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What defines you?


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"a rose by any other name"- Shakespeare


The defining element of a person is important and it establishes individuals from groups, man and woman from human, teen or elderly from age, and other.


It goes to our concept of who we are? What we are? Why we are? When we are? and How We are?


I am wondering about defining elements today; it's an odd thing to ponder.

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I am rage. I am the eye of the storm. I am the energy the battle and the sting of war. I am the pain of old wounds and new. I am the asshole that won't give, the bastard who won't budge and the pervert that doesn't give a damn. I am the rude finger and other times the fist. I am that gay guy or that fag that makes people look in wonder and disgust. I am the guy that gets fired for no apparent reason. I am the guy that keeps fighting long after its over too make sure the next one knows that its going to hurt. I am the guy that wears his scars like a badge of honor- not hiding them in shame but showing them in blame. I am a SOB and a sweetheart, a jerk and genteel, a contradiction and a constant. I am the person you know and the one that you don't. I am broken in some ways but stronger than steel in others. I am the stranger among you and guy you meet on the bus that you feel like you've known for years.


Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name.

Ah, whats puzzling you

Is the nature of my game.





Billy Joel, The Stranger


Well we all have a face

That we hide away forever

And we take them out and

Show ourselves

When everyone has gone

Some are satin some are steel

Some are silk and some are leather

They're the faces of the stranger

But we love to try them on


Well we all fall in love

But we disregard the danger

Though we share so many secrets

There are some we never tell

Why were you so surprised

That you never saw the stranger

Did you ever let your lover see

The stranger in yourself?


Don't be afraid to try again

Everyone goes south

Every now and then

You've done it, why can't

Someone else?

You should know by now

You've been there yourself


Once I used to believe

I was such a great romancer

Then I came home to a woman

That I could not recognize

When I pressed her for a reason

She refused to even answer

It was then I felt the stranger

Kick me right between the eyes


Well we all fall in love

But we disregard the danger

Though we share so many secrets

There are some we never tell

Why were you so surprised

That you never saw the stranger

Did you ever let your lover see

The stranger in yourself?


Don't be afraid to try again

Everyone goes south

Every now and then

You've done it why can't

Someone else?

You should know by now

You've been there yourself


You may never understand

How the stranger is inspired

But he isn't always evil

And he is not always wrong

Though you drown in good intentions

You will never quench the fire

You'll give in to your desire

When the stranger comes along.

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Suffering is an eternal part of life; defining yourself through suffering is a both ascendant and destructive.


The most famous example of defining oneself through suffering would be Buddha (Siddhattha Gotama, I will just call him Sid). Sid was basically your spoiled rich boy, who found out the world was not so perfect or nice as he originally thought it was. He went through the stage of finding himself and after a while came up with some interesting life lessons that basically say the following line about defining life.


"Life is suffering, because people have desires."


When you have a complex world, where everyone is out for themselves to seek the best possible outcome for themselves as individuals or groups of like minds; the ground is open for suffering, since one person's loss is another person's gain (a principle most western Buddhism seem to ignore in the New Age movement, Sid actually believed in a core principle of Adam Smith's Capitalist system as part of general life, "Scarce Resources").


Don't worry, I am not trying to convert, Me and Sid have issues on the ideals of stagnation philosophy for the portion of destructive context, but just want to point out "ascendant" definition, when some one wants to define themselves and life as suffering.


James, keep on fighting and living through the suffering. My own life is based on this perpetual desire to keep fighting and challenging myself and my surroundings; You may never win the war, but you will have a life goal to aim for, which many others do not.


Thus, channeling your suffering in such ways might help.

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What defines me?


Of course I'm tempted to say nothing because I don't really believe I can defined or summed up in a few words. However, since you asked, here a few "fundamental" aspects of my personality that I hold dear:


-I am very open-minded and willing to re-adjust my stance and opinion as more information becomes available.

-I am intellectually curious and always delighted to learn new things.

-I am very forgiving. I may not "forget," but I will always make an honest effort to forgive.

-I am resilient.

-I am fairly good at remaining rational while still feeling and acknowledging my emotions.

-I genuinely attempt to be pleasant to people.

-I am in at least a fairly good mood the majority of the time.

-I see the humour in the situation.

-I have a great deal of fun.


On the traditionally perceived as less positive side of the spectrum:


-I am disinclined to do something which I find unenjoyable. I am often quite lazy.

-I am a bit spoiled and used to doing and having things on my own terms.

-I can be very stubborn.

-I am unprejudiced with regards to race, gender, religion, ethnicity, and social class, but I can be intellectually snobby at times and, at least with regards to the people I date, sometimes a bit superficial. I do attempt to hide this though.





Anyway, if I had to pick something specific that defines me, I guess I would have to say that it is that I am continually seeking ways of finding happiness, enjoyment, and peace, regardless of my surroundings or circumstances.




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What defines me?


On the traditionally perceived as less positive side of the spectrum:


-I am disinclined to do something which I find unenjoyable. I am often quite lazy.

-I am a bit spoiled and used to doing and having things on my own terms.

-I can be very stubborn.

-I am unprejudiced with regards to race, gender, religion, ethnicity, and social class, but I can be intellectually snobby at times and, at least with regards to the people I date, sometimes a bit superficial. I do attempt to hide this though.


Don't worry, Kevin those are not all negative. I like a challenging, stubborn, and lazy. (PS: We are both intellectuals, but I think I make the older generations nervous as I am both conservative and progressive in policies at the same time, while not believing in realistic human progress just a shift of roles and balance.) :P


Defining oneself is a life long journey, you desire to understand who you are? There is a basis in concept and a basis in action, which we try to understand through terms and relationships with each other. I know individualists do not want themselves to be defined, but I got to thinking about the notion of the individual and build on why we see ourselves as separate entities and not an amalgamated or combined species.


If you do not define yourself personally, then how can you separate yourself from some one else or would you say everyone is the same?


I can call myself gay, but I know that some people would consider me not gay for being different than perceptions of gay; for instance I am not feminine or interested in just plain sex like my early twentysomething counterparts in popular culture. I can see your point in not wanting to be defined by that type of thing, but then how do you know yourself without defining yourself?


There is something in life that is abstractly true to define an individual and separate us from each other; even if we are similar in every other degree.


"Who we are?" is a question of an infinite spectrum and the answer is really as diverse as the universe itself.

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What defines me... hmm.


I am stuck in my ways, probably more so than a lot of people. I don't like change, in fact I've pretty much had two hair colors and styles since birth. I don't sway away from my usual fashion, even though fashion is an ever changing thing. I hate gaining or losing weight, I want to stay at a constant, but I hate changing my diet. I'll forever be a picky eater, no matter what people try to make me sample. My religious views won't change. My political views won't either, no matter which side preaches them.


I am southern and proud of that.


I'm am pretty lazy, but I can be accomplished when I set my mind to it.


I have only a few events that I mark as distinct changes in my life. Not really milestones, although some of them fall into that like: Graduating High School and saying goodbye to my Athletics that I thought was the most important thing. It was difficult to realize that, even though I was good, I wasn't able to pursue it anymore. (Stupid Knees)


Falling in love with David and my relationship with him and losing my ability to have children are the two most distinct changes that define me. I am still reeling from them both, even though I'm too proud most of the time to admit it. I did let them change my views on having children, my thoughts on relationships and marriage, and such. I wouldn't really want to erase either of them, even though they are pretty low on my list of things to remember.


I'm a bit abrasive with my humor.

I'm completely comfortable socially, and that took some time and energy to accomplish.

I have a strong protective nature when it comes to my family and friends.

I am absolutely difficult to work with, I admit because I am so set in my ways. I don't like to bend and I absolutely hate the word.. Compromise.. :ph34r:

I'm a huge flirt. Probably more flirtatious than I need to be.

I'm materialistic.


I like to think I have a ton of good qualities.. lol.. and maybe some of those above aren't as bad as I've described them.


I'm not even going to try to sum all of that up either, being lazy and such. 0:)

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In my case, during the last 70 years (I didnt ask this question before I was 10 !) I tried to find the right answer each time I had a problem to resolve, about myself or about my relations with others. I got often, when not always, a lot of different answers :P .

When I summarise all these years of experiences, two points are important :

1. All what you know about yourself, is that you know nothing !

2. You are always defined by the others. So many people you are with, so many different definitions.

To try to define yourself is a worry of young people :rolleyes: , not for old chaps as me.

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First I shall respond to others.

Jamessavik: Your avatar is very accurate in how you define yourself, it was a good choice. Did you draw it or commission it?

Kevin: I must admit I am a bit disappointed at how lightly you seem to have taken the question. I generally love reading your thoughtful and in depth responses, but I feel you just wrote a dating profile and nothing more.

Old bob: Regarding 2: That is an interesting point. However I feel that when you are defined by others you are not being truly defined. It is like writing a poem; the writer may have one specific emotion behind it and one meaning. However when others read the poem they do not get the exact same meaning. If you can define yourself and understand yourself, I see that as being more important than any words anyone else can use to define you.

My turn:

What defines you?

Just last week my office got together out of work and we had an exercise designed by out “fun team.” It theorized that the things that we carry are the things that define us. These are the items you always have with you, regardless of where you go. While at the exercise we only shared one item, every item we carry defines who we are as a person. It seems fairly accurate, so I will explore it in depth here.

On my key ring I carry several things. I carry my house keys. They represent my need for safety, a place to call home and the warmth I feel there. Shelter needed to survive, and the love of my family. I carry my car keys. They represent my need to be mobile, my flight instinct. The knowledge that retreat is only as far as turning a key provides me comfort. I carry my bike key. This is my wish to be a better person, to be healthy by physical exertion. I carry my QuizBowl keychain, representing my trivia knowledge and my past as a nerd and a geek and my pride therein. I also carry my flash drive (usb [thumb] drive). This is me as a student. I carry it always and it contains my schoolwork as well as a few other files of pleasure. It defines me as a computerized artist and as a businessperson.

I carry many things in my wallet. Money, it shows my greed and dependence on society. I carry my blood donor card to show my desire to help others in need. My debit card shows my need for instant gratification as well as responsibility and financial independence. I carry several membership cards, showing my conformity and false na

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I'm light-hearted, funny, and sometimes forgetful guy with a sarcastic wit. I always cover my own innate sense of timidity with humor and false confidence. Nice to meet you. ^_^

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JJFlame...if that's you in your DP your are HOT!


I would say i'm a self proclaimed nerd....but truly i'm not as in depth as "real" computer nerds. I know the World of war craft, Runescape, Starcraft, Battleformiddle earth....and various other games.....yeah i'm a gamer i love to think of new ways of doing things how to make things easier.....wish i could somehow do it at work at walmart but....it's just plain phyiscal labour after that it's just nothing.


I am a definate socialight when i get out of my shell, and i apperantly have a big one....lol takes a while for me to get totaly comfortable around people....especially people who smoke!! arg being in a smoke free Province is cool and all but even if they do it at home it just makes me think less of them now....smoking is totaly turned the wronge direction from cool anymore.


I am closeted still so that i guess says i'm not a drama major because i hate being in the middle of drama, and frankly i'm scared i could lose i guess the only person to still look out for me....being my Dad.....oh and the dog ruff....dun wana lose the dog either....but he'd probably hump me anyway....


Ok now for the ridiculas part i literally laugh at everything!!!!! even if it isn't funny!!! (not when i'm reading....cuz then i'm consentrating and figguring things out...) but socicalizing....Laughaholic right here wheres MAL??(mothers against laughaholics) They made fun of me laughing at everything at my Graduation introduction. "Mark will laugh at everything, even if it isn't funny" so what do i do? LAUGH and then try to hold my face into a pissed off face! seriously it's hard....people think i'm lying all the time cuz i tend to get a BIG smile even when i'm totaly telling the truth.


Last i'm Teeth obsessed....myself i wish i could have the perfect smile.....but i do have some faults with my teeth evern tho there better then most, meaning there alligned and white as hell, but i have chips that dissapoint me.

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Defining oneself is a life long journey, you desire to understand who you are?


If you do not define yourself personally, then how can you separate yourself from some one else or would you say everyone is the same?


I can see your point in not wanting to be defined by that type of thing, but then how do you know yourself without defining yourself?


"Who we are?" is a question of an infinite spectrum and the answer is really as diverse as the universe itself.


Kevin: I must admit I am a bit disappointed at how lightly you seem to have taken the question. I generally love reading your thoughtful and in depth responses, but I feel you just wrote a dating profile and nothing more.


Hmm, I think perhaps I didn't make myself clear in my post.


I don't think I can be defined in the span of one short post (or even in the span of one of my typically long posts :rolleyes: ). I agree that "defining yourself personally" (not quite how I would have phrased it) is indeed a lifelong journey. I am a person continually evolving. My "definition" is always in flux to some extent. Personally I think that is the case for everyone.


I could most definitely say more about my identity as I see it, but regardless of how many things I said, my statement would be hopelessly incomplete. It would also be inaccurate to some degree since there will always be an inherent degree of paradoxical information. For example I'm lazy, yet stubborn and unwilling to give up. I'm intellectually curious, yet I don't like undertaking things which don't come easy. How can these inconsistencies be resolved? They can't, at least not 'on paper.'


I did attempt to give some definition of "who I am," but I hope no one takes it as even a slightly full depiction.


I most definitely do eschew labels; however, if there's one thing I do not eschew it is self-discovery and introspection. The difference is, I would rather take a few thousand words to explain one small aspect of myself than to use a one or two word label which I would almost certainly feel is incomplete. An obvious and simple example is that I am culturally gay. However, whether than simply say that, I would rather explain it. The same is true about nearly all of my "qualities."


When faced with the vague, all-encompassing question "What defines you?" I can't even begin to formulate a thorough answer in the span of a single post because there's just too much there to tackle. The best I can do is sort of offer a brief list highlighting a few things I consider relevant in the moment.


Finally, I would say that identity is a completely subjective experience. My experience of my identity is different from everyone else's experience of my identity. If you ask me who I am I'll answer one way, my friends will answer another (and each of them differently), my co-workers (again, each differently) will answer another way, my family will answer differently, and everyone I come across in my daily life will have yet another perception. Certainly there are some common aspects that most people might perceive. I think I'm generally perceived as good-humoured and resilient so those qualities made the brief list.


Basically I am a relativist. Identity is relative in my opinion. Existence is relative. The best I can do is offer a brief explanation of who I am, at the moment, to myself. That says nothing about who I'll be next year to myself, yet alone to anyone else.


I also think that identity is a partially self-discovery, partially exercise of will. I am continually learning new things about myself while simultaneously deciding which qualities to express and how to express them.


At one point in my life I could have very accurately said that, like Krista, I hate change. That is no longer the case at all. I now prefer to "go with the flow" and see where I end up. Of course that isn't always true. Some things I like to be routine.


Over the course of my life the way I express my sense of humour has changed many times.


I've alternatively seen myself, the same qualities of myself, in drastically different ways. Like everyone else (at least I strongly suspect), I've at times viewed myself as very kind and very mean; very friendly and very shy; very hard-working and very lazy; very resourceful and very limited; very intelligent and very slow; very independent and very dependent....obviously I could go on and on.


I don't think I can "define myself" even if I want to because inevitably there will be things which simply don't fit. Inevitably there will be contradictory information and protestations from other people. Inevitably my identity will be at least partly dynamic. Inevitably I will learn something new about myself which I hadn't previously known. Inevitably I will decide to express something a different way. Inevitably I will seek to minimize one aspect of 'being' and accentuate another.



Just last week my office got together out of work and we had an exercise designed by out
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Well, my name is Suraj and it means Sun. And since always, I have linked myself to sun (which is weird because I LOVE rain)


Why Sun? Because, it's the center of everything. I do tend to think everything relative to me. As in where it puts me compared to other people, situations... It's often about me. Not necessarily about how to bring pleasure to me. It also include pain, contribution....


Because of the loneliness. Not because of being single. It's because people don't understand me. I rarely connect to people in life because I'm sacred to open myself to them.


Because of the fire. I'm hot-tempered. And I'm very passionate about persons I love. And things I do.


Because I'm not what I seem to be from far.


Because of the secrets inside me.


And... that's all I think of right now. I better stop before it gets depressing. But yeah, that's how I'll define myself.


Nice thread, btw. :)


Take care,


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Hmm, I think perhaps I didn't make myself clear in my post.


I don't think I can be defined in the span of one short post (or even in the span of one of my typically long posts :rolleyes: ). I agree that "defining yourself personally" (not quite how I would have phrased it) is indeed a lifelong journey. I am a person continually evolving. My "definition" is always in flux to some extent. Personally I think that is the case for everyone.


I could most definitely say more about my identity as I see it, but regardless of how many things I said, my statement would be hopelessly incomplete. It would also be inaccurate to some degree since there will always be an inherent degree of paradoxical information. For example I'm lazy, yet stubborn and unwilling to give up. I'm intellectually curious, yet I don't like undertaking things which don't come easy. How can these inconsistencies be resolved? They can't, at least not 'on paper.'


I did attempt to give some definition of "who I am," but I hope no one takes it as even a slightly full depiction.


I most definitely do eschew labels; however, if there's one thing I do not eschew it is self-discovery and introspection. The difference is, I would rather take a few thousand words to explain one small aspect of myself than to use a one or two word label which I would almost certainly feel is incomplete. An obvious and simple example is that I am culturally gay. However, whether than simply say that, I would rather explain it. The same is true about nearly all of my "qualities."


When faced with the vague, all-encompassing question "What defines you?" I can't even begin to formulate a thorough answer in the span of a single post because there's just too much there to tackle. The best I can do is sort of offer a brief list highlighting a few things I consider relevant in the moment.


Finally, I would say that identity is a completely subjective experience. My experience of my identity is different from everyone else's experience of my identity. If you ask me who I am I'll answer one way, my friends will answer another (and each of them differently), my co-workers (again, each differently) will answer another way, my family will answer differently, and everyone I come across in my daily life will have yet another perception. Certainly there are some common aspects that most people might perceive. I think I'm generally perceived as good-humoured and resilient so those qualities made the brief list.


Basically I am a relativist. Identity is relative in my opinion. Existence is relative. The best I can do is offer a brief explanation of who I am, at the moment, to myself. That says nothing about who I'll be next year to myself, yet alone to anyone else.


I also think that identity is a partially self-discovery, partially exercise of will. I am continually learning new things about myself while simultaneously deciding which qualities to express and how to express them.


At one point in my life I could have very accurately said that, like Krista, I hate change. That is no longer the case at all. I now prefer to "go with the flow" and see where I end up. Of course that isn't always true. Some things I like to be routine.


Over the course of my life the way I express my sense of humour has changed many times.


I've alternatively seen myself, the same qualities of myself, in drastically different ways. Like everyone else (at least I strongly suspect), I've at times viewed myself as very kind and very mean; very friendly and very shy; very hard-working and very lazy; very resourceful and very limited; very intelligent and very slow; very independent and very dependent....obviously I could go on and on.


I don't think I can "define myself" even if I want to because inevitably there will be things which simply don't fit. Inevitably there will be contradictory information and protestations from other people. Inevitably my identity will be at least partly dynamic. Inevitably I will learn something new about myself which I hadn't previously known. Inevitably I will decide to express something a different way. Inevitably I will seek to minimize one aspect of 'being' and accentuate another.

:worship: See now that is worth reading.

Indeed I had not thought of the evolution of one's self. Even words evolve in their definition; an easy example is "gay," though there are others such as "pants".

I wonder how I would have answered this question 5 years ago...


Hmm, I'm a bit skeptical about this exercise. I would think that it is surely the case that at least 90% of other people your age all carry keys, a phone, and a wallet/money/debit/credit card. I know I certainly do. I think your explanation of their meaning says a great deal about you, but I think their mere presence says virtually nothing.


On the other hand, I think your unique items say a bit more. Not everyone carries a flashdrive or a QuizBowl keychain.


Personally, I'm vastly limited with regard to what I actually carry and what I would like to carry. I'm the kind of person who greatly prefers to have more than he needs on the off chance that it might come in handy. If it were more of a socially acceptable phenomenon I would most definitely carry a purse, and a very full one at that. I would obviously have keys, wallet, and phone in there. I would also have lip balm (a tube of which I do always carry anyway); hand lotion (I don't carry it but keep it in several locations in my home, in my desk at work, and in my vehicle); pen, pencil, and paper (seems silly not to, I frequently need them and don't have them); napkins and tissue; my checkbook; condoms and lube; a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss (I realize that given their proximity to the condoms and lube it might come off as though I'd be carrying these in case I 'stay over' somewhere. This is not the case. I'd simply like to freshen up and practice good dental hygiene throughout the day.); cologne; hand sanitizer; a mirror; a hairbrush and/or comb; at least one or two types of hair product; concealer/foundation (the only type of make-up I ever wear, but do like to put on when I'm going somewhere nice); my glasses; an extra pair of contacts and contact solution; and eye-drops.


Those are just the things I'd like to have with me more or less all of the time. As circumstance dictates I'd undoubtedly like to have other "special event" things. If I'm at all sick I'd undoubtedly like to have the relevant medicine with me. I would generally always like to carry both a book and magazine as well as several bottles of water. However, even if I could reasonably carry a purse I probably wouldn't put these items inside of it, because I consider them too big and heavy.


Undoubtedly the above items say a great deal about me. Some people might notice that, apart from my phone, not one electronic device made the list. That's probably telling in some ways as well. Even with the space of a whole purse I probably wouldn't carry a flashdrive, camera, or MP3 player.


However, what I actually carry on a regular basis, all the time, is only my wallet, keys (with the bare-minimum number of keys), phone, and lip balm. That's it. I don't carry any of the other items with me at all times. I generally do try to walk around carrying a bottle of water though. I also may carry tissue if I've got a cold. I'll often carry condoms if I'm going out and think there's any reasonable chance of sexual activity (better to have them and not need them than vice-versa!). If I have reasonable expectation of needing my checkbook I'll also carry that.


However, first and foremost, I hate carrying a lot of things on my person. I like fairly snug, trim clothes without a lot of extra space for things. I carry all my objects in my back pockets, not front. I find it very uncomfortable to have them in my front pockets, even if I am wearing fairly loose pants I prefer not having them there. So I'm fairly restricted in what I can carry. I also like to be fairly fashionable. As such I don't carry around a big bag most of the time, because it only really works with a very few outfits and looks. For the same reason I wouldn't carry an actual purse because even with cutting-edge fashion it's tough for an American guy to pull it off.

True, what I carry is very common. The exerscise was to try and get you thinking about why you carry these items. The story and explanation are far more interesting and relevant than the actual object. I doubt most people you ask why they carry keys would say "as a way to escape." I think that is were the exercise was going, either that or it was corporate BS. *shrug*


That's pretty much my attitude, and were I inclined to brevity - which I'm clearly not - I would have said something very similar :)




Take care all (whoever you are), and have a great day :)



Thanks Kevin!

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Its taken me quite awhile to figure out what I wanted to say here...."defining" myself is a bit of a foreign concept to me...but I'll give it a shot.


I guess I mostly define myself by the moment, or the actions there in.


I define myself in my strength to understand and know how other people feel and in helping them to do the same.

In my conviction in standing up for what

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  • 1 month later...



Its taken me quite awhile to figure out what I wanted to say here...."defining" myself is a bit of a foreign concept to me...but I'll give it a shot.


I guess I mostly define myself by the moment, or the actions there in.


I define myself in my strength to understand and know how other people feel and in helping them to do the same.

In my conviction in standing up for what's right. In my thirst for knowledge and improvement. I am constantly learning, constantly seeking to understand things I didn't before whether it be cultural or religious, or academic.

Everyday I define myself everyday by looking for ways to improve myself be it my body, mind, or cultivating a talent or passion, but I do it for me not anyone else.


I define myself by being the dependable one, the one you can always call on if your in need.


I'm the Go-to-Guy for heavy lifting, Caretaker for my family, and the Shrink and the Shoulder for my friends.


I love being the strong one, the one my friends and family know they can always count on in a pinch.

I love helping people, especially when I can help them to help themselves.


Best Wishes.




Hmm strong one?? darn i'm thinking i'm talking to a muscle hunk now -.- i'm jealous! working at walmart is definatly toning me out though since were understaffed we run everywhere all the time haha fun stuff. lol

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I'm adventurous yet steadfast and grounded. I am always looking for a laugh but can be stern and serious. I am a walking contradiction. To those I love, I am always there for them. For my enemies, my wrath is severe. I'm a fun-loving social creature at my best, a creature of solitude at my worst. I am practical, yet creative. I'm impatient, but I never give up.


I think that about sums it up. :D

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My emotions define me. They are always close to the surface. You can always tell what I am thinking or feeling, I am a terrible liar because of it. Everything provokes an emotional response in me from a smell to a picture to a comment. Sometimes it means I am buffeted by the winds of change but I cherish every breeze and I am not afraid of the pain.


I like the idea of ascendent suffering as that is what I am for, although being a bit of a masochist on the sly suffering is not necessarily an enemy to me.

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A sixteen pound sledgehammer; a shield crossed with a naked sword. I'm as blunt as the first, and my personality required me to stand between light and dark, good and evil... the innocent sheep and the wolfs out the eat them.


Oh, and a straitjacket because I am one short step shy of insane.

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A sixteen pound sledgehammer; a shield crossed with a naked sword. I'm as blunt as the first, and my personality required me to stand between light and dark, good and evil... the innocent sheep and the wolfs out the eat them.


Oh, and a straitjacket because I am one short step shy of insane.



I took that step a long time ago :)

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Lugh is undefinable...

and he likes it that way.


Actually that's not true, Lugh defined himself a long time ago:


Lugh [loo] n


[1] hunter of plot slugs

[2] muse slayer extrodinare

[3] a primary consumer of books and tea

[4] to trap -- lure with chocolate covered men

[5] a little blue writerly type fey found plucking a keyboard on the eastern seaboard of turtle island

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What defines me?


Well, first...what is the definition of define?


My Websters Pocket Dictionary (2001) says:


vt. to give precise value or meaning, as of a word; to describe; to specify a limit or boundry


Okay, so to define is to describe yourself as something, or in most cases many somethings.


So, now we got that out of the way, what defines me?


To be honest, I've never really thought of it. I mean at turns I'm a daughter, I'm a friend, I'm a writer, I'm a fan. I'm a reviewer, I'm a reader, I'm an artist of words and lover of movies. I long for love but have been burnt so many times before. I'm...everything and nothing really.


I'm a character in my own world.


I have a feeling that a favorite quote of mine actually works for me and what I believe.


A man's character is the reality of himself.

His reputation is the opinion others have formed of him

Character is him; reputation is from other people -

that is the substance, this is the shadow.


*Henry Ward Beech

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