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My heart bleeds for Will, and it's good to see that the clear-thinking people thinking him right; though there is no escaping the fact that he is being bratty, but that's part of being a teen-ager.

Seems Gathan & Kristin have made up but the last chapter was not very clear on this topic.

Wade seems a little too detached from others around him; and Paternity has most chapters from his POV. Personally I'd have liked some more chapters from Will's POV, and to know how Wade interacts with Riley.......there are not many father-son moments in the story, just here & there Wade saying he spent some time with him.

I wish we had more than 2 chapters of Paternity a week, since the 6th installment of Bridgemont is on hold.

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Well my heart hardly bleeds for Will. I understand him, relate to him, but in the universe of kids who really have it tough, Will is not up there. His family is not in the 1% they in the 1% of the 1%. So if he thinks he's been ignored the last two months or six weeks, so what. We are only three months removed from Paris and the pole dance and kidnapping. Even though it has been a year since we read PMS, in CAP time it has only been three months and as recent as August they were hovering around Will, sending him to a shrink, etc. Wasn't there even a surf trip somewhere in there in the last three months CAP time? I do think he has partial justification to demand a little attention, but he also has that young teen, "the world is all about me" attitude that he needs to get over.

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Well my heart hardly bleeds for Will. I understand him, relate to him, but in the universe of kids who really have it tough, Will is not up there. His family is not in the 1% they in the 1% of the 1%. So if he thinks he's been ignored the last two months or six weeks, so what. We are only three months removed from Paris and the pole dance and kidnapping. Even though it has been a year since we read PMS, in CAP time it has only been three months and as recent as August they were hovering around Will, sending him to a shrink, etc. Wasn't there even a surf trip somewhere in there in the last three months CAP time? I do think he has partial justification to demand a little attention, but he also has that young teen, "the world is all about me" attitude that he needs to get over.


And this is why I have a problem with the slowed down timeline. When we used to skip a few years in between stories, characters were given a chance to develop and change offstage so that when we caught up with them again, they could be different in ways that were believable, with changed family/relationship dynamics that could be believable. I would have been able to buy Will's "wow is me" act better if this were say maybe fall 2001 and the events of PMS had been a whole year ago. That the relationship between Will and Brad deteriorated from the Hawaii surf trip in July 2000 to the point it is now (2-3 months later) just isn't that believable. Things like this need time to develop and fester, and we're not being given that because of the slowed-down timeline.


I really think after we get done with 2000, we need to start getting back to one-story-a-year, or even actually skipping a year or two there. Three stories for one year is just entirely too much.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I really think after we get done with 2000, we need to start getting back to one-story-a-year, or even actually skipping a year or two there. Three stories for one year is just entirely too much.


Bite your tongue! :P


I LIKE the pace right now. If Arbour sped up the pace he might finish the CAP series one day and as far as I am concerned that just ain't happening. I want his arthritic fingers typing away from Shady Pines 30 years from now as CAP enters 2008......

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Bite your tongue! Posted Image


I LIKE the pace right now. If Arbour sped up the pace he might finish the CAP series one day and as far as I am concerned that just ain't happening. I want his arthritic fingers typing away from Shady Pines 30 years from now as CAP enters 2008......


I'm a believer in not letting things go on just for the sake of letting them go on. Of course, Mark may think differently, but he has talked about genres he might get into after CAP, which makes me think that there is an end to this at some point.


If we go at your pace, I'll be 52 years old while JJ is just 22 years old. Let's see, in 2008 I was 22 years old, attending community college, enjoying bars, and raging at Skid Row while dancing to these two songs. A lot. They basically typify the 2006-2008 era of music for me.




The memories...it'll be fun when JJ and Will are college-aged. I can't wait to score that. I'm thinking Black Eyed Peas, Justin Timberlake and the whole Neptunes music craze, crunk n b hip-hop, Nickelback, Beyonce(I'm not quite as thrilled about that but I have to include it), and Britney during her Blackout era.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Well my heart hardly bleeds for Will. I understand him, relate to him, but in the universe of kids who really have it tough, Will is not up there. His family is not in the 1% they in the 1% of the 1%. So if he thinks he's been ignored the last two months or six weeks, so what. We are only three months removed from Paris and the pole dance and kidnapping. Even though it has been a year since we read PMS, in CAP time it has only been three months and as recent as August they were hovering around Will, sending him to a shrink, etc. Wasn't there even a surf trip somewhere in there in the last three months CAP time? I do think he has partial justification to demand a little attention, but he also has that young teen, "the world is all about me" attitude that he needs to get over.


And this is why I have a problem with the slowed down timeline. When we used to skip a few years in between stories, characters were given a chance to develop and change offstage so that when we caught up with them again, they could be different in ways that were believable, with changed family/relationship dynamics that could be believable. I would have been able to buy Will's "wow is me" act better if this were say maybe fall 2001 and the events of PMS had been a whole year ago. That the relationship between Will and Brad deteriorated from the Hawaii surf trip in July 2000 to the point it is now (2-3 months later) just isn't that believable. Things like this need time to develop and fester, and we're not being given that because of the slowed-down timeline.


I really think after we get done with 2000, we need to start getting back to one-story-a-year, or even actually skipping a year or two there. Three stories for one year is just entirely too much.


Two related posts. Jeremy, you have clearly forgotten what teenagers are like. They can change abruptly in a very very short period of time. They can go from being incredibly happy to morbidly depressed in a simple 5 minute time span. So I'm sorry if you don't think such massive swings are possible in a mere three months. You're wrong. As Tim noted, there's also a very definite self-absorption factor here, where kids like Will don't have the ability (or willingness) to look at the other side of the situation. These are not always pleasant traits, and they don't tend to endear a character like Will to readers, especially mature readers who have limited recent experience with bratty teens. I'm not trying to make him endearing. I'm not all that concerned with whether readers like Will or not. I think when he matures, he'll be a really neat character. Right now, he's rather annoying. I think that's realistic.


I also think that he has some definite grounds to be bitchy, so even though he may be annoying and self-centered, his points, I think, are valid. Again, kids his age don't always communicate in a productive way. If I wrote him in a way such that he addressed issues in a rational manner, I'd get howls from those who know what these young creatures are like. Again, I was going for a more realistic portrayal.

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What? Mark has a life outside of writing? Preposterous!


I did mention this previously. I truly think that MarkPosted Image is so far beyond selfish, making us, his loyal and dedicated readers wait, yes, that's right, WAIT for each installment of his delicious and desireable doodling. Every now and again he protests that he has a "life" outside satisfying our needs; the very definition of "selfish", I think.


So Mark, just put those toys aside, however young and however desireable, and Do Your Duty! Help us reach that place you take us to with that writing of yours. please. Posted Image

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James Joyce wrote hundreds of pages just to move along a few hours In Ulysses. It took Joyce seven years to write 18 chapters. Clearly Mark is a great writer due to the pace of this story. I check the website several times a day hoping for another morsel of literary excellence from Mark Arbour.

Edited by davewri
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Well when you get co-author status, you can write the stories any fucking way you wish. Until such time, it would behoove you to remember who is the actual author.


Wow, keeping it classy, eh?



I'm not trying to make him endearing. I'm not all that concerned with whether readers like Will or not.

I was going to respond to this, but it seems clear that feedback isn't wanted, so I'll just let it be. All I will say is that, if he has no purpose other than being a reminder of how bratty a kid can be, why should I care to see him become that neat character? Could that point not have been given as a side character in Wade's story?

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Wow, keeping it classy, eh?





I was going to respond to this, but it seems clear that feedback isn't wanted, so I'll just let it be. All I will say is that, if he has no purpose other than being a reminder of how bratty a kid can be, why should I care to see him become that neat character? Could that point not have been given as a side character in Wade's story?


First of all, Sharon has always been classy. She also gets frustrated. I think her use of the "F" word shows that to be the case. Strong words are used to make strong points.


What makes you think feedback wasn't wanted? I've been listening to what readers say, and I've even made some changes along the way. I'm really surprised, though, that you would write a 14-year-old bratty kid off. Personally, I think the evolution to maturity is fascinating, and rewarding in it's own way. It's almost like watching someone who has a problem genuinely reform.


Will is a big part of Wade's story. Wade is watching him intently, watching how this plays out. What a great learning experience for him! Wade may think his attitude towards Will is fraternal, but there are strong paternal vestiges there as well.

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Chapter 28 is all from Wade's viewpoint and is a fun chapter to read, especially for dirty old men. Posted Image


One small kernal of information was about Will in that Wade revealed that he tried to have a conversation with Brad about Will but Brad wasn't hearing it. Posted Image


I think Wade should put a little more thought into making his sister's life uncomfortable beyond his little foray at the end of the chapter.

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Well, loved the latest chapter of Paternity and what can you say about that threeway but damn.... I love the place that Wade and Matt are at right now, I do think their relationshipe will continue to grow stronger as time goes on. I also want an equally hot threeway with Carullo, he has been one of my favorite minor players since he was introduced.


I loved how Wade has started his play against his sister with the conversation with Carl, I just hope Carl isn't so stupid that he forgets to mention it to his brother. I have to say for someone that we really have never met, I do dislike MaryEllen tremendously already.


I know I am probably going to step into it here but I just can't help it... I don't think Will is the only one acting like a brat in his ongoing fight with Brad and to a lesser extent Robbie. Brad is suppose to be the adult but I swear he is acting like more of a child than Will is. I do agree that Will is self absorbed but then at fourteen years of age, rich, physically mature, and sexually appealing; who wouldn't be... I really do think that Wade is right and this is going to get worse before it gets better, I already made that point in an earlier post and won't go back over it again. That being said, I do think that in the end Brad and Robbie will come to terms with Will but they are going to have to all grow up a bit before it happens....

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Carl is at Stanfurd, he may be a lot of things but stupid is not one of them. Not even the football players there are stupid.


I think Brad has a right to be frustrated with Will. Will has been given more freedom, latitude and advantages than most kids his age and yet he wants more. He's also been given more attention than a lot of kids get from their parents. He might feel neglected these last couple of months, but his life is nothing like Ryan's. I was hoping his exposure to Ryan and his family would lead him to see how great his family has been in comparison.

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Will is 14 years old and can't or won't see 3 feet in front of him, let alone the family dynamics in other families.



My best friend at that age had, to be charitable, "inattentive" parents. Mine weren't exactly engaged but at least we had some framework in which we were expected to operate.


Anyway I didn't see (nor care) how that affected him, I only thought it was cool that he could stay out as late as he wanted and we could smoke various and sundry substances at his house without having to sneak it. it was only after I'd grown up a bit that I realized how much that must have sucked for him and began to see how much it pissed him off.


So, I guess I'm saying I get Will's issues.


Good chapter, Mark, I'm glad to see Wade and Matt involving each other in each other's uh, affairs :P

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Some thoughts, since I actually have a few minutes to spare today. Posted Image


1. Tim's right about the level of intellect required to get into Stanford, but you do run into those people who are smart but have absolutely no common sense, or people like Cole who are math freaks and only competent in other fields.


2. Regarding Will and Brad: There doesn't have to be, and there probably isn't, a true "right and wrong" here. They are both at fault. Personally, since Will's the kid, I tend to give him the pass. And I also think that it's important to note that being neglected is still rejection, and money won't make up for that.


3. I think that Matt and Wade are doing well with this. So far. Posted Image

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I thought this last chapter is one of those feel good chapters. It is nice to see Matt and Wade share Sean. In some ways I miss the drama with Will. He is one of those single minded people. Two things bother me. One is the people here who think Will is nothing but a spoiled brat. I would agree with Mark that he is just being a teenager. Maybe some people here had forgotten how hard that can be. Will is a gay 14yo. He's out. He is trying to find his way. He is going to make mistakes. The second is part of the story. I do not understand Brad and Robbie's reaction to the situation. Their reaction to Will doesn't seen to fit the people they are. Even Wade can't understand why they don't understand the situation. They also seem not to be listening to anyone. Not Stefan or Wade. It's like they have forgotten all the stunts they did while growing up. I hope they wise up before things get really bad. Brad was not the prefect kid. It is time he becomes a better father. I thought ever since the kidnapping Brad and Will's relationship has been strained. If you look most of Will's over the top behavior happened after that. Who here can blame him. Who here has been kidnapped and not had some reprocussions. Remember he's is only a 14yo kid and Brad is the adult, or is he?

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I thought this last chapter is one of those feel good chapters. It is nice to see Matt and Wade share Sean. In some ways I miss the drama with Will. He is one of those single minded people. Two things bother me. One is the people here who think Will is nothing but a spoiled brat. I would agree with Mark that he is just being a teenager. Maybe some people here had forgotten how hard that can be. Will is a gay 14yo. He's out. He is trying to find his way. He is going to make mistakes. The second is part of the story. I do not understand Brad and Robbie's reaction to the situation. Their reaction to Will doesn't seen to fit the people they are. Even Wade can't understand why they don't understand the situation. They also seem not to be listening to anyone. Not Stefan or Wade. It's like they have forgotten all the stunts they did while growing up. I hope they wise up before things get really bad. Brad was not the prefect kid. It is time he becomes a better father. I thought ever since the kidnapping Brad and Will's relationship has been strained. If you look most of Will's over the top behavior happened after that. Who here can blame him. Who here has been kidnapped and not had some reprocussions. Remember he's is only a 14yo kid and Brad is the adult, or is he?


I think that most people who read this genre want to read about a very polite teenager who is being victimized in some way but is saved from himself, or from others, preferably by a guy who is his age or slightly older, and who he ends up having wild monkey sex with. That monkey sex partner would ideally have a parent who is truly golden, who will intercede to help the other, troubled, monkey sex partner. When you bring in a more realistic approach, where the kid has real bratty tendencies, is myopic and self-centered, it doesn't play as well.


I have my own personal, anecdotal opinion on why that is. I think that unless you deal with your own kids, it's hard to understand this kind of conflict. I remember when my son was young and we'd go out to eat for family events. He'd be really antsy, and have a hard time sitting through dinner. (2-4 year olds are a real challenge when it comes to that). My sister and brother-in-law were just appalled at his bad manners, and how he couldn't sit still and not cry at a restaurant. Now they have their own 3 year old, and he's so bad they refuse to go out to eat with him at all. Now they get it. Same thing on airlines. "Why can't they shut that kid up?" people without kids are saying. People with kids know it's not that easy.


Teenagers don't usually cry in restaurants or throw tantrums on planes, but they have their own special challenges. It's easy to decide that they simply aren't being respectful of their parents or their elders. It's easy to forget that respect is earned.


Some will tell you that in their day, kids that were like Will would get the crap beaten out of them. That's why they didn't act like that. Kids need that kind of discipline. Spare the rod, spoil the child. In other words, you should break their spirit. In about three chapters, I'll show you what happens when you do that with a bright, and very high-spirited, free-thinking teenager. Posted Image

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I think that most people who read this genre want to read about a very polite teenager who is being victimized in some way but is saved from himself, or from others, preferably by a guy who is his age or slightly older, and who he ends up having wild monkey sex with. That monkey sex partner would ideally have a parent who is truly golden, who will intercede to help the other, troubled, monkey sex partner. When you bring in a more realistic approach, where the kid has real bratty tendencies, is myopic and self-centered, it doesn't play as well.


Here's something that's kept coming up with me often.


Will was born in September of 1986. I was born in December of 1985. There is only nine-month lag between our birthdates. So I tend to think and relate to Will as being like a peer, because he was born in '86 and my peers are generally people born between '84 to about '88. But of course, I'm 26 years old and Will's only 14, and I think a part of me expects for Will to be more mature because of that.


The other thing was that, I remember that the initial way Will was written was that he was supposed to be That Guy. That cool guy you knew in 9th grade, who was so much more mature and laidback than most of the other rambunctious 9th grade kids you knew, who just seemed like he was already a senior, or even in college. But it does seem like Mark went another way with his characterization so that while Will is very bright and can be very perceptive, he's still very much an 14-year old. That just wasn't what I was expecting from the character, though.

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