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Top Recommended Stories

  1. 1
    1. Hill of Candles Complete

      By lomax61, in 2020 - Spring - The Storm. 06/11/2020 (Updated: 06/11/2020)

      Genres: Mystery, Science Fiction
      Sub-genres: Soft Sci-Fi, Light Mystery
      • mature adult
      • aliens
      • gay
      • serious
      • 20th century

      Psychologist James Mannigan is granted a series of interviews with the Vynx brothers, four men of unknown origin found naked wandering Dartmoor fifteen years ago who claim they are not human. Housed in the Seahaven Open Facility in a remote part of Scotland, they live unremarkably alongside other guests.

      At first, through his questioning and study, James finds nothing he has not encountered before. Until Guardian, one of the brothers, insists on sharing their beliefs on reincarnation. As events unfold and finally reach a violent climax, James finally learns why he has been chosen.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 13,948 Words
      • 11 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  2. 1
    1. Love, Again Complete

      By Laura S. Fox, in Fiction. 06/21/2020 (Updated: 12/13/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Paranormal
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance, Light Mystery, Romantic Paranormal
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • north america
      • anal
      • oral
      • suspense
      • modern
      • ghosts

      There is personal, and then, there’s stuff that’s not personal. Boundaries are good to have, and Mason Knight believes he knows the difference well, as he has known for a long time. That, until one weird day, he finds himself moved by music, jumped by a man who could make the heavens sigh with his looks, and … what else? Ah, a ghost suddenly wants to keep him company. Mason doesn’t believe in ghosts, except this guy, well, he seems pretty much real.

      • 26 Chapters
      • 113,696 Words
      • 14 Recommendations
      • Mature
  3. 1
    1. Salvation Complete

      By CLJobe, in Fiction. 11/09/2020 (Updated: 12/09/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • child
      • serious
      • 20th century
      • brothers

      Salvation becomes a life long pursuit

      • 59 Chapters
      • 77,048 Words
      • 9 Recommendations
      • Mature
  4. 1
    1. Bridges To Friendship Complete

      By wildone, in 2020 - Fall - Bridges. 12/17/2020 (Updated: 12/17/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • teen
      • gay
      • no sex
      • friendship
      • high school

      Sometimes going to a new school in a new city isn't the break that you were hoping for.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 10,872 Words
      • 5 Recommendations
      • Mature
  5. 1
    1. The Truth is Out There Psionic Corp Complete

      By Myr, in 2020 - Spring - Full Moon. 06/24/2020 (Updated: 06/25/2020)

      Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction
      Sub-genres: Soft Sci-Fi, Spy-Fi, Libertarian Sci-Fi
      • aliens
      • psionics
      • space
      • future

      Zebron Wilson breaks the rules of Psionic Corp due to his insatiable curiosity and gets sent away to prevent retaliation.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 5,001 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Teen
  6. 1
    1. The Castaway Hotel: Next Generation Book 4 13. The Castaway Hotel Complete

      By Bill W, in Fiction. 06/25/2020 (Updated: 12/15/2020)

      Genres: Literary Fiction
      Sub-genres: Contemporary Literary, Family Saga
      • bisexual
      • gay
      • casual
      • oral
      • light-hearted
      • adopt
      • fostering
      • modern

      Danny and Brandon are running the 'Hotel', with Josh's help. Dion and Trey also have their own family, and with the members of their extended family they collectively experience many moments of joy, along with a few tribulations.

      • 50 Chapters
      • 219,851 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  7. 1
    1. Apart Complete Premium

      By northie, in Fiction. 07/18/2020 (Updated: 08/15/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction, Science Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama, Dystopian
      • teen
      • senior
      • gay
      • rural
      • europe
      • future
      • friendship
      • politics

      For Ted and his collie, Sal, life secluded in the wilds of Yorkshire appears perfect. That is until one day when the world around him changes. What direction will Ted's life take now and how does Jase fit in?

      • 5 Chapters
      • 16,676 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Mature
  8. 1
    1. Charttoppers 1. Star-studded Complete

      By ObicanDecko, in Fiction. 07/20/2020 (Updated: 10/23/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, Contemporary Romance
      • young adult
      • gay
      • europe
      • north america
      • celebrity
      • music
      • modern
      • friendship

      Young singers Ash and Samson are already established in the music business. Ash is still in the closet, caught between his label’s demands and the desire to be with his lover Marcus. Meanwhile, Samson is a proudly out gay singer who strives to be taken more seriously.

      When Tyler, a rising star with a powerful voice, breaks out onto the scene, the competition becomes fiercer than ever. Even though he becomes an overnight success, he quickly learns the fame has its price.

      How will the three guys balance their personal lives with their music aspirations and growing demands from their record labels?

      • 26 Chapters
      • 103,279 Words
      • 7 Recommendations
      • Mature
  9. 1
    1. Rome Complete

      By CLJobe, in Fiction. 01/28/2021 (Updated: 02/15/2021)

      Genres: Historical
      Sub-genres: Non-Contemporary
      • young adult
      • no sex
      • ancient times

      Rome during the time of Caesars

      • 37 Chapters
      • 43,497 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Mature
  10. 1
    1. Finding Simba 3. Kilimanjaro Complete

      By quokka, in Fiction. 02/01/2021 (Updated: 02/08/2021)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • young adult
      • travel
      • suspense
      • modern
      • depression

      Caught unaware what was about to happen, Jacob is kidnapped right outside his hotel, just an hour after arriving in Cape Town, South Africa, in Transit to his family property at the base of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

      • 5 Chapters
      • 8,449 Words
      • 4 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  11. 1
    1. Chemist 5. The Squad + Boomers, Gen Xers, & Millenials Author Passed Away

      By Carlos Hazday, in Fiction. 08/07/2020 (Updated: 06/17/2022)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • young adult
      • urban
      • north america
      • modern

      Thiago Zeca Baravento, the son of an American woman and a first generation Brazilian father, rises above the expectations of many for a black man born and raised in the predominantly minority Washington, D.C. neighborhood of Anacostia. After graduating from Howard University with a doctorate in pharmacology, and looking to provide his son Fabricio with a good life, Thiago leaves the District of Columbia, promising to one day return to his hometown.

      • 2 Chapters
      • 14,949 Words
      • 9 Recommendations
      • Mature - Member Only
  12. 1
    1. Ancalagon Complete

      By Cia, in Fiction. 08/19/2020 (Updated: 02/22/2023)

      Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction
      Sub-genres: Adventure, Soft Sci-Fi
      • aliens
      • space
      • animals
      • military
      • future

      Plants and animals were my thing. The intricacies of nature intrigued me and yet there was an elegant simplicity that I loved.

      6888 Ardra. Heavy gravity planet. Human-compatible atmosphere. Generally temperate climate; I’d aimed for the southern continent which had milder weather and a good mix of terrain.

      “Damn Sonez anyway.” He’d tried to keep me on his ship instead of letting me explore the planet with a team after the probe returned. Well I’d stopped his plotting before he could ruin my life.

      And I’d show everyone just what Essell Deray could do.

      • 124 Chapters
      • 122,309 Words
      • 10 Recommendations
      • Mature
  13. 1
    1. Destined Hearts Complete

      By vanalas, in Fiction. 08/23/2020 (Updated: 10/04/2020)

      Genres: Action/Adventure, General Fiction, Romance, Thriller/Suspense
      Sub-genres: Suspense, Adventure, Drama, General Romance
      • gay
      • suspense
      • modern
      • love

      Praveen is a starry-eyed young groom dreaming of a fairy tale life with his husband. But what happens when this fairy tale has no happily ever after? What happens when this new life he begins brings more than he had bargained for? Follow Praveen and Antonio's story as their lives dramatically change after a secret is revealed in this epic tale.

      Can a young boy survive in a world that is against him? What happens when fuel is added to a fire that's already ignited and what will happen to Bruce and Antonio's great love? Follow as Praveen deals with the disappoint of his broken dreams.

      • 13 Chapters
      • 225,514 Words
      • 3 Recommendations
      • Mature
  14. 1
    1. Hatchings 1. Fort Weyr - Eighth Pass Complete

      By Mawgrim, in FanFiction. 09/02/2020 (Updated: 09/09/2020)

      Fandoms: Dragonriders of Pern
      Genres: Fantasy, Romance
      Sub-genres: General Fantasy, Romantasy, Dragon Fantasy
      • teen
      • young adult
      • gay
      • under 18
      • alternate earth
      • serious
      • future
      • death

      Towards the end of the Eighth Pass, two Weyrbred boys wait to see if they will be successful in Impressing a dragon.

      • 2 Chapters
      • 5,289 Words
      • 8 Recommendations
      • Mature
  15. 1
    1. The Weakest Link: Teenage Triumphs Edition Complete

      By AusGlitterati, in Fiction. 09/03/2020 (Updated: 09/10/2020)

      Genres: Comedy, General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Comedy Modern, Drama
      • teen
      • gay
      • under 18
      • light-hearted
      • celebrity

      In 2012, nine gifted teenagers arrive seek to win up to fifty thousand pounds for themselves and for charity by appearing on a special edition of The Weakest Link. An athlete, a pop singer, an academic genius, a television actor, a charity founder, a published novelist, an app developer, a theatre actress and Lance Lovecraft, a professional dancer. Only one can win, but none of the little treasures play to lose.

      • 9 Chapters
      • 34,886 Words
      • 6 Recommendations
      • Teen
  16. 1
    1. Fellow Travellers 1. Craig & James Complete

      By Mawgrim, in 2021 - Spring - On The Road. 06/11/2021 (Updated: 06/11/2021)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • europe
      • modern

      Cinema engineer Craig is tired of life on the road; eating junk food, staying in bland hotels and never knowing if he’ll get home at night. He can’t see any way out until an unexpected turn of events and an encounter with a fellow traveller makes him realise there might be an alternative.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 10,157 Words
      • 8 Recommendations
      • Mature
  17. 1
    1. The Runner Complete

      By Krista, in 2021 - Spring - Potluck 2021. 06/17/2021 (Updated: 06/17/2021)

      Genres: Romance
      Sub-genres: General Romance
      • young adult
      • gay

      Potluck Theme: National Forest

      Jace is a good kid, guy next door, dutiful to his mother, respected by everyone he meets. All that changes when he walks in on something that spurred him to action, an action that forces himself to look into the mirror and wonder just who he was. He doesn't have time right now though, right now he has to run.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 17,750 Words
      • 5 Recommendations
      • Mature
  18. 1
    1. Wait. What? The Devil is Gay? 1. The Devil is Gay Complete

      By kbois, in Fiction. 06/21/2021 (Updated: 06/13/2021)

      Genres: Fantasy
      Sub-genres: General Fantasy
      • light-hearted

      A little glimpse into Hell. Or is it?

      • 1 Chapters
      • 998 Words
      • 13 Recommendations
      • Everyone
  19. 1
    1. WOOF 8. The Squad + Boomers, Gen Xers, & Millenials Complete

      By Carlos Hazday, in Fiction. 09/13/2020 (Updated: 09/17/2020)

      Genres: General Fiction
      Sub-genres: Drama
      • mature adult
      • gay
      • north america
      • modern

      Colton Mann finding his boyfriend in bed with another man precipitated a chain of events that would change everything. He quits his job with a private equity firm, and with time on his hands, spends hours at the gym. A fortuitous meeting with a Greek musclehead may be the incentive he needs to get his life back on track. But first, he must deal with someone from his past.

      • 4 Chapters
      • 9,669 Words
      • 11 Recommendations
      • Mature
  20. 1
    1. Lemonade and Kisses Promising Forever Complete

      By lilansui, in Fiction. 08/13/2021 (Updated: 08/13/2021)

      Genres: General Fiction, Romance
      Sub-genres: Drama, General Romance, Prompt
      • adult
      • gay
      • north america
      • light-hearted
      • modern
      • love

      A short story about Leonardo and Spencer who have longed for each other, silently supporting each other not knowing they liked each other. Spencer invites Leonardo to a party at his house and they end up confessing to each other.

      This story is a Prompt Response.

      • 1 Chapters
      • 8,335 Words
      • 6 Recommendations
      • Everyone
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