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Morningstar: The Malaise

   (45 reviews)

Kellar has become an island unto himself. That is, until he meets Tobyn, the first shifter who will actually talk to him.

I wanted to challenge myself, so here is another leap for me. My first shifter story. Please bear with me as I take us on a little journey, and keep in mind life and love do work in mysterious ways.
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.

Story Recommendations (52 members)

  • Action Packed 42
  • Addictive/Pacing 49
  • Characters 48
  • Chills 7
  • Cliffhanger 31
  • Compelling 20
  • Feel-Good 18
  • Humor 12
  • Smoldering 27
  • Tearjerker 33
  • Unique 44
  • World Building 42

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Only gets better with re-reading and re-re-reading and ... well you see where I'm going.  Best shifter story I've read.  Would love more, especially with all the threads you left hanging.  Quite understand if you've moved on though.

Response from the author:

Thank you, bjorde, for the high praise. I love when people read this again and again. I'm glad you'd like to see another book. I hope someday to tackle it. :) Cheers... Gary....

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

This is a story that opens your eyes to new things that let's you believe in soulmates that there is a special person for everyone and don't close yourself off you will meet them when u least expect so enjoy

Response from the author:

Thanks, Nana, for the great review! I appreciate your enthusiastic support of this story, and hope someday I can fulfill readers' wishes for a Book Two. Cheers! 

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· Edited by Bard Simpson

   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

Morningstar was one of my first Shifter stories. Numerous Shifter stories later, it's only now that I realise: I was drinking Champagne at the time.

This entire Shifter world: its' mysteries, ethos and traditions, must have been painstakingly put together by the author.

Only then did he release such a wonderful protagonist in the form of Kellar and gave him such an incredibly rich set of people to meet, love and care for. Romanticists will not be disappointed.

It's not all plain sailing. There are numerous challenges to be overcome, mysteries to be solved and those, that will need to be confronted.

But miss this and you've only yourself to blame 😘

Response from the author:

Champagne? What a wonderful thing to say, and to hear! I'm so pleased you found my take on the shifter genre worthy, Bard. Yes, it was a lot of hard work, but it quickly became a labor of love with each weekly posting, and words like these make the diligent effort to get it right, worthwhile. I am extremely proud of this story, and I am humbled by your validation. Cheers... G....

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

i keep reading it over and over. i really love it 

Response from the author:

Thank you for leaving a review of Morningstar, jimkev68. It is greatly appreciated by this author. It's wonderful to hear you read it again and again. You just made my day. :) Cheers... Gary....

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   4 of 5 members found this review helpful 4 / 5 members

A wonderful story filled with so many emotions!


I look forward to future installments!!!

Response from the author:

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Morningstar: The Malaise, sammcm2014. This is a story I am most proud of, and I hope to someday continue the journey of the shifters of Morningstar. Follow me on my story page... https://gayauthors.org/author/headstall/ ... for future updates. Cheers... Gary....

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

This is one of the better stories anywhere.  I just got through reading it for the fifth time.  Hey Gary?  It wouldn't hurt my feelings if you wrote a sequel.  :hug:

Response from the author:

Hey, Patrick! Five times! Wow... that's awesome. Thanks for being so kind as to leave such a great review. As far as a sequel, there is one in my head. :)  Cheers... Gary....

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   6 of 6 members found this review helpful 6 / 6 members

This story is so amazing and a total rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish. It is an experience akin to The Neverending Story where you are journeying along with the characters and experience what they do. This will definitely be a friend I revisit often. 

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   6 of 6 members found this review helpful 6 / 6 members

This is a lovely story that's easy to get lost into - the writing and dialogue is believable and enthralling. We're taken on a journey alongside our loveable protagonists as they sort their feelings for each other and shine light into darkness. I'm fortunate to have stumbled upon this story after it was completed - I marathoned it over 3 days. It's satisfying to see everything come together. I'd love to see another story, but I'm content having experienced this journey you've given us the opportunity to enjoy.

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· Edited by FanLit

   8 of 8 members found this review helpful 8 / 8 members

This story was recommended to me in a conversation where I said I like my romance stories between earthbound people, ☺️.  I gave it a try because I'm already a fan of other work by Headstall.  

The story, tho about shifters, could have easily been about any other flesh and blood character dealing with the challenges of love, loneliness and belonging.  I became caught up in the story, the travails of the shifters and their packs was just another wonderful flavor to the story.

This tale of those not quite human moved me deeply and made me hopeful about humanity, actually.  It was a touching reminder that love is timeless and that no man is an island.  I'm still not sold on the "alt/fantasy genre" but I love this story.  


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   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 members

I am a late reader of this story as I tend to prefer completed stories. Gary, you have outdone yourself with this wonderful tale.  While it is based on shifters, it is really a story of discovery, suspense, love and mystery. It could even have been created without shifters if you took a bit of mystical license.  Gary, you have an amazing talent for writing a captivating story that draws in the reader and and makes them feel as if they are part of the story. That is how I felt. Your ability to add emotion and detail to your scenes make a picture out of words. I like your writing style and really want more, even if it does not include Kellar and Tobyn. Please keep adding to your story list so we can keep enjoying your art. I do not reread stories often, but I am sure this will be one of the few that I look forward to reliving in the future.  To those of you that shy away from shifter and fantasy stories, please  give Gary a chance. You will be hooked with the first chapter or two.....

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   8 of 8 members found this review helpful 8 / 8 members

I was not a shifter story reader and I had by-passed the Title a few times. One day I opened the story and was hooked completely, I did not get to the stage of Morningstar Monday's as I was a late comer. I agree with all the previous comments and cannot find else to add. Waiting for book 2, but no hurry, I'll keep re-reading.:2thumbs::read::great:

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Caz Pedroso

   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 members

I love shifter stories and so I jumped into this story as soon as Gary started posting it. 


The first chapters introduce you to Keller and show the poor young man finding out in the worst way that he is actually a shifter. 


The story follows the young man as he meets up with other shifters and slowly learns about them and himself. 


I love Gary's writing, because just when you're sure you know what is going to happen next he throws the reader a curveball that opens up a whole new avenue you hadn't thought of. He keeps the reader on their toes and always gives more with each chapter. 


The malaise Kellers new pack is suffering from seems to have no visible cause and therefore no cure. But, Keller brings new skills to the pack and new discovery are made with each new chapter. 

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   8 of 8 members found this review helpful 8 / 8 members

I really loved this story, I  don't usually read ongoing stories however when I first started reading this it was not completed but was so good I just had to keep reading and waiting for updates! 

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   20 of 20 members found this review helpful 20 / 20 members

It can be really easy to stick with a tried and true story model, and writing shifter stories is no exception:  Find your mate, instantly fall in love, live happily ever after.  I don’t blame authors who use that model.  Why not use it if it works?  With Morningstar Gary explored the shifter genre, but managed to make give us a story that was fresh and new.  There was no ‘insta-love,’ and the characters worked to understand each other and the lives they were building together.  There were twists and turns that will keep you guessing, characters you will love, and characters you will hate.  Heck, I found myself sniping at Tobyn more than once in the beginning of the story.  ;)  It’s hard for me to pinpoint my favourite part of Morningstar, but I think if I had to choose it would be something I love about all of Gary’s stories:  the conversations the leads have with one another.  I love their little moments together… the sharing of their thoughts, even their frustrations and disappointments.  I would highly recommend Morningstar to those who love shifter stories… and even those who don’t.  I think the people who don’t will find themselves pleasantly surprised.

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   16 of 16 members found this review helpful 16 / 16 members

There are Shifter stories and then there are Shifter stories. Morningstar falls into the later, because it was a labor of love on the part of the author. He wanted this tale to be different not a rehash of the usual tropes and he achieved that. Those of us who know Gary accuse him of being an unrepentant romantic. There is romance here. Most of all there is a growing sense of belonging. To becoming part of something even greater than yourself. I, like many, would love to see additional tales of the wolves of Morningstar. I think after reading you would agree.

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   14 of 14 members found this review helpful 14 / 14 members

I can't say much or I'll give things away, but I urge everyone to try this whether they are into Shifter stories or not.  Morningstar is far more than that genre describes--it's first of all about the nature of Love and Family.  We see in both the broad and narrow sense how one can build new bonds to replace those that have been broken either through the actions of others, or one's own choices.

As in all Gary's work, the guiding principle is that for things to work out, communication must be open and honest, coupled with the desire to truly listen and strive for an equitable resolution.  The ears, mind and heart must all be focussed on the same goal.  Self-interest or absorption have no place if Love is to prevail.

Oh...and have some Kleenex at hand!

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   12 of 12 members found this review helpful 12 / 12 members

Morningstar was one of the first stories I read on this site and I've come back to it several times.  New readers have the benefit of being able to enjoy it in its entirety, but Morningstar Mondays were a welcome thing to look forward to while it was being written.  It has an enjoyable main character that is capable of impressive feats.  Despite the great things he's capable of, however, his personality is even more impressive.  The antagonists are extreme, but believable in their roles.  The supporting characters and situations that Kellar find himself in are well-written, merging a supernatural feel with realism throughout.  There aren't a ton of shifter stories on here, but this one definitely proved to be a great read (and I'd love to see even more in the universe...hint hint).

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Timothy M.

   15 of 15 members found this review helpful 15 / 15 members

I am a fan of shifter stories, and I think I have read most of the ones posted on GA. Some of them follow the same general pattern, others forge new paths, and both kinds can be awesome and well-written. But I have to admit few of them have captivated and intrigued me the way Morningstar did. There was romance, suspense, action, mystery, and so many unexpected twists and turns to keep us entertained from the very first to the very last word.

It is impossible to write anything specific about the story without spoilers, so all I'll say is that Kellar will always be my hero for his integrity, determination and compassion. I know I shall return to this story again and again and enjoy the journey anew. I recommend this beautiful and well-crafted tale to all readers, whether you are partial to shape-shifting stories or not.

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   12 of 12 members found this review helpful 12 / 12 members

Gary, this was the 4th story i read here add started reading after you started posting so i binged on the 1st 13 chapters in a single session. i kept wanting to see what happened. then every monday. so unique on the shifter story. the characters worked. they made sense, in the story as a whole, there were times i felt like slapping a few :P  the ending was a good ending, sorta. i still would love a second book :glomp: or third or more. many stories to tell and i want to read them all. good job, made my mondays brighter. now off to read it again. and again. well for the 5th time 

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   9 of 9 members found this review helpful 9 / 9 members

Headstall, I loved this story I hope you continue it I would love to read how the guys' life continues. Thanks for the awesome work

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