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Thanks, I think! Why the hell would I want to dress as any of those?!? Believe me I do not look good in a dress, did it for a AIDS charity night a long time ago. Never EVER again. Heels were a bitch! :lmao:


hahaha just look the posts in the thread Would you rather, haha i agree you and a dress, no!!!

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Hey there guys and gals. A lot of cuties running around GA. Now as for myself, I've never really had great self-esteem. I've always been overweight, which really sucks. You'd think I would have lost some weight since I played football for four years in high school, but alas, I didn't. I don't consider myself ugly per se, just not very attractive. I'm also not very photogenic. I tend to squint my eyes when I smile as in this picture. Also when I smile, the right side of my mouth opens more than my left, so I tend to give closed-mouth smiles in pictures. It took me like 10 tries just to get a semi-decent picture. Here's me though so you can put a face with a name: http://s712.photobucket.com/albums/ww121/ChiefFan1/. I might add my senior picture from high school too. That pic is actually decent as it was taken by a professional. I had a goatee back then too.

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I hate to smile too. If you find photos of me in this thread, you'll find no smile on my face. Either an evil smirk or just... no smilie.


But it is a decent HS photo. I hated mine so much that I prefer to hide them somewhere in my parents' house and forget completely where I'd hid them. :P

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Hey! I have new pictures finally, so that's fun.

This is from two weeks ago, when I was attending the United States Student Association Legislative Conference in DC. It was an amazing time



And this one was from a meeting that I was attending. One of my friends caught me right in the middle of a conversation, but I like how it turned out.




So yup, that's me!

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ok so, by and large, i take horrible pictures, (even my friends say so,) and it makes me have a really bad self-image.




tonight i feel like kind of making fun of myself to lighten my attitude toward how horribly i photograph, so i'm posting pictures that i find particularly embarrassing.


somehow it feels like winning. you genetically-fortunates wouldn't understand.


Posted Image


a theme of these pictures is that i'm drunk in every one of them. i don't know what i was doing in this one, or why both erin and i are touching our armpits. it looks like i'm grabbing my tit and wailing.


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here i've taken a shot that i clearly didn't like on my twenty-first birthday. i'm sweaty from dancing to bad seventies music.


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and here i've finished throwing up and passed out, again on my birthday, and some of my lady friends decided to pose with my corpse. i was told that my guy friends were against this picture being taken.


all right. this ends my attempt at owning what i look like through a lens.

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ok so, by and large, i take horrible pictures, (even my friends say so,) and it makes me have a really bad self-image.




tonight i feel like kind of making fun of myself to lighten my attitude toward how horribly i photograph, so i'm posting pictures that i find particularly embarrassing.


somehow it feels like winning. you genetically-fortunates wouldn't understand.


Posted Image


a theme of these pictures is that i'm drunk in every one of them. i don't know what i was doing in this one, or why both erin and i are touching our armpits. it looks like i'm grabbing my tit and wailing.


Posted Image


here i've taken a shot that i clearly didn't like on my twenty-first birthday. i'm sweaty from dancing to bad seventies music.


Posted Image


and here i've finished throwing up and passed out, again on my birthday, and some of my lady friends decided to pose with my corpse. i was told that my guy friends were against this picture being taken.


all right. this ends my attempt at owning what i look like through a lens.

I think your hot dude

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Every year the School of Architecture at the University of Kentucky (where I got my Architecture degree) puts on a fundraiser, to support some local charities, called the Beaux Arts Ball, a huge costume part that draws in quite a crowd of peoples. Most of which are scantily clad. I

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Yeah I agree, what a cool idea. Gotta take forever to put that make-up on though!

B) ........I once had the 'Blue man group' show up at my annual Halloween party, to this day no one knows who they were. Hahaha!!

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