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  1. ColumbusGuy
    • Author
    • 4 Stories

    Wrote bad science-fiction in high school, sent some out but got it all back. In college I learned I had a talent for writing historical fiction, but didn't do anything with that until the internet put me in contact with others of like mind. This led to nearly two decades of writing interactive stories set in Ancient Rome, then I discovered gay fiction online and decided to try my hand at it.
    My main story is based on my high school years, and I'm also back doing sci-fi!
  2. Cole Matthews
    • Signature Author
    • 1 Stories

    A former bartender and restaurant cook, Cole is now a paralegal for a nationwide law firm. He loves writing mysteries, love stories, and tales about gay men and their view of the world. Currently, he's working on a novel/mystery which is called So Weeps the Willow, a story in three parts. He's also going to Florida to do research for his next novel, set in the Sunshine State. He collects antique cookbooks, gardens and loves travel and biking.
  3. Rambling Robin
    • Author
    • 1 Stories

    I love writing angsty slash where characters overcome terrible things to find their happiness. I love happy endings. Science fiction and fantasy are my favorites, but I will work on other areas if I get an idea I like.
    I find a lot of enjoyment in details of a world and characters, things that make it interesting and real to me. How does this thing affect that thing? If this psychic ability, mythological creature, sci fi thingamajig existed, how would it integrate into the real world? What might be the unexpected effects? I love that stuff.
    I also enjoy how characters can grow and change with experiences and how their quirks and flaws affect their behavior and interaction with others.
  4. Carlos Hazday
    • Classic Author
    • 13 Stories

    A reader commented Carlos practices socially engaged storytelling. Not preachy, but raising awareness of issues facing the GLBT community and humanity in general. These are tales grounded in real life, featuring gay men dealing with everyday concerns about family, friends, and relationships. Characters are men who tackle challenges instead of backing away from them. The author’s love of motorcycles and travel and his contempt for social injustice often play a central role in his stories.

    Carlos passed away June 16, 2023.
  5. Valkyrie
    • Site Administrator
    • 117 Stories

    Valkyrie is new to fiction writing and finished her first serial in May 2014. Her work generally centers on flawed individuals who tend to go through some pretty tough times before reaching their happily ever after; if indeed, they do reach it. She is a big fan of animals, especially cats and horses, and they feature in quite a few of her stories. She is also a fan of sappy romance; although she tries to keep that to a minimum in her writing.
  6. pvtguy
  7. BarricadeBoy
    • Author
    • 2 Stories

    I grew up in the woods, raised by dragons and an army of ants.
  8. Caz Pedroso
    • Classic Author
    • 13 Stories

    Caz likes stories with happy endings. Although her characters may have sad pasts, or go through hell and back, they always find love and walk into the sunset with their happily ever after.
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