To read more, or catch up on the gist of things click here


Cia in Signature Feature

September Signature Author Feature: Diego's Dance with Death by Aditus

This month's feature story by Aditus was co-authored with Timothy M, and it does require reading of 2 other series of fantasy tales. I had to feature it though because it's just too good not to! Have you read any of them? If not, hopefully this preview make you want to if you haven't already!  Length: 32,788 Description: Sablo and Diego are brothers and Guardian Angels. Sablo has found his true love with the Cupid Theliel, but worries about his brother. Especially when he finds o


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 11 - Sept. 17)

I would be remiss if I didn't mention at the start of the Wrap Up about the 2nd round of the GA Anniversary Anthology 😮 It is more a fear of @Valkyrie. Even without her threats and promises of a world of hurt, I would have done it anyways   So about those stories, why not give us an update on how you are doing? Did you get through all of Round 1. Have you got through Round 2 already ? Have you liked and left a chapter comment or story comment? I know our authors really appreciate everyone's


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

2022 Anthology: Anniversary Week 2 *Now Live*

Welcome back to Week 2 of our special 2022 Anthology themed Anniversary! Thank you to all the authors who shared stories for us to post last week and all the readers who took the time to read, like, comment, and review. Of course we're back with even more variety for you to enjoy. Keep up the enthusiasm and show your appreciation for these takes on the theme of Anniversary!  


Cia in Anthologies

Featured Story: Carême in Brighton

Well the second Tuesday of the month snuck up on me and bit me in the... cheek   Thank goodness our Review Team were more on the ball and had this excellent review ready to go. Enjoy and leave some feedback if you have read it, or plan to!     Carême in Brighton — a mystery novel by AC Benus Reviewer: Parker Owens Status: Complete Word Count: 105,157 For those readers like me, whose bookshelves are not lined with mystery novels, AC Benus’ Carême in Brighton represent


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 4 - Sept. 10)

Well, well, well. Shall we wrap this week up like a pig in a blanket . So question for all of you, have you partaken in any of the great first releases of the GA 20th Anniversary Anthology?  How many have you read, 1, 2, or all of them? What do you think so far?  I've personally had a busy week, as on Thursday night I was going to get into bed with my iPad and start reading. Much to my surprise out my condo's bedroom window 😮 Okay Steve, that is an excuse for Thursday night.


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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