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What three things?

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So, out of curiosity, what kind of things put a smile on your face? Give me three (or more)









Here are some of mine:

1. Making weird CD playlists

2. Getting mail

3. Summertime driving with the windows down

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1.Having a friend call or text me out of the blue

2.watching it pour with rain from inside and looking at people outside dashing around to try and find somewhere dry :P

3.Watching martial arts films in the dark with a pizza on my lap lol

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1. Finding new good music (Makes my whole day amazing)

2. Learning a new trick, or landing one I've wanted for a long time (snowboarding/skateboarding)

3. My girlfriend.


In no particular order

Edited by Skyline
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My favorite three sounds:


1. the giggle of a young child

2. a deep throated growl of a very contented man...

3. a newly found piece of dance music that I can't help shimmying through!

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1. My kids. They're often hilarious and make me smile and laugh. I think it's a defense mechanism so I don't strangle them in their sleep.


2. Tickling. No matter how mad I am if you tickle me I will giggle and scream like a giddy teenager. It's embarassing, especially since I'm ticklish everywhere. Sometimes giggles have come out when they shouldn't :P


3. Starting a new book or story I've been anticipating from a fav author. I will literally get that scrunched down, bubbles in your stomach, Christmas morning for kids glee feeling. It's wonderful!!

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It really doesn't take much to put a smile on my face and it's really hard to pick just three things but here's my best shot.


1. The smell of lilac

2. Dancing in the rain

3. Watching the sun set over the sea with a glass of wine and a packet of M&M's

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  • Books :*) (whose smell I like)
  • Messages from friends
  • A few songs
  • Chocolates
  • Playing in the rain
  • Riding my bike
  • Talking
  • Listening to people
  • Some old movies ^_^
  • err.... this list could take a while!
:*) :*)


It's so so easy to put a smile on my face! I'm always smiling... ^_^


Oh well, you did say 3 or More... lol


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In no particular order -= Desperate Housewives. I always grin from ear to ear when I watch the series.= Chukwuemile. My two year sis has a way of me smile when I see her pull some new stunt or learn a new word.= A compliment from an unexpected source.

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1. My family- not the people I was born to, but the ones that love me, no matter what and want to spend every minute with me.


2. Packages- I love to open packages when they arrive. I don't really care what's inside, I just love to open them.


3. Bubble Baths - It was something that I really couldn't enjoy as a kid and now I can. We have a massive tub. I like to get the water really hot and soapy and just soak with a good book and forget the glass, I'm taking the whole dang bottle of wine in with me...sometimes the cat joins me and hangs out on the ledge to keep me company.



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  • Site Administrator

3. Bubble Baths - It was something that I really couldn't enjoy as a kid and now I can. We have a massive tub. I like to get the water really hot and soapy and just soak with a good book and forget the glass, I'm taking the whole dang bottle of wine in with me...sometimes the cat joins me and hangs out on the ledge to keep me company.




Oh yeah! I looooove my baths. I'm not so much for the bubbles and I only have a basic tub but I can spend hours and hours in the tub soaking. I like my muscle relaxing mineral soaks, a awesome book, and a drink (no wine but alcohol definitely). When my cat was a kitten he followed me around so much that he'd sleep on my chest as I soaked.

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1.) My boyfriend

2.) Sex

3.) A violent thunderstorm on a summer afternoon.




1. Matt's boyfriend


2. Sex with Matt's boyfriend


3. Sex during a violent thuderstorm on a summer afternoon.... with Matt's boyfriend.


:lol: Sorry, I couldn't resist. :P

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1. Matt's boyfriend


2. Sex with Matt's boyfriend


3. Sex during a violent thuderstorm on a summer afternoon.... with Matt's boyfriend.


:lol: Sorry, I couldn't resist. :P



Oh Spacey, you SO deserve to get your butt kicked over that one. tsk tsk

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1. Matt's boyfriend


2. Sex with Matt's boyfriend


3. Sex during a violent thuderstorm on a summer afternoon.... with Matt's boyfriend.


:lol: Sorry, I couldn't resist. :P


Hmmm, a threesome during a violent thunderstorm on a summer afternoon? Posted Image

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Small thing make me smile. This morning:


1. Waking up on a best dream ever after reading a good story before sleep.


2. The smell and the first taste of coffee


3. Chatting good morning with my friend


I smile a lot all the time :)

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Small things in life that bring a quick smile?


- Knowing I did something that makes someone else happy.

- A good meal.

- Seein my best bud Mark who unfortunately for me, is straight. Damn...

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