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Ricky Martin comes out!

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I have never gone through it so I speak without the benefit of experience, but I believe "coming out" is an intensely personal experience that every individual has the right to do or not to do. Good for Ricky for acknowledging things in his own time and not apologizing for the time it did take.

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I wonder if anyone commented on the "coming out" and said, "Thank you, Captain Obvious."


B)..............Duh, nOt trying to claim some sort of award here, but I knew the dude was gay way back when! No surprise!

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Please you had to be deaf dumb and blind to not know dude was gay. I have a terrible gaydar and I knew it lol. However good for him, its better to have a late life coming out then never to come out at all, like the guy from M.A.S.H David Ogden Stiers who played Charles Winchester.

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Maybe they'll come out next. Anyway, I think we all already knew he was gay. :P


I was watching their music videos in the 80s - I could only wish on one or two.

It was cute to see them run in swimwear.

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Please you had to be deaf dumb and blind to not know dude was gay. I have a terrible gaydar and I knew it lol. However good for him, its better to have a late life coming out then never to come out at all, like the guy from M.A.S.H David Ogden Stiers who played Charles Winchester.


sure with that brit accent - i say he's gay but have you heard him speak in his normal accent.

One wouldn't know since we don't see him in regular life with paparazzi tailing him.


I never bothered to keep tabs on ricky ... he wiggles enough for every one

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I suspected Ricky Martin was gay years ago when I first saw him on Siempre en Domingo. (Well, at least I hoped he was....)


However, I don't think we should make light of this too much. Coming out is usually an extremely frightening, painful experience.


When I came out, I got a ton of the 'Duh...' reactions too, but that didn't make it any easier. I applaud him.

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*tv static* We interrupt this programming to bring you BREAKING NEWS! Ricky Martin has come out as gay! *silence* *eye rolls* Wow you interrupt me for that. Late bitch. *taps Justin Timberlake* I do believe its your turn and bring the rest of N'Sync along with you.

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*tv static* We interrupt this programming to bring you BREAKING NEWS! Ricky Martin has come out as gay! *silence* *eye rolls* Wow you interrupt me for that. Late bitch. *taps Justin Timberlake* I do believe its your turn and bring the rest of N'Sync along with you.


lmaosmiley.gif Isn't one member of N'Sync enough?

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I guess I am the only one surprised by this.

No, you're not the only one who is surprised. :)


p.s my teenaged fantasies would have been so much better had I known then !!!

Now, I certainly strongly wished he was gay, because he seems such a great guy and extremely cute, too, but just because I wished it, that didn't make it true. As for fantasies... why do you have to know it to fantasise about it? :P

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I can only say it's about time. I had him picked out years ago. Actually the first time I saw him on TV was with a friend and both our gaydars went off like mad.


I understand the reasoning for the delay... many others have also waited... most until a major part of their careers were over, or they were well established like Elton John. It's just a shame that they wait so long. Positive role models are always needed. But I'm glad he did. Better late then never. And I wish him well.

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