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For The Love

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Nope... Leviticus said that slaves merely needed to be FROM neighboring countries, not caputred there. So, I think you residence in Canada qualifies you, even if you are in PA.

But my permament address is still in PA. I don't even have a permament residence in Canada. :P


I win. Admit it. :D


No further comments...I'm the winner. :P

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Happy to know I got fellow GAs in PA to keep me safe. But hiding the mountains and forests will protect me well too. :P


Philly area is nice. ^^


And if I remember correctly, I think I saw a PA location for you once so I think we're on the same end of the state.



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But my permament address is still in PA. I don't even have a permament residence in Canada. :P


I win. Admit it. :D


No further comments...I'm the winner. :P


I don't recall Leviticus discussing residency? Probably because he didn't; he just said FROM a neighboring country. So, you will be coming to the US FROM Canada, which is a neighboring country.


And if I remember correctly, I think I saw a PA location for you once so I think we're on the same end of the state.



Jan, I have an idea for you... How would you like to make a geographically convenient purchase?


I'm pleased to offer for sale; one somewhat addled and near-literate Jack Frost, who may also be put to use as a soft drink cooler during the summer months.

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Anyone want a black goat with sunglasses? He's useful for milking for bad smelling goat cheese to the Frenchies (like our dear Bondwriter) who adore cheese so much.


CJ is my neighbor...so I can sell him for sure.


I'm selling him for a half-penny...since he's not much of a value anyway.


And if I remember correctly, I think I saw a PA location for you once so I think we're on the same end of the state.

Yep, I'm from the Poconos...about an hour and half from downtown Philly if we use the Turnpike.


That reminds, I should plan on shopping in Philly sometimes in the summer while I'm in the state. :D

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Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm. I think I could use a good Houseboy, or should that be Houseperson, to be PC.


I'd warn you that it must be a tiring job to get the said person to work properly. I'd be too afraid to have to use violence to have him earn his daily bread. If I could have the boy from the Poconos AND the Arizonian goat (who seems to be multi-skilled, and that I imagine could be profitable beyond cheese making), they would keep each other company (basically watch each other) and maybe it would turn out well.


Well, when this thread is starting to get really silly, it usually means it's time for a new episode. So, thanks to my seer senses, I foresee a new chapter within 24 hours.

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I'd warn you that it must be a tiring job to get the said person to work properly. I'd be too afraid to have to use violence to have him earn his daily bread. If I could have the boy from the Poconos AND the Arizonian goat (who seems to be multi-skilled, and that I imagine could be profitable beyond cheese making), they would keep each other company (basically watch each other) and maybe it would turn out well.

ACK! Confined with Frosty? Brrrr!!!! That's just mean!!! :P


Well, when this thread is starting to get really silly, it usually means it's time for a new episode. So, thanks to my seer senses, I foresee a new chapter within 24 hours.[/font][/size]


Yes, it will be within 24 hours... I don't know how you do it! :worship:

Well, my clock is telling me that it is now 1:52 AM my time, on Tuesday, so therefor,


Chapter 20, Visitations, is up!

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ACK! Confined with Frosty? Brrrr!!!! That's just mean!!! :P

Yeah, this could be a little cruel and unusual...


On with serious stuff!

Betty will certainly please Old Bob in this episode, no doubt. As I love secret passages, I think we're on to something with the brick wall.


Another chapter packed with action. Great to see the boys ready to fight back thanks to this out lawyer called

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Plus as this is certainly no cliff-hanger, it must be some Shawn and Chase enthusiasts coming in to cheer up their idols. Come on, they must feel bad at the web cams being shut down.

Yeah, I agree. It's nice to have a chapter that doesn't end in a cliffhanger.


A nice filler chapter. A bit of new information, some setting up for the next phase, and the welcome news that their pictures will be around for eternity. Overall, lots of happy news :)


Thanks, CJ!

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Yeah, I agree. It's nice to have a chapter that doesn't end in a cliffhanger.


A nice filler chapter. A bit of new information, some setting up for the next phase, and the welcome news that their pictures will be around for eternity. Overall, lots of happy news :)


But then came Chapter 20. I'm glad, CJ, you took my advice about not using too many cliffhangers (Jack thought as he hung precariously to the loosening root of a sage bush. He looked below and tried to calculate the amount of time in free fall before he would splatter on the canyon floor...). 0:)


Goodness, gotta go to church next Sunday (Easter, ya know) and pray that Chris takes aim...and blasts away a few hanging eggs that aren't necessarily left over from the weekend.


Jack B)


P.S. Interesting that this popular thread has become a blend of story discussion, goat lore, IM and a Pennsylvania dating service. :funny:

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  • Site Moderator
P.S. Interesting that this popular thread has become a blend of story discussion, goat lore, IM and a Pennsylvania dating service. :funny:


It helps someone keep that lurker status he keeps talking about.


Great chapter CJ.



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Yep, I never use cliffhangers. Never, not once, have my characters been left teetering on the edge of a cliff. :-)


I hate to make inaapropriate comments (no, really I do....) but to this comment I can only say...





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I hate to make inaapropriate comments (no, really I do....) but to this comment I can only say...






Actually, he's right... shdowgod and I were discussing (he is my anonymous beta reader, after all) possible ways to end FTL... And shdowgod came up with a doozy of an iudea! I think it would be perfect...


Has everyone here seen the Movie "Thelma and Louise"? In the final scene, they drive their car off the rim of the Grand Canyon, only to end up splattered on the rocks half a mile below.


So, shdowgod's idea was for Steve and Chris to do likewise. Very dramatic, I think? I can see it now... Pursued by Thadious J. Emoe and the Piedmont Sheriff, Steve wheels the Charger around, flooring the V-8 engine, only to see the rim of the canyon dead ahead. Steve, slows the Charger to a near crawl, looking for some way out, but he's boxed in, no escape. Chris puts a hand on Steve's shoulder, telling him gently, "Floor it."


Steve jams his foot to the floorboards as the engine redlines, hurling them forward in a rising cloud of choking cloud og dust. Surging forward, the Spedomoter passes 100 as the car surges across the barren, dusty landscape. Only the muffled 'thud' from the shocks tells the guys that they have cleared the rim, that, and the sensation of weightlessness. Chris and Steve join hands for the last time as the Charger passes three hundred miles an hour in it's three-quarter-mile plunge to the rocks below.


Days later, what remains of Chris, Steve, and the Charger is collected by a park ranger, and deposited into a single coffee can.


So, That sure sounds dramatic to me! shdowgod, of course, gets ALL the credit for thinking up this dramatic end to the story!


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Actually, he's right... shdowgod and I were discussing (he is my anonymous beta reader, after all) possible ways to end FTL... And shdowgod came up with a doozy of an iudea! I think it would be perfect...


Has everyone here seen the Movie "Thelma and Louise"? In the final scene, they drive their car off the rim of the Grand Canyon, only to end up splattered on the rocks half a mile below.


So, shdowgod's idea was for Steve and Chris to do likewise. Very dramatic, I think? I can see it now... Pursued by Thadious J. Emoe and the Piedmont Sheriff, Steve wheels the Charger around, flooring the V-8 engine, only to see the rim of the canyon dead ahead. Steve, slows the Charger to a near crawl, looking for some way out, but he's boxed in, no escape. Chris puts a hand on Steve's shoulder, telling him gently, "Floor it."


Steve jams his foot to the floorboards as the engine redlines, hurling them forward in a rising cloud of choking cloud og dust. Surging forward, the Spedomoter passes 100 as the car surges across the barren, dusty landscape. Only the muffled 'thud' from the shocks tells the guys that they have cleared the rim, that, and the sensation of weightlessness. Chris and Steve join hands for the last time as the Charger passes three hundred miles an hour in it's three-quarter-mile plunge to the rocks below.


Days later, what remains of Chris, Steve, and the Charger is collected by a park ranger, and deposited into a single coffee can.


So, That sure sounds dramatic to me! shdowgod, of course, gets ALL the credit for thinking up this dramatic end to the story!




See he soo left out the tagline...


Chris and Steve join hands one last time as the Charger passesthree hundred miles an hour in its mortal decent to the canyon floor. Pulling his vision away from the rapidly approaching earth, Chris maneges to whisper just before neither of them can hear a noise again. "For the love..."





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  • Site Administrator

I don't like it. It has promise, but it's been used before (ie. in Thelma and Louise). How about having the Charger getting caught up in a tree 100 feet below the top? The boys broke their necks when the car suddenly stopped (so that the story ends -- as the main characters are dead), but that way it'll be a real cliffhanger ending.....

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I don't like it. It has promise, but it's been used before (ie. in Thelma and Louise). How about having the Charger getting caught up in a tree 100 feet below the top? The boys broke their necks when the car suddenly stopped (so that the story ends -- as the main characters are dead), but that way it'll be a real cliffhanger ending.....


By Greame...


I think you may be onto something!

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See he soo left out the tagline...


Chris and Steve join hands one last time as the Charger passesthree hundred miles an hour in its mortal decent to the canyon floor. Pulling his vision away from the rapidly approaching earth, Chris maneges to whisper just before neither of them can hear a noise again. "For the love..."





See? I've been telling everyone that shdowgod is eeevil, but nobody listens to me...


I don't like it. It has promise, but it's been used before (ie. in Thelma and Louise). How about having the Charger getting caught up in a tree 100 feet below the top? The boys broke their necks when the car suddenly stopped (so that the story ends -- as the main characters are dead), but that way it'll be a real cliffhanger ending.....


Hmmmm! That does sound intriguing... The idea of ending a story with a cliffhanger.. Hmmmm.... :devil:

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See? I've been telling everyone that shdowgod is eeevil, but nobody listens to me...

Hmmmm! That does sound intriguing... The idea of ending a story with a cliffhanger.. Hmmmm.... :devil:




I'm not the guy who has a person or persons stalking around the exterior of one of my Characters apartments. Seriously For the Love is making me long for the days of bad grammer and copious amounts of uncensored scene's. I love it! :P

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It'll be up same place, same time next week. But if you guys take the positions I so nicely offered, one of the fringe benefits is that CJames will be able to tell you the story in advance. Gets you to thinking, doesn't it? (Well, this and the prospect of wine and cheese)

I won't take your positions that your mumma taught you. ;)



And I find it distrubing with the overpromoting of guns in the story. CJ never really takes into consideration I'm a liberal who believes in strict gun control. :P

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I don't like it. It has promise, but it's been used before (ie. in Thelma and Louise). How about having the Charger getting caught up in a tree 100 feet below the top? The boys broke their necks when the car suddenly stopped (so that the story ends -- as the main characters are dead), but that way it'll be a real cliffhanger ending.....

And Eric (have we fogotten that twirp?) is video-taping the entire event.


He looks at the chaos and wreakage and yells, "For The Love...of...Shawn and Case, I said 'stop' not 'top'. That was next scene."


I know, it's weak. But this ending is the best I can come up with early in the morning. :funny:


Jack B)

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