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What do you miss when you go Away?

Sasha Distan

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As many of you know, i recently returned from a trip to stay with Thorn. it was awesome, everything he cooked or us was a-m-a-z-i-n-g and hubby and I had a great time.


However, everyone misses things when they go on holiday, and no matter how much you enjoyed yourself when you were away, what do you find that you love when you get home again?


Me, I missed my dressing gown (it is enormous, purple and fluffy) and my ridiculously comfy pillow. Hubby said he missed the rifle, which is handy, because we got new toys for the .177

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I just got back from a pretty massive roadtrip, where we piled everyone one (including pets) into the car.  So I can't say that I missed a living being, and I really didn't miss specific possessions.  What I did miss was the routine; going to the same familiar places and the like.  I never thought of myself as being an organized person, and I've never really been all that conventional, so that surprised (and disturbed) me a bit, to find that I've become quite the creature of habit. 

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so that surprised (and disturbed) me a bit, to find that I've become quite the creature of habit. 


secretly we are all little creatures of habit. i didn't miss my habits, because it turns out Thorn and i both appreciate sofa+laptop+TV show time.

I did miss the places i would usually go. habit is a very strong thing.

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If I go somewhere I have to room or share a bed with someone who isn't Magpie, I miss sleeping in the nude. :P Other than that, I tend to miss my instruments, and I miss cooking my own food sometimes when I'm staying in hotels and the like. And I miss my polar bear. Yes, I still sleep with a stuffed animal... He's a little baby polar bear that I got in the mail when I did the adopt a polar bear thing through WWF. Since Magpie isn't a snuggle-up-while-sleeping type of person, I snuggle up with the polar bear. I never bring him when I travel, though. I figure it'll look stupid. :P

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My deck.  I love to sit out on the deck in the evenings and look across the woods.  They are on all sides of me.  The creatures announcing the dusk are unchallenged by loud city noises. 

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Peace and quiet. I really dislike being around a lot of people. It's just easier to be at home, especially with kids.

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My routine. I like doing certain things at certain times and when  I'm away , I can't do that. I also like peace and quiet too, I just do better when its like that.

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My alone time. Often times when I go away for events, I have spend loads of time with other people and stuff. While that in itself isn't bad, but I often miss the time I use to do personal projects.

My alone time. Often times when I go away for events, I have spend loads of time with other people and stuff. While that in itself isn't bad, but I often miss the time I use to do personal projects.

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If I go somewhere I have to room or share a bed with someone who isn't Magpie, I miss sleeping in the nude. :P Other than that, I tend to miss my instruments, and I miss cooking my own food sometimes when I'm staying in hotels and the like. And I miss my polar bear. Yes, I still sleep with a stuffed animal... He's a little baby polar bear that I got in the mail when I did the adopt a polar bear thing through WWF. Since Magpie isn't a snuggle-up-while-sleeping type of person, I snuggle up with the polar bear. I never bring him when I travel, though. I figure it'll look stupid. :P

I am so glad to see that you do this too, Thorn :funny: I miss my pillow and my favorite stuffed animal, a frog   :P The last vacation I brought the frog with me, my friends already know that I am crazy so it was okay :lol:

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If I go somewhere I have to room or share a bed with someone who isn't Magpie, I miss sleeping in the nude. :P Other than that, I tend to miss my instruments, and I miss cooking my own food sometimes when I'm staying in hotels and the like. And I miss my polar bear. Yes, I still sleep with a stuffed animal... He's a little baby polar bear that I got in the mail when I did the adopt a polar bear thing through WWF. Since Magpie isn't a snuggle-up-while-sleeping type of person, I snuggle up with the polar bear. I never bring him when I travel, though. I figure it'll look stupid. :P



I am so glad to see that you do this too, Thorn :funny: I miss my pillow and my favorite stuffed animal, a frog    :P The last vacation I brought the frog with me, my friends already know that I am crazy so it was okay :lol:



I do this too. i have an elephant made from vintage german carpet. Cris bought him for me the first year we were together at christmas. his name is Jasper with a Y.

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I do this too. i have an elephant made from vintage german carpet. Cris bought him for me the first year we were together at christmas. his name is Jasper with a Y.

That's Yasper?

I do this too. i have an elephant made from vintage german carpet. Cris bought him for me the first year we were together at christmas. his name is Jasper with a Y.

That's Yasper?

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The only thing I miss when we go on vacation up to the island is access to clay and a functioning studio. However that may eventually correct itself as the hubby's daughter who lives on the island gets herself setup. :)


Even though I may miss that outlet, I get to make up for it because trips to the island are total writing vacations for me :D

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I take 35kg walking-carpet and 20 kg too-short-legs and something to write on.

The only time I miss something is when I can't take the above with me.

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I miss having free wifi, and being surrounded by all my books and clutter. I also miss Sherlock, I worry too much about him but he's my baby.

And the not so secret, secret stash of chocolate that I have in my room.


Whenever I've been away for work or when I went to the many school camps, what I missed most is all of my routines. Being organised and doing everything at the same time, for the same time, in the same place every single day relaxes me and keeps my brain from freaking out too much.


I miss home so much that I don't like going away unless I have to.

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Like Breeze, it's my routine. I've gotten rather selfish and set in my ways as I've gotten older. While I still like to travel, I find myself looking foward to getting home with an even greater longing each time I wander.

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