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New Year's Resolutions 2010


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mine would be to not let inanimate objects piss me off. also, I need to stop taking out my frustration on inanimate objects.


another resolution of mine that doesnt have to do with my anger issues:


I will not call in sick to work for any reason, ever. unless im just too sick to stand up and walk around. thats the only thing that would keep me away from making mah money.

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I use reverse psychology in my new years resolutions. If I resolve to be horrible, then it's much easier to improve.




I resolve to smoke more, drink more, do drugs, gain weight, have more sex, eat red (and other) meat, get in more fights, be more evil and anything else that I can think of that will make my Tom-cat look at me and say, "you d' man".


Progress is the objective, not perfection.



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Clean my room (it's bad enough to make the list. fail)

Study more.


Maybe try getting a love life.


Hope everyone had a good new year. I spent mine in a temple with 3000 people releasing balloons at midnight. Beats the traditional british "get really drunk" new years.

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:great: Its really nice to read all these resolutions !

I have myself some difficulties to bring mine :blink: . Since I was five, I made each new year the same procedure, listing all my resolutions, beginning with "to be a good boy". And at the end of the year, I had to conclude that I wasnt able to give shape to my projects :thumbdown: . After doing the same 75 times, I became very modest.

Today my own and only resolution is to remain what I am now, to be able till the end of 2010 to do what I do now (live and enjoy my life) and most of it to be still alive on the 31th of december 2010 :P .

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Guest JOSh 55

I'll try to be more understanding of things I can't control. I will try to bite my tongue more at work. And I'll try to hold my temper about things that are slilly.



Spend some good time finding what josh wants out of life. I used to know but now I'm not so sure.blink.gif

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actually why change what is going well?

so my resolutions are:

- do homework

- write angsty stories

- have sex with boyfriend

- sleep over 12 hours a day when together with boyfriend

- love life


but I do have some goals:

- get into uk uni

- get finance for uk uni

- finish this school year


but yeah, those are connected anyway :P

Edited by Kia Zi Shiru
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Good luck Kia.. :)



My New Years resolutions, I've never been able to keep them at all... I usually fall back into my lazy ways, but I'll try this year, honest. 0:)


1) Be a bit nicer..

2) Find more time for myself.

3) Finish "Are You Christian" :P

4) Bring 100% with me into work every day...

5) Ace my Sports Medicine/Therapy training that starts the 15th.


I also want to move out of the house and be on my own for a bit.. but I'll not make that a resolution.

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I want to say something sappy, because I am sappy. I will open each day like it is a present. Maybe one day will be socks and underwear and maybe one day will be a ticket to London. And I will be thankful. And I will be loving. Well I can hope anyway. Sam



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1) return some order back into my life - my time management sucks and I need things to be done (by me :/ ) so I have to get myself do them


2) find a time for a gym regularly, no matter what (work, school, etc.) - it really helps me in letting out the steam :)


3) find a "real job" - that's going to be tough, because it's not easy right now and I'd sort of like to continue my PhD studies as well... but at the same time I feel I should become really independent, I'm not in a student age any more


4) finish my second studies - this should be an easy one, I need to write a MA thesis and maybe finish one or two subjects


5) become fully operative in at least one other foreign language - :) this should be for fun, I like studying foreign languages, so I have basics in some that I should revise and upgrade...


and one wish :) I'd like to find the love of my life... :wub: and if it's a man, then I'm going to come out to my friends as well.

Edited by paya
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