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  • Aditus

    These are no New Year nor Resolution Prompts

    By Aditus

    From this year on you will be pestered er.... prompted by the We want to thank @Cole Matthews for being a member of the Prompt Team since October 2021 and inspiring us with around 80 prompt ideas. Thank you Cole.     #PT261 Someone wakes up all alone in the back and beyond, with no cell phone reception, after falling asleep on the bus or train. What happens now?   #PT 262 Write an online love story. Have the story consist entirely of alter

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 28 - Dec. 4)

Okay, let me put my grinch hat on   Has anyone got sick of the shall we call them 'Lifetime' Christmas movies?  I mean, they are all basically the same story, just different actors and slightly different stories. But there is always a woman, who has a male adversary at the beginning. The scheming and cajoling and finally they admit they are in love with each other and everything survives what was in peril at the start of the movie.  The bakery, the Christmas tree farm, shall I go on? Okay,


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Story Filter Bar Change

We have updated the Story Filter Bar on the Story Archive. (As well as the reading stats filter bar) We have added an FAQ entry for details on the symbols.  This is linked directly on the story filter bar under the help "?" button.  


Myr in Technology Archive

Writing Teen Characters

Considering the fact that almost all of my stories involve teenage characters, a great deal of my readers (perhaps more than half) are teenagers themselves. So...if any of you guys are reading this right now...hehehe, don't take any offense over anything that I say here in this article! It's not like it's anything that I wouldn't have said to you in an email or the chatroom at this point anyway. I'm just placing it here as a disclaimer so you don't get all pouty on me. Besides, I've got yo


Comicality in Writing Tips

Wintry Holiday Prompts! December 3, 2021

With the holiday season beginning to heat up, let's stretch our writer muscles and creativity with some prompts!!  Here are my first offerings into our wonderful winter writing.   PT 3# Holiday Quote - "Let's do something that puts us on Santa's naughty list." PT 4# You've played Santa at the mall for the past twenty-five years, but after dealing with bratty kids, entitled parents, and a total lack of manners, you've decided you're done after this season.  It's taken all your

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Ask An Author 3.0 #11

Who has their holiday decorations up? I certainly do! It's the first Wednesday of December, and we have something special. It's a fantastic edition of Ask An Author!  I know many missed seeing the November issue, but as Renee put it, the well ran dry. Let me tell ya, I felt the site rumble with activity and the messages came flooding in! But I'm not one to act in desperation, folks. Ask An Author relies on readers sending in their questions. Let's end 2021 on a high note and stuff the AAA p


astone2292 in Author Interviews

November CSR Discussion Day: Bloom by Dabeagle

How has November treated you? I can't believe we're almost done with this year, but in the same respect it just can't go fast enough! I felt like that when I was reading Dabeagle's story, Bloom. I wanted to know what happened next so I kept reading faster and faster, but I wanted to savor it before it would end too soon.... as all good stories do! What did you think? Share your thoughts below, but first, enjoy these interview questions he answered first! Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 21 - Nov. 27)

So how are you feeling?   I asked one of my friends south of the border and they said fat and broke  I guess the fat from all the food and drinks on Thursday and the broke from Black Friday sales. Not even realizing it was Black Friday on Friday I called our local  iFly location and ended up getting the Black Friday Deal. Yes, I'm getting more for my money but I'm giving them a lot more of it. I hope my nephews and sister enjoy their time in there for Christmas presents. I hope none of the


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

2021 Fall Anthology: Wrap Up!

Well, that's it for this year's anthologies!  A lot of great stories by some very talented authors. Thank you to everyone for participating, whether you are an author or a reader!  If you haven't gotten to read all the stories, don't fret, I'll link them all in the wrap up so that you can easily get to any that you missed! A huge thank you to the team who made the anthologies possible! 2021 Fall Anthology Support Team Anthology Coordinator Renee Stevens Tec

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Featured Story: The Reluctant Consort

Well imagine my shock, shock I say  when I got to GA and noticed the wrap up still up. I realized that we missed getting up the super duper Review Team's, in this case @aditus, review. Since we are basically a day late, we will keep it up for Tuesday as well. My apologies to the Review Team and all our members.   The Reluctant Consort by lilansui   Reviewer: Aditus Status: Complete Word Count: 299,713 I don’t understand that the story The Reluctant Consort has not mo


wildone in Reviews

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