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Family Struggles - 8. Don't Give Up On Me
Family Struggles
Don’t Give Up On Me:
Kyle was up early Saturday morning, the snow had been coming down since before the family went to sleep. He managed to make homemade Blueberry Pancakes which were quite tasty in his opinion but left the kitchen looking like a bomb exploded. Kyle placed breakfast in the oven to stay hot. Once he had set the table he went upstairs to wake everybody. Kyle’s first stop was to wake Blu. Kyle sat on the edge of the bed beside Blu he ran his finger across Blu’s chest drawing hearts with it tickling him, “Morning Babe, breakfast is ready.”
The blankets were kicked off as Kyle was launched from the bed, Blu ran into the bathroom, “I gotta pee, I’ll be down in a minute. Let’s pretend I kissed you good morning Blondie,” he said as the bathroom door slammed shut.
Kyle laughed, “I’ll wake the kids up,” he called out as he left the room. Kyle crossed the hall opening Levi’s door, he stood there surprised to find the twins both cuddled up together in Levi’s bed. Blu and he had suspicions that they had been doing that very thing but were never able to confirm it. Kyle pulled his phone out snapping a picture of the twins before going over and sitting on the edge of the boy's bed. Kyle sat there just watching the two sleep peacefully. Blu stood in the boy's doorway observing Kyle and the boys. Kyle looked back seeing Blu standing there, he motioned for him to come over. Kyle took Blu’s hand kissing it, “They’re too cute to wake up,” he said quietly.
Blu smiled, “Yes they are, what’s for breakfast?”
“Blueberry pancakes and sausage,” Kyle looked at the boys, “I have it staying hot in the oven.”
“Cool,” Blu smirked climbing on the bed, he jumped up and down, calling out “Breakfast, breakfast is ready,” as he used their bed as a trampoline.
Lincoln woke up smiling as he rubbed his eyes, “Good, I’m hungry.”
Levi peeked out one squinted eye at his brother then Blu and Kyle, “Ugh… you’re all too cheerful,” Levi pulled the blanket over his head.
Kyle reached over tickling Levi’s ribs, “Let’s go monkies, Blu might eat your breakfast. Where’s Khan anyway I haven’t seen him this morning?” The large lump under the covers moved until a snout and ears were revealed. “You trader,” Kyle shook his head as Khan yawned laying his head back down on Levi’s pillow.
Lincoln giggled scratching Khan’s head, “Let’s go; breakfast is ready Khan,” Khan stood up dragging the blanket off of Levi.
“You guys suck,” Levi grumbled as he crawled out of bed rubbing his eyes.
Kyle laughed as the three got out of the bed, “Were you guys comfy?”
Lincoln hugged Kyle and went to Blu clinging to him, “Mhmm.”
His arm swung around the young boy’s shoulder, leaning down he said quietly to Lincoln, “Race ya,” gently throwing him to the side to get a head start. Lincoln chased after Blu, yelling he was a cheater all the way to the kitchen. Link was fast he managed to grab Blu’s shirt as they hit the archway, but the shirt slipped from his fingers as Blu sat down puffing and gasping for air. Pointing at Lincoln he chuckled, “Ha, beat ya!”
Lincoln glared at Blu amused, “yeah well at least I didn’t almost have a heart attack doing it old man,” he chuckled, “ever heard of exercise?”
Blu gasped in horror, “Don’t use curse words,” Lincoln rolled his eyes as he sat down in his chair.
Levi headed into the bathroom the shower was heard turning on by Kyle as he went to wake Arabella. Kyle tapped on here door cracking it open, “Sweetheart breakfast is ready.”
Arabella was already standing next to the bed putting her slippers on, “Morning,” she said chipperly, “thanks,” she wandered over to Kyle, slipping her arms around him as they walked together down to breakfast.
Kyle stopped at the bathroom door as he was just about to bang on the door a sopping wet Levi dashed from the bathroom into his bedroom slamming his door, “Hurry up bud, the vultures are downstairs,” Kyle he said causing Arabella to laugh. As they were walking down the stairs a little white flash pushed his way past the two pulling on his shirt. Kyle pulled out Arabella’s chair for her doing his best English impersonation, “For you Malady,” he motioned with his hand.
“Thank you, kind, Sir,” Arabella giggled taking the seat as Kyle pushed it in for her.
Kyle went to oven taking a pot holder he took the platter from the oven carrying it to the table, “The platter is hot be careful,” he said placing it in the center. He ran to the fridge quickly returning with a carafe of Orange juice filling the glasses before sitting down. The kids had their plates filled and were munching quite happily.
Levi’s eyes lingered to the mess in the kitchen, “What happened to the kitchen?”
Kyle looked back at the mess smiling, “The foods good right?” he tried his best to avoid answering.
Lincoln giggled, “Ya it’s great.”
“Hey, that’s not fair, Kyle’s avoiding the question. Blu makes me answer his questions,” Levi said as he shoveled a mouthful of pancakes in.
Blu snickered, “The kids right Blondie, don't avoid the question, you should answer him.”
“Ugh,” Kyle sat his fork down, “I made the mess when I made breakfast.”
Levi smirked, “You’re cleaning it up right?”
“I was thinking you would do it since I cooked,” Kyle smiled as the kids buried their faces into breakfast causing him to laugh, “Thanks for all of you offering to help.”
Blu cleared his throat, “Changing the subject, does anyone have anything pressing on Wednesday evenings after the new year?”
The kids shook their heads, Kyle took a drink of his coffee, “No, what’s up?”
“I have signed us up for a family bowling league, it runs for twelve weeks, at the end of the league we all get our own emoji faced bowling ball or pin. It will be fun and something we can do together just the five of us,” Blu told his family waiting for a reaction.
Levi got a huge grin on his face, “We’re so gonna kick people’s butts.”
“I don’t know about that,” Blu chuckled, “but we can try.”
Lincoln snickered, “We should get Blu oxygen.”
Blu poked his tongue out at Lincoln then stole one of the kid's pancakes, “We should get Lincoln some porridge for breakfast.”
“That’s not fair,” Lincoln whined, “you cheated twice already today,” Lincoln stared at Blu crossing his arms.
Levi laughed, “The old guy has to cheat to win.”
Blu looked between the two boys then to Kyle, “I swear Blondie I have and will never cheat on you, just because they may have seen Mark Wahlberg slip out of the house this morning doesn’t prove anything,” he said shaking his head, “Oh, don’t go in the laundry room.”
Kyle laughed as he shook his head, “You couldn’t replace me, I’d sick the twins on you.”
“Too right ya would,” Blu laughed shoveling Lincoln’s stolen pancake in his mouth, he chewed it while he stared at his victim, “Mmm, yummy.”
Lincoln stared at Blu, “Laugh it up, I’ll get even,” he wadded up his fist smacking it in his palm trying to look intimidating.
Levi laughed at his brother, “You couldn’t beat your way out of a wet paper bag.”
“Can too,” Lincoln said in a huff, “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“Okay, no fighting you pair,” Blu said, “keep it fun will you, it’s been a nice morning.”
“Can we make a snow fort today?” Levi looked at Kyle and Blu.
Kyle looked at Blu shrugging his shoulders, “Sounds ok to me. What do you think Babe?” Blu nodded smiling.
“You kids go and get your play clothes on, make sure you put your thermal underwear on. Gloves, beanie, and jackets please it’s cold outside,” Blu yelled to the back of two young boys.
“I’ll help clean the kitchen Blu, is it okay if I read instead of building the fort,” Arabella asked.
“Of course it is Sweetheart, you don’t have to do everything your brother’s do. You are allowed to have friends over to if you want. Right, Kyle?”
“That’s right, you’re older and have other things you’re more than welcome to do,” Kyle said as he loaded the dishwasher. “We need to do some Christmas shopping soon, so everybody needs to start thinking about what they want to get each other,” Kyle said as he closed the dishwasher door and hit the button on it.
The following Tuesday after school the kids had their first counseling session with Dr. Nora Fowler, the kids agreed to go for now but only if they could see her together, the understanding is once they trust her they will also have one on one sessions. But, for now, Kyle and Blu were happy they had agreed to go. Blu had brought them to counseling after school, Kyle was going to the mall after school with Jared so they could do a bit of Christmas shopping.
The kids were unusually quiet as they sat in the waiting room. Levi chewed on his fingernail as he looked at Blu, “What are they gonna ask us?”
“I’m not sure kiddo,” Blu smiled warmly, “just talk truthfully she’s there to help you.”
Levi stopped chewing on his fingernail after he drew blood, “What if I can’t?”
Blu reached out and took Levi’s hand, “Bud, she is a counselor, not a miracle worker. If you can’t talk to her yet then don’t. The only advice I can give you is, you’ll receive as much from counseling as you put in,” Blu shrugged.
Levi leaned closer to Blu, “You’re not gonna be mad if I can’t tell her stuff?”
“Of course not Levi, I wouldn’t know anyway. She’s not allowed to tell me; anything you say in private. Sure she can tell me how she thinks your progressing but nothing you actually say, that’s between you and the counselor,” Blu gave Levi a side hug, “that’s why counseling works; you’re free to say what you think and feel without the judgment of anyone else knowing.”
“Okay, I’ll try,” Levi mumbled as he picked at his mangled fingernail. Blu reached out and moved Levi’s hand again so he would stop picking at the poor wounded nail.
A slender woman sauntered out the hall with long soft flowing brown shoulder-length hair, wearing stylish glasses and a beige pants suit with a dusty pink silk blouse approaching Blu and the kids as she gave the group a smile that was both friendly and maternal in appearance. “Hi, I’m Doctor Fowler,” she waved her hand giggling, “That sounds so stuffy though, how about everybody call me Nora.”
“Hi Nora, I’m Blu Waters, this is Arabella and the twins, Lincoln and Levi. They are all good kids, so if you could keep them that way my husband and I would be eternally grateful,” Blu chuckled nervously.
Nora chuckled taking her glasses off chewing on the frame, “Hmm… you two,” she motioned her hand at the twins, “I bet you confuse everybody with who-is-who,” the twins giggled and shrugged their shoulders. “Ok,” Nora put her glasses on, “Blu, our appointment is for an hour as your aware. If I see a reason to extend it a bit I may, I don’t want to lose any progress we might be in the middle of.”
“Sure, Arabella can text me if you run over, I’ll be downstairs at the café having a coffee,” Blu said as he waited for all the kids to go into her office. He wanted them to have the illusion he was in the waiting room not downstairs, his reasoning was if they saw him leave they might not feel safe. But even though they knew he’d gone for a coffee, if he was still in sight when the door closed they would still feel like he was out in the waiting room.
“Sounds like a plan, kids lets go back to the office,” Nora led the way asking little questions about the children’s interests until the office door closed behind them. Blu went down to the Café and had a coffee as time seemed to stand still for him.
The hour had passed fairly quickly for the children, Nora led them back out to the waiting room following their session. “Kids, please have a seat while I speak to Blu,” The kids went over taking a seat, “Can I speak to you in my office for a few minutes?” Nora asked as she smiled sweetly at the kids.
“Yes Ma’am,” Blu answered following her into her office.
“Thank you,” Nora led him back to the office closing the door. She sat down at her desk glancing over the kid's file, “First, I wanted to tell you what wonderful kids you have. Now,” Nora laid her glasses on the desk, “Each of the kids is suffering from different degrees of Post Traumatic Stress, Levi’s is a bit more severe. Levi, he’s a tough one on the outside he puts up a great front, but he is also suffering from Separation Anxiety along with Lincoln. Arabella, she’s a sweet girl that from what I can gather took the Motherly role quite early in life, given time she will settle into being a teenager. The twins have trust issues with adults I’m sure you’re already aware of that,” Nora picked up the file glancing at it, “I can tell you Levi is trying his best to let both you and your husband through his defenses. Kids in this situation worry that you’ll give up on them before they figure out how to deal with their feelings,” she said setting the file back down.
Blu listened patiently, the woman wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t really already know, “So how do we handle the kids when they act out,” he asked.
“Well, that’s the tough part,” Nora sighed, “As hard as it might seem you and your husband need to remain handling their outbursts the same as you have been. Arabella told me when the boys get in trouble they lose privileges or are sent to their room to cool off, I recommend continuing on the same path. Over time the boys will come to realize neither of you is going to up and run off or send them away at the first sign of trouble. Lincoln idolizes your husband,” Nora chuckled, “He’s absolutely fascinated by his musical talent.” Nora looked at Blu, “I would recommend that both you and your husband just continue building the bonds you have with the children.”
“Okay, thanks, Doc, we’ll see you next week,” Blu stood shaking her hand, then exiting the way he came in back into the waiting room as the kids were there, “Let’s go, guys,” Blu said putting his arm around Levi’s shoulders. He looked down at his young boy, “What did you tell her, why did she ask me if I shape-shift into a wolf and run in the woods behind our house?” Blu chuckled, getting Levi into a headlock and mussing his hair up.
“Wha?” Levi chuckled squirming to free himself, “I didn’t say that, goof.”
Blu laughed releasing Levi, “If you guys don’t tell Kyle, we can stop and get ice cream on the way home.”
Lincoln pumped his fist in the air then high fived Levi, “Yes!” they shouted at the same time.
Arabella smiled in that mild-mannered way that was all her. Blu admired her as a young girl and as his daughter. He found her to be loyal, friendly, caring, quiet, and complicated, he loved everything about her, for someone who had gone through what he assumed, was traumatic, she really was a lovely girl and genuinely a good person.
Blu drove them all to the local Ice Cream Shoppe, Lincoln and Levi were running up and down in front of the display case changing their mind every three seconds. The man behind the counter gave Blu a sympathetic smile, “take your time youngin's, you want to get it right,” the man grinned.
“Pop, can I have cookie dough with little marshmallows please, in a small cup,” Arabella said to Blu then turned away to settle the boys down to decide a flavor.
Blu stood stunned, she had called him Pop, he couldn’t move, Blu didn’t know what to do. The man gave Blu a concerned look but there he stood, stock still, shocked, “Uh…m…Ara…um…”
“What’s wrong Blu?” Arabella asked frowning.
There it is, the kick to the balls, she probably hasn’t even realized she’d said it, “Nothing Sweetheart, the man asked what you would like,” he gave her the warmest smile Blu could manage.
Arabella repeated her order for the ice cream guy, then she got the boys to settle down long enough to order a sugary treat so their high could last another hour or so. Good job Blu, dumbass, maybe Kaleb would like to hang out with them for the afternoon, show them around the catering business.
Levi ditched the spoon after the ice cream portion of his treat was gone, electing to use his finger to get the last drop of hot fudge out of the corners of the container, “Mmm… that’s so tasty.” Lincoln snickered following his brothers lead to get the last of his caramel out of his container, both boys were practically giddy from their sugar high.
“For an old man you’re ok Pop,” Lincoln snickered licking the last of the sugary goo off his finger.
‘Oh, my god, these kids are killing me,’ Blu thought to himself fighting back tears. He squeezed Lincoln’s shoulder, “You’re welcome kiddo. No telling Kyle, we all promise right?” he snapped his head back at Link, “Hey, I’m not that old, watch it, kid.”
“Pop, you’re what fifty?” Lincoln chuckled as he scampered away.
Blu waggled his finger in warning pretending to chase after the young boy, “I’m not even twenty-five ya goofball.”
“Pop you’re still old,” Lincoln stuck his tongue out.
Blu being the grown-up adult that he was stuck his tongue out at Lincoln.
Levi looked at Blu skeptically, “Do you need help to the car Pop?”
“Watch it ya wittle wascal,” Blu laughed, “come on then you lot, let’s get home before the big boss man does. Maybe we can get some television in before homework,” Blu reached out smiling putting his hand on the back of Levi’s neck steering him gently toward the SUV. “How was it – nice?” he indicated to the twin’s treat.
“Pop it was great the hot fudge was all gooey,” Levi smiled describing the chocolaty morsel.
“Ya, I could’ve ate the container of caramel,” Lincoln said rubbing his stomach.
Rolling his eyes Blu said, “Make sure you brush your teeth when we get home so all your teeth don’t fall out, if that happens all you will be able to eat is ice cream,” he regretted saying as it left his mouth.
“Sounds good to me,” the twins answered back immediately.
Blu unlocked the SUV, “Let’s go Monkeys,” he said opening the door, “Arabella, sweetheart, you can ride shotgun if you want.”
“No fair… this sucks… boo…” was heard from the rear seat.
Again with the adult behavior, Blu stuck his tongue out at the boys slamming the door in their face. He then held the passenger door open for Arabella.
Christmas morning the boys were up shortly after Kyle and Blu had gone to bed. The two men had been up most of the night wrapping presents. The twins snuck into their Dad’s bedroom they giggled quietly as they crawled on the bed motioning for Khan to join them. Once the three were on the bed Levi led the bouncing, “Are you guys awake?” Lincoln opened Blu’s eyelid.
“Ya, wake up!” Levi shouted as they continued bouncing.
Khan had plans of his own and started licking Blu and Kyle.
Blu jumped up knocking Levi backward on the bed, taking his legs out from underneath him. Since the kids had moved in the couple had started wearing at least boxers to bed, so they didn’t have to be concerned with any awkward encounters if the kids needed them in the middle of the night.
Khan decided to lick Levi’s face while he was down, “Khan,” he whined, “Attack the Dad’s!”
Kyle laid there stunned, “Uh… What did you say?”
Lincoln snickered, “Are you deaf like Pop?”
Kyle had a confused look on his face.
“Yeah,” Blu said tickling Levi, “are ya deaf or somethin’? Get him, Khan,” Blu laughed trying to get the dog to help him torture one of the twins.
Kyle pointed to Blu with a questionable look, “Pop?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” he garbled as Levi had turned the tables on Blu and now had the upper hand.
“What am I?” Kyle looked at the boys.
“Duh,” Lincoln giggled as Kyle grabbed him, “Dad…” Kyle tickled his giggling son.
Arabella stood at the door with a grin watching the boys and her Dad’s wrestle on the bed.
“Help me, Bella, Levi is winning, I need your help,” Blu called out.
Bella ran from the doorway jumping into the fray, Blu reached out grabbing her and pulling her over to him, “Get him, beautiful,” Blu said switching places with her, then standing up on the bed with his arms up in the air victorious, “I am the king,” poked his tongue out at his family, “I gotta tinkle.” Blu jumped off of the bed running to his bathroom.
Levi looked at Kyle as Arabella had him pinned, “Dad, Pop, cheats.”
“I do not,” came a muffled call out from the bathroom.
“Do too,” the twins chuckled at the same time.
After the kids got their final tickling they headed downstairs. Kyle started a fire in the hearth. The boy's eyes twinkled brightly with the lights from the Christmas tree. The stacks of presents had them filled with anticipation as they sat in front of the fireplace waiting for Blu to return with fruit and cheese platters that Kyle had made the night before, along with hot chocolate.
“Pop, hurry up we’re dying here,” Lincoln whined.
Blu retrieved one present each giving them to the respective name on the tag, “Got your camera ready, hun?”
Kyle smiled holding his phone up waving it at Blu, “Got it covered.”
“Well go on open them up, they won’t do it by themselves, and I want to know what you got.”
Lincoln tore into his present once it was opened he held up some clothes, “See Dad’s?”
Kyle and Blu acted surprised each gift the kids opened, the boys modeled their new clothes as they went. The excitement of new clothing still hasn’t worn off for the kids. Arabella shyly showed her clothes as she unwrapped them. They continued on through the clothing gifts the same way occasionally snacking on the food and hot chocolate.
Kyle stood up, “I’ll be right back I need to get a few things,” He slid a large box into the room and repeated the same process he placed the appropriate boxes in front of the boys, before handing a smaller present wrapped in pink sparkly paper to Arabella. “Okay, these are things your Pop and I thought each of you would enjoy,” Kyle said as he sat down to watch the kids.
Lincoln unwrapped his, revealing an acoustical guitar with a case, “Oh my god,” Lincoln stood up doing a little dance, “This is so… so… awesome. Thank you, oh god I can’t wait to play it.”
“You’re welcome buddy,” Kyle smiled at the beaming boy.
Arabella opened hers carefully, her eyes shone with unshed tears, “Thank you,” she rushed to Blu and Kyle hugging them both. “I’ve always wanted a Kindle.”
“I’ve added you to my kindle unlimited account, now you can read whatever tickles your fancy,” Blu smiled.
“Can we set it up after breakfast, please,” she asked excitedly.
“Sure can sweetheart,” Blu said smiling, glad that Arabella was happy with the gift.
Levi stood up ripping at the wrapping paper, “Oh, wow,” he stared at the box then back to both of his Dad’s, “Can we hang the hoop up later?”
“Um, I think we have to wait until the snow clears up bud,” Kyle explained to his excited son, “Maybe next week we can go down to the Y and play some basketball together.”
“Really? You’d do that?” Levi looked at Kyle trying to read his mind.
Kyle smiled lovingly at his boy, “Of course we would.”
“Sorry Levi, we didn’t really think the basketball hoop through. It’s something we thought you’d love to have so we got it for you, but like Dad said, we’ll definitely go down to the Y and play together until we can hang your hoop,” Blu said hugging the future NBA player.
“Thanks,” Levi’s smile shined brightly revealing his happiness.
Kyle looked under the tree from where he was sitting, “Lincoln, since you’re the closest to the tree there are three boxes under the tree one for each of you. Can you get them for each of you?”
Lincoln nodded and crawled under the tree shoving the boxes out into the open, finally handing them out before settling back into his seat with his.
“You can all open them at the same time,” Kyle grinned as paper flew through the air.
Levi’s eyes got as large as saucers, “Computers, holy cow, this so awesome.” He said as he looked at the pictures on the box.
Arabella’s tears finally spilled over, her hand running over the picture on the front of the box, “You…you got us each a laptop?” she asked in a hushed voice.
Kyle nodded to Arabella, “Each of you will be able to use them for school. We want nothing more than to see you kids succeed in life, Sweetheart.”
“Thank you, so much,” their young daughter started sobbing. Blu swiftly went to her side, gathering her in a hug. The twins watched with concern as their sister sobbed into Pop’s chest.
A bang on the front door got their attention, Lincoln hurried to answer the door. As the door opened a bundled Kasey stood there dressed like he was an Eskimo, “Ink emme in cold,” Kasey shoved his way in. Lincoln closed the door laughing at his cousin.
“Dad, Pop, Kasey is here,” Lincoln called out as he attempted to figure out how to unbundle him. “Where’s your Daddy?” Lincoln asked as he removed Kasey’s scarf.
“Getin Potty,” Kasey said as he stood the waiting expectantly to get rid of his garb.
“Does Daddy or Mason know you’re here?” Blu asked walking toward the young tyke.
“Uh huh,” Kasey nodded his head, “Poppy brot me ova.”
“Poppy huh?” Blu smirked with his hands on his hips, eyeing Kyle.
“Mhmm,” Kasey nodded, “Sana bot him new unees too.”
Kyle chuckled, “What did they look like?”
Kasey scrunched his nose deep in thought, “ed n uzzy.”
“Well, I’m sure Santa thought Poppy would like them,” Kyle laughed uncontrollably and Kasey nodded his head as Lincoln finally got the little one's boots off.
Kasey hopped up off the floor grabbing Lincoln’s hand, “Sana bing yous suff?”
Lincoln smiled at Kasey as he led him back to the living room, “Santa brought us all kinds of stuff.”
Mason opened the door walking inside, “My god is it cold out,” he said as he toed off his boots.
“Go stand by the fire, Mr. Red fuzzy undies, I’ll get you some hot chocolate Poppy,” Blu laughed all the way to the kitchen, after Mason’s face could have matched his new underwear.
“God,” Mason looked for something to crawl and hide under, “Why does Kasey need to be able to talk?”
“So,” Kyle placed his arm around Mason’s shoulders leading him in by the fireplace, “Poppy huh? Blu is Pop, and I’m Dad.”
“You’re kidding me?” Mason did his best to change the subject.
“Nope,” Kyle smirked, “Nice attempt at changing the subject by the way. So when did this happen?” he stood tightening the grip he had on Mason’s shoulder.
“Can’t we talk about this some other time?” Mason looked for some form of support from anybody.
“Nah, I think now is appropriate,” Kyle squeezed his grip tighter.
The front door slammed shut, the family waited to see who had let themselves in. Jared entered the room holding three wrapped presents, the bottom two were longish and rectangular, the top box was square in a pretty purple paper. He shook his jacket off laying over the banister, when he turned around all eyes were on him, Blu walking across the room smirking. He handed Jared a mug of hot chocolate, Jared’s eyes not leaving Blu while he gave the other mug to Mason, who’s eyes were pleading with Jared for help. Jared put the boxes on the floor, “Fuck!” he quickly covered his mouth as the color drained from his face.
Kasey looked at his Dad then held out his hand to Blu, “Daddy bad quarta.”
“Yep, he did say a bad word didn’t he?” Blu chuckled, “I didn’t say a bad word, Daddy should pay you. When Daddy says bad words it’s a full dollar every time,” Blu laughed as Jared stared daggers into Blu. That only made him and Kyle laugh harder.
Kasey’s eyes bounced between Blu then Jared looking confused. He walked to his Dad tugging on his pant leg, “Daddy bad dolla?” He said holding out his hand while glancing back at his Uncle still unsure of himself.
Jared put his hand in his pocket his eyes on Blu the whole time, he pulled out a five dollar bill, “Take this buddy and cover your ears I’m about to use the rest of my money in one go.”
Kasey stuffed the bill into his pocket and went over to Levi sitting in his lap. Levi covered Kasey’s ears while they prepared to watch the show to start from their Uncle.
Kyle stood behind Levi covering his ears, “Kids cover your ears,” Kyle chuckled.
“Dad,” Lincoln whined, “We can’t ever have any fun,” He said as he covered his ears. Arabella covered her ears and closed her eyes.
“What the fuck Blu, the kid will be a god damn millionaire by the time he’s eighteen the way this family frustrates me,” Jared said loudly, “and why the fuck does Mason look like he’s about to cry, throw up, or shit his pants? What did you do to him?”
“So Jared,” Kyle looked at his twin, “Do you have anything you feel you should tell us? Mr. Red Fuzzy Underpants is a bit tight-lipped on the subject.”
“Oh for fuck sakes, how in the fuck did you find out?” Jared stared at Blu.
“You’ve already spent your five bucks, Jared, watch the language,” Blu waved his arm around the room indicating all the kids. “You should have a talk with the tax collector, he’s quite the Chatty Kathy,” Blu laughed.
“What do you want me to say, I love Mason, are you happy?” Jared spat through clenched teeth, “Goddammit,” he said running his fingers through his hair.
“You love me?” Mason asked with a hint of surprise.
“Yes,” Jared sighed, “I shouldn’t have had to tell you this way,” Jared walked over wrapping an arm around Mason kissing his cheek. Jared glared at Blu smirking, “Remember the saying paybacks are a bitch,” Jared cupped Mason’s face and kissed the crap out of him. When he released his boyfriend he whispered, “I love you, Mas.”
“Love you too Jare,” Mason had a far-off look in his eyes.
Kyle took his hands away from Lincoln’s ears, “Now, how hard was that to admit?” Jared gave his brother the look that more or less conveyed ‘Bite Me.’
“Alrighty, now that that is settled,” Blu intermittently giggled, “Kasey, I think Santa dropped one of your gifts off here,” Blu tapped his lips with his finger, “Now, where did we put it.”
Levi sat Kasey beside Lincoln before he stood up to get the large package from behind the Christmas tree. He picked it up carrying it over sitting it in front Kasey. Levi smiled at the excitement his cousin was showing as he clapped his little hands. “Okay Kasey, open it up. Let’s see what Santa got you,” Levi said kneeling to brace the box. Shreds of paper we being flung around as Kasey worked at opening the large gift, as the last piece covering the picture came off, Kasey jumped to his feet.
“Evi, I gots Eggos,” Kasey jumped around hugging Levi, who just chuckled patting Kasey’s back. Kyle and Blu watched as Levi seemed to practically light up when he interacted with his young cousin. Levi was definitely the protector of the family, he was good with all kids of any age as long as they weren’t adults. They had been working hard with Levi to gain his trust, it seemed to be working because now, in this moment anyway, instead of a concerned expression he wore a happy one, able to enjoy being a kid for a change.
Jared smirked at his Brother and Brother-In-Law as he went carefully picking up Arabella’s gift. He walked over gingerly handing her the package, “Here you go Sweetie, we got it from a reliable source you always wanted this.”
It didn’t go unnoticed by Kyle there happened to be holes in the box, frowning the whole time as Arabella looked at the gift.
“Meow!” very faintly came from inside the package, Arabella’s eyes twinkled as they bulged, she quickly set the box on the floor ripping it open. A tiny white ball of fluff put her paws on the side of the box, “Meow,” Arabella giggled, the kitten watched her new owner, “Oh my god, she’s beautiful,” she cried as she picked up the kitten hugging her to her chest, kissing her new pet on the top of her head. “What’s her name?”
Mason smiled as he walked over to Arabella, he leaned down to pet the fluffy kitten, “You’re her owner, you need to name her.”
“Thank you, so much, Uncle Jared,” she stood with the kitten, giving Jared a one arm hug, “You too Uncle Red Fuzzy Underpants,” she giggled hugging Mason.
Everyone started laughing, it is not like Arabella to make a joke or tease anyone, her manner was usually very reserved.
Mason’s face was flushed with embarrassment, “You’re welcome Sweetie, we almost had to fight Kasey to give her up,” He chuckled as Kasey nodded his head in agreement.
Mason picked up the two remaining gifts carrying them over to the twins, handing them the one with their respective name on it.
Levi ripped the wrapping off his present revealing a neon green skateboard that would have matched his old cast that was removed last month, “This is so cool, thanks, Uncle Mason, Uncle Jared,” he turned to Kasey, “And you too little man.”
Lincoln unwrapped his revealing a neon blue skateboard, “Thanks, guys, did Kasey get one too?”
Jared’s eyes got big, “Oh no,” he shook his head staring at his little daredevil, “He can stand on you guys skateboard while you help him learn. You’re all welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed what you got.”
A knock at the front door stopped the festivities Lincoln hopped up scampering to the door. He opened the door to reveal a teenaged boy dressed nicely wearing a zipped up tattered jacket. “Who’re you?” Lincoln stared at the boy as his teeth chattered together as his jacket provided minimal warmth.
“Um…have I got the right place, I’m looking for Arabella Dalton?” Tony asked through chattering teeth.
“Ya, but who are you?” Lincoln wasn’t giving the boy a break as he stared at the much larger boy.
“Um…I’m Tony Anderson, I wanted to drop off her Christmas present.”
Lincoln stared at the boy a moment longer before motioning him inside the door. Once inside Lincoln pointed to the mat that had all of the shoes and boots on, “Shoes,” Lincoln ordered.
The boy toed off his shoes looking around the foyer nervously, he stared at Lincoln not knowing what else the kid was going to make him do.
Lincoln motioned for Tony to lean down to his level, “I’m Lincoln, Arabella’s brother, if you hurt her I’ll hurt you. Got it?” He said with a balled up fist.
“Got it squirt,” Tony rolled his eyes.
“Come on,” Lincoln led the boy into the living room, “Arabella your boyfriend is here,” he said innocently as he went to sit by Kasey.
Tony stood at the edge of the room, gulping loudly, he did not expect to see Mr. Jared his history teacher, and the teacher from the Music classes.
“Young Mr. Anderson,” Blu said surprised, “is everything okay?” he asked concerned.
“Um.. uh, yes, Sir,” Tony shuffled looking around for the nearest escape route, “I came to see Arabella, Sir, Sirs,” he looked around the room at the intimidating men.
“Hi Tony,” Arabella said shyly, still holding her new kitten.
Tony’s smile was warm and affectionate, “Who’s this?” he asked quietly sidling up to Arabella, scratching the kitten behind the ears.
“Uncle Jared and Uncle Mason got her for me for Christmas, I’m going to call her Scarlett O’Hara, like in the book,” Arabella smiled sweetly. The two of them oblivious to the very quiet observant occupants of the room. Blu moved next to his daughter.
“Why don’t you and Tony visit in the kitchen, Bella,” Blu whispered, “glad you could make it Tony, did your Mom drop you off?”
“Yes sir,” his eyes drifting to Arabella, “sorry I didn’t realize it was your house, Mr. Waters.”
“No problem at all Tony, you still having breakfast and coming to the catering gig with us?”
“Of course Sir, thank you, for inviting me,” Tony answered.
Blu winked at Tony, his still favorite student. Bella looked around and found her entire family watching the two of them, her face went bright red immediately, “Okay Pop, let’s go in the kitchen Tony,” she said her free hand touching Tony’s arm to guide him into the kitchen.
“Sweetheart,” Kyle got Arabella’s attention leaning in he quietly reminded her of the present she got Tony which was still under the tree.
Arabella stopped quickly returning to the tree grabbing her friends gift then just about frog marched the poor boy into the kitchen.
“Not a word any of you,” Blu threatened the room.
“Don’t worry,” Lincoln smiled innocently, “I threatened to hurt Tony if he hurt Bella.”
Blu chuckled, “Fine, but no teasing Arabella please.”
The family all had a quick breakfast, even Tony before the family went to meet Kaleb and Davis to serve Christmas lunch at the local homeless shelter in town.
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