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What was/is your favourite Board Game

Yettie One

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When I was a youngster my eldest brother made a homemade version of Waddington's Go, a boardgame where you had to travel around the world and collect souvenirs from various different countries.


It was a really technical game, you had to travel around an outer board to collect and earn money, secure a destination and book tickets via a range of travel options to your destination, then use an inner board to get from your departure city to your destination without landing on a disaster zone.


The winner was the person with the designated number of souvenirs at the end of the game. I remember on one epic occasion the whole family got involved and for something like a whole week, every night after dinner we would all gather round the table and play the game, trying to collect like 50 souvenirs each. Madness, but so much fun for a young kid growing up.


So what was or is your favourite boardgame, and what fond memories do you have of playing the game?

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It's hard to name a favorite. I haven't played any of these for decades or more. Computer games are so much easier to play and you don't have to manage a bunch of players.


Risk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk_%28game%29


Classic multi-player game.


Tactic II  http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1574/tactics-ii


Sort of the mother of all wargames, it was easy to play and was a great beer & pretzels game.


Blitzkrieg http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/4168/blitzkrieg


A much more complicated game than Tactics II but it shared basic common elements.

Had three types of armored units, four infantry units, neutral countries and resources.

Could take a whole weekend to play.


Russian Campaign http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2808/the-russian-campaign


An absolutely brilliant recreation of the war between Germany and Russia. Very, very educational

as most Westerners don't understand how big and ugly that conflict really was.

Germany will run wild until mid-1942 and then it becomes a meatgrinder for them

as Russia's manpower takes its toll.


Federation & Empire  http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/36/federation-empire


Best described as Risk in the Star Fleet Universe (classic) but MUCH more complex.

The game puts you in charge on one of the major galactic powers making decisions

about economics, planning, diplomacy and strategy. Can seat up to eight players and

take as long as a week to play.

to play.  


Jutland  http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/4984/jutland


Recreation of the massive WWI battle between British and German fleets for control of the

North Sea.


Midway  http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2250/midway


Recreation of the Battle that turned WWII in the Pacific.


Submarine  http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3083/submarine


Tactical level combat sim of WWII submarine combat.


Command Decision  http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/6699/command-decision-iii


Tactical level combat sim rules for WWII armored conflict using miniatures.


Victory at Sea  http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/129985/victory-at-sea-far-flung-seas


Tactical level combat sim rules for WWII naval combat.

I still have my Japanese cruisers and destroyers squadrons I used to humble many

overconfident players that spent all their points on battleships.





PS- Yes- I was/am an Army brat and got exposed to a lot of this stuff very young.

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Chinese checkers


 I was really, really good at it, my older sisters refused to play with me after a while cause I always won.. But when they didn't want to play with me I got angry and started to jump up an down and screaming and crying so my parent forced them to play with me (hehehe - spoiled ? Yes :P ) Last summer when I visited my sister she wanted a "re-match" - I think she still regrets that :D hehehe

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I've played chess since I was 4, and figure that got me over my dyslexia. Monopoly was a family favorite for many years. Lots of games of Risk over many, many shots of tequila.


But my favorite game is Scrabble. One line from Kill Bill says it so well - "I love that word, but one so rarely gets to use it in a sentence." One game last week gave me a chance to play:













How else am I ever going to get to use those words?

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Definitely chess. My grandfather taught me how to play when I was six and I just remember playing against him for hours whenever we visited. It was our thing and we still talk about the game whenever I call them. I also absolutely love the strategies and tactics involved in the game, and I even have a small chess board set up on my head board where I play against myself every now and then.

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The Art of Science


Knowledge-based board game similiar to Trivial Pursuit, except it doesn't have the boring sports & leisure, history, geography, entertainment and arts and literature questions.

This is a big rager where I work. We do waffle nights and play this while drinking Port wine. 



Really cute board game where everyone is a storyteller. Everyone has a hand of beautifully drawn playing cards and each turn a player (or storyteller) uses a word, phrase or story to describe that card, while placing their chosen card face down. Everyone else then choses one of their cards that also describes the storytellers card. The cards are shuffled around  and one by one they're turned up. The players now have to guess which card is the storytellers card. If noone is able to guess the storytellers card, all the players gets two points (while the storyteller gets none), if everyone are able to guess the storytellers card they each get two points as well, while the storyteller gets none. So you have to find a balance between being not too specific and not too vague. 


Small World

In Small World, players try to control an island that's too small to be controlled by all players. The players "battle" against eachother and land is lost and won after each turn. The players get to be able to chose from different races to controll each "cycle". Each race has a special ability. But each race has also a randomly chosen trait that is assigned to them. This creates a huge amount of different combinations that makes each playthrough unique. 


Ticket To Ride

Probably the easiest board game out there. The rules are simple. You draw cards that tells you between which cities you should try to connect rails. This is my go-to game when trying to break-in friends to get them to play board games with me.



This is one of the most fun collaborative board games out there. Each player controlls one or two characters on the board, survivors, each with a special ability. The zombies move around very predictably on the board. The way the game's equation work is: You = 1, zombies = many. Bullets = not enough. 

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This is one of the most fun collaborative board games out there. Each player controlls one or two characters on the board, survivors, each with a special ability. The zombies move around very predictably on the board. The way the game's equation work is: You = 1, zombies = many. Bullets = not enough. 

This game sounds like fun !! I like zombies ^_^

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I loved Cluedo - It was Mrs. White in the Conservatory with a Spanner.


I also loved Monopoly, especially once I figured out that if I had enough properties and never switched from houses to hotels, I could block everybody else from building. :lol:

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Well Monopoly was always fun. I was a demon, refusing to trade unless someone was going bankrupt and I could give them just enough to keep them in the game while sucking their properties into my armageddon pile. mwahhahaha. Should have taken that job with Macquarie Bank clearly.


Geek alert.


Back when I was in school, there were a whole lot of boardgames that were popular with the same crowd who were into Dungeons and Dragons. I used to go to conventions and actually get into tournaments.


My favourites then were Diplomacy and Kingmaker. I cant even remember much of the rules now.

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Geek alert.



Back when I was in school, there were a whole lot of boardgames that were popular with the same crowd who were into Dungeons and Dragons. I used to go to conventions and actually get into tournaments.


My favourites then were Diplomacy and Kingmaker. I cant even remember much of the rules now.



I've played Diplomacy- and make a rather nasty English monarch.

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There's a few that comes to mind, but here's the best 3 :


- Scotland Yard - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland_Yard_(board_game)


- Hotels - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_(board_game)


- Ausbrecher AG - http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/772/ausbrecher-ag


Strip Monopoly :lol:




That certainly sounds like something to try....

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I loved Cluedo - It was Mrs. White in the Conservatory with a Spanner.


Ooooooooooo I love Cludo. Was always Prof Plum. :P And I'm sure it was Col Mustard in the Billiards Room with the Candle Stick!




Strip Monopoly :lol:


Oh my now that sounds like a bit of a challenge. :P Building hotels in the nick????



I do enjoy a good game of Trivial Pursuit :D

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As a kiddie, I enjoyed Risk and Chess. Played Monopoly a few times, as well as... Uno? But, my immediately family isn't much into this kind of thing. Though they bought me the board games, we never really /played/. Disappointing, really.


Now, I play Chess against the computer to pass the time (7-6 against level 4, lololololololol, I suck). I've also played Diplomacy, a game where I kick ass when partnered (I don't stab, kids!), and generally screw up and lose during solos.


I like board games (and games in general, really), honestly. Tis just I don't often have appropriate play mates, aha. Might get into this whole "strip gaming" later, though. ;)

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My absolute favorite was APBA Baseball, where you got to pick your favorite professional team and then make your own line up using any all-star that had played on the team - ever.  You could call situations, like hit and run, bunt, steal, and the outcome was determined by a roll of the dice, using the player's lifetime stats.  It was great. 


I also enjoyed the games Life, Stratego, Clue and Trivial Pursuit.

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When I was a kid I loved Tornado Rex and Mouse Trap. I could play them all day. When I got older it was pretty much just Monopoly and Clue. I have a Metal Gear Solid version of RISK sitting in my closet, but I haven't been able to get enough people together to play it yet >_>

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