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Story Series

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    Do Over

    Do Over asks the question, what can you change if you mind is sent back in time? It started as an accident, but each entry in the series tries to fix what became broken by messing with time.

  1. MT's Shifter Series

    A series about shifters.

  2. Night Thoughts

    Being alone at night can bring on all kinds of thoughts and emotions. A series of short stories linked by this theme. They are separate, yet connected.

  3. Doorways

  4. Threads

    Cyberpunk 2077 and 2020 AU.

  5. Frontier

    The Sailing Adventures of the sailing yacht Frontier.

  6. Marvel Universe Fanfic

    Just thought I'd gather all my fanfic from the Marvel universe in one place.

  7. Dundee

    Dr James Shaw suddenly becomes guardian to his two nephews - Reid and Toby, after the tragic death of their parents. Living in the Top End of Australia, James and his partner have to make fast adjustments to their lives, to accommodate the boys.

  8. Cinema Stories

    Short stories set in the UK cinema business, back in the pre-digital days when there were still projectionists running film.

  9. Kilimanjaro

    When Jacob goes to live with his Uncle Nat, he had no idea how much his life would change.

  10. Comforting Touch

    Ben is a visually impaired gay demisexual, who is feeling emotionally empty, in December. Jason is a homeless gay pre-med student, who was disowned by his parents several months ago and has been hit hard by life. A chance encounter between them may offer both of them fulfillment.

  11. Out on the Field

  12. Well Groomed

    Collection of Voltron: Legendary Defenderfanfics, set pre canon and pre-kerberos, featuring Shiro and Keith falling very gently in love.

    Series Complete (6 works)

  13. The Barnstable Chronicles

  14. The Castaway Hotel

  15. Pathfinders

    These are the stories of a tiefling and an elf. Apart, they have their problems. But together they might just be able to conquer anything that is thrown their way.

  16. Prompts and Shorts

  17. Replay

  18. Short Stories

  19. Rothenian Tales

    The stories form an arc from the mid 1990s to an indeterminate date in the near future. All of them feature episodes in the fictional Central European state of Rothenia, which owes a lot in its supposed history to Anthony Hope's Ruritania, not least as a place where heroism, romance and the supernatural can be experienced. There is a central cast of characters and friends, but the true central character is Rothenia itself, a magical realm which does not exist, but I wish it did.

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