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Are you more of an Athlete or and Artist?


What would you rather do?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. What Would You Rather Do?

    • Throw a ball and get dirty.
    • Coach a sports team
    • Swim
    • Run
    • Sing
    • Dance
    • Write a story
    • Paint a picture and get dirty.

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Definitely a sports guy. I grew up in a household where "artsy stuff" wasn't really encouraged, but playing sports most definitely was. Both my brother and I were three sport athletes until high school, and my parents were always encouraging us to play or practice. I grew up going to Mets, Red Sox, Bruins, and Patriots game so sports has always just been such a natural thing to me. Besides, I became a pretty good athlete but I was never much of a writer and certainly am no artist.


So yeah, athlete. :P

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I 've always loved to play, and coach softball. So sports, I guess, even though I love to play the piano also.


There is one artist that I love to buy his work.( when I can afford it ). lol


So, I guess..... Hell, I don't know. Why didn't you do an easier question har? :P

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Artist. The athletic thing I can do well is run. I'm a good runner. Apart from that, I'm not good at most other sports.

But I sing (a lot), write a few stories, and dance once in a while. I sometimes draw and paint too:).

So it's definitely artist for me:)

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"Artist", even though I'd NEVER call myself that because it sounds way too hipster and pretentious to me. I've always hated playing sports and I can only watch a full game if I'm at a stadium with someone. I run (or at least I will after we move and get the treadmill set up again) about three miles a day to keep/get in shape and I'm planning on getting a bicycle when I move but that's it for the athletic stuff I do.

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I love a lot on the list but singing is my main one. I sing from getting up at 4:45 most days, and every minute I can through the day. I am not saying I can sing Posted Image I probably sound like I'm stood on a baby. Posted Image But I sing anyways :)

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I sing in my car on my way home from work, sometimes I forget that a window is down and people can hear me - I feel so sorry for them especially if I sing to Queens Bohemian Rhapsody including the opera parts Posted Image

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I love to read and to write and mess around with my computers. I love to swim and play tennis and hike and backpack and crosscountry ski. I'm not more an athlete nor more an artist. I am what I am.


Colin B)

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I voted almost all of them except for dance and coaching. Well, the thing is, I am not good at many of them, but don't mind doing them. I don't like sweating, but don't mind get my hands dirty for some reason. I usually just try my best and I am a lousy swimmer, bad runner, couldn't paint anything good and haven't practiced singing for good many decades so when I do sing, it's out of tune. I just don't mind doing them. It has always been the way I am. Jack of all trades, but master of none is who I am (except for a couple things), but I always try my best. Oh, I would answer the question differently about sports if it's contact sport. Can't do contact sport.... Not that I am good at throwing balls either, but I don't mind doing that with someone I care either. I should play tennis a little more....

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I have the athletic and coordinating skills of a drunk monkey, and I can't draw a stick figure to save my life.

But I do like to try and run.


Posted Image Same here.


I also like to sing and dance, although I tend to do them alone so I'm not laughed at.

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Not that much of a sports guy...

I am however trying to figure out what "paint a picture and get dirty" means.

However I can't swim (would love to swim if i knew how), not very much into throwing balls...

Oh yes I am soo into coaching the team, it's all about the control you see :P

If I run more then two blocks I would probably die, because two blocks is about where I get a headache and get winded...



I sing all the time, not professionally, no no no, that would be mankinds worst nightmare... it could kill people and raise them up as my undead army :o

I also draw... I am not hordes bad... but Am not the greatest... :/

I also Write... My writing speaks for it's self :/

And I like dancing even though I can't dance professionally... No tap dancing, or ballet for me :o

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1st of all, running is not a sport :D it's the punishment in real sports :D


Also, swimming is sort of dancing isn't it? You're wiggling your body in harmony with the current and playing lead with the water.


And if I like to throw 2 balls and a sack that carries them towards someone's face and get dirty, does that count?


Why isn't rapping an option? It definitely is separate from singing. All I'm missing is an ass job and I'm practically Nicki Minaj.


What is a story? And how does one go about writing one?


My last painting was on the toilet bowl canvas. Oh it got dirty alright. But I respectfully give due credit to something I must have ate earlier.

Edited by Y_B
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Why isn't rapping an option? It definitely is separate from singing. All I'm missing is an ass job and I'm practically Nicki Minaj.


Are you in need of a gluteus maximus augmentation?

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