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Movie Suggestions

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I forgot to mention! I've also watched Broken Hearts Club. Cute movie. Thanks for the other recs! Ill check them out :P

Golden Compass is out already? Either I lost touch with the movie releases or its not out yet here. I probably wont get to see 'The Game Plan' any time soon (its releasing in theaters too far from my house). I'll probably go see 'I Am Legend' this weekend though :

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So looking forward to seeing The Golden Compass hopefully today.


Enchanted- Seriously, I felt it was the best movie Disney has made in quite a while. I really appreciated the fact that animated parts were not computer 3D animated but classic animation. It was seriously an excellent movie, and much better than my mom and I expected.


August Rush- Again, extremely good. Many critics thought that the movie was too sugary sweet, but would they rather have some violence in it or something? I don't know, but I really enjoyed it. Definitely had me crying by the end of it.


Evita- If you need the definition of a dramatic musical, Evita is just that. Everything about the movie is handled in such a dramatic way that just increases the overall affect of the movie. It's a really good movie, and both Madonna and Antonio Banderas are amazing in it.


The Producers- AMAZING. It's one of the funniest movies ever.


The Lion King- Simply, the best Disney movie ever in existance IMO.


A Walk To Remember- *sigh* Just simply amazing story.


That's all I have off the top of my head, might add some more soon.

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YAY! I'm planning to watch August Rush today! :lol:


Just watched Superbad, if any of who like the American Pie formula, I recommend it. It's quite good. Not stellar, but funny enough to make you feel good afterwards. ;)


EDIT: August Rush was beautiful! ;) For the cynical of you, yeah it may be too saccharine. But come on, it's a movie. Watch it, if only for the awesome music. I loved it!


I didn't cry! Ok, ok, something got to my eye! :,(

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Running With Scissors

Because I Said So


You probably won't like three out of four if you don't like chick flicks.. :P .. and Running With Scissors is a bit weird.

I loved Running With Scissors!! Because I said So was cute too.


The Devil Wears Prada

She's The Man (since it hints of gay attraction, LOL)

The Family Stone (has a gay married character who adopted a baby :P )

These three are all also really good IMO!! :D


Mr & Mrs Smith

I loved Mr & Mrs Smith! I've been wanting to rent it but I always forget!


I saw Beowulf 3D this past afternoon. I thought it was very well done. The animation style that looked so creepy in the Polar Express previews seems to work in this context for me. I'll resist the temptation to say that the story was a bit dated, but the movie does make me want to go back and read the book since it's been about 40 years.


The 3-D worked quite well for the most part, and they even had some previews in 3-D. The rain and the snow were particularly impressive. It looked like the precipitation was falling in the theater between me and the screen. A lot of minor touches were done better than they had to be to get by.


One distraction was the clumsy ways they obscured a vital area during Beowulf's nude scenes. It was probably more obvious in 3-D, where it looked like you could lean sideways and see around whatever was in front, but, of course, that doesn't work.

LOL, must have been an amusing sight to see everyone leaning to the side to give it a shot!

I heard some reviews of Sweeny Todd on the radio recently, and they said that a lot of the music was left out, including everything sung by the chorus. One reviewer thought the powerful acting compensated for the awful singing. Others thought the singing, particularly by the woman, was too bad to be salvaged. I saw the play on Broadway with Angela Lansbury and Len Cariou, so I'd rather remember it like that. But if you haven't seen the play, you might want to give the movie a shot.

Ohhh! Is that out yet? I'm quite excited about that as well!


Ive actualy seen alot of good flick recently both mainstream and gay. in terms of gay flicks

Trick - the main character is this is so cute you just want to hug him the entire film

The Heartbreak Club - a really good pritty light film

Friends and Family - a film about a gay couple who are bodyguards/ enforcers for the mafia a really good funny e,

I've seen these. They are quite good. I've also almost seen Poster Boy on several occasions.


So looking forward to seeing The Golden Compass hopefully today.


Enchanted- Seriously, I felt it was the best movie Disney has made in quite a while. I really appreciated the fact that animated parts were not computer 3D animated but classic animation. It was seriously an excellent movie, and much better than my mom and I expected.

GRRR, I'm dying to see these two and my plans keep getting thwarted lol.

August Rush- Again, extremely good. Many critics thought that the movie was too sugary sweet, but would they rather have some violence in it or something? I don't know, but I really enjoyed it. Definitely had me crying by the end of it

EXCELLENT movie! I'm going to watch it again tomorrow night, despite wanting to see the other two lol

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I just finished watching Stardust! I loved it.


Honestly, I was expecting another half-baked fantasy movie (which seems to have sprung up in popularity ever since LoTR's success). I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't what I was expecting at all. It has most of everything: fantasy, romance, a hilarious dialogue, brilliantly executed action scenes, beautiful special effects, and a whimsical plot that can only be described as an 'Adult Fairy Tale'.


I seriously recommend it to everyone. ;)


I don't want to spoil it or anything, but Robert DeNiro's role in it alone is something we can ALL relate to (I think it's his first role as such). LOL. Watch it! :D It left me smiling. ;)


BTW: If I rate current fantasy movies. I'll place Stardust above The Golden Compass. Still have to see Beowulf and Enchanted though...

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August Rush- Again, extremely good. Many critics thought that the movie was too sugary sweet, but would they rather have some violence in it or something? I don't know, but I really enjoyed it. Definitely had me crying by the end of it.

Oh yes, this one was very good.

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The most recent movies I've seen that I'd recommend are:


1) Dan In Real Life - Steve Carell is amazing here. It's hilarious and interesting, and has a similar feel to "Little Miss Sunshine." Way up there for me.


2) Enchanted - I was a little worried about this movie. I was skeptical of the whole Disney-movie-turned-reality-movie thing, but it turned out to be amazingly cute. If you're into the whole sweet-cutesy-disney thing, this will not disappoint. :)


3) Imagine Me & You - This came out years ago, but I just recently bought it and watched it. I was not disappointed. It was a cute movie. On one hand, I wanted the two girls to get together, but on the other hand... the guy is just so adorable! haha

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My favorite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid. Then Sleeping Beauty.


Anyway, August Rush is the VERY movie I want to see next.. lol. I never get to go out to see them so I'll be waiting to snatch up the DVD. The good reviews for tat movie is only making it worse.. lol. I also want to see the new Keira Knightly movie, "Atonement" I think? And then the new Katharine Heigle movie, which I cannot remember the title.


Some movies that I've watched recently,


Surf's Up, watched it with the brats and hated it.

Shrek The Third, watched it with the brats as well... and they get worse with every new movie.. I liked the first one though.

Live Free or Die Hard

Tristan and Isodle, I have no idea how I missed this movie when it first was released, but I like the movie a lot.




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  • 1 month later...

I recently heard about a new documentary that was out that I was unaware of.


Runnin' Down A Dream


It's a 4 hour film by Peter Bogdanovich that highlights the career of Tom Petty. 4 hours might sound like a lot, But when you consider how long Tom has been making fantastic music, I find it amazing that it is only 4 hours long.


Apparently it is a BestBuy exclusive item, And available online. I bought it at BB for $29.99. It is a box set with 2 DVD's for the main movie, And another 2 hour long DVD of his 30th anniversary concert in his hometown of Gainesville FL.




Now, I'm not generally into documentary's, But when you love music as much as I do, It was a no-brainer that I had to see this one. I was not disappointed!


It has been airing occasionally on The Sundance Channel if your Satellite or cable service has that channel, here is a link for more info or to buy it Tom Petty

Edited by Tim the Traveller
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I just saw one of the funniest movies ever. Strange Wilderness. I was against it for a while figuring you neede to be under the influence of something to enjoy it but this movie is just funny all by itself. Throw in some jokes about male bodyparts, a very frisky turkey and robert patrick(from terminator 2) and you got a very funny movie.


Next movie for me though is Jumper. oh yeah has anyone ever seen the movie Hard Candy? in my opinion one of the absolute best movies ever

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I just saw one of the funniest movies ever. Strange Wilderness. I was against it for a while figuring you neede to be under the influence of something to enjoy it but this movie is just funny all by itself. Throw in some jokes about male bodyparts, a very frisky turkey and robert patrick(from terminator 2) and you got a very funny movie.


Next movie for me though is Jumper. oh yeah has anyone ever seen the movie Hard Candy? in my opinion one of the absolute best movies ever


Ellen Page (of recent Juno fame) was in that movie. It was...intense. Excellent, and one of the better psycological thrillers I've seen.



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So I've officially came to the conclusion that Moulin Rouge! is simply one of the best movies ever.


Not only is Nicole Kidman amazing, but she sings, and she's amazing. So is Ewan McGregor. Yeah. It has drama, music, comedy, and a tango scene to the song "Roxanne". Yeah. It uses a lot of popular songs in it, and even has its own original song, which was robbed of the best song Oscar due to technicalities. It's pretty amazing and uses so many different popular songs it's not even funny. Anyone who hasn't seen it totally should. It's a very good movie.


I REALLY want to go see Juno and Atonement, but I haven't had time to go to the movies, and Atonement is playing nowhere around where I live. I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD.


Another excellent movie was Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, which I feel was completely robbed of a best director and a best picture nod. And if Johnny Depp doesn't win best actor, then there is no justice in this world. It was simply an amazing musical in my opinion. I mean sure it wasn't the Broadway stage version, but Johnny and Helena hold their own when it comes to the singing. Johnny also fulfills his duty as an actor by making the audience feel sympathetic for Sweeney, which was probably extremely hard. Yeah. Tim Burton did it again.



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Mine: The Little Mermaid. Knew all the words. However, there is a legitimate reason. As a kid, my family only had one TV and no cable for a few months. But, we had one movie.


Ah, that is certainly a very good reason. My favorite was The Little Mermaid too, but I didn't have so good an excuse as you had. I suppose that I could claim that since Hans Christian Andersen wrote it while in the grips of unrequited feelings for a straight man, that some of those gay vibes were settling in early...



The Red Violin - the music and the story... great movie

Scent of a Woman - I loved Pacino's perfomance as a blind guy, didn't go too far and was really believable


I haven't seen Red Violin, but the soundtrack -- my God. It's the single most brilliant soundtrack ever composed, and Joshua Bell is a monster.

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Okay...so long list of movies that I like.


The Wicker Man: Mind bender something fierce. I first saw this with my mom because she wanted to buy it. I did not regret it once. It stars Nickolas Cage and on the dvd you get an slternate ending not seen in theaters. It seriously screws with ones mind.


M. Night Shyamalans The Village: Must I say this? Its a mind bender and with the twist at the end, it makes you sit there and scratch your head on how exactly it all came about. But it's so good.


The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: It's a movie that is...on the side of the next movie that I'm about to list. But it has death, disappearences, a house that is alive and betrayal. Got to love it.


Stephen King's Rose Red: I love the movie something fierce. As the bottom says "Every house has a story to tell...This one will kill you." It's six hours of on the edge of your seat excitement, death, destruction and pain. Originally, it was a t.v. movie, but I love the dvd.


Silent Hill: What to say about this one? Take one part insane cult that uses God as an excuse, a police officer, a woman looking for her little girl, a vengeful person and one haunted town and you get a horror mind bender.


An American Haunting: If you have never heard of the Bell Witch Haunting, I suggest you go look it up before watching this one. They use letters and a journal to tell the story; and the ending is something wonderful and makes you wanting more.


Cabin Fever: Horror, nasty, horrible deaths, sex and polluted waters. Ah...the makings of a good horror movie.


Shredder: Take a group of snow boarders and one homicidle skier who wants revenge on all snow boarders and you get this movie.


Stay Alive: 'You die in the game-you die for real.' Take the Elizabeth Bathory ledgend, turn it into a video game that is cursed and you end up with a horror flick like no other.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: I have nothing to say except...gory.


The Descent: This is a very gory movie, but its such a good movie. It has you on the edge of your seat, ready to scream at any moment.


Final Destination 3: you know...its so hard to find a good sequeal, but this was great. ^_^

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  • 2 years later...

This is my top 20:


  • Fight Club
  • The Invisible
  • Cruel Intentions
  • Boondock Saints
  • Moonstruck
  • The Fox and the Hound
  • Meet Joe Black
  • Hard Candy
  • V for Vendetta
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Brick
  • RENT
  • Moulin Rouge
  • Was nutzt die Liebe in Gedanken
  • The Princess Bride
  • Dune
  • The Talented Mr. Ripley
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • Sin City
  • The United States of Leland
  • Like 1
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This is my top 20:


  • Fight Club
  • The Invisible
  • Cruel Intentions
  • Boondock Saints
  • Moonstruck
  • The Fox and the Hound
  • Meet Joe Black
  • Hard Candy
  • V for Vendetta
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Brick
  • RENT
  • Moulin Rouge
  • Was nutzt die Liebe in Gedanken
  • The Princess Bride
  • Dune
  • The Talented Mr. Ripley
  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • Sin City
  • The United States of Leland


Lol way to resurrect this topic greg :P


top 1. Fantastic Mr. Fox

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My Top Twenty Films


1 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

2 How the West Was Won (1962)

3 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

4 Chariots of Fire (1981)

5 Summertime (1955)

6 An Affair to Remember (1957)

7 Ben-Hur (1959)

8 My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)

9 Hotel Rwanda (2004)

10 Never On Sunday (1960) (II)

11 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)

12 Gone With the Wind (1939)

13 The Usual Suspects (1995)

14 Meet John Doe (1941)

15 Zulu (1964)

16 Khartoum (1966)

17 Young Frankenstein (1974)

18 Quo Vadis (1951)

19 It Happened One Night (1934)

20 The Big Country (1958)

Edited by PrivateTim
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