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Story Series

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  1. The Sole Scion Cycle: Second Cycle of the Centurion Chronicles

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    The Squad +

    The Squad had its origins at School Without Walls High School in Washington, D.C. On the first day of their sophomore year, CJ and Harley met and bonded over a mutual interest in motorcycles. As time passed, their friendship grew and spilled over onto new friends. With CJ as their acknowledged leader, the diverse group of men thrived. Through the years, they lived, loved, laughed, and cried as a group. These are some of their stories.

  2. The Tampa Chronicles

    This series follows the lives of six GLBT Teenage Boys, and their parents, that live in the City of Tampa, Florida. From individuals, they come together to become a family, some by blood, some by marriage, and some just by the heart. Themes of love, family, and overcoming challenges together, not as individuals.

  3. The Thinning Veil

    The world is a far older and a far more mysterious place than any of us could possibly imagine. Some things we have relegated to legend or mythology and do not count as history. But, how often, even in modern times, does history become legend; the legends of World War II for example? Quite often it would seem. So, what other legends are there that we hold that may be based in truth? Moira O’Brien found the answer to one of these legends that was in fact true. This volume recounts what she found.

  4. The Trial

  5. The Ukiah Chronicles

  6. The XXX Series

  7. Threads

    Cyberpunk 2077 and 2020 AU.

  8. Thrift Shop

  9. Through The Dark Reccesses Of My Soul

  10. Through The Dark Reccesses Of My Soul

  11. Timber Pack Chronicles

  12. TJ's Journey

  13. Underneath This Big Ol’ Sky

  14. Unison Island

  15. Unison Island Spinoffs

  16. Unnamed

  17. Vega-5

  18. Verse

  19. Viking Valentine

    A sudden romance between a Dane and a lonely Brit, who has ESP or whatever you want to call Patrick's ability to sense the innermost feelings and wants of people he talks to. The supernatural really takes off in the short stories, which feature an angel and an imp.

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