Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Family Struggles - 28. The babies are coming!
Kaleb was frantically dashing around the house trying to rush Davis to get on the road for their last sonogram appointment. Davis being himself, remained very calm while Kaleb continued being Kaleb.
“Davis move your ass, we only have two hours before our appointment, and we have to drop off paperwork at work for Christopher. Otherwise, the Policeman’s Ball will have no food service.” Kaleb shouted in a huff as he pulled on his sunglasses, and tapped his fingers on the frame of the front door.
“Coming Princess, cool your jets. I’m looking for my sunglasses,” Davis said looking around moving things while looking for his missing shades.
“Umm… you can quit looking. I lost mine and adopted yours, the law states possession is nine-tenths the law.” Kaleb smirked as he opened the door.
“You little shit. Now we have to stop at the Sunglass Hut on the way too.”
Shaking his head at Davis, Kaleb grinned. “Nope, no time for that you messed around too long. We now only have an hour and fifty-five minutes. Let’s go,” He called over his shoulder as he rushed to call the elevator.
Following along behind his husband, Davis muttered profanities.
“I can hear you, young man,” Lily called out to Davis.
“Sorry, Lily.”
“Hurry the hell up Davis,” Kaleb grumbled, “the kids will be here before we get to the appointment.”
Twenty minutes later, Davis and Kaleb were pulling out of the parking lot to the mall. Kaleb smug and happy, Davis pissy and sullen.
Kaleb looked over at his husband who was driving with white knuckles on the steering wheel. “I don’t know why you’re so mad, you got your own way and have new sunglasses.”
Davis looked at himself in the mirror becoming a little more feral looking at his almost fluorescent purple female sunglasses. “I’d be less pissed off if I didn’t look like a thirteen-year-old Beiber fan.”
“Oh,” Kaleb waved his hand at him. “You’re being the drama queen. Now punch the gas ‘Beebs.’”
Davis grumbled all the way to their next stop but managed to steal a couple of mini-cakes from the walk-in cool room while Kaleb spoke with Christopher. Kaleb found him in the cool room contraband in hand and mouth. As well as around the mouth the way Davis had been inhaling the cake.
“Does the big baby feel better? We are going to have to make you sugar-free goodies so you don’t get the dad-bod to go with the babies,” Kaleb giggled as the words left his mouth.
“Are you ready to go yet? Because I have my eye on those Strawberry Shortcake tarty things you make.”
Kaleb grabbed Davis’ hand, “Let’s go. Christopher make sure you do inventory on baked goods, I’m not sure what damage my husband caused on it.” Dragging Davis out the door as he licked his fingers smirking, “Baby you really do need to slow down on the sweets.”
“Yes, dear.” Davis swiped a custard tart on his way out of the cool room.
“I’ll drive, you are going to make us late.” Kaleb opened Davis’ door giving him a light shove into the car, slamming the door closed before making his way around and getting inside himself. “Why aren’t you acting excited about the babies?” Kaleb hit the ignition button on the dash as Davis’ sports car roared to life. “Oh and this toy needs to go, it’s not a family car,” He said as he smashed the gas pedal to the floor forcing both of them to sink back into their seats.
Davis gasped, “I’m not getting rid of the ‘Stang. You shush, she’ll hear you.”
“Pfft…” Kaleb hissed. “A nice van will be good for you, you always drive to fast.” He said as a car blew its horn making one-fingered hand gestures for running the red-light.
“Fine, I’ll get a Harley.”
“Like hell you are. What about the kids?” Kaleb slammed on the brakes, blowing his horn at an elderly woman in the crosswalk.
“They won’t fit.” Davis deadpanned throwing the last of his custard tart in his mouth happily.
“You’re just being childish from me suggesting we get rid of your toys,” Kaleb said as he wound down the window to mutter some musings to the slow pedestrian which was still sashaying her way through the crosswalk.
“Yeah, well. If I can have an Escalade like your brother, then we can talk about selling the Mustang.
“Fine, as long as it’s a family vehicle. Remember to think ‘Soccer Dad.’” Kaleb gave Davis a predatory look, “Just remember you’re mine and I will mark my territory.” He said as the old woman finally reached the other side of the road raising her arthritic withered hand to give Kaleb the bird. “You wish,” He muttered under his breath as the race to the doctors visit continued.
“Soccer, huh.” Davis screwed up his face. “We’ll see.”
“I mean it. I will pee on your leg to mark what’s mine, Davis. If one person oogles you… just one.” Kaleb said in a huff as he jerked the steering wheel in the direction of the doctors parking lot locating an empty spot aiming for his target he lunged the two-thousand-pound car into his intended spot. Yanking off his seatbelt before jumping out he stared at Davis, “What are you waiting on? Christmas?”
“Not really my kink, love. But whatever you think is right.” He turned in his seat to face Kaleb, with a serious tone asked, “Can we stop and get coffee and a muffin in the café?”
“Oh my god,” Kaleb stated like one of the Beebs fans. “We only have an hour and a half until our appoint we need to go in and register and you need to pee and we don’t wanna be late. And what if they call our names early? And–”
Davis tilted his head at Kaleb raising an eyebrow. “That’s a lot of ‘Ands’. I don’t need to pee, we registered at the last ultrasound, and short of Armageddon I think we’ll have time to get a coffee, a muffin and time to pee with plenty of time to spare for when they don’t call on us early because that would never happen.” Davis mused at his panicked husband. A lady and her kid walked passed giving Kaleb a look of disgust. “Hey, lady,” he called out crankily following the woman before Kaleb could grab him from defending his honor.
“Davis it’s fine to let the homophobic bitch go,” Kaleb called out, “Junior there is in training, isn’t that right princess?”
The poor kid had no idea what was going on looking between his mum, an angry Davis, and a mildly panicked Kaleb. Just as Davis was about to set in on the ‘homophobic bitch’ when Terri and her mother Nadine stumbled upon them. Nadine took one look at the scene, her facial expression revealed she knew exactly what was happening.
Nadine waggled her finger the woman, “I suggest you keep walking lady because one homophobic comment out of your mouth.” She shook her head. “Kid, or no kid. I will lay you out.”
Kaleb relaxed as much as he has since the pregnancy started. “Hi Nadine,” turning his attention to their surrogate and his back to the woman, “Terri, how’re my babies doing? You’re eating correctly? My husband is eating enough junk food for all of us,” He turned to look at Davis. “Aren’t you Baby?”
“I want a muffin.” Focusing on Nadine Davis asked, “Coffee Nadine? My treat for stopping the moral dilemma that I don’t hit women.”
“I’d love one, and you’re welcome.” She smiled hooking her arm through the crook of Davis’ elbow that he held out to her leaving Kaleb and Terri to gossip. “I see great minds think alike. It’s why we came early too. I ran out of coffee at home.” Nadine laughed.
After their coffee and treats, the foursome went up to the clinic for their appointment. Davis was munching on a Danish, Kaleb sat next to him nervously with his knee bobbing up and down. Terri sat yawning with her head on her mother's shoulder eyes closed. Nadine sighed happily after her caffeine fix, of course, accompanied by a pastry while they waited for Terri’s name to be called.
A female technician holding a clipboard and file folder opened one of the side doors calling out Terri’s name. Kaleb actually reached the tech before the rest of the entourage, clapping his hands together. “Ok let's get this show on the road, shall we?”
“Settle down babe, give us all a chance to breathe. And you behave yourself in there do you hear me. I don’t want a repeat of last time.” Davis said the latter quietly so only Kaleb could hear his admonishment.
“Fine,” Kaleb crossed his arms staring at the floor. “I just can’t wait to see our babies, our babies, can you believe it? Two little boys that are gonna depend on us… Me… I hope I’m a good dad like Kyle. I’m kinda worried that I’m going to screw this up.”
Softening considerably Davis smiled warmly at Kaleb. “Babe, you are going to be a great dad, we are going to be good parents. Sure we’ll fuck up from time to time but there aren’t any handbooks. The one thing we have is the kids are going to know they are loved, and that we love each other. The rest we’ll figure out.” He took Kaleb's hand holding it to his chest. “If nothing else at least we can afford therapy for our little heathens.”
Kaleb chuckled lightly bending forward resting his head on Davis’ chest wrapping his arms around his husband's waist.
Nadine smiled pinching both of the men's cheeks, “Isn’t that just adorable Terri? You need to find yourself somebody cute like these two, and make me some grandbabies.” Terri rolled her eyes at her mother, while Nadine continued to pamper the pair of men. “I keep telling Terri you need to settle down and find a good guy. But no, her mother doesn’t know a thing about guys. I’ve only been married to six of them, I can’t help it they all have health issues. Do you know how difficult it is to maintain a healthy sex life when guys have heart problems?” Nadine rattled off as the group followed the tech down the long sterile looking white colored corridor.
Kaleb looked at Davis with his eyes bugging out of his head mouthing, “Six, fuck me.”
Nadine smiled at Kaleb, “That’s a sweet offer honey, but you’re a bit too young for this woman.”
Davis shook his head and focused on the technician.
The technician cleared her throat to change the awkward subject. “Okay well uh, Terri if you would step behind the screen there,” she pointed, “you will find a warm gown to put on and we can start the sonogram.”
Terri returned promptly getting on the exam table.
“Okay, if you remember, the gel is quite cold. I apologize for that,” the tech stated as she squirted a liberal amount of the gel onto Terri’s stomach and slowly started moving the wand looking gadget around her stomach looking at the screen pointing out the babies. “There are your babies,” she said distractedly tilting her head then picking up the chart and glancing back at the screen. She zoomed in a bit closer before snapping upright. “Oh my… uh, hmm. Um, let me get my supervisor. I’ll be right back.”
They watched in horror as the technician fled from the room.
“What the hell?” Davis huffed.
“That bitch has some explaining to do. If something is wrong with my babies I’m gonna smack a bitch.” Kaleb said hanging half out the door looking up and down the empty corridor. “Where the hell did she disappear too?”
Nadine slid over to Kaleb pulling him back in the room. “Kaleb sweetheart calm down. We don’t know if anything is wrong yet,” she said nervously biting her lip.
“I’m sure it’s nothing Kaleb,” said a terrified Terri, “come here and hold my hand okay. We can wait it out together.”
Kaleb drifted over to Terri taking her hand in his. She smiled at him warmly.
“It’s going to be okay Kaleb, I promise. I’d know if something is wrong.” She looked at her mom over the top of Kaleb’s head with a worried expression.
The tech and her supervisor came back into the room – probably wishing she hadn’t – the foursome jumped on the two woman firing questions at the speed of light. The longer the two women stood stunned the worse the tension became until a man in a suit and tie appeared placing his thumb and pointer in his mouth and whistled so loudly everyone had to cover their ears.
“What the hell is going on in here Janine?” the man said to the supervisor who’d come back with the tech.
MISTAKE! He’d never met a Waters family member before.
The firing squad started right back up loudly at the man, who in his stride just whistled again.
“Jesus Christ, will you cut that out you banshee!” Nadine exclaimed with a ferocious look in her eye.
Kaleb leaned and whispered in Davis’ ear, “Number seven.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Davis hummed back glaring at the man.
“We wanna to know what the hell is goin’ on. That woman just took off outta here without so much as an indication of what is happenin’. She’s a young girl and these gentlemen – I use that term loosely – are freakin’ out because these babies are theirs. Someone better speak soon because I’ll start knockin’ heads together before long. So spill.”
Davis turned to Nadine with amusement. “You get all southern when you’re angry!”
Kaleb nodded and glared at the staff, “Either spill what the hell is going on or you better get a number dispenser for us to decide who is beating the shit out of you first.”
Davis giggled almost at his husband wrapping his arm around his neck pulling him to his body to hold. “I love you, you crazy man,” he said trying to calm his firecracker down.
Kaleb gave Davis a quick peck on the lips, “If one hair on our boy's heads is harmed,” he pointed at the tech, “I… I… just don’t know what I will do to you.”
The supervisor straightened her uniform puffing out her bosom, “let me just check the scan a little more closely.” She said grabbing the wand from the machine, the woman squeezed a blob of the cold gel onto Terri’s stomach before waving the wand around her stomach. “Hmm… yes… boy one…” a little more movement of the wand, “yep… and there is a little penis, boy two…” again a small movement of the wand, “huh… umm… well yes, I would agree with my technician’s opinion.” The plump woman sat the wand back on the machine.
“That’s great you have a damn opinion,” Kaleb ran his hand over his reddening face. “Would you care to share your opinion?”
“Well, you’re having a daughter also.” The supervisor said nonchalantly.
Kaleb scratched his head looking at Terri’s stomach and then toward Davis with a confused look. “So we’re not having two boys?”
“Yes, you’re still having two boys.”
“But you just said a girl?” Davis inquired confused.
“Last time you did the test, you said we were having twins,” Kaleb said as he held out two fingers like a kindergarten student.
“Yes, she did if you paid close enough attention this time she got me to come to confirm triplets.” The woman held up three fingers back at Kaleb. “It’s quite simple really, you are having two boys, and one girl.”
Kaleb looked at the floor where Davis was now residing, for once he was at a loss of words. Bending down gathering his husband into his arms, tapping his face gently. “Davis, honey, baby, wake up. We can do something, oh my god, you gotta do the girly stuff. I… oh my… I’m doomed, she isn’t allowed to date until she is fifty. Davis, wake up we need to go apply for a gun license.”
“Kaleb honey, focus. Husband now,” Nadine pointed to a groggy Davis. “Worry about cock blocking your daughter at a later date.”
Kaleb leaned down brushing his lips lightly across Davis’ lips, “Baby, come on sweetheart we gotta rearrange the nursery. We aren’t prepared for our daughter.”
“Kit Kat.” Davis looked hopefully up into Kaleb’s loving eyes.
Kaleb squeezed Davis’ hand, “No more junk food, only healthy stuff.”
“Terri,” the technician said then clearing her throat, “in light of the news of the third baby we’ll have to adjust your birthing plan. And… you’re going to have to go on bed rest until the birth. You’re at thirty-two weeks now and you’ll be lucky to make it to thirty-five. We need the babies to stay put where they are for as long as possible.”
Suddenly the room got serious as the tech and supervisor went through all the dangers to her health and the babies. Davis looked worriedly down at Terri, while Kaleb seemed upset that they’d put the young lady’s health at risk. Nadine’s demeanor was serious yet calm and attentive to what they were being told to make sure everyone came through healthily.
Once they all got over the shock – sort of – they sat down in the café to talk through everything with the two women to make sure they had what they needed.
“I’d like to have my mother-in-law come stay with you Terri, while your mom is at work. I don’t like the idea of you being alone. You don’t have to worry Lily is the nicest, most caring woman in the world. She’s going to pamper you until you can’t stand it.” Davis smiled at Terri while reaching for her hand.
“I can make us all lots of healthy treats,” Kaleb offered with a smile, “and herbal tea. No caffeine until the babies are born.”
Link took it upon himself to organize the baked goodies for the surprise baby shower for his Uncles. He had Blu drop him at the catering building with Cody and Kasey so they could help Christopher and the staff get everything ready.
Link looked over at Kasey who was adding coloring to the icing, which now appeared blood red instead of pink. “Kase, that is way too much red. It will look like you murdered the cupcakes before placing the chocolate baby shaped candy on it.”
Kasey looked at the icing and tentatively tasted it, shrugging his shoulders. “It tastes good, not like blood.”
Cody chuckled as he mixed the blue icing, “In this family would anybody expect anything else?”
Link looked at his brother and cousin, “We have to make the sweets perfect, after all, it’s sorta my specialty.”
Cody held up a spatula with smurf blue colored icing toward his brother, “do you think it’s to blue?”
“Nah,” Link said as he shook his head. “We are gonna have fun teaching our new cousins, how to get anything they want.”
“I can teach them how to get money from your Papa,” Kasey smiled as he licked a bright red glob of icing off his finger.
Cody chuckled, “I can teach him how to take your candy,” he smirked at Link who glared at him, “or maybe not.”
Two hours later Blu picked the trio up who had boxes upon boxes of sweet delicious delicacies, that were ‘decorated to perfection,’ in their minds.
“Pop did you guys get the decorations?” Link asked after they all got in the Escalade.
“Yeah, bud. Dad, your uncles, and brothers are putting them up now according to your instructions as we speak,” Blu told him.
Link nodded his head, “What about operation Keep Kaleb Confused? We have to get him and Uncle Davis to come over without them knowing why, and Uncle Kaleb always thinks us younger guys are up to something.”
“I wouldn’t worry Link,” Blu said flicking his turning signal on, “you’re Uncle Kaleb is in a perpetual state of confusion.” He snickered to himself. “It’s all good, Dad took care of it. They’ll be there on time don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
Kasey bounced in his seat as much as he could with the seatbelt. “Aww Link is pretty,” he said laughing, “I think the babies need a puppy.”
Blu laughed out loud and raucously. “Uncle Kaleb hates dogs. On second thoughts, Cody maybe we should find a small St Bernard for Uncle Kaleb and your impending cousins.”
Cody smiled devilishly as he rubbed his hands together plotting, “I’m on it, can I have some computer time when we get home?”
“Take all the time you need little man. You just let me know when you find what you’re looking for and I’ll come make the call.” Blu snickered to himself. “Yep, just what Uncle Kaleb needs a small inside dog.”
Link smiled, “This party is gonna be so cool. Cody, you have to make sure Operation Furball can be picked up tonight.”
“Okay, I’ll find one somewhere close by.” Cody smiled and nodded his head to himself.
Levi was overseeing the hanging of the banner which his twin insisted they needed. “Dad your side is too low,” he glanced out the window, “you guys better straighten the sign quick Link is back.”
Jared glared at his nephew, “As pushy as you are when you graduate, go be a wedding planner.”
“Do they make much money?” Levi glared right back at his uncle.
“I’m sure they do, ask Uncle Mason,” Kyle said as he yanked the sign up a little more. “Is it okay now?”
“No, it’s not centered,” Lincoln called out as he looked at it from the garage door.
“Babe, take Link a few blocks away and drop him off. This banner has been moved over and over trying to find just the right spot and I’m so over the thing. We could just take the banner and throw it in the fire pit.” Kyle suggested.
Blu sauntered up to Kyle kissing him. “Blondie, he just wants it to be perfect for Kaleb. Cut him some slack. Them two are thick as thieves and Link looks up to him. The kid wants to do something nice. Plus we put up your perfectionism with everything else. Okay?”
“Alright, I can’t wait till this party is over. We can spoil his kids, get them hyped on sugar and send them home. Kaleb has earned what the world is about to dish out to my dear baby brother.” Kyle chuckled.
Smirking Blu kissed Kyle again. “Damn straight,” he growled, “plus our youngest is organizing a small gift for the almost parents.”
“I’m honestly afraid to even ask,” Kyle chuckled as he gave his husband one last peck on the lips as him and his twin tried to center the banner.
Cody came into the room sliding on socks, “Pop, I found one. It’s only eight weeks old and the ad says they are ready to go and have all their shots.”
Blu covered the kid's mouth, picking him up and moving to the office before releasing him. “Pipe down sunshine we’re gonna get busted. It’s a surprise, remember?”
“Okay,” Cody bounced on his heels excitedly. “Operation Furball is ready to commence, see here is the ad. You gotta call so we can get the little bundle.” He said as he pointed toward the computer monitor, “there is even a picture of the pups.”
“Okay, okay, you pushy little turd. Give me a second.” Blu sat down and read the ad then pulled out his phone and called the number. And it went a little something like this;
“Hi, I’m calling about the eight-week-old puppies.”
“Yes ma’am, we have a yard.”
“Yes ma’am, I realize they grow into big dogs. We also have a Great Dane.”
“Yes ma’am, do you have boys or girls?”
“Only the one girl left, huh?”
“Mmm, yes, of course, we’d love to meet her.”
“How much?” Blu’s voice rose a few decibels.
“You don’t have a broken one we could buy at a discount?”
“No, no, I’m only joking ma’am. But what about one we could buy with love and affection, maybe some candy?”
“Yes, ma’am another poor attempt at humor.” Blu sighed. “Could I have your address so we can come and see the puppy?” He wrote it down.
“I know where this is, you’re only about ten minutes away. Is it okay if we come over now?”
“Yes, ma’am. I will leave my sass at home.”
“No ma’am, not many people do care for it. You’re right. We’ll see you shortly.”
Cody pumped his fist in the air, “Yes! Let's go get Fluffball.” He did a little dance and stopped, “we’re gonna have to stop at the pet shop and get her a pretty collar, and a leash, and food dishes, oh and puppy food.”
The kid took off out of the office screaming through the house. “Link, get your coat. We are going out.”
Two hours later Blu and the kids returned with a bouncing bundle of energy. As the kids turned the puppy loose in the house her little feet couldn’t get traction on the tiled kitchen floor, no matter how fast her short little legs attempted to move her.
“Dad,” Cody screamed. “Come see what Uncle Kaleb’s babies got for a present from us.”
Kyle sauntered into the room, stopping as soon as he spotted the puppy. “Oh, Uncle Kaleb is going to love the babies gift.” He smiled toward his kids and knelt to offer the pup a scratch behind the ear which must have tickled her as she flopped over to scratch at Kyle’s hand.
“Isn’t she great Dad?” Cody asked excitedly. “Pop thought she was perfect for Uncle Kaleb.”
Kyle smiled, “Yeah she is pretty neat. Babe, you realize you just started a feud that may rival the Hatfield verse the McCoys?”
“Yup!” Blu grinned smugly.
“Okay,” Kyle smirked, “we’re in it to win it. Boys make sure you hide her tomorrow so you can really surprise Uncle Kaleb, he is going to be so excited.”
“Yup!” Blu’s grin got wider.
Mason stood next to Blu, “What the hell is that? Please tell me it’s not coming home with us, Jared will have a shit fit.”
“Papa, what a shit fit?” Kasey asked as he looked at his dad.
Blu nudged Kasey holding his hand out, “Quarter.”
Kasey looked at the floor, “but they are in the bank.”
Blu nudged Mason, “One dollar and twenty-five cents.”
“You said a quarter to Kasey.”
Blu shrugged his shoulders. “Fees and interest.”
“I’m sure your mother is proud of you,” Mason grumbled as he dug his hand into his front pocket tugging out a handful of change. After counting out as many pennies as he could he gave the change to his soon to be brother-in-law. “Here, what kind of animal do the kids need this Christmas?”
“Thank you.” Blu took the change handing it to Kasey. “Here you go, kid. I’m in the clear tomorrow for any curse words that leave my mouth. Okay?”
Kasey nodded in agreement, turning to Mason. “Thanks, Papa.”
“What just happened?” Mason scratched his head.
“You just paid Uncle Blu, Uncle Blu paid me.” Kasey shrugged his shoulders as he chased after the puppy who was now in hot pursuit of Scarlett giving her a puppy bark in the process.
“God, I hope the dog wins,” Blu stated while walking away from the chaos.
Link stood watch near the window overlooking the driveway. As Davis’ Mustang made a thundering sound in the driveway Lincoln waved his arms motioning for people to hide in their assigned spots, while he frantically ran around like a chicken with its head cut off making sure everything and everybody was in the designated spots. “Okay, I’ll get the door.” After the doorbell rang, and his uncles attempted to open a locked front door, Kaleb proceded to bang on the front door. “Geez, you guys are sure making enough noise. The Dad’s are busy if ya get my meaning. Dad said you were gonna check over a recipe I found for making birthday cakes.” Link literally shoved Kaleb toward the kitchen, while grabbing Davis’ shirt and dragging him along.
Kaleb glanced over his shoulder watching his nephew manhandle his husband, “god he sure is a pushy little shit,” he grumbled to Davis.
Smiling at his husband Davis picked up Link throwing the kid over his shoulder while following behind, Link screamed bloody murder all the while punching his uncle’s butt with his fists. “Put me down you nanderthal, I don’t like weird stuff,” Lincoln grunted, “besides weren’t you born before the bible was written?”
As the trio entered the dining room, the family jumped out hooting and hollering their ‘Congratulations.’
Davis stumbled in surprise dropping Link to the floor then tripping over him face planting right into his Kaleb’s ass.
Kaleb smirked, “Honey, Blu took the door off the laundry room. You have to wait until later, unless… Nah, Blu you wouldn’t mind us using your bedroom would ya?”
“Stay.The.Fuck.Away.From.Our.Room.Jackhole!” Blu griped through gritted teeth.
Link got to his feet rubbing his backside, “I’m okay, thanks for worrying about me. You’re ever loving nephew, who worried about making my cousins arrival special and all that stuff.”
Kyle chuckled at his son, “Link you’re a little over the top with drama son.”
“Pop, we should start with the presents,” Lincoln smirked as he scanned the room, Cody nodding his head in agreement.
Kasey picked up a smashed box with torn wrapping paper and a chewed bow, “surprise are the kids in the car?” Kasey shoved the sad looking box into Davis’ hands.
Davis chuckled, reaching for the gift in one hand while mussing Kasey’s hair with the other. “Nah, little man. Not long though and they’ll be here. Thank you for the gift.”
Kaleb sidled up to Davis, who lifted his arm so his husband could cuddle up to him. He held the present while Kaleb opened it to find Kasey’s favorite toy since he’d outgrown it. The poor stuffed giraffe looked a little worse for wear, but it was something his grandpa brought him back from a trip to Africa. Even though Kasey didn’t remember receiving it, it was still his favorite toy.
“Why aren’t the babies with you?” Kasey asked as he nodded the acknowledgment to his uncles.
Kaleb snickered, “they’re still not quite ready to come out yet.”
Kasey poked his finger toward Kaleb, “You weren’t mean and lock’em in their room. Did ya?”
“Kase, Uncle Kaleb means they weren’t born yet,” Levi chuckled as he picked up his cousin placing him on his shoulders.
“Okay,” Kasey said bouncing and giving a kick to his cousin's ribs signifying he was ready for his ride to begin.
Cody tapped Blu’s shoulder motioning for him to bend down to whisper in his ear. “Project Furball time?”
“We’ll be back in a minute don’t unwrap anything else without us.” Blu grabbed Cody’s hand. “Come on buddy let’s get you sorted.”
Looking down into Cody’s face as they got to games room the young boy was worrying his lip and frowning.
“What’s up Codeman?”
“Um… Do you um…” Cody looked down shuffling his feet nervously and squeezing Blu’s hand. “Will they be mad, Pop.”
“Nah, they’ll be cool son.” Blu got sat down on the arm of the chair pulling the boy into his arms to for a comforting hug. “It will all be fine little man. Davis loves animals and Kaleb will do anything to make Davis happy.”
Cody picked up Fluffball’s leash and clipped it on the twenty pounds bouncing bundle of energy, “let’s go meet your fill-in masters, the kids will be here soon for you to watch over.”
Father and son walked back into the living room, Cody walking in sideways trying to hide the dog without success as he was too small. Blu was grinning from ear-to-ear while the young boy looked reluctant to give up the puppy.
“Uncle Davis, Uncle Kaleb, we got you a nanny for the babies,” Cody said shyly almost as if he expected a bad reaction.
His Uncle’s both turned to see the boy, Davis was the first to realize the present was the puppy in his arms while Kaleb stood motionless with his jaw dropped to his waist.
“Oh my god,” Davis exclaimed taking the puppy from Cody. “She’s absolutely adorable. Aren’t you sweetheart.” He pulled the puppy to his chest kissing her gently on the head while she licked his chin then nuzzled her snout into his armpit. “Aw, she loves me already.”
“You better love the dog mines too, Honey. I don’t do them. Did she come with a muzzle? Remember I have a bad history with Khan.” Kaleb muttered.
“Don’t you like her?” Cody asked with wet eyes looking completely miserable.
Kaleb tensed up, then his shoulders slouched. “She’s cute buddy, I’m sure the kids will love her as they play together. Thank you.”
The young boy perked up, “You’re welcome, she’s gonna love you too Uncle Kaleb. She’s your dog. What are you going to call her?”
‘Walking shit-factory?’ Kaleb thought to himself. “Uncle Davis can name her, he will be the one spoiling her.” He glanced at his husband who was receiving a puppy bath of a drueling tongue.
“How about Kitten, or Kitty, ooh I know. Kettle One. What kind of liquor do these dogs carry around again?” Davis asked the crowd.
“Ours won’t be carrying alcohol, or you will be sleeping outside.” Kaleb glared at him. “Maybe a nice goats milk or something?”
Davis threw back his head and laughed. “I’m thinking more wet naps, something for any situation is only a whistle away. With three kids at once, baby, we are gonna need that alcohol to get through an hour let alone the days.”
“No alcohol, or no sex. A small diaper bag can replace the kegger party.” Kaleb tersely stated.
“Pfft,” Davis waved his hand dismissively. “I’ll take the alcohol, husband of mine. Because my man, you are deluding yourself if you think we are even going to get a chance to have sex. At least with the alcohol, I can still have a buzz.”
“Blu, buddy ole pal of mine. Are you busy tomorrow?” Kaleb flashed a brilliant smile at his brother-in-law.
The man shook his head rapidly. “I will not have sex with you Kaleb, not a chance in this world. Besides your brother and I don’t share.”
“Gross, Pop.” Bella groused. “Parents are so gross.”
Kaleb made a gagging sound before looking toward Blu, “God no way am I desperate. I wanted to take you with us van shopping. Davis agreed that we are getting him a soccer dad van.”
Blu “Hell no, I ain’t shopping for no van. That’s for goober’s, then again you’d look good driving one, Kaleb.” he doubled over from laughter when Kaleb shot him the bird.
“Oh Pop, we can go look at the new Camaro. You know I am getting’ close to permit time,” Lincoln smiled at Blu as he gave his dad a sideways hug. “And Levi could get one of those little umm… cars that you need a can opener to get in and out of.”
“Bite me, you worm.” Levi punched Link in the arm causing him to cringe.
“Knock it off the pair of you. No fighting, remember what I said last time. The next time you’ll be grounded for a month.” Blu admonished the twins as their grumblings had been getting worse of late.
After the bickering died down, the expectant dads opened enough clothes and baby items to outfit a small army of infants.
Kaleb answered the phone in the middle of the night a few days later. After hanging up, he flung the covers completely off the bed, he grabbed a pair of lounge pants and hopped around on one foot as he tried to dress and shout at Davis, “wake up. The babies are coming, hurry up and get dressed!”
“Huh? Go back to sleep baby, s’ the middle of the n…” Davis let out a snore.
Kaleb grabbed a sweatshirt flinging it in his husbands face as he procured one for himself. “Wake up! Her water broke, the babies are coming. NOW!”
Swinging his legs over the side of the bed Davis started getting dressed on autopilot, Kaleb was rambling a mile a minute. Davis shook his head trying to find his bearings, the allusive little bastards were slow coming too. He dressed sloppily then picked up the bag Kaleb insisted they needed to take with them and patiently waited for the crazy man – formally his husband to calm the fuck down.
Kaleb returned wearing a different shirt that said, ‘Who’s your Daddy?’ Poking Davis as he passed by, “Are you ready? We’re gonna miss their arrival. Did you load the car?”
Davis snatched the keys out of Kaleb’s hand mumbling, “I’m driving. I want to at least make it to the hospital in one piece and not in an ambulance. You can call everyone while we ride.”
“I drive fine,” Kaleb stomped onto the elevator.
“What’s going on, son?” Doug asked Davis looking tired and grumpy.
“BABIES! NOW! DAVIS CAR!” Kaleb shouted.
“Oh, okay. OH OKAY! LILY THE BABIES ARE COMING!” Doug shouted.
“Take my car, keys are hanging up–” A hand came out of the elevator gripping his arm and yanking him into the elevator. “See you there,” Davis called out as the doors closed in his face
As they made their way toward the hospital, the world seemed to be working against the pair. “Do you think you could find another stoplight?” Kaleb asked as he tapped his fingers on the dashboard.
“Baby, please calm down. I’m barely keeping it together as it is. We’re going through this together, you aren’t alone. Please?” Davis asked calmly. Well, as calmly as he could. “It’s not even us who are doing the hard work so remember that when we get there.”
“But the babies need us, they need to know we are there for them,” Kaleb said after he blew out a slow steady breath.
“I love you Kaleb and your ridiculously big heart. But, make sure you leave some room for Terri. She’s done this wonderful act of kindness for us, and it’s not been easy for her. The babies will have all the love in the world. Let’s get through today and not forget we didn’t get here alone okay.” Davis reached over bringing Kaleb's hand to his mouth kissing his palm before resting it against his chest where his heart is.
“We should get her flowers and chocolates later. Maybe coffee,” Kaleb scratched his head in thought.
“Probably just ice chips, for now, baby. We’ll give Terri and Nadine their gift after everything is settled.”
“Okay,” Kaleb reached up placing his hand over Davis’s which still rested on his chest. “We’re gonna be daddies in just a little while. I am so excited and nervous, and it might sound crazy but I love our kids already.”
“I know, me too.”
They finally made it to the hospital even though it had only taken the pair thirty minutes since they received the phone call. Kaleb released Davis’ hand and jumped out of the car grabbing the duffel bag he had insisted that they needed to bring. Unknown to Davis inside the bag were three little outfits two blue and one pink one each said ‘I love my daddies’ and three stuffed animals.
“Terri is already in labor and delivery, Nadine texted me a moment ago,” Kaleb said as he stuffed his phone into his back pocket.
“You ready, gorgeous?”
Taking Davis’ hand the pair started toward the lobby, “let's go see our kids.”
“Let’s,” Davis squeezed Kaleb’s hand.
After the short labor, the babies were whisked off to the NICU due to their premature delivery, just as a precaution. The doctors had warned them it wasn’t just a probability but a certainty that it would happen. Luckily the babies were in good health, but would still need to be monitored for at least a week. The tiny things just needed a little extra time to catch up with the world.
Kaleb held the two boys, one in each arm and Davis their little girl who’d already found her lungs and was letting out the cutest little squeaks to let her dad’s know she was unhappy with this new turn of events. The men smiled proudly while tears made a path down their cheeks holding the babies at the window of the NICU for the rest of the family to welcome them to the world. Lily had her hand up as if to touch the new beautiful additions to the family. Doug’s soft gaze let the boys know how very proud of them he was. Even if they didn’t do any of the work to bring them into the world, excluding Kaleb’s contribution of course. But that part had been fun for Kaleb, not like the rough pregnancy and labor on Terri.
The two men were more than grateful to Terri, even though they had paid her she had become like family to them. Davis also liked that she called Kaleb out on his shit, all the while making sure her words weren’t hurtful but come from a special spot deep within her heart.
Later that night they went to see Terri and Nadine to make sure they were okay. Terri had chosen not to meet the babies, she thought it would be too hard to leave them behind.
“Would you like to know what we named the kids?” Kaleb asked quite humbly holding Terri’s hand in both of his.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Kaleb,” she said chewing on her cheek like she wasn’t sure of her decision.
“If it would be easier, we could tell your mom and if you decided you wanted to know at least she knows them?” Kaleb started to question what would be easier on Terri.
“That’s a very sweet idea Kaleb. I’ll take Davis in the hall and he can tell me while you too have a little time together,” Nadine answered bending down kissing her daughter on the forehead. “I’m so proud of you baby girl. But now you can move on to the next phase of your life.”
“Before we do Nadine, Kaleb and I have a gift for the two of you,” said Davis handing Nadine a card sized envelope.
The following day the family gathered in the lounge of the NICU before they took turns to visit with the newest additions.
“Boys, we gave you some space but if you don’t tell us their names right now I will sic Kasey on your cute hind ends,” Lily said firmly with her hands on her hips in a motherly stance.
“Well, our daughter, which I swear hates me. If I touch her she absolutely screams bloody murder, is named Kassidy Dennika.” Kaleb said in a loving tone.
“Aw, that’s sweet,” Charlie cooed.
“What about the boys?” Steph asked eagerly.
“Christopher!” Topher yelled out. Blu threw a throw pillow at his friend.
Cody jumped up and down, “Is one of them named after their favorite cousin?”
Kaleb and Davis’ eyes were spinning as everyone took guesses and trying to have the babies named after themselves.
“I will give you their initials,” Kaleb smirked, “KDH.”
Jared glared at his brother, “Kaleb I swear to god, you are small enough I can beat your ass. Now, what did you name the boys Davis?”
“Kamden Decker Hanson and the other is Blu Green Hanson,” Davis smirked.
“YES!” Blu pumped his fist in the air dancing around.
“Oh my god! Davis, No! And Blu get your ass off of the coffee table.” Kaleb shook his head, “I love you, but our second son isn’t named after you. Geez, he is named Kaden Dylan Hanson.”
Kyle grabbed his sulking husband in his arms as he pouted and glared daggers at Kaleb and Davis. Link, Levi, and Brody snickered close by while Cody and Kasey tried to figure out what was happening. Bella cuddled with her pop and dad comforting him in his disappointment trying not to laugh let alone not crack a smile.
“I like ‘em, their different without being too far out there. Congratulations my boys, you are going to be amazing parents. Especially you Kaleb once you get over your aversion to anything sticky or smelly.” Doug laughed while he hugged his two grown boys.
After Doug released the pair from the hug, Kaleb smiled proudly. “I will have all of you know, I managed to change and clean up one horrible smelling mess that Kaden made last night. I think he got that from Davis.”
Steph and Lily laughed hysterically, “You just wait until they’re eating solids, Kaleb. Trust me this is nothing.”
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