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How fast into bed?

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Would you rather have a story with sex-sex-sex, or one with a begining, then sex, then more story, then etc?


Or how about a story that gradually builds from nothing (sexually) to an ending where two (or more-i'm open) people make you want to scream to the heavens for them to *get it on*?


Just curious.

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lots of story building to sex, more story, more sex, etc. etc


ITFB was so unbelievably frustrating for me (though still my favorite Dom story) because the tension was there and then the "fade to black" happened, which isn't typically dom. to this day I'm still left wanting to see through the darkness of that faded black!


sex, sex, sex doesn't interest me

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I like a good buildup, but it better get to the sex part eventually, with some more story after. Sex, sex, sex isn't really that appealing unless I'm in just the right mood. I want an actual story if I'm going to read something, I guess.

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It depends on what I'm looking for. Honestly if I want a dependably good story that has plot and then a little sexy romance thrown in but still situated around good plot, I'm likely going to read a book by a published author, not scour the internet. But, it's a lot easier to find certain stories on the internet (and freer too!). In general I want something other than the sex, but if I'm looking for sex, anything else just get skipped over or ignored.

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I very much separate my reading: gay fiction, m/m fiction, gay erotica. I like to read stories with gay characters or themes (almost of course) but I don't care to read erotica. If I want gay sex or am interested in it, I go do it. I don't go read about it. I don't go looking for stories which are just about sex.


If a good story with great characters, plot and development includes sex, I can enjoy it if it fits in the story. But as I said on another thread also, I think some people confuse gay fiction with gay erotica, and assume just because it is gay fiction it also has a good deal of sex in it, or is sex focused. I mean, I write fiction for example, but I don't include very detailed sex scenes for the most part. I even got a complaint: "I think it's a great story but it doesn't have enough sex!"


Lots of writers include more and more sex because that's what the readers are looking for and what they will rate higher. Many publishers will not accept you if you don't have high sex content, as if that's the only reason readers read m/m fiction or gay fiction. As if that's all it's about it, but I don't knock sex books or erotica, and if that's what someone wants, I say, "have at it!" and enjoy.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if there was no sex scene at all in the story.


We have porn for that. I don't need that stuff in what I read. 0:)


More succintly. This.

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I like stories with sex, but they MUST also have a solid plot element to them where sex is not the complete and central focus to the plot. It is merely a compliment to it. Thats why Nifty is so frustrating to me. You have to spend so much time and energy searching through to find a story that's not text porn.

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Sex needs to be customized to those involved. Writers can't customize a sex scene for each reader, so it's probably better to stick with romance and perhaps introduce a sexual episode without detailing it.


I know when I've read sex scenes in MANY MANY stories, I roll me eyes.

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I'm not gonna lie :P I like reading sex scenes but I have found that sex-sex-sex book mostly looses it's focus on the story (or has none at all) and just concentrates on the sex. There has to be a balance where there is not to much and not to little of both story and sex for me to enjoy it. And if I have to choose between them I'll say good bye to the sex part and just leave that up to my imagination :P

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My feeling is that Sex is neutral in a story. It may or may not even be appropriate for the type of story.


No one even hinted at figuring out who the couple was in Twilight. Given everything else that was going on, a sex scene would have been an unnecessary distraction.


FYI exclusive to this thread and this thread only: the couple in Twilight was Brian Lee and Jimmy Ross. They were best friends, attended karate classes together, roomed together at Eagle Rock and would not willingly leave each others side. What? Did I have to draw you a picture? :lol:

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I think the general consensus here, when it comes to sex in stories, is that if the sex moves the plot forward rather than simply being there for the sake of sex, then it is welcome. I didn't really believe people before when they said that they scroll down stories when a sex scene comes up, but I find myself doing that more and more now. It just gets old really quick.


In terms of how fast into bed, I actually like it when an author can drag it just enough so that readers get frustrated but still come back. Of course, when reading a story like that, I will usually tell the author that I want to wring the characters' necks or smack somebody in the head. In the end though, there is a higher probability that I'll read those stories again compared to stories where they have sex, fight, have make-up sex, and live happily ever after (not that there is anything wrong with the latter if done well).

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lots of story building to sex, more story, more sex, etc. etc


ITFB was so unbelievably frustrating for me (though still my favorite Dom story) because the tension was there and then the "fade to black" happened, which isn't typically dom. to this day I'm still left wanting to see through the darkness of that faded black!


sex, sex, sex doesn't interest me


Oh my god, same here. I hated that! But it was still very good.

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LoL, I can't do just plan sex stories. I like the build up, and alot of the "interruptions" that happen in alot of stories. I also have never be able to do "yes, yes, yes, sex,sex,sex" stories. Maybe I'll try it one day.

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hehehe, that was an interesting read.


For me, I like a build up of tension then a slow release physically between the two central characters. The getting to that point (emotionally) is the most important, but in saying that (and depending on the book) if I've waited so long and hoped so much, then I'd be disappointed if there was nothing or a fade out. I'm NOT asking for pages of detailed motions, but come on, a quick gloss over is fun! Besides, in this type of book where it slowly leads up to a bit of sexy stuff why not have it in there? The people who don't like the details can skim. The rest can enjoy it.


But not sex, sex, sex--because the tension dies if it's too quickly given up. IM-unprofessional-O.

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really there doesn't need to be sex, or a detailed scene to make a story. My bigger pet peeve is how fast to the I love you. I get annoyed when knowing each other for a day the characters profess their love for each other

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rivitting beginning interms of story, tension through chapters, subtle build up, eg, touching hands, etc, and yes, depending on the story, sex but not for sex's sake. It should be used to devellop the plot and charectors, giving us a better understanding of them. Describing sex scenes could be a craft, however, if it's written with crass language, that would be cool as well cause depends on the kind of story and setting.

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