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Top Recommended Stories

  1. 1
    1. Apple of Her Eye Complete

      By Ronyx, in Fiction. 01/28/2019 (Updated: 03/07/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • teen
      • gay
      • coming out
      • friendship
      • high school

      Gary gets outed at school by his best friend. After his mother discovers his 'secret,' will he still be the apple of her eye? Find out as Gary discovers love, friendship, understanding and forgiveness in this heart-felt story.

      • 12 Chapters
      • 22,819 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Mature
  2. 1
    1. A Leg to Stand On Complete Premium

      By Valkyrie, in Fiction. 02/24/2019 (Updated: 05/05/2019)

      Genres: Comedy
      Sub-genres: Comedy Modern
      • adult
      • light-hearted
      • animals
      • disability
      • modern

      Jamie's sick of being single and decides to try online dating. After all, he can't meet his one true love unless he puts himself out there. Fate will make sure his future husband and father of his children is on the same site. That's how it works. Right?

      • 11 Chapters
      • 32,477 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Mature
  3. 1
    1. Flashpoint Complete

      By CassieQ, in 2019 - Spring - Snapped. 05/23/2019 (Updated: 05/23/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • young adult
      • adult
      • serious
      • modern
      • abuse

      When Grant’s sister needs help leaving an abusive relationship, it strains his relationship with his fiancé, Elliot, to the breaking point.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 8,593 Words
      • 2 Recommendations
      • Mature
  4. 1
    1. Bluegrass Symphony Complete

      By Wayne Gray, in Fiction. 04/05/2019 (Updated: 08/13/2019)

      Genres: Romance
      Sub-genres: Contemporary Romance
      • adult
      • gay
      • rural
      • north america
      • coming out

      Can a man ever truly go home again? Can he become who he's meant to be, in a place he never expected to find acceptance? These are questions for Wren as he struggles with life, love, and the legacy of his family.

      • 16 Chapters
      • 69,012 Words
      • 16 Recommendations
      • Mature
  5. 1
    1. The Prince and His Royal Guard Complete

      By lilansui, in Fiction. 05/05/2019 (Updated: 02/17/2021)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • gay
      • europe
      • modern
      • love
      • friendship
      • politics

      Leon and Logan fall in love on a six-month trip across Europe. When tragedy strikes, they are separated by life's decisions and must make their way back to each other.

      • 20 Chapters
      • 106,459 Words
      • 14 Recommendations
      • Mature
  6. 1
    1. A Mourning Storm Complete

      By Ronyx, in Fiction. 03/14/2019 (Updated: 05/16/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • teen
      • gay
      • serious
      • hate
      • depression
      • death
      • high school

      Sometimes life isn’t fair. Fifteen-year-old Richie Ferguson must learn this lesson the hard way when his mother dies of cancer and he is forced to live with a father who left the family two years earlier for another woman. Richie’s life becomes a storm, whirling around with no sense of purpose or direction. Will the tumultuous winds destroy him, or will he find a calm sea in time to save his own life?

      • 19 Chapters
      • 80,413 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Mature
  7. 1
    1. Jimbo Complete

      By Mac Rountree, in Fiction. 04/26/2019 (Updated: 09/15/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Mystery, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance, Light Mystery
      • teen
      • young adult
      • gay
      • coming out
      • serious
      • 20th century
      • love

      Jimbo is serving his final year as a counselor at Camp Falls. He has just graduated from high school and will enter University in the fall. Everything is going smoothly until a troop arrives without a Scout Master. Jimbo is assigned to the role and meets Mason, a scout having his first experience at Camp Falls. The frisson between the two leads to a them entering a partnership. The challenges of Scout Camp, their parents and larger forces shape who they are as a couple.

      • 20 Chapters
      • 118,003 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  8. 1
    1. The Company Temporary Hold

      By JamesSavik, in Fiction. 05/24/2019 (Updated: 12/15/2023)

      Genres: Action/Adventure, General Fiction, Paranormal
      Sub-genres: Drama, Action Fiction, Paranormal Mystery
      • teen
      • young adult
      • magic
      • gay
      • casual
      • light-hearted
      • modern
      • abuse

      Four friends find themselves, each other, and seek their fortune in the Eighties. However, things aren't as simple as they seem.

      • 18 Chapters
      • 383,172 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  9. 1
    1. Our Bar Complete

      By Headstall, in Fiction. 05/29/2019 (Updated: 05/29/2019)

      Genres: Romance
      Sub-genres: General Romance
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • north america

      One man's visit to his past.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 1,422 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  10. 1
    1. Dragonborne 1. Fire and Shadows Complete

      By Xfighter1984, in Fiction. 06/14/2019 (Updated: 12/22/2021)

      Genres: Fantasy, Romance
      Sub-genres: General Fantasy, General Romance
      • teen
      • sorcery
      • gay
      • alternate earth
      • casual
      • coming of age
      • light-hearted
      • fighting

      Step into a world of magic, mystery, swords, and of course dragons. Young Levi doesn't quite know who or what he is, until one day a mysterious man shows up and everything changes

      • 16 Chapters
      • 23,082 Words
      • 6 Recommendations
      • Mature
  11. 1
    1. Family Sanitaria Springs Complete

      By Dabeagle, in Fiction. 07/28/2019 (Updated: 09/29/2019)

      Genres: Comedy, General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Comedy Modern, Drama, General Romance
      • teen
      • mature adult

      Brandon works for a company that sells point of sale equipment in the IT department. His life has been on hold since his husband and their daughter died, but now there is Hal in Sales and Isaac from across the hall. How, exactly, do you make a family?

      • 10 Chapters
      • 51,173 Words
      • 7 Recommendations
      • Teen
  12. 1
    1. The Boys of Summer Complete

      By Mac Rountree, in Fiction. 05/25/2019 (Updated: 08/30/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • music

      Timmy rides back to Nags Head with Pate after a real estate development meeting in Richmond. The two partnered in presenting the housing concepts to the audience and found that they had a natural chemistry. Timmy’s boss is adamant that his staff not socialize with clients, such as Pate, however fate has interceded and the fellows decide they must follow their hearts. They become the boys of summer but will it last into the fall when Timmy’s boss finds out about the relationship?

      • 10 Chapters
      • 63,364 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  13. 1
    1. The Neko's Tail 2. The Neko Astara Complete

      By Yeoldebard, in Fiction. 06/30/2019 (Updated: 02/25/2022)

      Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction
      Sub-genres: General Fantasy, Soft Sci-Fi
      • young adult
      • aliens
      • were-creatures
      • interracial

      A neko, stolen away into a universe he knows nothing about. An explorer, offering shelter to an alien after saving his life.
      Elias has lived his entire life as a slave. When a brush with fanged death sees him spirited away from his planet, the neko is forced to rely on a stranger for everything he needs. Will the alien called Artemis finally allow him to be free? Or has Elias traded one master for another?

      • 44 Chapters
      • 95,869 Words
      • 8 Recommendations
      • Mature
  14. 1
    1. Dolphin Delivery 1. Earth Day Stories Boomers, Gen Xers, & Millenials Complete

      By Carlos Hazday, in Fiction. 08/02/2019 (Updated: 07/12/2019)

      Genres: Action/Adventure
      Sub-genres: Adventure
      • child
      • boat
      • north america
      • light-hearted
      • animals
      • parents
      • modern

      Liebe, a young girl living in the Florida Keys with her two fathers, encounters a dolphin in distress while fishing. When one of her fathers helps save the animal, they make a friend for life.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 2,467 Words
      • 2 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  15. 1
    1. Forget the Moon! 2. The Moon Series Complete

      By Thirdly, in Fiction. 08/01/2019 (Updated: 06/20/2022)

      Genres: Fantasy, General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Fantasy, General Romance
      • young adult
      • magic
      • were-creatures
      • adult
      • gay
      • bdsm
      • fetish
      • first time

      The insecure Honey comes across his mate during a sporadic outing with his cousin. What's an Omega to do when his mate doesn't want him? Contrarily, Regan is an Omega trying to take charge of his life. What will he do when his mate's stubbornness matches his own? (Side Story in the same Crossing the Moon Universe!)

      • 16 Chapters
      • 47,521 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  16. 1
    1. Divine Intervention Complete

      By Mac Rountree, in Fiction. 08/08/2019 (Updated: 04/10/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • senior
      • adult
      • modern
      • transgender

      Thomas and Joe have retired and moved to a small North Carolina town. At the local farmer’s market, Thomas encounters Mark and his two children: Robert and Army. Army prefers to be called Belinda. Thomas and Joe realize that their retirement has come to an end as this family needs their assistance. Can these two families show the world new ways of being family in this small southern town?

      • 24 Chapters
      • 103,872 Words
      • 13 Recommendations
      • Mature
  17. 1
    1. Heat Temporary Hold

      By MythOfHappiness, in Fiction. 08/17/2019 (Updated: 03/25/2024)

      Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal
      Sub-genres: General Fantasy, Romantic Paranormal
      • teen
      • young adult
      • gay
      • high school

      How close can Kenan come to the flame before he gets burned? Will love cauterize fresh wounds or will it blister? Just how hot is Asher? (Very)

      • 24 Chapters
      • 32,327 Words
      • 2 Recommendations
      • Mature
  18. 1
    1. Alike in Dignity 7. Rothenian Tales Complete

      By Mike Arram, in Fiction. 10/26/2019 (Updated: 11/10/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • teen
      • young adult
      • gay
      • europe
      • modern
      • high school

      Rothenia celebrates as Svetlana wins the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv, for that means the Greatest Show on Earth will come to Strelzen in all its camp glory in 2005. The possibilities for Strelsenermedia IPC are not lost on Will Vincent and his team. But the Song Contest will come to a divided city, and caught up in the politics are Yuli Lucic, son of the Staroman of Strelzen, and Henry Atwood, who can never let a story go, whatever the distractions.

      • 30 Chapters
      • 147,750 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Mature
  19. 1
    1. Lost Soul - The Ox 1. Lost Soul The Boot Complete

      By Mancunian, in Fiction. 11/03/2019 (Updated: 11/25/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Literary Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama, Contemporary Literary
      • mature adult
      • war
      • no sex
      • serious
      • military
      • death
      • late 20th century

      We all like to know the back story to characters, you know their story before they appeared in a main story. Confused? You won't be when you read on, then it will make sense.

      The Major features in The Boot and The Boot - Three Years On. Here he features in his own story, before The Boot.

      There is a tissue needed warning!

      This story has been revised and edited to improve the reader experience, it has not been altered in any other way.

      • 4 Chapters
      • 6,548 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  20. 1
    1. Judgement Day Complete

      By Headstall, in 2019 - Fall - Fall From Grace. 12/05/2019 (Updated: 12/05/2019)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • young adult
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • north america
      • serious
      • religion

      Colin is certain of his faith above all else, but when he finds it questioned, he is forced to make a decision that costs him dearly. Losing Daniel, a young man raised on the streets, has him reevaluating his relationship with his church, and with himself.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 4,531 Words
      • 9 Recommendations
      • Everyone
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